HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-34-00 Addendum - l.;'.rJ" " THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISlRATION COMMITfEE File # -;0 7 Date: SEPTEMBER 5,2000 Res. #C/1- '3g:a 0 Report No.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34--00 By-Law # Subj ect: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA REQUEST FOR NEW SIGNAGE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. TIIA T Addendum to Report WD-34--00 be received; 2. TIIAT Report WD-34-00 be lifted from the table and received; 3. TIIAT the request by the Bowmanville BJ.A. for a promotional sign at the Gamet R Rickard Recreation Complex be denied; 4. TIIA T permission be granted for the Bowmanville RIA to supply and install a double sided promotional community service sign on removable decorative posts, on municipal property at the Tourism Information Centre, Liberty Street South, Bowmanville, to announce RIA sponsored community ftmctions and events, provided the signs are only displayed for two weeks prior to each event; and ) 5. TIIAT the RIA be requested to supply a drawing of the sign and support to the Planning Department for fmal design and location review. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Report WD-34-00 No.2: Memo dated July 6, 2000 from the Director of Public Works to Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council J 15.5 "~",,,,,,,,,,,.,...,c ~" ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-00 PAGE 2 '- 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on July 24, 2000, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: "THAT Report WD-34-00 be tabled for further information." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The memo, shown as Attachment No.2, was intended only to provide an estimated cost by Public Works to install such a sign. Staff agrees with the approach taken by the RIA, that the costs of installing and maintaining the signs should continue to be paid for by the RI.A. from their annual budgets through a private contractor with no direct involvement by Public Works. 3.2 The RI.A. should provide the Planning Department with a drawing of the proposed temporary sign, proposed location on the property and its proposed base support for review. The review is required to ensure the sign and support will be solid and pose no risk of falling. When the temporary signs are removed the upright posts must be removed as well to reduce clutter and prevent other residents or businesses from attaching unauthorized signs. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 That the Bowmanville RIA be granted permission to install the requested sign at the Tourist Information Centre provided they supply a drawing of the sign and support to the Planning Department for final review. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~J~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works d ~-:CtJL Fiiinklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 29/08/00 1154 ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: JULY 3, 2000 Res. # Report No.: WD-34-OQ By-Law # Subject: BOWMANvlLLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA REQUEST FOR NEW SIGNAGE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose ~ll1d Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. TI:IAT Report WD-34-00 be received; 2. TI:IAT the request by the BowmanviUe B.LA. for a promotional sign at the Gamet B. Rickaro Complex be denied; and 3. TI:IAT permission be granted for the Bowmanville B.LA. to place a promotional sign at the Tourism Information Centre, Liberty Street South, Bowmanville, for public events. provided the signs are only display~ for two weeks prior to each event. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. I: Correspondence dated March 16,2000 from Bowmanville B.LA. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held March 27. 2000, the Council of the Municipality 01 Clarington passed the following resolution: "'That the correspondence item D-14 be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer to review with the appropriate staff and prepare a report for <XIIISideration of the General on"''lse and Administration Committee." ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-00 11 )J REPORT NO.: WD-34-00 PAGE 2 Correspondence was forwarded to F. Wu. Chief Administrative Officer and S. Vokes. Director of Public Works. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The request from Garth Gilpin is to place two additional Bowmanville Business Improvement Area promotional signs to promote the various festivals held in the downtown core. The proposed locations are both adjacent to regional roads. Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street South) at the Tourism Centre and Regional Road 57 at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex, but placed on Municipality ofClarington property. The proposed signs would be similar to the existing signs located within the B.LA. area, except the new sign supports would have signs on both sides to be visible for both northbound and southbound traffic. 3.2 Comments from the Region of Durham included the fact that the signs would not comply with the Regional sign by-law and any request for the signs to be erected within the regional road allowance would meet resistance. The Region was also concerned that the B.LA. promotional signs were well out of the actual B.LA. designated area and may raise concerns with the Bowmanville Mall and the Bowmanville West Commercial Area. 3.3 The Planning Department advised with respect to the original proposal. that under the Municipality's Sign By-law 97-157. as amended, businesses are permitted one (l) off-site directional sign with the maximum size being 1.5 square metres. These signs are only permitted on lands for industrial, commercial or agricultural use. The lands on which the Tourism Information Centre is located are zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)". The Garnet B. Rickard Recreational Complex is zoned "Agricultural (A)". These signs exceed the maximum allowable sign area and are in one instance proposed on lands not appropriately zoned. The proposal for the installation of 2 signposts on the Tourist Information Centre lands, on which promotional signs will be installed 2 weeks prior to any event would be classified as a "Community Service Sign". A Community Service Sign is defined as "a temporary sign for the purpose of announcing a communiry function or event sponsored by a non-profit organization". Section 3.2.1(i) of the Sign By-law exernpts public uses from the provisions of the By-law. The B.LA is deemed to be a public use, and as such, the public use provisions of the Rv-law would prevail. They do caution. it is 1 1)0 . REPORT NO.: WD-34-00 PAGE 3 important that the intent of the Sign By-law be kept intact and that public uses. including the RIA. provide leadership, setting an example: when it comes to the erection of signs. 