HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10-19-62 Hampton, October 19th, 1962. Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building, on this dote, all Members present except Councillor Smith, who was absent due to illness, Reeve Rickard oresiding. 62-loc-i '_-owed by Councillors^ Cornish and Muir that the minutes of the meetings of October lith and October 16th be adopted as read. Mr. Frank Dorland presented a petition from the residents of Enniskillen asking that street lighting be initiated in that district. 62-10C-2 Moved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the petition from Enniskillen residents for street lighting be referred to the Public Property Committee. 62-1OC-3 Moved by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the proposal of Department of Lands and Forests re Township Dump be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. 62-10C-4' Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that reply be sent to South Darlington School Board to the effect that Road- Committee is investigating the hill west of S. Courtice School with a view to improving the ta.fety of same . �? -oeti t i on was -^resented to Council .by MrsMar Budai asking - y Council to ta' e mediate steps to assure that a building permit is issued to Theodor Leiffers forthwith. 62-10C-5 Roved by Councillors Cornish and Muir that the Leiffers case be referred to the Township Solicitor and that he be requested to draft a. proper legal solution to the problem as soon as possible so that Mr. Leiffers use can be accommodated in the By-law. 62-10C-6 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Muir that the Clerk be authorized to consult Mr. Little as to Mr. James zoning problem for Planning Board meeting of October 29th. _ 62-10C-7 Roved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeting. 6 IOC-8,9910 On Motions as filed, F. By-1 aw to authorize the execution of a Dog Control agreement with the Town of Bn=Tmanville was given its several readings and ordered signed, sealed and numbered 2229. 6%-10C-11 Moved_ by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Cornish that the Reeve and Tre-surer be authorized to issue a cheque to petty cash account in the amount. of $45. 23. 62-10C-12 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the Reeve and Cler?r_-Treasurer be authorized to issue a checue in the amount of $2,000.001�to the Campbell Estate in payment for their )roperty for road improvement purposes. 62-10C-13 Loved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement for acquiring land for road widening in Concession 9 ti,.-ith those owners '-ho have signed the proposed. agreement. 62-10C-1G. Moved. by Councillors Muir and Cornish that the Clerk send a plant to Mr. F. G. Smith. 62-1OC-15 moved. by Councillor Cornish and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the meeting adjourn. Reeve Cserk