HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 02-04-65 Ham-oton, Feb-ru2L-(,7
Darlington Township Council miet. in the Hlunicip.al Bul-Lid?ng
on this date, Deput-v --Peeve 1-iuir -residing in the ali-se-i-a.ce of Heeve
3 1, a n c h a-r d zlO a s absent o n County business , other 1,1--mbers all -)resent.
lo-�,7ed by Ccunci 7 lors Bud.ai and Down that 'he minutes of the
,., U I
'i '�,,eid J�1,nuary 2'--'(i 26'h --e adoD--ed as 2ead.
meet L
�'55-2-2 1-doved. '-, Councillors Down d Gibbs that, thehe
-L -
before Counci.! b7y H'irs® Birk; be -referred to Building Inspector and
that Birk be izifore2ed of his recommendation.
1,-,',oved by Co-=c4 llors Down and 3udai t h a t, the request of
,,ir. F. S----ith to re-condition the 9t7 Concession Woad into I'Iossoort
be referred. to Road Su-ot. and Road CoL,,raittee for consideration®
1oveGibus that the recoriziendation
1, d by Councillors Budaf and G L)
of 'he LrWziole Council, sated Jai-iva-P-7 26, 1965, be adoted by the council.
i,, dyed by Coancillors Gibbs and Down-.
ori _K ' S the El-irhar-1 County DiStrictHigh School Board intends
to construct a vocational audit-ion to the Coattice High School; and
�, furnish - - U and the estimated cos7ls t-3 the
1.-) furnish ana equip the same ,
said 3oa-rd_ in all is in t1ae sum of 39 8 00.
A-i,]-D iviesREASthe -41-irhani County District High School Board has
a-Q-oliellj- to the '-M-lunici-,oal Councils having jurisdiction ii-i the said
district for the issue of debentures in the mount esti-nated to be
71000. 00> (to provide for the tDaajor portion of the cost of sons tructi on
Said I,-- I _ -voc�2tional addition to the 'ourtice dig Schoo�
Of P --r-,e - - -I.L- L and
the furnis-'nlinz- and ec,UiDping thereof , the interest thereon and, the
expenses connected there ith®
BE IT -11�,SOLVE]Dthat -�'�.ae Coj-ncil of t1ie Clorro-ratio-,-i of
Township of Darlington beina n--j--riici-oality included in the said District,
hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume its proper
proportion of the amounts required to Day the said debentures , the
interest- --hereon and the expenses connected 'herew4th, as prescribed
by TI-le Secondary Schools and Boards of Education "'acts.
BE !-J--' FLT FLT--'4-E-,-)L R-ISOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
Township of Da--(,lin;,,toil hereby requests the Council of the Cor-poration
of the United Counties of 1'Sort1iilmberlanC7, and Durham to raise the sL,=
esti-,iated to be '4-P'365,000.00 r.-,--),u-lred for the ;purposes aforesaid by the
issue of debentures of the Cor7corat-ion of the United Counties of
N--rt-'n�ulmberlan,dL and Durham.
4ND the Council of the Corpora tion of the Township of
D -Lngton hereby recognizes that -L,.'-ie said, Board tiaill be required to
raise out of current funds in accordance wit.'Li Section 3 of the Secondary
Schools and Boards of education Act and amount eQuivale--at to the difference
between t_`-_-e amount to be raL§ed - -IT debentures as aforesaid and the
estimated cost to the said Board of '-9L.00
55-2-6 ..I�-Toved by;CouncillorsDown and Gibbs that Deputj, --Reeve 1"iluir
and Chairman of the Darlington Planning Board or his a-ppointee ., be
a,-)Dointed to the Re�ional Plarziin� Association for t-1-11e year 1965,
-7 by Councillors Gibbs and Down that conies of By-laws
'orwa-r�ded �-Tit'llout
as requested by County Clerk be f charge.
2-on Hoved by Councillors Budai and Down that a copy of the
OfficialPlan & Zonl n7 B-7-law of the Township of Darlington, be
forwarded. -free of charge, to the DeDart-ment, of hoved bV Horticult-ure..-
Councillors Gib-"'U-s and Down that. a grant of
f l5C000
�e forWa-(-ded to 'he S;:;lvatbiun for -lie year 190'�').
10,Jbbs that Rule 33 be.
Idloved by Councillors Budai d L 1�
suspended for the duration of this �,=eting.
a--id 12 On motions as fi -I eda By-laz�,T to authorize the a-o-cointmient
of a Building Inspector, By-la�,,T Enforcement Officer ai--Ld School attendance
Officer Tv-as .signed. sealed and numbered 2290®
Loved by Councillors Gibbs and Do�,,Tn that Road Accoun's for the
�oad 'o.mmittee, be -,;a4d.
roved by
:month of January 1965, as 1�._ the
Koved by Councillors Down and Budai that .11r. Lloyd Ayre
be appointed to Darlington Planning Board for a three year term to
empire Jan® 1 , 1968, and that --kirs. Budai and _'Nar. Muir be appointed
to that
Board for the year 1965.
65---75 Eoved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that Co_12_L-,
_u,__Jty Centre
Boards for 1965 be appointed as follows :
D_,=_'LLINTGTON Yellowj_ees T.1Z_.C_'riant Orville _IshtonOrme Hobertson,
Gordon Beech, Carl Down, -i Blanchard.
S�5 LI N --- P. Ivestlake , L. S-Qires , L Broome,B. T'a-vlor, E. Vice,
Budai H. 1,11air.
T--'Tj.LOM--- D. Phasey , R. Burgess , Vivian, P4% Taylor, N. Newton,
R. Gibbs Down.
ZION, --- N. Nemisz, R. Stainton, F. Pascoe, L. Halliday, H. Scott.
H. Huir, A.L.Elanchard.
Yloved by Councillors Budai and Down that the 1965 salary �of
Charles L. -:barren be set at 64500.00 per a-i-L.-L-ium , and that he be paid
a car allooTance of ��500.00 per annum.
Idoved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this Council
rec,uest the Pu b I i c School Board of tlie Townsl-! -o School-_.Lrea -of Darlington,
to appoint a School _attendance Officer;
pursuant to the Schools
.,.drfinistrati,on- Act.
Loved by Councillors Down end Budai that the Peeve and Clerk
be. and are hereby authorized to retain legal and other -professional
advice , and to take such legal action as may be necessary to acquire
lands on t-he Base Line Development Road as are needed for Develoi3_ment
Road X71
oJect 70/0.
1,11oved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that the 'Reeve and Clerk
Toe aut_,iorl zed to execute a release fror,I t'-ie terr-as of an agreement with
in Plan 675) ,
,lmer and -�-Ia-r\7 affects 11 LI CY, i e n, a
-1 Pollard as 1 - q"ec's Lots 2 ,3,L, 3 55
letter of approval f roil the I,Iedical Officer of Health is presented.
65,2-20 Iioved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this meeting adjourn.
OA14 X-11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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