HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04-16-64 r
Hamriton, r Aril 16th, 1964:, .
Darlington Township Council met in the Tor nshi-a Building on
this date, all members present, Reeve Blanchard -jresicing.
6G,-%,.B-1 Iv oved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai t'La.t the minutes of the
meeting held fi_pri 2nd, 1961., be adorted as read.
6L-LB-2. 1,+Loved by Councillors Budai and Do�,,Tn that accounts for the
month of INIarch, 196L, as listed- herewith, be paid:
16 - 31 1,772.93
Welfare 880,.G,2
General °4, 667.96
Roads 2,361;..76
Parr lists 1 - 15 1, 634; . 60
16 - 31 1 573.48
..inter T or s 1 - 15 1377. 25
16 - 31 L ,3.00
6L;-1B-3 iioved b7T Councillor Budai and- Deputy Reeve Nuir that all
corresoond_ence not otherT.,ise dealt =,lith be received. and. filed.
64-LB-L _ Hoved by Councillors Do�Srn and Budai that rule 33 be suspended
for the duration of this ieeting.
6L-LB-S,6,7 On motions as filed, a By-lau to Further aruend By-la.,..,, '2_230
tiaras given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered. 2.265.
62r-LB-9 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that tenders
for the supply of a tractor, M01,:er and auger be received and opened at
this time.
Tenders as follows:
Robt. Heron 3, 635.90
Trez;ri n 3,661.93 - `"
� 4
Valiance 3,702.,95
Morton 3,431. 59
Brovn 3,.551.21
Hoar 3.,8 0 0 6 5
LU.nca.ster 3,1;,94.55 -
J �1 L.L5
6L-LB-9 Moved b7,r Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that Council
reserve decision on tractor tenders and that all tenders be referred to
Department of Highways of Ontario for checL�ing and ap-}roval `
61-1,8-10 Ivoved by Councillors Dob;Tn and Gibbs that Council no-,r a:.c'journ
for 15 minutes.
Council resumed. at 4:40 p._n.
61--8-11 Roved by Councillors Gibbs and Dou.:n that d_ra�es for Council
Room be purchased fron. F. r. lLr aimp, 'Trendloom -_555, in light gold', at
appro<>i 3ately :: 300
61,,-1;8-12 Id ovea by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve i'Fuir that the
Clerlr be authorized to order a telephone installed in the assessors
64-43-13 Moved by Councillor Dovrn and Deputy Reeve 1111air that this
Council no,;,, adjourn and that the Court of Revision =,T go
into session.
Court of Revision for the Tovnship of Darlington, I_pril 16th, 1964.
Court of Revision for the Ta�tinship of Darlington ret on this
date, all members present.
CR.-62�8-1 Hovel by Mr. 11_uir and seconded by Hr. Gibbs that cancellation
of 1961 Taxes listed belmr, be granted.
Amount of
Roll Name Lot Conc. ' t. Time Reason Cancellation
478-4 Gruyters, John 31 2 750 121,1 Buildings 59,00
idary Removed
660-J, Galea, Mrs. Mary 31 5 1100 9 M House Burned 6,/.91
381-1 Jay Trull Estate 25 B.E. 12.5 8 T,Z Buildings 6. 55
C.R. -6LB-2 Moved by '"Tr. Gibbs and seconded by 1r. Do,,m that this Court
now adjourn.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Reeve er?,,