HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 01-03-64 HIL-2—IPTON, January 3 , 1964. Darlington To-i,,Tnship Council .net on this 6-ate, pursuant to the adjourrzment of January 2 , 1964, all Leaibers -present,, Reeve Blanchard -n-residing. 64- Mioved by DeputY Reeve Yi-iir and Councillor Gibbs that a-.oDlications for the Position of By-lai,-i Enforcement Officer, Building 7ns-Qector and School attendance Officer, be received and consid-ered . 0 1�,'-Toved by Deputy Reeve and, Co-ancillor Do,jTn that Council noI.T adjourn for a short time® Council resumed at 4.35 P.-ki-0 Yoved. by Councillor Dov-n and Councillor 8udep.-i that the resizna-11--iOri of Dolic-las Kemp, . assessor for this Towns-"-Ii-o , be accepted with regret , and that t,,:ie Clerk- be instructed to advertise for a-,-)--)lic-an-' to fi17 the -osition. C !Moved by Deputy Reeve and Councillor -Budai that the Property Committee be aut-n-orized to install a iir�ht o-,7e--,-- the Council tab-le. TT-ved. by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve 1,11air that Council adjourn to the call of the .. . . . . . . . . . . . RE.-IZVE CT El IFL