HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12-20-62 Hampton, %ecember 29th, 1962. Darlington Township Council met in the 'lunicipal r ailc-irg on this Date, all Members present, Reeve Rickard T�residing. 62-1<-DI 1,loved by Councillors Cornish and. Smith that the minutes of the meetings of December 6th, December 14th an... December 17th, 1962 be adopted as read. 62-12E-2 moved by Councillors S.-ith and �Kuir that tine Township Solicitor be instructed to -prepare a By-la.w to provide for an easercent over the Dixon property in Lot 6 Concession 9 3 1 as suggested in his letter of December 19tr, 1962, and, that the peeve _red Clem_ be authorized to execute the agreement thereto. 6?-I2D-3 loved by Councillor i�uir and De-uty Reeve Blanchard that, as additional lands have been rec;uired since the first approach `rras made to H. F. Osborne, Lot 29, B. F. , AIr. Osborne be offered F300. 00a'for lands taker_ and damage resulting from the insteadof the $200.0'-) authorized. in Res. 62-4-1, passed. kprii 2nd, 19o2. 62-121E-4 Moved by Counpillu�,- ors Smith and Cornish that the Tonshilp Solicitor be instructed tg prepare a coif-claim deed ," with a consideration of X300.00; from H. F. Osborne to the Tourshil for lands in Lot 297 B.F. describe: in a description to be furnished by T2,11. C�. Bro-,.r_, O.L.S. 62-12E-5 Moved by Deputy Reeve Blanchard and Councillor i,'-uir that the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario be recuested to make a survey of the proposed EnnisKillen Street lighting a.rea., both on the basis of using To',Tnshio Capital, and also on the basis of use of Commission Capital, and to -;repare estimates o-L cost in each case. 62-12D-6 Moved by Councillors Cornish and Smith that the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario be requested to make a. survey of the Hampton Street Lighting Area and to prepare an estimate of cost of changing lights and of extending the street lighting area . 62-12D-7 Iloved. by Deputy Reeve Blanchard. and Councillor 1!fluir that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to issue chec_ues for salaries and welfare on or before December 31st, 1962. 62-12D-8 Moved by Councillor Muir and Deputy Reeve Blanchard that the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways be recuested for transfer of appropriations as in the following list: (amount X20, 500-00) From: Lot 28 & 29, Concession 1 9, 500.00 Lot 2:8 & 29, Broken Front 1,000.00 Lot 31 - 35, Concession 6 1,400.00 Lot 30 - 32, Concession 7 600.00 die�,. Hachinery 8,000.00 620, 500.00 To: Lot 11 & 12, Concession 3 7,800.00 Lot 2.4 & 25, Concession 31000.00 Lot 2J, Concession 6 401D.00 Lot 12, Concession 4 1,000.00 Lot 12, Concession 7 0103.00 Lot 21 & 22, Concession 7 1,000.00 Lot 11 & 12, Concession " 500.00 Lot 11 & 12, Concession 3 2,000.00 Boundary Road - To�,,-nship Clarke 1,400.00 Lot 24 & 25, Concession 9 800.00 420, 500.00 02-12D-9 -,0- Hovid by Councillors Smith and ,iui r that accounts in the amount of 42j,L31.04 be paid as presented. a2-12D-10over. by Councillors Smith and. Cornish that this Council recommend to 19b3 Council that the following projects be included in the 1963 road. program - 9th Conc. construction, CaaIpbells Hill, King Bridge. 62-12D-11 f1oved by Councillors Cornish and Muir that Garnet Tubb be appointed to the Durham County District high School Board for 190,, 1964 and 1965. 62-12D-12 Nloved by Councillors Smith and Cornish that this meeting adjourn to December 28th, 1962. Reeve Clerk