HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 01-25-65 J a ar77 25, 1965. the e 1',Tj I n,j I -i- on ___ C 4 Da-li ro-ton To,,v-nshi-,o Council me-c- in -pa- 3_uildii th s 6a fnll 1'e-mbers -present, -ee-vTe Kanc-)=d -presiding, 1r1oved by DeDuty Reeve and Cou-ncillo-t, 3udai that the minutes of the heiC, janualrY 7, and Januar? 111, be amended b7r adding :j.Laird Ftmer,:31' _-_ _P_d aro-oted as amended . 11-Tovell by Councii1ors Do-,,,,-,n an(f Budai that 1,1r. Ker rIs .p r c-posal for im�D-_rovernent of the road bet-vTe-en Lots 27 and 28 in "oncession 5. be referred to tyle 1,oa,.) 'o-m-ri-ittee for rer--rt. 5 1loved b-,7 Coancillors 3ud2-.i and DoiTn that 2.- _,,ieeting be arranger CD h--n. . e, t",n e Road Superintendent and Road ommitl-ee . to reach an -,* WOk 2=ee_r.(ient re the widenim" of lair. 01--els road. Y.oved bv, Counqiliors Down and 3udai that Weslev Dm-m, Land Z.,D-o-raiser of Hilton. Ontla2io be engaged to a-upraise possible da-mages from rebuilding Deve1o,,,D,-neni-, Road 706 es-oeciall y as regar,,�s private driveways and t-o co_,,­_-,-)ile such ­)relimina r-,7 in-for-,mation as he deems advisable. X_ 1,01oved. by Councillors Budai and Do?,Tn that -",he Road --n-t ent-i ent and the De7ou' Reeve or his An-ointee be authorized to attend the convention of the Ontario Good Roads .2ssociatioil, Feb ruary 22 5 2 j -_?c 24 a t Toronto. ai y Reeve or his "'loved by Councillors ,Do,%,Tn iid Gibbs that U Dep-atI e 'onferenc- on Regional DeveloDr-lent o i--ri t e e !-�e -authorized to attend t' h 4To on'oe­r115-17� 1965 , F ­�,,ary oved bi 'vdunci-1 or Budai and Delo-UJ4­7 Reeve 'Muir that an advertisement- be placed in the rid Issue of the Financial Post. , or 19650 !Hoved ',-Ivl Councillor 3ndai an,-'). Deputy __ eeve !Iuir that the To-vmslni -o Solicitoli, be and is hereby instructed to prepare, V.,2-th S o 1 i tol C.1- -s for St s C eiment Co? Dany an agreement to be executed prio_ to the pro-ose,d re-zoni-ag- of the Jo_-_,,-oa_,-1y Is proper-t.-y according to terms agreed upon between the Tm-,rnship and 01--L'�icers of the Co,_pang. !,loved by Councillors DoiT-,-1 and Dadai that the Reeve and Cler'k- -,e and are laerebv authorized to e-,,,---cute P -release from an Agreement with E-Imerand Pollard as it affects Lot 1. Plan 675, 'ouncillor Gibbs and D Moved by Councillor eputy Reeve -ir that correspond- I - ence not o tkie r.-T 1-i. se dealt -,,T i t'-n- Ge received a�n n-,- filed. v - nd Gibbs Lha --his rie 'J_ - adjourn e ri g Ho ed by Cciincillors Do,:,m a- U___ U to T-Uesday, January 26, 1905. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Reeve A Crkm