HomeMy WebLinkAboutMintues- 03-19-64 Hampton, March 19th, 196L.
Darlington To�.dnshi-Q Council met in the Hunicipal Building on
this date
a'! members present., Reeve Blanchard presiding.
6i 3B-I Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that the
minutes of the meeting held March 5th., 1964 be adopted as read.
6,4-3B, Moved by Councillors Budai and Down thataccounts for the
month of February, 196L paid:
, as listed here-vith,, be
Salaries 1 - 15 1, 214<17
16 - 29
N elf are 2, 542.61
General 'x,3 3,11;,8- 5L
Roads '-'2;' 685.89
Pay Lists 1 15 1y313.20
er Works 1 - 15 3/.8.00
16 - 2c)
Special Acct. No. J+ 4,173. 39
/,8,724. 56
64-3B-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and -Councillor Gibbs that the request
of Township eD-plovees to change to Blue Plan, P.S.I . , be not considered in
the current Year.
6L-3B-4 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that this
Council investigate the bv-lai,,-s of i'lunicipalities having regulations
to control the use of firearms., end further consider thepro-
_5!r.presented by "r. Cornish, Mr. 1,11cLaggan and Mr. PoT.,Tell.
6L-3B-5 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that rale 33 be suspended
for the duration of this meeting.
6L-3B-6P7,8 On motions as filed,, a by-1-5--w to appoint a Road Superintendent
was given its several readings, signed., sealed and numbered _22611.V
On motions as filed, a by-law to set rates of taxation and
to adopt estimates for 1964 was given its several readings and signed.,
sealed and numbered 2262.
6L-'31B-12 On motions as filed, to amend by-law 51 was given
513514 a b'x-lai,,T L,
its several readings and signed sealed and numbered 2263.
1 1 'D readings signed,
_-.,) - -1 6y17 On motions as fi-led a by-la-,�T to amend by-law 2194. was given
04� B-7 5�,.J_ ?
its several readings and signed sealed and numbered 2261,.
6,,-/-3B-18 I-loved by Councillors Do,,ti,n and Budai that the Road Su-perintendent
be authorized to hire earth-moving -equipment of Beaverdale Construction
Co. , to carry out earth-moving projects provided_ in this To�%7_nshi-pts 196A.
Road -Qrcgrari, at prices not in excess of 'those agreed on betweenthe
Beaverdale Company and the United Counties for 19,64, subject to the
approval of the Ontario Department of Higl=ays. i
64-3B-1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Huir and Councillor Gibbs that the Road
Supt. be authorized to test gravel on C. Dentinger property, and that
the 'Reeve and C leric be authorized to execute an agreement for purchase of
6L-'B-2O gravel, if I tests prove satisfactory.
1��'Ioved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Road
Supt. be authorized to call for tenders to build grad'
e at King Bridge,
if it appears f:z_dvisab'Le to do the wort by contract. V
64-3B-2'1 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Iduir and Councillor Budai that this
Council endorses the attached petition and requests that the Department
give careful consideration to this request and to sT)eed limits on other
parts of No. 2 Highway from Osha-v"Ta City limits to BoiTmanville.
64-3B-22 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that a Road
complaint by V. Pniauskas be referred to the Road Superintendent for re-cort.
6L-3B-23 Hoved by Councillors Budai and Down that this meeting adjourn
to Thursday, March 26th at 1: 30 P-7.
Reeve Clerk