HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06-20-63 Hampton June 20th !06'3.
Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building on
this date,, all members present, Reeve Blanchard presidin-g.
63-6B-7 Moved. by Deputy Reeve Muir and. Councillor Budai that the
minutes of the meeting of June 6th, 1963, be adopted- as read.
63-0/B-:12 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that the matter of
replacement and repair of Toronto Star road signs be referred to the
Roads Committee.
03 ,!uJr and Councillor Gibbs that Motor
Moved by Deputy Reeve I _L U_ LI
City -Auto Parts be advised that as the Base Line is to be constructed in
the near future,, a major expenditure on that road at this time -v'Tould
not be justified... and. that Council is not G.TTare of legislation that
mould perm- it a tax adjustment.
63-63-3A Hoved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that tenders for the
construction of two concrete culverts be opened- at this time.
Tenders '�.7 ere received as follov,-s:
David S . Kernaghan Jones - $2,951- 50
Ebenezer - ;2,Z,86.70 - zp�)
438. 20
E. F. Marston Construction - Jones - X3, 222.00Ebenezer - 2,777.40 -8
'� _5,999.!,.00
�, 11_�
63-6B-�, !,loved by Councillors Down and 3udai that all accounts payable
by the Township be presented to Council- for payment at the meeting
usually held on the third Thursday of each month, and that the Reeve
and Treasurer are hereby authorized to issue checues for wages and
salaries on the Friday follo,,hring the first and third Thursday of each
month, as well as accounts approved by the 7iTelfare _111dmiinistratrix.,
Special School kccounts, school levies, and 0 debenture - a—ents.rm
63-6B-5 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that R. M. Short,
Road Superintendent of the ToTv.,nship of Darlington., be, and is hereby
authorized to attend sales of used. equipment of the Ontario Department
of Highways, and, subject- to approval of the Department of Highways to
purchase, if he deems advisable, a used pick-up truck at a cost of
not over X700.00.
63-6B-6 'roved by 'Councillors Budai and Down that this Council has
no objection to the Committee of AJus-'Cment granting the application of
Ben Bro;Jn, as heard on Monday, June _f_7th, 1963.
63-63-7 Hloved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the
Clerk be instructed to forward a letter to all residents in the proposed
Enniskillen Street Lighting -Area., giving approximate costs., and asking
them if there are objections, to file them in writing within 30 days.
63-6B-8 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the tender
of David S . Kernaghan to construct two concrete culverts be accepted
as tendered., subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of
Highways. (Contract 631-C)
63-6B-9 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that Mr. Totten and
Mir. Short be authorized to negotiate with owners of properties required
for the King Bridge project.
63-68-10 MMuir that the
Moved by Councillor Down and Deputy Reeve 'i
meeting adjourn.
Reeve Clerk