HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 03-04-65 O j,7 1�, 9
Darl in2t.on_ TOWnshio Iouncil iyet I n th e 1,171j_n� c f nal 3ui t9 f n v
- fl - ID
'Reeve 31�-mchard ,,�)_r-esidino� other i�ie_mbers a!-, -,oresent.
t i s 6,a-,,)7,
cve,5 'f�:_,TConillo-s :D0manBudat- , h _ esc7i __ T-_
be a-lo-oted as rep-d.
the m e e n g of Feoru=7 7
0 'ed '9i 7 Hee- !:md 'i `s that
7,7 t U J
_goad �.ccou2,,_)ts fOr tie -ont-h of _7ebrua2y , 1965r as Tj-y t-ne
-R-ad t---e be -oai d.
,,Tov ed b-t7 Councillors 3uthati and Down that t*,,- -,:)et-7tio_r,1 of
_4n�D7 an w;w� denir)c, "on-ession
R--�e,�D-.77ers re,, est=7 the re-builal
Lots l be referred -11-0 Su-oeri_r).te- -_,,iden41- a--).d CoEimittee.
I,-c-,,7ed 1-)-, Deruty Heeve 1,1uir and C.,'ounci_110-C, C,_1 b b s hat
-estJ gate t-'qe reo-ests of oad S,J--)e-_,,_inten,_')ent ;Dnd _J i.1--v
ra t e-�Dve:c s -1,e-�,.,T_1 d e n i n g a -i d e s t.a b 11 r o a d ii In- L c,t s 7 a nc'
Voncessil o-,,is 4 and 5 � and Lots 27 a,_qd 28 in Concession 51, and advise
,o=4 of T.n r I s recd-mr.2endation.
-Dved byudai that - e -1 9 64 _iudl t
Councillors Down and 3
o 1,t Ven--/I, by 1._T
Re-0 r. B.. Teal ofldfontei3.
-h 1 ehl and ',:)e adopted
as read.
1,17oved. by Deputy Fleeve Muir and Richard Gihbs that the
11inistle-r, of 1:,micipal _ (fairs be reQuested to define a Planning Area
co:�loosed of the City of Os'Ln 7.�Ta , the To. n of
a the Town of .,Jhitby � �j I
Bo7.,p-,ianville, tie Ta�,Tnsni-,,o of -Jhi-11-by , the Townsni-o of East- __h_itby and- tne
shi-) of Darii -ncC; a-i
ton , and to nme the City ohF,
, "s7,�Ta as the
, -
des! v=aced 11,_T-anici-oality.
I t is further requested of the 1',inister of 11.1.unicii:)al _ffairs
that t se -crovisions of Section 5 of the -Pllaianlng _Llct be used- T,,7 i deli
rega2d 10 Lie a-c-,-)ointnezit of members to the Joint Plann--"n,:,;- 3oard Of the
2Lf*.-_-es-.±,c1 Plan�-,!n7� - -rea ,-� s fol, I ow s
The "J '77 of Oshawa— two elected re-ioresentatives and two
non-el ected re- U_i
_present-itves . as w-11 as the ex-officio -ember.
One elected represen-'oatlive a-riQ' one non-elected re-oresentt?tive
-Ij V-1-tby n n of Bowmanville., ow-ashi -,o of
o�- ""ne TD--7 time c7-T the T
Whitb. ,1,)_e T, nSTiiC li7 of East l t by and the 2�Dwns_',-Ii-o of
It is furter recoF,_--,ended that t-1-le -P_, a �.zlinc, ' rea he nailed
the ventral Ontario Joint Planning area.
.L'nd-1 it is further requested that ?.,7,)erever desired the -_e Iiber
-,Viii c?-,Da=
,,urL_ic_i -,Da_7 i ties will cont-inue to r.`2_intain their Plan-li-inc, 3-cards as
sulosidia-r-7 Pla--,inin-- 3oa--rds T,1,1t_'11n the -oro-,)osed Joint Plannin,o, ;--l'ea.
U-oon the I�'i_!_rListerls aolDroval of tie aforesaid
Plani 000.00 for
budce� for the Jo2_nt
-o-oortionir�� of the cost havin,, re<-a�
-ear based on an a -d to
-\,7 ZD -
'Llhe 19/L Intion of -h- res-Qective 1`'"=4 -ipalities. This t' erefone
�.,Tj 1 represent a per capita cost of 3147 0 'or each _riemiber 1nlcipa7ity.
L -1-1 1 1- ;
t ?Lee-\Te jju4 -r. that
oved by Councillor Budai and : ,Dep -uU,,
re- -r -i, - - pactor re 1\:1,)nj_ci-pal Offices , be
ort of C.L.Warren, Bi-ilding Ins-
turned over to the Property Commtittee , 7,,Tit_'1 -cower to act.
that Orval Grills be
T-lioved 7rCo, ncillors G7bbs and Doti,,
and is hereby appointed Weed inspector for the Toi-,Tns_',)_ir; of Darlin�_�,ton,,
for the ;Tear
2 -
SoveJ 'z Sounc422ors 22/22 266 Do: i t 2ey3 Reeve
\.C,y3i2 ?e s/\o±2teJ \e22ese3tative from the o2 Ds2±i27to2
the e-D<e221o2 o2 tie 2ssociatio2 02 02%62±0 hayors J2J yee2es.
Iove2 by So:2c2±±o2: 2 226 Je/at/ Reeve X2±2 thatthatI s
Seeti2/ C6jo222,
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2E+2 C23-<.