HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-23-00 ~ .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # -;() It Res. # GPR -"f) Y5-DO By-Law #~ -& Of Date May 15,2000 Report No.: WD-23-00 Subject: AMENDMENTS TO TRAFFIC BY-LAW 91-58 PARKING, WELLINGTON STREET, BOWMANVILLE PARKING, BARLEY MILL CRESCENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-23-00 be received; 2. THAT Traffic by-law 91-58 Schedule IT, be amended to permit parking on the north side of Wellington Street, Bowmanville, between Division Street and Temperance Street; 3. THAT Traffic by-law 91-58 General Parking and Stopping Regulations, be amended to permit boulevard parking, or stopping, where the Municipality has installed low rise curbs with paved boulevards and posted official signs to that effect; 4. THAT Traffic by-law 91-58 Schedule IT, be amended to prohibit parking on the north side of Barley Mill Crescent, Bowmanville, between the west junction and east junction of Soper Creek Drive; and 5. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report WD-23-00 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map, Wellington Street 1124 L , REPORT NO.: WD-23-00 PAGE 2 No.2: No.3: No.4: Key Map, Barley Mill Crescent Barley Mill Crescent Petition dated July 28, 1999 Proposed by-law amendment to Traffic by-law 91-58 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 A request was made by the Wellington Street Condominium Complex to consider additional parking on Wellington Street to alleviate parking demands in the area. 2.2 A petition dated July 28,1999, from residents of Barley Mill Crescent requested no parking be posted on one side of their street to reduce parking congestion created by use of the soccer fields at Meams Avenue Park. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Wellington Street Parking Request - Division Street to Temperance Street This section of Wellington Street was reconstructed during 1999 to a width of 85m, which is acceptable for parking on one side of this local residential roadway. A review of parking opportunities reveal eight (8) parking spaces could be created on the north side, while only five (5) spaces could be created on the south side due to driveway placements. Staff is recommending that parking be permitted on the north side to obtain the greatest number of new parking spaces. 3.2 Paved Boulevard Parldng During the Wellington Street Reconstruction, Public Consultation Process, small sections of Wellington Street and Elgin Street were designed with low rise curbs and paved boulevards to accommodate parking/stopping, off the travelled portion of the roadway. Staff is recommending that an amendment be made to the general parking and stopping regulations of Traffic by-law 91-58 to permit parking or stopping in such constructed areas when official signs have been posted. This amendment will permit areas of designed and constructed boulevard parking with the use of official signs, without requiring by-law amendments for each location constructed. 1125 REPORT NO.: WD-23-00 PAGE 3 3.3 Barley Mill Crescent Parking Concerns A petition dated July 28, 1999, signed by over 60% of the residents, requested action to reduce parking congestion on their street during soccer games at Mearns Avenue Park. During soccer games, vehicles have been parking on both sides of Barley Mill Crescent, reducing the roadway to one lane with motorists often obstructing residential access. There is no off-street parking available at this soccer field and Staff agrees with the residents that parking should be limited to one side of the street to distribute parking over a wider area. In addition, the soccer schedules have been modified to allow thirty minutes between games, allowing time for one group to leave before the next one arrives. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 That eight additional parking spaces can be created by allowing parking on the north side of Wellington Street, Bowmanville, between Division Street and Temperance Street. 4.2 That Traffic by-law, General Parking and Stopping Regulation, be amended to pennit boulevard parking or stopping where the Municipality has installed low rise curbs with paved boulevards and posted official sigus to that effect. 4.3 That prohibiting parking on the north side of Barley Mill Crescent, Bowmanville, will address residents concerns and distribute parking congestion. