HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10-04-62 Hampton, October Lth, 1962 Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on this date, Reeve Rickard presiding. All members present except Deputy Reeve Blanchard, who �,Tas attending the Canadian Good Roads Convention. 62-10-1 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the minutes of the meetings of September lath and September 26th be adopted as read. 62-10-2 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a statement of the costs of planning to-date. Reeve Rickard directed that the property committee investigate the matter of the closing of the road allowance bet,,,Teen lots 16 R 17 in Concession L and report as soon as possible. 62-10-3 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that Council now adjourn for the time necessary to examine accounts. Council re-convened at 3: 50 p.m. 62-10-4 Moved by Councillors Smith and. Cornish that accounts in the amount of�' 23,736.03 be paid as presented. 62-10-5 Moved. by Councillors Smith and Muir that a meeting of School Boards of sections not in the South Darlington School Area be called for Tuesday, October 16th, 1962 at 8: 00 p.m. 62-10-6 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that tentative approval be given to the request of South Darlington School Area Board, for the raising of an amount estimated_ to be not over $80,000.00 by the issue of debentures, for the purpose of building and equipping two two-room additions to Dublic schools, and that the Clerk be instructed to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for tentative approval of the Droject. 62-10-7 Moved by Councillors Muir and Smith that the Road Superintendent be authorized to accept Bell Telephone charges of approximately $850.00 for re-locating lines for future construction of their lines on the nineth line of the Township of Darlington. 62-10-5 Moved by Councillors Muir and Cornish that this Council concur in the recommendation of Planning Board re amending zoning By-law to prohibit use of cellars and garages as living quarters. 62-10-9 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Muir that the meeting adjourn. Reeve Clerk