HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-20-00 V', ''t ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITIEE File # 0)" JUNE 19,2000 Res. ttCfff- :Jf7-00 Date: Report No.: WD-20-00 By-Law # Subject: INTERSECTION SAFETY REVIEWS - DARLINGTON/COURTICE; NASH ROAD AT HOLT ROAD, NASH ROAD AT GREEN ROAD, NASH ROAD AT SOLINA ROAD, TRULLS ROAD AT PEBBLESTONE ROAD, AND NASH ROAD AT TRULLS ROAD Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: I. THAT Report WD-20-00 be received; 2. THAT, based on low accident history and only meeting 14% of the volume requirements, an all-way stop not be introduced at the intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road; 3. THAT streetlights be installed for illumination at the intersection of Trolls Road and Pebblestone Road during 2000; 4. THAT additional pavement markings be applied at the intersections of Nash Road and Holt Road, Nash Road and Green Road, and Nash Road and Salina Road; 5, THAT the Public Works Department and the By-Law Enforcement Division continue to review and enforce the Zoning By-law as it pertains to sight triangles and intersection safety; 6. THAT the Public Works Department, Engineering Division, reVIew future policies regarding utility pole placements; and 1101 v ~ REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 2 7. THAT Durham Regional Police be encouraged to provide enforcement of posted 60 kmIhr speed limits on Holt Road south of Nash Road and rolling stop violations at the intersection ofTrulls Road and Pebblestone Road, as often as manpower permits. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.3: No.4: Key Map - Courtice area intersections reviewed Correspondence dated March 19, 2000 from the Maple Grove Public School Parent and Teacher Association All-way stop warrant study for Nash RoadlHolt Road Report WD-59-97 No.1: No.2: 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 As the result of a fatal collision at the intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road on February 24,2000, it was detennined that a review of this and other intersections in the area should be conducted at the same time. Council should be aware that staff has recently been made aware that a lawsuit is pending in regard to this February 24, 2000 accident. 2.2 Motor vehicle collisions can occur for many reasons including weather, road geometry, absence ofwaming signs, vehicle defect etc., but can also be the result of driver error. Even good drivers can occasionally be distracted by other thoughts or tasks while driving. These momentary lapses in driver concentration usually go unnoticed but can also result in motor vehicle collisions. 2.3 A previous report (WD-59-97, Attachment No.4) dealt with a request for an all-way stop at the intersection of Nash Road and Solina Road, and a request for an all-way stop with flashing light at the intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road. Both requests were denied due to low traffic volumes and low accident statistics. 1102 ~ REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 3 2.4 At a meeting held on March 27, 2000, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved Recommendation #GP A-153-oo: "THAT the delegation of Janine Dupuis requesting a four-way stop at the intersection of Holt Road and Nash Roads be referred to staff to be taken into consideration during the preparation of this report." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Nash Road at Holt Road Intersection 3.1.1 Collision History: On February 24,2000, a fatal collision occurred when a westbound driver, who was very familiar with the intersection, apparently failed to stop and struck a northbound vehicle forcing it into a wooden utility pole. 1999 No collisions 1998 98-131759 eastbound driver stopped but did not yield to southbound vehicle, daylight, rain (driver charged) 1997 97-45316 westbound driver stopped but did not yield to northbound vehicle, daylight, clear (driver charged) . A previous fatality also occurred at this intersection in 1989 similar to the fatality in 2000 when a motorist who was familiar with the roadway failed to stop. 3.1.2 Existing Signage and Traffic Control: Holt Road is the through road with posted speeds of 60 kmIhr and "intersection ahead" warning signs. Nash Road has the stop condition (oversized 75cm x 75cm stop signs RalOl with high intensity sheeting) with posted speeds of 60 kmIhr and "stop ahead" warning 1103 . REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 4 SIgns. Painted stop bars are in place to encourage drivers to stop where sight lines are the best. 3.1.3 Road Alignment and Visibility: Both Nash Road and Holt Road align at 90 degrees on level ground. The signs and intersection are visible. When vehicles stop at the painted stop bars there is a good sight distance of 200m to the south and 181m to the north. There are no streetlights at this intersection for illumination. 