HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08-02-62 Hampton, August 2nd, 1962.
Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on
this date with r,ll members present, Reeve Rickard presiding.
67-5-1 1loved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the minutes of the
meeting of July 19th be adopted as read.
62-5-2 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that road accounts be paid
less Ackerman account X24, 547. 3 ,- 630.00 = 24, 517. 32_
62- -3 I-loved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Co�zn.ci; for Cornish that
General accounts be paid less account for Bowmanville Fire Brigade,
622,431.92 - $3,000.00 = 619.431.92.
62-5-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that
Special Accounts ` 607.00,,be paid.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that
Mr. Muir be delegated to attend the 0.1-I.A. Convention at Niagara Falls.
62-5-6 Moved? by Deputy Reeve Blan_cha.rd and Councillor Smith that
Panas account for shooting a dog be held over for further information.
62-5-7 Vloved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Muir that
tenders for construction of concrete structure be opened at this time.
Tenders were received as follows:
Short Clla H Sgua-ir Total
Kernagh.an Construction $2,132.30 1, 597.90 3,730.00 7, 510.20
C omp a.ny
Gaffney Construction
Company Limited 2,372 .97 2,963. 55 5,625.90 11,465.42
Ganaraska. Bridge
Company 2,041.00 11752.00 3,943.00 7,736.00
E. F. Marston
Construction Co. 2,111. 50 ' 116J+2.75' 2,678. 50", 6,432.75 .
Harry Carr-Braint &
Sons 2,025. 50 1, 60:=. 50 2, 634.00 6,262.00
62-3-7? Moved by Councillors Muir and Cornish that this Council
adjourn for "15 minutes.
Council re-convened at 4: 30 p.m.
6^-a-7B Moved by Councillor ��iuir and Deputy Reeve Blarich2rd that the
tender of Ontario Culvert & Metal Co. to supply three steel culverts as
submitted on this date at $4,932.46, be accepted, subject to the
a.pprova.l of the Ontario Department of Highwa.ys . '
6<-3-3 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that
the tender of E. F. TTarston'Construction Limited for construction of the
structures as in Contract 62-2C be accepted as submitted, subject to
the approval of the Department of Highways:
62-5-9 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that resolution 62-6-14,
passed June 7th, 1962, be, and is hereby rescinded.
62-5-10 Moved by Councillors Smith and Muir that the 'lender of
Dickson Eouipment Limited to supply a Trojan Loader Model 114, Engine
Model No. UB264, at 13,673.25 ", including Provincial Sales Tax, and
after deducting trade-in allowance, be accepted, subject to the approval
of the Department of Highways of Ontario.-%` s
62-3-11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanc hard and Councillor Muir that the
following items of equipment be purchased for the use of the Road
Superintend ents Office: 1. Remington_ electric adding machine, from
Cook Office Supply Co - $205.00 2. 4 drawer filing cabinet, legal size,
with filing folders, guides, and one stapler from General Printers Ltd . -
$127 .73.
62-8-12 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that
rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting.
6'-3-13,14,15 On motions as filed a By-law to constitute a committee of
adjustment was given its several rea=dings, signed, sealed and numbered 2222.
62-3-16 On motions as filed, a. By-law to appoint a caretaker for the
Township Dump was given .first reading, as number 2 =.r,K- -
62-3-17 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Smith that
By-lFiv be laid on the table pending the drafting of regulations
pertaining thereto.
62-3-13 Moved by Councillors Smith and Muir that Council meet with
Albert Cr.:--wford to draft regulations respecting the oiler ation of the
Township Dump.
62-5-19 On motion as filed a By-lana to regul.'.te Buildings was read
first time.
62-8-2O On motion as filed a By-law to further amend. By-law 2111, W_!;s
read a. second time.
62-8-21 On motion as filed a By-law to further amend By-la-r 2111, was
read a third time, after a recorded vote as follows:
For the motion, Blanchard, Smith, Rickard.
Against the motion, Cornish, Muir.
62-8-22 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the
account of Ackerman Auto Wreckers for towing in the amount of $30.00,
included in the Roads Voucher of this date be paid, as recommended by
the Road Supt.
62-8-23 Moved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that
this Council adjourn to the call of the chair.
Reeve Clerk