HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03-26-64 Hampton, March 26th, 196/4. Darlington Toi,,rnship Council met in the 14-anicipal Building on this date pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting of I-larch 19th., 196!., all members -Present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. 6,4-3C-1 Moved by Councillors Buda-i and Doi,.,n that the Cler,� inform the Ontario Traffic Conference that this TownshiD does not feel that it is advisable to p5rticipate firianci@.117T in their programme. 6L-3C-2 Hoved by Councillor B-odai! and Deputy Reeve -Muir that a resolution of Peel Co-j-nt-,T Council dealing �,Tith costs of annexation proceedings be endorsed by this Council and -for-,,..,a-_r-ded as suggested. 6/1-K-3 loved loed by Deputy TELeeve Muir and. Councillor Do�,,Tn that Geo. Totten and _�,'Lssociates be appointed Consulting Engineer for this Township 7 on Develonnient Road project 'No. 106. Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that W. E. Rundle is hereby appointed Deputy Welfare cr inistrator for the Township of Darlington. 61,3C-5 i=loved by Depu,,ty Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the Building Inspector of this Tovmshi-Q be informed that for the purpose of issuing a building -,-erir.,it,, th art e lot no,,,, oT.,-.,ned by J. Fia'ka,, Lot 3"', I �_�_j Concession 12, has a frontage on a public road 66 ft. in i.Tidth. " C> 6L-3C-6 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that tenders for gravel crushing be received and opened at this time. Tenders were submitted as follows: FR=K S. COYLE Off Crushed Crushed Belt Stockpile Delivered 21 in. Gravel 36 . 68 ,3 in. LO- . 50" .71 Sand - 35 . 63 RUSSELL H. -ST77,1ART 2 in. .;rzvp-1 .45 . 55 .80 in. r .49-- . 59 .8L Sand . 30 --- . 65 H HN D E 'K-ING 2 in. Gravel 5 1- .4,0 in. 5 Sand LO . 58 ----- FRED NELSON SO 1:D 2 in. Gravel .36-,/' .),6 ,-/' . 65 in. V Sand .30 .40 . 5 5 Above cuotations include x .07 der cu. yd. mile for delivery over 6 miles. 64,30-7 Moved by Councillors Budai and. Do�,:m ths---lE, tenders for supply of a ton truck be opened at this time. Tenders were received as follows: Cowan Equipment International $2,195.96 Hodel 1100 G. H. -,,,Villiams Mlotors Mercury 2,14 5-18 Model 100 Sea,,,ay Motors Ford 2,122.10 Sid Lancaster Willys 2 W 21359 73 Willys 300-,47,,4-D 3,152: 54 Roy W. Nichols Chev. HC 15-04 008. 50 Bramley 'Hol.-,ors !,�lercury 1,10c_el 100 PAGE, 2 6L,-3C-7= Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Down that Council now adjourn for �� cinuces . Council resumed at L: 40 r.m e 6L;.-3C-5 Moved by Deputy Reeve 1luir and Councillor Budai that the 1963 Financial Statement -.nd auditors Report, as }.resented. b-,T Mr. `real of i�'onteith, Riehl and S,Iaters, be received and filed.. 6L-3r.'-9 Hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that the tender of Harnc'en & King to crush gravel for this To?r:nshlUy be accepted as tendered, subject to the =_pprOv _l of the De_partmient of HighlTa_-Ts. 64,-3C-10 Ilovedr Councilor Buc'.ai and De�utv reeve f?, i r that the tender of Ray 7J. Ni cholsvto suppl T a = ton trod be �.ccepted astendered, subject to t1,e."Onta.ri o Dep rtN ent of High-'ra.vs. approval of the ; 64-3C-11 Moved by Councillors Do,,-,n and Bud.�i that pursuant to the assessment ,=ct, R.S.O . 1960; Chap. 23, Sec. 6!., the folloT--ing are hereby appointed En-embers of Court of Revision for Darlington Tovnshio for the year 1964,.; L. B1.-nch-.rd, H. C. Tluir, II-�ry T. Budai, Carl Down Richard: Gibbs. 6L.-3C-1_2 ;loved by Councillors Dower and Gibbs that this 7leeting adjourn and. that a meeting of the Totrnship Court of pLevisi on be called_ i=ediately• Court of Revision for the Tovns1_ip of Darlington, Harch 26th, 1961.. CR. 6L;-1 Moved by Mrs . Budai and seconded by Mr. Doom that rebate or cancellation of 1963 Taxes, listed below, be granted. Dame_ Lot Conc. Year & Time Taxes Int. Total Stenger, Rudolph 19 20 0 1963 3 M - - 21.97 Building remioved Minister of Public 35 B.F. 1963 12 '_°'1 5,17 . 50 8. 677 dorkis Goverment otrned Preston_, Fred 33 2 1963 12 11 103 J-11, .95 17. 29 Township property Trans-Ncrthern Pipe Line Co. 41 3 1963 5 M - - Gump Station did not operate for 5 I.1. CR. 64. Moved. by Mr. 1,luir and seconded by Mr. Gibbs that cancellation of 1964, Taxes, listed_ below be -ranted. Imount of Roll_ Name Lot Conc. Lm' Tune Reason Cancellation 194-1 Preston, Celia 21 2 150 10M Building 9.53 Removed 60,-3 onzj��, Peter P 25 4 950 Z'1 6. 27 Tania 175 111 Fire 12.72 18.99 Moved by Mrs. Budai and seconded by Mr. Muir that this Court now adjourn. r O� Reeve Clea