3.1.4 Sight Triangles: The chain link fence on the northwest comer does not comply with the Municipal Zoning By-law sight triangle requirements. The fence was not a factor in the February 24, 2000 fatality but may have, in part, contributed to previous accidents. This was discussed with the resident in 1997 when requests were made for safety changes to the intersection, and again after the February 2000 fatality. To date, the resident has refused to relocate the fence to comply with current municipal by-laws and improve safety. This issue has now been forwarded to the Senior Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer for further action. The private property vegetation on the southeast comer does not comply with the Municipal Zoning By-law sight triangle requirements. The vegetation was not a factor in the February 24, 2000 fatality. The property owner has now trimmed back vegetation to improve visibility. A dead tree on municipal property has also been removed from this southeast comer. 3.1.5 Concerns and Recommendations: The utility pole on the northwest comer is 3 to 4 metres off the edge of the pavement, which is considered a common standard location. It is believed that it was the secondary impact into the hydro pole which produced the fatal injuries on February 24, 2000. Hydro and Bell utility poles are generally placed 2.Om +1- from street lines with no special offset consideration at intersections. Such pole placements near intersections are common at many intersections throughout Clarington and Ontario. In addition to representing a solid roadside hazard, utility poles can also create a visual obstruction to side street motorists if they do not come to a full stop and properly look in both directions. A review of utility pole placement 1104 < REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGES policies or guidelines should be undertaken to determine what, if any, alternatives are available or being used by other municipalities. The municipality presently approves new utility pole placements. An all-way stop warrant study, shown as Attachment No.3, was completed at this intersection Tuesday April 11, 2000, and shows the volumes only meet 14% of the provincial volume warrant and can not be recommended by staff. A flashing light was also suggested by residents, but the low number of accidents and clear visibility of the stop controls do not indicate such a device is needed. Yellow centrelines will be applied on Nash Road 100 metres from the existing stop bars to bring more attention to the intersection. Diamond grade sheeting will be specified for the oversized stop sign. This grade of sheeting exceeds the existing high intensity sheeting and represents the highest level of reflectivity. Two residents with driveways on Holt Road just south of Nash Road are concerned with visibility to the north, which is hampered by a grade in the roadway. The sight distance was measured as 120 metres and is considered safe up to a speed of 75 km!br in the posted 60 km!br area. To summarize, the driver who apparently failed to stop during the February 24, 2000 collision was familiar with the intersection, required signing was in place, and the painted stop bar location pennitted a safe view for a stopped motorist using normal precautions. Although staff recognize that the recent tragic fatality has transformed this into a highly emotional situation, no deficiencies were identified at the intersection which can account for the February 24, 2000 fatality. An all-way stop or flashing light is not warranted at this location and the intersection is not considered unusually dangerous, although visibility and safety could be improved further with enforcement of the sight triangle by-law. Yellow centrelines for Nash Road and diamond grade sheeting for the stop signs are recommended. 1105 < REPORT NO.: WD-2o-00 PAGE 6 3.2 Nash Road at Solina Road Intersection 3.2.1 Collision History: 1999 No collisions 1998 No collisions 1997 No collisions . A previous fatality occurred at this intersection in 1995, when a driver failed to stop, and was killed in collision with a southbound vehicle. 3.2.2 Existing Signage and Traffic Control: Salina Road is the through road with stop conditions on Nash Road. Salina Road and Nash Road are both posted as 60 kmJbr through the intersection. The oversized stop signs are 75cm x 75cm in size with high intensity sheeting and accompanied by stop ahead signs. 