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~(/~ Stephen A.. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works c}~-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RDB/SA Vlwc May 9, 2000 1126 J LOT 13 LOT 12 \ I ; \ . ) I " / " , I / -r " --, i I \ " " " " " " " " " JO .. .. " " ., " " w" .. 48....J 41 ". ~.. ..~ " .. I , /.""'. BOWMANVILLE 1127 LEGEND :::Jjl-Uri PAVED BOULEVARD AREAS :::::::::;:;::::::: PROPOSED PARKING .... z o (I) /(1) W () Z o () ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: WD-23-00 .... 3: -.. .... ~l...A)I,MAN <( 4' ". :r J1 J2Ja 3.J 2IIa 21211 <" " ugj 25- 2422 ~ lil1lll _ 2120181'1111 jk" l#- :::; ~C'';'ilmNCE CRTLJ S I"'r-- '6 ,7 N III 0 '" 42 1 ..... . ~ CO~CESSION STREIT EAST I · I " ~ "r" ~! : "!~ .1~llID'!1 !1 " 11 ~ " :; I L : :~_:t~~=~;~iEl~~/: ;J5 --.-- ~-!: .. - \JocfEETERS eRE:s - 7r ~ E=~.._O: !~="FI;"n",!! p I- ~ .. itJ-N ..:\. IJ f.j ~.., ~~~ -:o~ "",:186 g.. I :: ~ :'1: -I.I.J./J, W~'" ~~~ON: c' ~ I 3e,.. 5: ... ... - r:y~ .,.., 51 55 I JO. DOWNHAM OFl~ .. '" ,", I .. ... ~.. .. ,~.'!j[,< ~'" ~::Q ~ \~\ -i~... ,&r~#/: ~.UJ 171. ~=. / ~ 1".W1315 -iVSOu--;:":'~ ~~ ,\lI',lf - ~ 4. 11 ~C.,.:.'-" ~ ~'-- ., MERRYFIELD CRT. \. M"'~Jr<~<.'io ~SO;<f' /~-'. '\. ~ ~=.... - ~:: I:. 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On busy soccer nights cars park butting up against driveways and will otten even blocK part of a driveway. There have even been instances when residents have come home to find a vehide parkea in front of their driveway and they must find the driver to ask them to move. Cars are parked on both sides of the street which allows only one lane for traffic. If one meets another vehicle when driving down Barley Mill Crescent; one vehicle must bacJc up quite a distance to let the other get through. This is a safety hazard, especially for children on biCYCles and those crossing the street. By allowing parking on both sides of the street at the same time, we feel the Munidpality of Clarington is jeopardizing the health and safety of area residents and those using the park. If emergency assistance was required from police, fire or ambulance services, we are sure response time would be delayed. This is especially true if an emergency vehicle met with an oncoming vehicle with only one lane for traffic or a double parked car where the driver had wandered closer to the flOOd plain to HIe- fetch their child. We are aware of other neighbourhood parks (i.e. Elephant Park 'whiCh even has a parking lot at the end or Maconnachie Place to accommodate vehiCles) where parking is prohibited on one side of the street. As a group or concerned residents, we request you look into the parking situation and take immediate action to remedy the problem. 1129 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-23-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2000- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Privaie Property in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporaiion of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: I) Schedule II "NO PARKING" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) Deleting the following reference: Column I Highway Column 2 Side Column 3 Between Wellington Street (Bowmanville) North Elgin Street and Division Street And B) Adding the following reference: Column I Highway Column 2 Side Column 3 Between Wellington Street (Bowmanville) North Elgin Street and Temperance Street Barley Mill Crescent (Bowmanville) North West Junction of Soper Creek Drive and East Junction of Soper Creek Drive Column 4 Prohibited (Time or Days) Anytime Column 4 Prohibited (Time or Days) Anytime Anytime 2) General Parking and Stopping Regulations section 4 of by-law 91-58 is amended by adding the following reference: 1 30 ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-23-00 (J) (i) Nothwithstanding subsection (J) of this section, motorists are permitted to park or stop on a paved or otherwise improved boulevard with low rise curb and when official signs have been posted to that effect. 3) This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date approved by Council and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a frrst and second time this tl, day of 2000. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this th day of 2000. MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK 31