HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 01-07-65 r i H=pton, January 7th, 1965. The 1965 Inaugural Meeting of Darlington Town.shir Council v-as held Jr the Municipal Building on this date, all members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding® Rev. Chas. Catto of Hampton opened the meeting with script}re reading, prayer, and a short address to Council. All members subscribed to the statutory Oath of Office, and Reeve Blanchard and other members spoke briefly on various aspects of Muni ciral interest® Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Buda= that the minutes of the meeting held December 17th, 1964, be adopted as read. 6 -1-2 Moved by Deuty Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that a copy of Darlington Township' s Brochure, when revi sed; be for7FTarded to the Clerk_ of the United Counties. 6 5-?-? Moved by Councillors Doan and Budai that the Student Council of Courtice High School be informed that the request will be referred to the 1965 road committee. 6 -1- Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that annum membership fee of $1 be paid to the Association of Rural Municipalities, and that the Reeve or his aMpointee be authorized to attend. Moved by Deruty Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the Reeve be authorized to arpoint standing committees of Council for 1965. FINANCE - Councillor Dow , Chairman, Councillor Budai and Reeve Blanchard. ROADS - Deputy Reeve Muir, Chairman, Councillor Gibbs and Reeve Blanchard. BY-LAWS & - LEGISLATION - Councillor Budai, Chairman, Deputy Reeve Muir, and Reeve Blanchard. PUBLIC PROPERTY AGRICULTURE - Councillor Gibbs, Chairman, Councillor Down, and Reeve Blanchard. 65-1-6 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that H. A. Barron be appointed as this To-vrnship' s member on the BotN=nville Hospital Board. 65-1-7 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that Councillor Dozrgn and D. G. Kemp be a-opointed as this Tozrmship' s representatives on the Lake Ontario Developement Association. 65 1-8 Moved by Councillors Doti.?n and Budai that Councillor Gibbs be appointed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for 1965. 65-1-03 Moved by Der_ uty Reeve Muir and Councillor DoT . that Mrs. M. Budai be aro-oointed as this Townshi-o' s second member on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, and that the Clerk_ be instructed to inform the authority that the population of this Township now exceeds 10,000 persons. 6 5-1®10 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that accciR.nts for the month of December, 19641, as listed herewith, be paid: Salaries 1 - 15 1,? 1.90 16 - 37 i 11698-77 Welfare 118.30.49 Genera? 5,637-47 Roads `% 8091. ' Roads pay list 1 15 1 •7� 16 - 31 Winter Works 1 - 15 5 16 - 360. 50 22,079. E 6 5®1_-11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that, in considering prices submitted for the supply of a tail-gate sander, the low price be not accepted, as the product is unsuitable for the To,, ship' s purpose, and that the next lowest price of $535.87, submitted by Stanley or Campbellfcrd, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. 65-1-12 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that, in negotiating for lands still to be acquired for Developement Road #706 an offer is to be submitted to each o�vmer who has not signed an offer, to the effect that the payment offered is in payment for land taken only, and that the signing of such an offer does not pr.sjudice the owners right to claim damages after the project is completed. PAGE NO by Co-mc i-lior Gibbs and Deputy Peeve Muir that a fcrT, doci-mert be pre-oared for submission to all owners of private entrances on Developernent Road 706, giving the To ,mshi--c the permission to enter on private lands for the -ourpose of constructing driveways according to the that th standards for private entrances in use by D.H.O. , and statim I a. -e signing of such a docu-ment- does not affect the c-vners right to claim damao'es� J--f any damage should occur. c, 0 - - Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that this Council Pell-ition the Ontario Department of high-grays for payment of the balance of 1964 subsidy. 6,- 1-15 Moved by Councillors Do-,,,,P- and Gibbs that this meeting adjourn until Monday, January 11th, 10/65 at 1:30 -p.m. /� - � �- Reeve Clerk Hampton, January 11th, 1965. DarlingtonTownship Council met in the Mu-nici-call Buildinr-, on this da to, pursuant to the adlournment of January 7th, i965, all members roresent, Reeve Blanchard presiding. , Mr. Somerville and Mr. McKenzie, of St. Mary' s Cement Co. , discussed with Council, terms of aagreement to be pre-pared and executed prior to re-zoning for the Company' s Purposes. 6 7 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir +I-P t tl,, To7,Tnsh,--p Off-ices be closed Wednesda- of January 12th, 196 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and D--ut Reeve Muir that rule 33 be suspended -for the duration of this meeting. On motions as filed a By-law to authorize the borrowin-a* of S400,000.00 from. the Bank of led, to meet current expenses in 1965, was given its several readings and signed, sealed and numbered 2288. On motions as filed, a By-law to authorize a centennial Project for the To-vmshi-p was given its several readings, signed, sealed, and numbered 2289. Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this meeting adjourn to the call of the Chair. Reeve Clerk