HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12-03-64 Hampton, December 3, 1964.
Darlington Township Council -met in the Municipal Building
on this date, all Members present, Reeve Blanchard -Qresiding.
Moved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that the minutes of the
meeting held November 19 , 1964, be adopted as read.
64-12-2 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that the
Clerk write to the Zion Co=, unity Centre Board advising them of the
suggestion made in a letter from Mrs. Chamber3j_n. and asking for
I'lloved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Uouncillor Gibbs that this
Township accepts from the Department of Highways , the service road south
OfHighway 4019 in L6ts 14 to 21 Broken Front Concession, as shown
on a plan received by the Township on October 7, 1964, acceptance to be
effective _April 1, 1965, and subject to the correction of a ditch and
fence problem in Lot 31, Broken Front. Con.
64-12-4 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that all correspondence
not otherwise dealt with be received and filed.
64-12-% Moved by Councillors Down. and Gibbs that Rule 33 be
suspended for the duration of this meeting.
64-12-6r7 8. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the conveyance
of a closed street allowance in the Haines plan in part" of Lot 7,
Con. 1, Darlington, was given its several readings , signed, sealed
and numbered 2286,
12-9 11'roved by- Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs ,
Road accounts for the month of November 1964, in the amount of
6;37,786.43 , as approved by the Roads Committee, be paid.
!,,loved by Deputy Reeve Yuir and Councillor Down that
George Totten beirnetained to advise Council as to the completion of
the Prestonvale Road Project.
64-12-11 Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that a proposal to
amend the Zoning By-law to re-zone the property of John U
Ferguson, Lo' 24,
Con. 4, Darlington, to C 2, be referred back to Planning Board for
further study.
Moved by Councillors Down and Gibbs that this meeting adjourn.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .