HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/11/1980 Special TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Council Minutes August 11 1980 Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on Monday , August 11 1980 at 7 p .m. in the Council Chamber Present were : Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Councillor Keith D. Barr Councillor William Clarke Councillor Ann Cowman until 9: 45 Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Councillor J. W. Holliday Councillor Maurice Prout Deputy Clerk Gertrude Gray Also Present : Acting Town Manager, J. McIlroy Director of Public Works , J. Dunham Director of Planning, Don Smith Director of Community Services T.A. Fanning Resolution #C-80-1086 Moved by Councillor Hobbs , seconded by Councillor Prout Watson THAT relative to the Watson Industrial Subdivision, Industrial upon a satisfactory report from the Director of Subdivision Planning and the Director of Public Works, Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to sign the agreement on behalf of the Town of Newcastle. Conflict Councillor Holliday declared a Conflict of of Interest Interestin this matter and left the table. The Director of Planning and the Director of Public Works gave verbal reports relative to the repairs done to Trull ' s Road. Recorded Vote on Resolution #C-80-1086 Barr no Hobbs no Clarke no Prout no Cowman no Rickard yes "LOST" 1, �w r s . Council Minutes - 2 - August 11 1980 Resolution #C-80-1087 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the Watson Industrial Subdivision Agreement be referred to a planning meeting dealing with the rezoning of the property to the south, or if the easement can be obtained earlier. Recorded Vote E Barr yes Hobbs no Clarke yes Prout no Cowman yes Rickard no "LOST" Resolution #C-80-1088 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Prout THAT the matter be referred to the next Council meeting and any further information the Planner has , be made available to the next meeting. i "CARRIED" >; Councillor Holliday returned to the Council Table. Resolution #C-80-1089 r y Moved by Con. Holliday , seconded by Con. Clarke Mill Street THAT a structural appraisal of the Mill Street Hampton Structure in Hampton be carried out by Totten Sims Hubicki at an approximate cost of $1, 200. and if there are deficiencies they be spelled out as well as how the repairs should be made and a cost estimate and funds be allocated from the Reserve Fund - Sale of Roads for Capital Expenditures. ¢ "CARRIED" p i �f i Council Minutes - 3 - August 11 1980 Resolution #C-80-1090 I Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hobbs Public Works THAT the report of the Director of Public Accounting Works relative to deficits and accounting Procedures procedures be adopted and Council support the Public Works Department returning to former practices of accounting used in ta that department from 1974 to 1978. Recorded vote Barr yes Holliday .yes Clarke yes Prout yes Cowman yes Rickard yes Hobbs yes 4 "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1091 F; Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout Over THAT the Town Manager and Treasurer Expenditures document to this Council all cases in 1979 1979 when Council had directed over-expenditures and this be availableto the next regular council meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1092 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT whereas the 1980 budget is of extreme concern to this Council and appears to be under extreme pressure; and Whereas the budget deficit for 1979 has been excessive; and Whereas there has been some doubtthat the present computerized system is not functioning as well as might be expected; Council Minutes - 4 - August 11 1980 Therefore be it resolved that the staff Accounting seriously consider going back to the Procedures departmental accounting system in vogue prior to 1979 until the accounting difficulties presently being experienced have been resolved and report back to the next Council meeting with their findings . "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1093 Moved by Con. Hobbs , seconded by Con. Cowman THAT Resolution #C-80-989 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1094 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT WHEREAS the 1978 deficit for the Town of Newcastle according to the audited statement was some $60, 500. 00; and WHEREAS in 1979 a budgeted surplus was $144, 979. ; and Deficits WHEREAS in 1979 this budgeted surplus had become an actual deficit of $103, 603. 00; and WHEREAS a 1980 budget statement dated April 30, 1980 now- shows a deficit to be budgeted for 1980 of $404, 738 .00, which was used to set the 1980 mill rate; and WHEREAS the budget expenditures for 1979 vary considerably from the actual expenditures for 1979) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in the interest of improving the accounting system and updating and correcting any deficiencies so that these un- explained deficits will be a thing of the past, I Council Minutes - 5 - August 11 1980 that this Council ask for the assistance of the Honourable Thomas Wells, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs in preparing a report of suggested changes to the present system for Council and staff consideration. Recorded Vote Barr yes Holliday yes Clarke yes Prout yes Cowman yes Rickard yes Hobbs yes "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1095 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Clarke w Newcastle THAT the report of the Newcastle Fitness Fitness Centre Building Committee meeting of August Centre Building 6 1980 be endorsed. Committee Report Resolution #C-80-1096 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the Report be divided into 2 Items . "CARRIED" On being put to a vote, Item #1 was not adopted. Resolution #C-80-1097 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Clarke Pool Lift THAT Item #2 be approved. "CARRIED" µ Council Minutes - 6 - August 11 1980 6 Resolution #C-80-1098 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout THAT Item #1 of the foregoing report be reconsidered. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-1099 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Prout Change Orders THAT Item #1 of the foregoing report be adopted. #2 and #4 Resolution #C-80-1100 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the foregoing Item #1 be tabled until a legal opinion has been obtained. Recorded Vote Barr yes Holliday yes Clarke yes Prout no Hobbs no Rickard no "LOST" f Resolution #C-80-1:099 was "CARRIED" by the following recorded vote : Barr no Holliday y yes Clarke no Prout yes Hobbs yes Rickard yes. AAA Conflict of Councillor Barr declared aConflict of Interest Interest with the following item and left the Council table. Council Minutes - 7 - August 11 1980 NO Resolution #C-80-1101 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Hobbs Orono. Hydro THAT the Confidential report of the Town Clerk Building dated August 11 1980 relative to the Orono Hydro Electric Power Commission Building be adopted. "CARRIED" Councillor Barr returned to the table. Conflict Councillor Holliday declared a Conflict of of Interest Interest in the following Item and left the Council table. Resolution #C-80-1102 Moved by Con. Clarke, seconded by Con. Hobbs THAT the following recommendation in a report from the Town Manager and the Director of Public Yorks, relative to an encroachment on Chapel Street be adopted. 1. That that portion of Chapel Street more clearly defined on Plan file No. 80001, be closed and conveyed to the abutting owners . f Encroachment 2. That all associated costs be borne by the r Chapel Street vendor. 3. In considering the time required to legally close a road allowance that the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a letter of undertaking on behalf of the Corporation stating that the Town will take the necessary action to close and convey the road allowance to resolve the encroachment providing the vendor gives an undertaking to pay associated costs relative to the closing of the road allowance. f Council Minutes - 8 - August 11 1980 Resolution #C-80-1103 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Barr THAT the matter be referred to Staff for more information and a report to the next meeting of Council in September. "CARRIED" Councillor Holliday returned to the Council table. Resolution #C-80-1104 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Barr Newcastle Chamber THAT the request of the Newcbstle Chamber of of Commerce Commerce to hold their annual Octoberfest at the Octoberfest Newcastle Town Hall on September 20, 1980 be approved. ,w "CARRIED" i` Resolution #C-80-1105 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Clarke THAT the meeting adjourn at 10: 05 p.m. "CARRIED" J G. E. RickardGertrude E. Gray Mayor Deputy-Clerk ��w r