HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12-17-64 Hampton, December 17, 19/64. Darlington Township Council met in the 'Iviunicipal Building on this date, all Members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding. 0a,--12C-7 Roved by Co-ancillors Budai and Down that the Liinutes of the meetings held December 3 , and December 9 , be adopted as read. Hoved by Councillbrs Down and Budai that accounts for the as listed herewith be paid,month of November 1964, Salaries 1-15 -1 1 ,326.64 16-30 0 1 ,744.90 ,:Ielfare 11038-00 -7 General ' 2'?, — 63 Roads 339284.47 Roads Pay List 1-15 2 )111.23 16-30 2 390-68 TOTAL30009,%60 � I/ Idoved by Councillors Doi-Fn and Budai that By-law 2282, of the To?.,Tnshijo of Darlington,, re speed limits on the Township Roads , be referred to Road Co=ittee and Road Superintendent to arrange for proper signing of roads. Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the Clerk- � �� the Boy Scouts sellinge authorized to write 1,17r. Cooke 5 to approve of a-,oI apples and tags on Apple Day. 1111ay 8 , 1965, in 'the Toz,.rnshi-D of Darlington. 64-12C-5 1'.Toved by Councillors Budai and Down that correspondence not othe-T-vise dealt with be received and. filed. OL 13--6 -O 7 Reeve Muir that 1dr. I'loved by Councillor Do: and De- ut" Merrill Brom be authorized to co:.-olete the survey on t.I-.e Prestonvale existing locating and staking the eXistinlimits of the right­of-t,,,ay for the Prestonvale side road, and that all Dro-Derty owners be notified b letter to this effect, prior to commencement of survey. / 0-1,7 11 Moved by Deput-y Reeve Muir and Councillor Gib-s that the 0L--120-7 1� _L �J LI Road Su-f-Derintendent be authorized to invite -irices on, and acquire a tall--ate sander, subject to the approval of tine Dept. of Highways of Ontario. V 3 -12C-8 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of this meeti_ri5D'. On motions as filed, a By-la7.7 to amend By-law 2111, was given 10 11 its several readings , signed, sealed and nimbered 2287. Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that the Public School Board of Darlington To-iT_rish_! -Q be informed that the Council Chamber will be available for meetings of the Board, subject to arrangements as to date and time of meeting. hoved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this meeting adjourn. . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve C 1 e rk,.