HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/30/1980 Special Special Council Minutes TOWN OF NEWCASTLE June 30th, 1980
{. Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held on
June 30th, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. in the Bell Building
Committee Room.
Roll Call Present were: Mayor Garnet B: Rickard
Councillor Keith Barr
Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs
Councillor Jasper W. Holliday
Councillor Maurice Prout
Town Clerk J.M. McIlroy
Absent: Councillor William Clarke
Councillor Ann Cowman
Newcastle The meeting was called to consider the attached Memorandum
Hydro dated June 27th, 1980 from the Town Manager and Town Clerk.
Commission Resolution #C-80-890
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout.
THAT no further action be taken in this matter.
Resolution #C-80-891
Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Barr.
THAT Resolution #C-80-888 be rescinded.
Resolution #C-80-892
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Prout.
THAT the meeting be adjourned. (Time 4:00 p.m.)
Resolution #C-80-893
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs.
Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned. (Time 4:03 p.m.)
G.B. Rickardr%Mayor
J.M. McIlroy �
'IWV ; Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
FRAM: A. C. Guiler,`llown Martttge7•
J. Mellroy, Town Clerk
DATE: June 27th, 1980
SUBJECT: Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission
As a result of discussions held in the past few days we again reviewed
the correspondence .received from the Associ.aLion of Mut,i.cipalities o.0
Otltaro dated May 13th, 1980. I would draw to your a.ttenti_on Section 1�
of the Durham Municipal Hydro-Electric Act which states as follows:
"For teens commencing after the 30th day of November, 1980,
or, for the Pickering Hydxo-Electric Cot»nission, the 30th
clay of Novanber, 1982, the additional members of each comnissi_on
established by subsection 1 shall be elected by a general vote
o the elecl,ors of the area mi-inic:i.pal;i.ty -,ervOd by Lhe
cannission, w1 toss before the 7 st dray o C July 1980 o.r, For th(
Pickering Hydro-Electric Commission, the I s L day of Jul 1982,
the council or the area trnulici.pality provides by by-].aw that Lhe
addltlon"I 'W111)(11'S shall ho a.ppo:ilrLed by Lho c'.ounci I of Lhat 1.11(,
additional nxynbers shall 1)0 elected by wa.rd;l.''
We reviewed this matter with the Town Solicitor who a.gr'ce� with our
interpretation (>C the section or the act which i s that; t.1 u' caltni s��i on
to be elected in November of 1980 will be elected by general vote
of the Municipality not by wards.
W think M(_j t1_xe.rs of Council axe of the opinion that Mend vers wit l 1x eI cue ted
as f of lows:
1 Member from Orono
1 Manber from Newcastle Village
1 Member from Bmwanvillo
1 M01j)er at large from the area not fonnally
covered by a Municipal P.U.C.
This is an incorrect opinion :aid if Council wishes to hold elections
by the Ward System for Members to the Newcastle Hydro Electric CbnnisHion
it must pass the necessary by-law prior to July lst, 1980,
We trust this will answer the concerns ,you, have raised with us.
A. C:` G11'I �,1J. 7,1. McElroy,
( 16) Where , under subsection 15 , the Counckil of an area
municipality provides that the additional members shall be
elected by wards and the number of additional members is
greater than the number of wards , one of the additional
members shall be elected from each ward and the balance
of the additional members shall be elected by general vote
of the electors in the area municipality .
(17) Notwithstanding subsection 15 , where the number of
!` additional members is less than the number of wards, the council
of the area municipality shall not provide that the additional
members be elected by wards .