HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-26-00 / y . - "- REPORT 1/3 , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Date MAY 29, 2000 Res. t{' 7';J.1:2 -ex:> Report No.: WD-26-00 By-Law # Subject: REQUEST FROM COURTICE PARKS BASEBALL AND SOFrBALL ASSOCIATION TO CONSTRUCT A BATTING CAGE FACILITY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. TIIAT Report WD-26-00 be received; and 2. THAT the original request dated September 15,1999 from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association to locate a batting cage facility in Highland Park be denied; 3. THAT the revised request dated April 19, 2000 from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association to lo.cate a batting cage facility in Penfound Park be approved; 4. THAT Municipal staffbe authorized to liaise with the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association with their preparation of a concept plan and detailed design for a batting cage facility; 5 . THAT costs associated with the desigu and construction of the batting cage structure be shared between the Municipality and Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association, on a 50/50 basis, to a maximum contribution by the Municipality of$lO,OOO; , , REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 PAGE 2 6. THAT the Municipality's share of the batting cage construction be funded from the Public Works and Parks Development Charge Reserve Fund Account No. 1110-00090-0000; 7. THAT all costs associated with the constrnction of the storage building and auxiliary equipment be borne 100% by the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association; 8. THAT Municipal staff be authorized to assist the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association with the tender process; and 9. THAT the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map (penfound Park) No.2: Correspondence received by the Public Works Department from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association dated September 15, 1999 No.3: Correspondence received by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association dated September 15, 1999 No.4: Correspondence received by the Public Works Department from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association dated April 19, 2000 No.5: Correspondence received by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington from the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association dated April 27, 2000 , REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 PAGE 3 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On September 27,1999, at a regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, Council passed the following Resolution #C-594-99: "THAT Correspondence Item D-15 be referred to the Director of Public Works and to the Treasurer." The Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association has subsequently submitted a revised request. The Association also made separate requests to Council for a Municipal Grant. (refer to Attachments No.3 and No.5). 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association has previously requested permission from the Public Works Department to install a batting cage facility in Highland Park (refer to Attachments No.2 and No.3). Highland Park is located at the intersection of George Reynolds Drive and Devondale Street in Courtice and contains a ball diamond and a soccer field. Public Works staff advised the Association that they felt this was an unsuitable location. 3.2 After discussions with Public Works Staff, the Association has now requested that the batting cage facility be located in Penfound Park. The proposed facility will consist ofa chain link fence strncture measuring approximately 21.0 metres long by 4.4 metres wide by 4 metres high. Further, the Association is requesting approval for an attached equipment storage building measuring approximately 6.1 metres long by 4.4 metres wide (20' x 14'). Penfound Park is located on Hemmingway Drive adjacent to Mother Theresa Elementary School. The attached equipment storage building, measuring approximately 6.1 metres long, would be in addition to the 21 metre long batting cage. REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 PAGE 4 3.3 The specific location for the batting cage is situated adjacent to the right field boundary fence (refer to Attachment No.1). This area of the park will provide adequate space for the proposed batting facility without impacting on adjacent amenities located in the park. The Association has indicated that an electrical power supply will be required for the automated equipment contained within the facility. Staff also support the constrnction of the requested storage building that will provide storage for all of the equipment owned by the Association. 