HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 03-11-65 1,,IRCH 111 1965. The Council of the To-wnsn' ip of Darli --ril-ton met, in Com.-ittee of the >rlhole on this date Reeve Blanchard, -res i ding y other 'He-mbers of Council all -oresent-, -id 1)eputy Reeve 1,IuJr that the 1,1oved by Cou-,-,cillol, 3uda-i a.L - I i-L 196r--, bud�'et aS -o-resented by the Treasurer. to this m�-eting. , '-,a ado-,,-)'ed. I - , L) adopted; I and that P- BV-Ia-,,i be ore-cared for C'o )-ncills ne--'t. -,rleetin;D- to ado-ot the �D _rtes and esti iaates the-(-ein. loved by Councillors Gibbs and Budai that the second- (-',ouncil -,--.-,ee'uing for the r�,-,o-rtt-h of 1,11-arch l,'-6 be he!,' on 1,1.arch at 1.30 P.1--le 1.7oved by De-puty Reeve fuir and Councillor Gibbs that the report of the HoacI 'onri�ittee presented to this -�eeting .by the Road 1 11 SuDelriln-'C,endent be adootecl, rid that t By-laws t-c o v i d e f0- the e i h set out in - e report be pre-)a-Ped for C o-aia c i 11 s n el t z--I e e t i cz hovel by Councillor Bud-ai and Deputy Reeve 1,11ailr that the Road Superintendent be aut-'riorized t--- prepare snecifications and tender for-ms i.,-,here necessarv -, and to call for tenders or any J ter-nas j , rovided for in -hs 196' road es-'Ui-,-,iates. De -u-�-OT e-Reve a-id Counci 11 or Gibbs that the 1,,-To�,,7ed by E I-I 4 Road 3u-oeri-;--,-"-Iend.ent be aut-',--10-r,-iZed to h-Lre -11-rac tors for road draggin-C at hour. I IT I.Loved by Depiat-y Reeve and councillor Doi,,m that this re-oort be reco-m---iended. to Coun--i-I for adoption and that this wee ting, ad j oto rn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o .eeve C 1 r-1: