HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes- 06-03-65 HAMPTON, June 3, 1965.
Darlington Township Council met in the Municipal Building
on this date, all Members present, Reeve Blanchard presiding.
65-6-1 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that the minutes of the
meetings of May 20 and May 27, 1965, be adopted as read.
b5-6-2 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that the
Insurance Report as presented to this meeting, and attached to these
minutes is hereby adopted, and that the Township' s Insurance Coverage be
continued on this basis, with the exception that coverage under the
non-o-vined automobile be increased to a limit of $;000,000.00 and that
that coverage on Automobile fleet be increased to '017000,000.00.
65-5-3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
Road Accounts in the amount of $10,363.44, as approved by the Roads
Committee, be paid.
65-6-4 11oved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that
Resolution 7# 65-5C-9, passed on May 27, 1965, be, and is hereby rescinded
65-6-5 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that approval is
hereby given to the proposal of the Public School Board of Darlington
Township for the raising of an amount of money, estimated to be not in
excess of $450,000.00, repayable over a term of twenty years , for the
purpose of building and equipping a 16 room school in Lot 19:1 Concession 5,
and that the Clerk is instructed to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board
for approval of the proposal.
65-6-6 Moved by Councillors Budai and Gibbs that C. Warren, Bldg.
Inspector, be authorized to attend a Trench Excavators Seminar in
Cobourg on June 11, 1965•
65-6-7 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that the Clerk be
instructed to reply to a letter from Messrs McGregor, McKnight and Graham,
to the effect that since this is a purely local problem, it is suggested
that the owners might lay charges under By-law 2111, to relieve the
65-6-8 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
Road Superintendent be instructed to undertake construction in various
locations as required, instead of laying permanent pavement in 1965.
65-6-9 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Budai that the
Road Supt. be authorized to purchase an electric welder.
65-6-10 Moved by Councillor Gibbs and Deputy Reeve Muir that T.C.
Glaspell be requested to assent to the dedication of lands from his
property in Lot 19 , Con. 5, as shown on an alignment plan prepared by
the Township.
\ 65-6-11 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
Road Superintendent be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of lands
required for the widening of forced road through lots 17 and 18,
Concession 4.
65-6-12 Moved by Councillors Doi-in and Budai that Mills and Mills be
informed that Council will co-operate in closing the road in Lots 23 %c 247
Broken Front Concession, if necessary by-laws etc. , are furnished.
Page 2.
June 3, 1965.
65-6-13 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
submission prepared by Totten, Sims & Associates for improvement to the
crossing of the C.P.R. and the road between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 1 ,
be accepted by this Council, on condition that the work is to be
undertaken in 1966, and that the Reeve, Road Supt. and Clerk, be authorized
to sign the plan on behalf of the Township.
65-6-14 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that a letter be sent
to Imperial Tobacco Company protesting the action of persons who erected
a sign in the Township in contravention of the By-laws of the Township
and the direction of Council.
65-6-15 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that
Councillor Down be appointed to attend the O.M.A. Convention in Toronto
in August,1965. 1
65-6-16 Moved by Councillors Down and Budai that this Council assents
to the passing of By-law 1484 of the Township of Clarke.
65-6-17 Moved by Councillor Budai and Deputy Reeve Muir that
Councillor Gibbs make arrangements for regular care of the Township 's
Tyrone dump.
65-6-13 Moved by Councillors Budai and Down that the attached
report from the Advisory Committee on St. Mary' s Cement Company
application, be adopted as presented.
65-6-19 Moved by Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs that the
Clerk be authorized to purchase a desk and typewriter for the
Committee of Adjustment.
65-0-20 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that the second monthly
meeting of Council in June, July, August & September, 1965, be held
at 7.30 P.M. on a day to be set by the Reeve.
65-6-21 Moved by Councillors Gibbs and Down that this meeting adjourn.
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