HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04-18-63 Ham-oton, April 18th, 1953 Darlington To-vmship Council net in the Municipal Building on this date, all m-e-mbers -oresent, Reeve Blanchard presiding. 63-�B-1 Moved by Counc_llors Budai and Gibbs that the minutes of the meeting of !,larch Lath be adopted as read. 'loved by Councillor Budai Grid Depute ReeveIuir that the To�,rnshiol S Consult_na Engineer be 7_nstructed to study ant° re,)Ort on widening Ormiston St. in �Tampton to regular width. - 63- -8 1,owed by Councillors Do1.n and: Budai that the Road. Corr�ittee and Road Supt. investigate and report on the road between lots 34 and 35, Conc. o, also the :.rater condition reported to this meeting by 1,;'r. .I. Hancoc',f�. }roved b7T Deputy Reeve Muir and. Councillor Dozen that I;Ir. Little `' I' �a l a r k 1 i o� �_un,ci��- P_-.ening �onsui�ants �e invited. toattend she -next r��eeting Of Plan Ing Board9 to advise the Boa as t0 T''!r. _"�Urrell' S NrOrOSc to establish a drive-in theatre in lot 35, Conc. 1. - 63-;'B-5 Moved by Councillors Budai and. Gibbs that the To,'rnshi.pT s Solicitor, TAIr. Strike, be instructed to forw,--rd to the Department of Ilun_c_pal I�ffa_rs, e co?oy of a letter to this Council dated A-pril 17th, dealing :.ith zoning and the destruction_ of a. previous use by fire, and to pursue the matter ot,her7.,rise as he sees lit. � ounc1for BunaJ and Deputy �_uir that permission6 11aved oy L be given Collyer Cdvertising to erect B.P. direction signs on Tc.,-nsh_o roads, as in 1962, and for the deriod. from 1%1ey 6th to October -_-6th,1963 . Moves by Councillors Do,11 and Gibbs that Council now adjourn to th'..e call of the chair. Council resumed at 5. 10 -d.m.. -S 'Hove d by Deduty Reeve N'uir a.rsd. Councillor Budai t at tenders received. for -ravel crushing be opened. Moved_ by Councillor Buda_ snd_ Deputy reeve 1u_r that, as c.n insufficient number of gravel crushing tenders were received, no tender be acceded_, and that advice be sought from the Ontario Derartm.ent of Highti•rays ws to further tendering. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Iluir and Council_ or 'Gibbs that the Clerk and Road Su;ot. be instructedto prepare an agreement beti,-een the Township and R. J . Oben to provide for the accuisiti on of lands recuired for road witening in lot , Conc . 6, on the basis of X200.00 per acre for the area reQuired, plus <50.03 for any da._..age to the that rlay result from the construction t0 be carried out b,,T the TC-x'"£_shi-o, Plus a T,,Toven ,%-ire fence to be constructed by the Tov,,nshly_, betTi;een the property to be ac�,uireC by the TownsIti-c and the 'fro- ert.v remf�J_ng to Mr. Oben, or, in lieu of the said Fence, and amount of case ecwual to 7sL.00 -oer roc for eac-L roc of fence recurred as aforesaid . 63-L -10 Moved by Council lois Buda_ and Down that the Council a.p_Iroves the -proposed plan of sub-6ivi sion Subs fitted by Anson Phe ir, part lot 32, Concession 21 Darlington, subject to the ap„rova.l of the ,,' mister of `iuniciral i, __ s of t��e acceptance of a cash paymient in lieu of conveyance of lands under Sec. 23 ( ) of, I Planning fict, and that -the Clem? is instructed to so advise the r7,irister, a-don approval, as above. 3-L;B-ll Moved by Councillors Gibbs End Buda.i that the Clerk be instructed: to advertise in the BOT EI,,anvil__e StatesLian for a.{-11icants for the -Oos_tior. Of 1,7 een inspector for the lOTr1Y7s 1_p, :Moved by Deputy Reeve I,Iuir and Councillor Gibbs that Reeve Blanchard and Councillor Down be appointed members of the Derlin2-ton Game Conservation Co�-��ission. 63- B-13 Moved by Deputy Reeve I°_air and Councillor Gibbs that a. letter from Bovua_nyille Recreation Council asL ing for support be referred to the r inance Committee. - 3-4B-1% r,Ioved. by Councillor Gibbs and. De- uty Reeve Muir t.na.t this meeting adjourn. Fee ve Clerk