HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 03-21-63 Hampton, March 21st, 1963.
Darlington_ Townshi_y- Council met in the Municipal Building on
this date with all present. Reeve Blanchard presiding.
T-loved by Councillors Budai and Down that the minutes of the
meetings of harsh 7th and March 18th be ado7cted as read.
63-3-D2 Moved by Councillors Budai and. DoUrn that an estimate of cost
of preparation of enlarges soils map be referred to the By-laws committee
for investigation.
63-3-D3 Moved by Deputy Reeve :Muir and Councillor Budai teat two items
from r`icDean Hunter be received and filed.
-3-3-D4 Moved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that all correspondence
not otherwise dealt with be received and filed.
63-3-D6 :Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that before
investigating a petition re Bennett Rd. interchange, Council find out
from Department of Highways of Ontario if they intend to proceed with
service roads and interchange at Bennett Rd.
63-3-D7 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Dov,Tn that tenders for purchase
of debentures be opened at this time.
63-3-D8 IlAoved by Councillors Budai and Down that the tender of Bell,
Gouinlock and Company to purchase 51% debentures of this Township in the
principal amount of X01,000.00 at 498. 60 per hundred be accepted as
63-_, Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Down that this
Township join the Ontario ,^ssociation of irayors and Reeves for 1903 and
that Reeve Blanchard be a-o3ointed to attend the Associations Convention
at Pembroke. -
63-3-D10 iv-ioved by Deputy Reeve Muir a.nd Councillor Gibbs that ?,Te
adjourn for ten ininut es.
Council resumed at 4: 25 p.m. Reeve Blanchard in the chair.
63-3-D11 Moved by Councillor Budai and Decuty Peeve Muir that rule 33 be
suspended for the duration T this meeting.
T` T _ f
03-�� �-� 13 1,_, On motions a-s fil,�d a B -�.c4� :,o >�so�zde for an expenditure
� , �' L of
X151,000.00 on ToT.-nship roads in 1963 .las given its several readings
- signed, sealed and numbered 2237.
63-3D-15516,17 On motions as filed a By-law to provide for an expenditure
of ;. 10 ,000.00 on roads in 1903 was giver its several readings signed,
sealed and numbered 2235.
63-3D18 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that this
Council approves the proposal of the Township of Manvers to expend the
sum. of $1, 200.00 for construction on the Hanvers - Darlington Boundary
road, and agrees to pray 50-' of the cost of same.
a1loved by Councillors Down and Budai that this Council approves
the uroposal of the To--,rnship of Clarke to expend an amount estimated to
be X2,500.00 on the Darlington - Clarke Boundary road, and agrees to pay
50 '0 of the cost of the project.
63-3D-20 :`Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Clerk
and Road Superintendent be, and are hereby authorized to call for
tenders for crushing gravel.
63-3D-21 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that the Road
Superintendent be, and is hereby authorized to invite prices for large
steel culverts provided for in the 1963 Road By-laws.
63-3D-22 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that this
Towlnshipls Road Superintendent and Consulting Engineer be, and are
hereby authorized to prepare plans and call for tenders for concrete
culverts .provided for in the ToT�,nshipl s 1963 Road By-1ays.
63-30-23 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and. Deputy Reeve Muir that the Road
Superintendent be authorized to hire equipment and staff of the United
Counties of Northumberland and Durham for surface treatment as provided
in 1963 estimates at the Counties 1963 unit prices.
63-3D-"k Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the Road Superintendent
and Consulting Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for hot-unix
paving, at such time as they deem it advisable.
63-3D-25 loved by Deputy Reeve ruir and Councillor Gibbs that the Road
Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to hire equipment of
Beaverdale Construction Co. equipment at rates not to exceed those being
paid by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, subject to
approval of the Ontario Department of Highways.
63-3D-26 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Road
Superintendent be, and is hereby authorized to negotiate with owners
of gravel pits in the ToU,rn.ship, or in other locations.
63-3D-27 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the Reeve and Treasurer,
be, and are hereby authorized to issue a cheque to Jackson, Ypes and
Associates in the amount of $2,137.20", thi.s amount to be recovered from
the Special debenture account when funds are available.
63-3D-28,29,30 On motions as filed a By-law to further amend By-law 2111,
as amended was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered
63-3D-31,32,33 On motions as filed a By-law to set rates of taxation for 1963
was given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 2240.
63-3D-33A On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize the issue of
debentures in the amount of x;61,000.00 was given third reading and
finally passed as No. 2234
63-3D-34 Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that the officials
at Darlington Provincial Park be given permission to use the Township
Dump at $100.00 for the year 1963.
63-3D-35 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that this
meeting adjourn to Monday, March 25th at 2:00 p.m.
Reeve Clerk