HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 02-18-65 Hemipton, Februar-,,- 18th, 1965.
Darlington Township Council met in the MlmiciDal Building,
on this day, Deputy Reeve Muir -oresidin=, as Reeve Blanchard -Tas absent
on County business other members all -Q-resent.
6 28®l '\/-,-o-\Ted b-,,- Counci 11 ors Gibbs and Budai that the minutes of the
4-th" _i965. "Coi_mmitltee'' added. 'be
_ O ,a 4 ;-:-,t a re-cc-t ot' the
10'7eo_ V Co�_lncillo_-s Gibbs and Bud t-
Com li t e of t11-_ '.JI ole Counci- I dated lOthq 1045 e .,ed.
Moved. b-v Coun :,D-4110-s o-,.,Tii aBufaut
nd, ef t's�t cconts for h
�DS li7-1e(fl. 1_�e-e7,j4.
Tnont?-, o-F' --th be
Bala-- e s I
_,Al elf
R o d s 7 4 r-1 0 z�
Roads -p a 1 s 71-s 1 1 1 2)0,6 x'74
L 8m28
1,,linter 1,1Torks i 50
lb 3l
0 21+6.Li,-
illors -at corres-pondence not
1,1-ioved by Clo=_c _� and Gibbs t-'-
0 s e dea-, be received and filed.
_TJ o,7
-ed bv "o-incillc-s Do= and Gibbs that Mennbe-shi-0 Fee in 'I-,
am int of �2i_.00 be fo_f7,,.Tarded to the Ontario School Trustees' and
1`1be4�2.te-ca, e-?-s' _�',ssoc_' ation for the year and th a. rs. 3uda-
C oun- -ate 'o s=e.
1 Is de� e<
Co-mcillors D07 -at a Petition - re
loved 1)7T n and Bjufta- t'
Pres".on Road South ditch a,d. c-177er t, be r'ef'erred to Roads Committee,
Road Superintendent and Cons-L71tin.c, Engineer.
Council ad4ourned and re-ccn-37ened 'Pee-ve Blanchard �-eS4d-M-.
65-23-7 'Moved by Councillors Down and Buda i that the Clefk be
inst=cted to =_e-ca-e a By-la7,T -for the ex-ncroDriat�_on of land in Lots 16
aind 17, Broken Front Concession and Concession .', T-mm-shi-o of Darlin.7 r
-fc-_ t'' .e -ouroose of -- cad and to have not-_4ce o" same tib? i cher?
four -Or
; - _SeC,_1-4 s
in the Statesm-an and Osh_�-7,7a. Timles , ,-.ve a.-,- to
have s4-x (6) notices -oosted in the nearest C4-Mity of -croiect,
Mlo�,,-ed by Councillor Budaii and De-Quty Reeve Muir that Rale q� be
s la s 7 e n d e d the ducatonof this meeting.
11 On mot-ions as filed a By-latter to authorize the -oavmtent of an
-an -censes . for Mei�bers ofCouncil
annual allo�,ance, and an allm� ce for ex
and to repeal Bu-laze 21Q9, was given its several readings and signed,
gn d
sealed and num-bered. 2291.
6 E _ T1,11oved byDe Reeve M-a-Tr and Coj_nc4 that f or Gibbs ' Cl?!
Z_ - _J___
a he
Pet-'--,ick be a-,,-j-Qointed �\Trble Fly Ins-ec tr-27 for thi s To�, iri for t
year 19"
6E, TvToved b7T De-cut�T Reeve ",rliuir an--' rcm,,_ncillor Budai that the
_11 ---ricultural Committee be authorized to -m)rcha,se Warble Fly Powderand,
also to look into the condition of the sprayerandre-port to Council.
TIo , Reeve -1,,uir eLrd 1�o-ilncillo-r, Budai that this
-\/ ,, ed bv De-
Council approve the minutes of a s-cecial meeting of the Osh'�',Je, Re Tonal
Planning Association he!c", February 2nd 1965 and agree in principle to
the formation of a Regional Planning Board.
Mo-ved by Depiat7r Ree-ve Muir and Col—iricillor Buda-i thFt-
Co=ittee look -af tiler secu-- -fnc' 'Can-pd--an Fla�s foo the Mlm,-Lci-oall Eui16-*Ln7.
E'.-IC -Tvloved by Councillors Gib'[---,s and Dcl,Tn th-at. th-! Q meet4no-
..ee Deputy aierl,-