HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04-04-63 Hampton, April Lth, 1963.
Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on
this date, all members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding.
63-4-1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the minutes
of the meetings of March 21st, and March 25th be adopted as read.
63-4-2 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that the Cier%
be instructed to write to the Department of Highways asking if they intend
to proceed with the building of the Highway 401 service road east of
Bowmanville and the interchange at Bennett Rd. and that Council be notified.
63-4-3 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that accounts for the
month of March in the amount of $42,391. 63Je paid. (detail attached)
63-4Q':. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Road
Supt. be authorized to attend the O. G.R.A. School for Road Supts. in
Toronto on May 13th and 14th.
63-4-5 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that correspond-
ence from Ont. Good Roads Ass. be referred to the Road Supt.
' 3
Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that correspondence from
L.O.D. A. re bus trip on,April 10th be referred to the industrial Committee
and that if a member of the Committee attends his expenses will be paid.
63-4-7 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai- that the expenses of the
Welfare Administratrix to the Ontario Welfare Officers Convention in
Oshawa be paid.
63-4-8 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the Clerk write
Canadian Oil Co. representative asking who their oil burner service man
will be and suggesting that this Township would prefer to use the firm
that installed the unit.
63-4-9 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that correspondence from
Bert Hoskin re property on Ormiston St. Hampton be referred to the
Planning Board.
63-4-10 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
proposed boundary road agreement between the Township of Darlington and
the Township of Manvers be, and is hereby accepted by this Council, and
that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the said
agreement on behalf of this Township.
63-4-11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that correspond" ,
ence not otherwise dealt with be received and filed.
63-4-12 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that Mr. S. Jeffery' s
request to be released from his agreement with the Township to the extent
that he be allowed to sell approximately 20000 yds of gravel to Imperial
Oil Co. or their agents, be referred to the Road Committee.
63-4-13 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that rule 33 be suspended
for the duration of this meeting.
63-4-14,15 & 16 On motions as filed a By-law to authorize an agreement vith
Ernest Hockaday was given its several readings and numbered 2241.
63-4-17 Moved by Councillor Down and Deputy Reeve Muir that this
Council now adjourn to the call of the chair.
Council resumed at 4: 35.
63-4-18 'loved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the
appraisal of J. Van Nest, Realtor for $3, 550.00, for the land covered by
the proposed plan of sub-division of Ernest Hockaday in Lot 24, Conc. 5.,
be accepted and that this Council petition the Department of Municipal
Affairs for permission to accept the sum of $177. 50, being SO of the
value of this said lands pursuant to Sec. 28 (8) of the Planning Act in
lieu of conveyance of lands for public purposes.
63-4-19 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that this Council approves
the proposed plan of sub-division of Ernest Hockaday, Lot 24, Conc. 5''
subject to the approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs of the
acceptance of a cash payment in lieu of conveyance of lanis under
Sec. 28 (8) of the Planning Act, and that the Clerk is instructed to so
advise the Minister upon approval as above.
63-4-20 Moved by Deputy Reeve Mnir and Councillor Gibbs that further
advice from the Township' s Solicitor be sought on the matter of allowing
the rebuilding of non-conforming uses after having been destroyed by fire.
63-4-21 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that the Clerk
be authorized to purchase a desk and chair for the Welfare Office at
an estimated cost of 5252. 20.
63-4-22 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that advertising
be placed in Oshawa and Bowmanville papers warning the public of the
danger of setting fires.
63-!-23 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that Burlev
Bus _Lines be offered the sheet glass in the Council chamber for 025.00.
63-L-24 Moved by Councillor Down and Deputy Reeve Muir that per-mission
be given Consam-ers Gas Co. to instal an anode bed as applied for only on
condition that the Company assumes a" responsibility therefore, and
agrees that the 1'o�.r?ship will not be in any =Tay liable for damage to the
63-4.-25 lioved by Councillors Budai and Dawn that the Imperial Oil Co.
be given authority to instal sewer and water lines under +J,Taverly Road
only on the following conditions: Excavation to be re-filled. with
material taken out to within 3 feet of top and compacted, top 3 ft. to be
filled with granular base and compacted, surface to be re_claced and
guaranteed for one year, all sod tal'e= up to be replaced; Company to be
responsible at all times for signing and �, arning residents, and an
agreement covering the above conditions to be prepared and executed at
the company' s expense. ..
63- -26 Moved by Councilors DoTk,n and Budai that this meeting adjourn.
Reeve Clergy: