HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 07-04-63 Hampton, July kth' 10,63. 1 Darlington Township Council met in the Council Chambers., Pamn-ton on this date all iiiiembers -oresent, Reeve Blanchard Dresi6i -c- 63-7-1 Mloved by Councillors Bud-pi and Doi.,,,,n that the minutes of the meet-Ing of June 20th, 1963 be adopted as read. 63-7-2 1 - -7-2 Moved by Deputy Reeve _",Iuir and Councillor Do-,-.Tn that Mr. ScIllmidt' s request for road construction beta,:-een lots 30 - 31, Concession 4 be r-'erred to the Ro�-�_tf Su-,pt, Fir. Totten, Consulting Engineer and L road com=itltee for s soon. '-_s -,)ossilble. 6-1 1211--ved by Dep-,:;ty Reeve 71­,Jr an-- Cc-­cJ­ _' or Bud_a * ­ ___ __ ­ I a oy a_-riC'_ .-_zreemen`c re forest- -,I-­nc.=e_r1`1- received from 11e-a-t:::nn+ a nI�',s anf,_ Fores ts be samu.diec:1 by th-e 1u21ic Pr _','_over_: by Council.-Lors Giltbs n t.Ir- r _u i bs excasef raL vot o >/beca-u-se of :,.ossa ._e Carl-7jC� of by -nd. thc t E7-tJ ' u-, e of 7 this Council -1n r e c r a''C. t c Cbc t o n s sections 19 anc. of By-lair. f- Bv-lair. 2239, is that the Councii 1 is in c-�.c-reeEient ;,.-ith those obiectin� an(-', dce_zz not --ec-laest c-�D­roval of sections ic and _'-'.0 of the C3-7-6 1,1.ov e d by Deputy Reeve 1uir and Co1jnci_L__1or Do-,,,Tr- that tenders for s-a-;oolv and ins tell,_tion of -plate be o-jened at this tii=e . Tenders as Pee! Earth Boring Limited 88, 258.0 r Lelend Payne :x!,.,779.17 E. .7. Idarston Construction :'5,750-00 Hug--n- Grant I'oved. by De­,�ut­ Peeve 7,' ir and Counci or Gibbs that -i vez,,.- V, llu and of the wide variance in icrices received'. on, the above tenders., the Road. Supt. a nd the Consulting Engineer be instructed to investigate the tenders before a decision is ­nad.e. Moved by De-n-uty Reeve iuir and Councillor Down that Council now adjourn to the c-a17-L of the chair. Council v-,as called to order at 4: 35 P.m. 111ovec'I by Councillors Gibbs and Donn that Garnet B. Rick?rd be ac,00inted to the Cemetery ,",.dviscry Co=ittee as Chairman. Moved by Councillor Gibbs and*Y-uir that the Clerk be authorized to purchase a typet.A.Triter. *Deputy Reeve Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Kluir that the meeting adiourn. Reeve Clerk