3.4 The Association has allocated $25,000 toward the cost of the proposed facility. They have also requested that the Municipality provide assistance with the tender process for the project. Staff recognize that the siting of a batting cage facility for the Courtice area would have been incorporated into the design of the next municipal park in the Courtice area. This new constrnction would have been funded through development charges. Although constrnction of a batting cage facility in Penfound Park is occurring earlier in the process as well as in an existing park, it eliminates the need to construct a facility in the next new park. The proposed batting facility will serve all of Courtice through participation in the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association. For this reason, Staff is recommending the utilization of development charge funding in order to cost-share with the Association, on a 50/50 basis. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Based on our review, Staff has concluded that Penfound Park is the most suitable location for a batting cage facility to be used by the Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association. It is recommended that the costs associated with the desigu and installation of the batting cage facility, including grading, landscaping and provision for an electric power supply, be cost-shared on a 50/50 basis between the Municipality and the Association. Municipal staff will assist the Association through the municipal tender process. The additional request by the Association . '. REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 PAGES for an equipment storage building that will provide storage for all the equipment owned by the Association is supported by Staff. Staff recommends that the funding for this storage facility, as well as all ancillary equipment (ie. pitching machine), be borne 100% by the Association. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~L7~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works 00Mf2~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer BMlSAV/ce pc: Courtice Parks Baseball and Softball Association 27-1300 King Street East Oshawa, ON LlH 8J4 HEMMINGWA Y DRIVE PARK * *** , , SUBJECT /~ It SITE ( J/~Tl,E II I . · II II ~i~ 'I 1\ 5 / III I E I / I I II ~ J I. I.~ 7/ ,[ l~ " :/ I'~ ~\ '" 'I ~ L Glenabbey~ I I; v II --" ~ KEY MAP I i /f / II / / / / . OPOSED LO TION il OFBA G CAGE EXISTING SOFTBALL DIAMOND * I\I_.I\I\'/\'t\l\"'\',,;,' * * *'x' * * G) * * - Pari< trees JI{ Rr,+-~ S DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: FEB. 2000 REPORT WD-26-00 I! ATTACHMENT NO.1 [IDOO&~tr Coortice Parks Baseball & Softball A.....-;.tlAa 27 - 1300 King Sl East Osbawa, Ontario, L1H 8J4 (905) 436-1313 September 15, 1999 Mr. Brent Mavin, Public Works, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 The Executive of Courtice Parks Baseball & Softball Association would like to present a proposal for the following: Construction of a Batting Cage with a chain link enclosure encompassing the whole cage area (approximate overall size: 30' x 120') with electrical hook-up and fine gravel base similar to design as Whitby (Iroquois Park). An additional preference would also be a cinder block storage unit (15' x 20') construction similar to that of a commercial storage facility attached to the cage area. Our Association has allocated $25,000 for the above unit, however should costs be beyond that amount, we would have to apply for funds from an additional source. We would grant the Municipality the right to tender this project, along with our own private estimates, however CPBSA would have the ultimate decision on awarding the contract. Preferable location could be at the Highland Gardens Park (George Reynolds Drive) with the actual placement of the unit between George Reynolds Dr. and the West side of the players bench. Secondary location would be Penfound Park (Glenabbey Drive) and unit placement to the North of the outfield fence. Your consideration to the above proposal would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Dale Spicer, President - C.P.B.SA l&~ j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 [IDOO&rFlT Counice ParkJ Baseball & Softball ................ :~ - [300 King St East Oshawa. Ontano. LlH 814 ,905)~36-1313 _i__,1 .--.."-...-------...-"'..,---". .:......---.----.---.-.----...- ...--......... .'."....,.. """"-""---,-,-,--,'-,---,---,----' ...-..-.--.-..-..-.......-.....-.-....-...-...-....-..., ..... ..... .....__..,_,-.,_..:.:.:..:.:.:'c.::....-..,-...,-,. .. ... ... .... .....'_'_..._._._u.,-.-.._-.-.-.-...-..,_._._..-_._._.,'_'," .."-,.._,--,,,.'...,,,.. . ................. .--..... "...-.. September 15, 1999 cc: B. Mavin The Council, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, BowmanviHe, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 The Executive of Courtice Parks Baseball & Softball Association have presented a proposal to Mr. Brent Mavin (Public Works) for the following: Construction of a Batting Cage with a chain link enclosure encompassing the whole cage area (approximate overall size: 30' x 120') with electrical hook-up and fine gravel base similar to design as Whitby (Iroquois Park). An additional preference would also be a cinder block storage unit (15' x 20') construction similar to that of a commercial storage facility attached to the cage area. Our Association has allocated $25,000 for the above unit. We the Association would require additional funds to complete the project in order to make it fully operational with a storage unit, batting machine, netting, and special balls. Therefore please accept this as a formal request for funding from the Municipality. Your consideration to the above would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ~""'" P'.,idem - CP.a.SA ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 . . . CeoIrtice PullllI"l ~. A s.m..I ,UI . .... 