HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 06-18-64 --T-
Ha.rIlpton, June 18th, l96 .
Darlington To-.,mshi-,p Council met in the �,.unicinal Building on
04-6C-1this date, alliembers --resent, Reeve Blanchard presiding.
Moved by Councillors Gibbs and. DO7.7n tha.t the minutes of
the --meetings he-7. c June .4tIl �md June 1'Jth, 1964;; be a.dopte
d :a: re�.d.
6/-6C- loves by Councillor Budai and Der�ut?r 111-air-airthatI
Van Hoof
�r Construction be -er_2itteu t0 Tf=th�r?.` his tender On CQntra.ct 6LIC on
condition t:71 _t the nVz_n HOOf Complan`J ° e 1 e e 7 i
?brc s to cQ� y� r_sat the TQ�:_'nsi!i7,
for e �enSe anC� i ricOnv eni ence in the amount Of 11500 -00- V
6L-6C-3 Hovel by De uty Reeve _iui r =.nc- Councillor Gibbs th .t node Of
the tenders subri teed for Contract 6!aiC, be a.cceoted.
6l-6C-fa iTOVed by Councillor Gi�?'Os EndDe-a tV R eve r`ldi i th-t the
TO rnshi-os COi siLlting hnSzi neer and Road Su�erinten�_ent be instructed to
prepare s-oecifications and advertise for Gend_erS for the construction
Of 1VTo concrete structi res, Contract 6L2C, at v,TeSt Solina_ a-nd. 'Tyrone 1,11i7_7
6!,,- C-5 Moved by Councillor Budai and Depll;ty Reeve 'Mir that the
Treasurer be authorized to acce-ot the sum of 9500-00 from Imperial Oil
Com-oany to defr,^y the costs involved in amendin." the Toz.,nshi_ol s Zoning
OrCLi ng t0 - ei r r eCuest, o�� t'2e understanding that, if
adC,i-tOnal costs are encountered, ti2e Co}s0any ''i11 agree t0 com-pensate
the TO-.nS did, and that the TQ,;rnship f';'i1l refund any uriuSec portion Of
the dei3osit.
61.-6C-6 Kovec by Deputy Reeve i"ui r a.nc_ Councillor Gibbs that the
Cnt�rio Dep^r trent Of Hi�-'C1ways be rer-uested t0, pa-�T Subsi d-r on a used
F. ., .D. Trucf_ purchased for �3, 600.00Pin 196 .
6/,-6C-7 _;over by Counci? ? ors Do, -n�_ Budai that the Clem and Road
Super intend_ent be authorized to ccnt-:;_ct Kr. C'_rla_,,or,d?n Of Ontario Rese.?rc`I
Ound tition. for conSultati0_^_ Qnter?_-T�1 de'DQsi ts .'1
6!;-6C- loved by Deputy Reeve ,Iuiryanc_ Councillor Gibbs that the Clerh
be ins trusted- to conte ct t'ne De-oS.r t"_ ent Of Tr?_nS_,JOrt for in2orma+-� On
r r?r inG soeeclints on TQ-�Tzsh_?yl roads.
61-6u-9 '.Hoveci by Councillors Badai and Do�,m than accounts Tor the
Ont l Of T`1aTT5l 1968., as listed herevTith, be paid:
S2lar4es 357 5A;
16 - 31 1,839 . 49
�,,Telfare 1, 651. 50
General �� 11,409. /;12
Roads 13, 5® /2
Roads pay -ist 1 - 15 1,794, .13
16 - 31 i5, 656.83
Special 11ccount 591.11
6L-6c-lo r=_oved by Councillors Doi,4n and Budai that it is not this
Co-ancill s ':)Qli c to pair Over ti rae 5x7a.ges, but t'1a.t Staff me_: