HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 04-02-64 Rarpton, A-pril ?nd, 196,.. Darlington Toj<rns'nip Council raet in the "tun;ci�aal B�.zilding on this date, all me�?sers -present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. Loved_ by Deputy Reeve ilui r and Councillor Budai that the minutes of the meetings held March 19th and -March 26th be adopted as read. 6A-1-2 Hoved by Deputy Reeve I-luir and Councillor Gibbs that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized. to issue Road account chevues as .resented to the Road Committee on this date. } �o4,-4L-; Moved by Councillor Dorn and Deputy Reeve L�>>uir that a lett er iron F. H. Sissons referring to road conditions and. assessment be received and filed.. ivioved by Councillors Doti-:Tn and Bucai that a letter from Schwirtz re road conditions be referred to the road co=ittee for report. 6A.- 5 `iov ed bT?- De-uty Reeve I'lluir and Councillor Gibbs that the Clerk be authorized to Sign the necess-�_--.ry orcer forms for a = tor_ truck from R. 1';' . Nichols 1':11otors, as tendered',v upon receipt of approva? from the Ontario Deur L�ment of Fi ghvTa. rs.,` 64,- ' -6 Hoved OvDe�Llty Reeve liluir and Councillor Gibbs that Resolution yF62_�-3C-9, passed March 26th, 196L;, be, and is hereby rescinded, and that the tender of Fred Tlelson-'and Sons to crush, stoci.pile and deliver gravel in 196/., be accepted, subject to t.,,--e approval of the De;Da.rtrent Of iii0- 6,4- 1-7 Moved 6,4-<-` Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deput r Reeve llu�r that the Road Supt. be authorized to attend the Road Supt' s school in Toronto on -1 5th, 196E and that registration fee be paid. 6L;-:1-8 Moved by Councillors Budai and. Dorn that Mr. Strike, Township Solicitor, and M. D. Brov.n., O.L.S. , be authorized to ?proceed to prepare by-laws, descriptions and any other ratters necessary for the completion of the trestonvale Road project. 61,-.4-9 Moved by Councillors Doz,,m. and Buda.i that Council now adjourn for 15 minutes. Council resumed at 5:00 p.Tr— 64-2,,-lo !,,loved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that this -mee ting adjourn. �:�. . . . Reeve Cle=',