27-1300 KiDg St E.- Oobawa, Ontario LlH 8J4 (905) 436-1313 Courtice Parks BaseOOll & Soflball Association April 19, 2000 e~ Mr. Stephen Vokes Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 T eul.,erance Street Bowmanville. Ontario LIC !.~l1ENTln'j AM M~_:~]I(Jr':\LITY \If ~:':~tl\:;::r, \ .,' ':'le (,. f ~l i . '0ii:~f~~.~:-~~ -.'l 1'0',""" .., . ~.~_____ _"_0 I i:"'.:S!;:ll1~ -3. j: _..~,.' .: l./',ii: ~~G-. \; r'J APR 2 0 iOCO COP1ES T:J ?U3LIC If.lGF\i\S ; !'..~e ;"':-,~r'-"! Dear Mr. Vokes; CEPr. :'i-!i~ .-. _._...~._.- We are writing to confirm with you our proposal with respect to the construction of a RiUti.. Cage and Storage Unit for the Counice Parks Baseball and Softball Association. We propose: .... . Construction of a Batting Cage with a chain link enclosure encompassing the whole cage area (approx. overall size 30' x 120' ) with an electrical outlet and fine gravel base similar in design to one currently at Iroquois Park in Whitby. . A Storage Unit (15' x 20') to be constructed within the chain link enclosure of cinder block construction with steel doors, a concrete floor, and interior light. This is for storage of equipment, uniforms, pitching machine and accessories. . Purchase of a pitChing machine and supplies of appropriate softballs and hardballs. . Above to be located at Penfound Park (Glenabbey Drive) in Courtice. Our Association has fundraised specifically for this purpose and has $25,000.00 allocated for the project. Should the overall costs exceed that amount, we would have to apply for funds from an additional source. We want to make sure that the completed project meets our needs and all necessary community standards and we value your experience in these matters. We would grant the Municipality the right to tender this project, along with our own private estimates, but reserve the right to make the final decision on awarding of the contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-26-00 < , April 19. 2000 P.2 Your consideration of the above proposal would be greatly appreciated. We are available at your convenience to answer any questions or discuss it further and can be contacted by telephone at 436-1313. Sincerely, The 1000 C.P.B.S.A. EXHutive an orcoran - Secretary ~~ Ruth Tuttle - Municipal Rep. ~~ :? Bill van Boxtel- V.P. Baseball Jy,#.-v- ~_ Bill Irving - V.P. 4-Pitch ~,~ ~ Caterinrjreasurer ~ol~~, Marcel Lapointe - Umpire Scheduler t , . c......... B ." .. SoftblIII AI.......- 27-1300 King St East Osbawa, Oolario LlH 8J4 (905)430.1313 Co,'. I11&E au, Pmb 'Baseb1JI' ".'&.-Sofihill-A~ ..._ ..,.. "n -._.' , ',' ,., ... . ..._ '_'_ '. '_.. '.' _. .. "_ . . ,'_ 'C _ __ . April 21. 2000 Her Worship the Mayor and the Council Municipality of C1arington 40 Tempet1IIIC8 Street Bowmanville. Ontario L1C 3A8 Dear Mayor and Council: We are writing to request your support and some assislance in the construction of a Batting cage and S........ UnIt for the Cowtic:e ParIIs Baseball and Softball A5SOciation. The C.P .B.SA has. for the last 13 years. been providing summer baseb8I1, softball. 4-pitch and T- B8lIprogflIIIls for young people ages 4to 18 yrs. in the Courtice area. We are a non-profit association. operated by volunteers. funded solely through player registration fees and team sponsorships. This year we have over 500 players registered and a total of 41 teams. The BaIlIng (:age and Storage Unit we are proposing will greauy enhance our ability to develop pllIyersfundamental skills as well as provide a more convenient and less costly storage place for unlfOltllS anchquipment. A letter outlining our proposal for the project was sent to Mr. Stephen VOkes.Ofrec:tor of Public Works and a copy of that letter is attached. This letter prompted further discussions with Public Works with respect to project design, costs estimates. etc. and we value their experience and appreciate their help in this matter. OUr Association has fundraised specifically for this purpose and has $25,000.00 allocated for the project. Current astimates suggest that this will not likely COYer the entire cost of the project and therefore we are asking for council's llSSistance in the fonn of a grant In the amount of $5000,00 to help with us with this project. Further grant application infonnation is attached. Your consideration of the above proposal and request for funding would be greatly appreciated. We are available at your convenience to answer any questions or discuss it further and can be contacted by telephone at our Courtice Parks Baseb811 and Softball Association telephone 438-1313 or by contacting me at my home phone number 434-7094. We respectfully request an opportunity to address council with our request at your earliest convenience, Sincerely, /1-/7 .' . r(3"-' ".:. ......,,; I.~ --"..,. William Irving - V.P. 4-Pitch ! U~-;~~~l~~j .-_._.__~U< :,,\f'!> tES F4; -- ~.,)~ 0M~~~(::r-= .:....:.:..... .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .'. .-.. '0: .. . On behalf of the C.P.B.SA Executive UarningthejiD~lIobt ATTACHMENT NO.: 5 REPORT NO.: WD-26-00