3.4 Concerns from the Tourism Information Centre included the fact that they are often inundated with temporary signs which they must remove. Approval of the request may be precedent setting for other groups or organizations with similar ideas and that, if approved, could only be the beginning of future sign requests. The size of the sign is a concern and will affect the appearance of the property and may receive criticism from other businesses, which are not being given the same opportunities to promote themselves. If the promotional signs were installed only 2 weeks prior to each event, it may be less intrusive than a permanent sign. 3.5 Community Services advised that the Garnet B. Rickard Recreational Complex proposed sign location would not suit the desired image for the facility. There are also long term plans for the complex including a digital sign, and Staff wish to maintain a proper image for the facility. 3.6 Public Works is concerned about the proliferation of signs that detract from regulatory, directional and warning signs. The B.LA. is presently suggesting double-sided signs, the same size as the existing signs. Unfortunately, the new signs being proposed will be farther off the road, and to be visible to motorists would need to be much larger, particularly at the Rickard Recreational Complex. A concern exists that the requested locations would be approved and then a subsequent request would come forward to make the signs larger. Staff are also concerned that future additional requests may come forward for signing at other municipal properties from either the B.LA. or other groups. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 The proposed Gamet B. Rickard Recreational Complex sign location is impractical due to the distance from the travelled portion of the roadway. Staff has concerns regarding the Tourism Information Centre location, but concerns are lessened if the signs are promoting the actual event, as a "Public Use Sign", and are only displayed two weeks prior to each )1 REPORT NO.: WD-34-00 PAGE 4 event. In summary. Staff at Clarington and the Region have difficulty if the SIgn is intended as a direcuonai or advenising sign to specifically promote the dO\\TItown business area. Respectfully submitted. Reviewed by. ~~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works cJ~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce . 1 : ]0 ' 8B :::aa .m IOWMANVlLLE _NUl cvnu: ~~ t)6e{lHt~e(~", BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE P.O. BOX 3&5 BOWMANVlLLE, ONT. LtC 3L1 2000 03 16 Mrs. Patti Barrie Municipal CleI'k Municipality of Claring 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville. Ontario 'OONAR17 F/1 MUtJrCIPAUTY OF 1~I!'Fi'e ;...~.:.::I_::: v~:~~ I \~~::~.~ '.~ '.~~~~~~.J _~ L=..."., J t~~\:'!;::7~:-.~"- '~-1 IT,.iI!A"..... ..".....~.-.:.: I .... ~ _...,. '.. I ~'Ile 2'.A:l.:.~....:i;,;~ r'~t~;..~~. MAa Z 3 2G~O c Dear ~rs. Barrie PUBLIC \',"JRKS DEPT. Because a great deal of the traffic in our communl y ~oves (only) in a north and south direction along Lib- erty StI'eet and County Road 57. and. therefore. never sees our signage which is on King Street East and West. would you be kind enough to seek permission from Council. on our behalf. to install two additional signs with which to advertise our various festivals. These signs. which would be of the same design and size as the ones already in existence next to Baker's Dozen and east of the bridge over Barber's Creek (also known as Bowmanville Creek). are proposed to be locat- ed on Municipal property near the Tourist Information Centre on Liberty Street South. and on County Road 57. on land occupied by the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. The signs would each involve two decorative posts pOSitioned perpendicular to the roads mentioned and would contain signage on both sides to accommodate both north and south bound traffic. The signage would be changed from time to time. as the events advertised come and go. The cost of installing and maintaining these signs would. of course. be paid for out of our ..:!SCTlC,' Annual Budget. "" It is our plan to attempt to have one or both of'."t~sl. signs in place for the Fabulous Fifties Festiv8~R~~ takes p lace in la te June. ,- Clll'IfS ili; YOurs very truly l.t? /. 1....."':'..6....../ !._~;:. ,~0~ '_' 1 _..- t ....-... ! A~/~~ Garth Gilpin Secretary-Treasurer and General ~anager -,- O,er. (,0 A'ITACHMENTNO.: 1 REPORT NO.: WD-34-00 J) ,~ To: From: Date: Subject: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng., Director of Public Works July 6, 2000 REPORT WD-34-00 - BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA REQUEST FOR NEW SIGNAGE Further to concerns expressed at the July 3, 2000 G.P. & A. Meeting, Public Works has investigated the cost of installing removable sign posts at the Tourist Information Centre. Although it was my suggestion to investigate this alternative, Clarington Public Works has never installed a removable post on this large a scale before. It may be possible to do further research and locate what we are looking for in a prefabricated version, but for the meantime we have estimated the cost for a customized installation to be approximately 5750.00. This cost is for labour and materials and represents the additional cost over and above the normal cost for the posts and any associated sign. ~z/~ Stephen A. Vokes Director of Public Works SA V/wc pc: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer P. Barrie, Municipal Clerk F. Horvath, Manager of Operations ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 b U ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-00