3.2.3 Road Alignment and Visibility: Both Nash Road and Solina Road align at 90 degrees on level ground. The signs and intersection are visible. When vehicles stop at the painted stop bars there is adequate sight distance of 200m to the south and 181m to the north. There are no streetlights at this intersection for illumination. 3.2.4 Concerns and Recommendations: Vegetation in the northeast quadrant on private property was again growing into the sight triangle but has now been cut back to improve visibility. Yellow centre lines will be applied on Nash Road for a distance of 100m from the stop bars. 1106 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 7 3.3 Nash Road at Green Road Intersection 3.3.1 Collision History: 1999 99-21378 eastbound driver stopped but did not yield to southbound vehicle, daylight, clear (driver charged) 99-51306 westbound driver stopped but did not yield to northbound vehicle, daylight, rain (driver charged) 1998 No collisions 1997 97-56416 eastbound vehicle did not stop, struck northbound police vehicle, clear, night (drinking) 3.3.2 Existing Signage and Traffic Control: Green Road is designated the through road with intersection ahead warning signs. The oversized RalOl 75cm x 75cm stop signs have high intensity sheeting accompanied by "stop ahead" signs on Nash Road. Nash Road is posted 60 kmJhr to the west and 50 kmJhr to the east with Green Road posted at 80 kmJhr. 3.3.3 Road Alignment and Visibility: The roads intersect at 90 degrees on level ground. There are no streetlights for illumination. Sight lines were improved during 1998 with vegetation removed from all quadrants on private property. Minor trimming completed during this review. 3.3.4 Concerns and Recommendations: A yellow centreline will be applied from the intersection to 100m westerly and stop bars will be applied. 1107 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 8 3.4 Trolls Road at Pebblestone Road Intersection 3.4.1 Collision History: 1999 99-36210 northbound motorist did not stop, drove through intersection then into ditch, dry roads, night (drinking) 99-30644 southbound motorist drove through intersection then into parked car, dry roads, night (drinking) 99-79937 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to eastbound vehicle, dry roads, day (driver charged) 99-137193 northbound motorist slid through stop striking eastbound vehicle, snow and ice (weather) 99-112655 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to westbound vehicle, dry roads, night (driver charged) 99-128680 northbound motorist did not stop, slid into ditch, wet roads, night (driver charged) 99-132885 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to eastbound vehicle, wet roads, day (driver charged) 1998 98-51666 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to westbound vehicle, clear, day (driver charged) 98-12198 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to westbound vehicle, dry roads, day (driver charged) 98-129623 northbound motorist did not stop, drove through intersection then into ditch, dry roads, night (stolen vehicle) 1997 97-120651 southbound motorist did not stop, striking westbound vehicle, dry roads, night (driver charged) 97-123884 northbound motorist stopped but did not yield to westbound vehicle, wet roads, day (driver charged) 97-135383 southbound motorist stopped but did not yield to eastbound vehicle, wet roads, dark (driver charged) 1108 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 9 3.4.2 Existing Signage and Traffic Control: Pebblestone Road is the through road with "intersection ahead" warning signs in place. The stop conditions on Trolls Road include oversized 75cm x 75cm high intensity stop signs accompanied by "stop ahead" warning signs. The posted speed is 60 kmJhr on both roadways. Special signs are also in place on Trolls Road indicating a high collision intersection. 3.4.3 Road Alignment and Visibility: Pebblestone Road is straight and level to the intersection as is Trulls Road northerly. The south leg of Trulls Road curves as it approaches the intersection. Vegetation on the southeast quadrant has been cut back and has improved visibility to 130 metres. 3.4.4 Concerns and Recommendations: Streetlights, although not fully warranted, are recommended for installation during this year while other lighting projects are being completed in the area This recommendation is being made in response to the unexplained increased accident history. An all-way stop study could not be completed at this time due to construction on Trolls Road south of Pebblestone Road, but will take place after construction is completed. The traffic volwnes are expected to fall short of provincial guidelines. Staff and Durham Regional Police met at this intersection to review sight lines, signage and motor vehicle collision records. The total nwnber of northbound collisions increased from I in 1997 to 3 in 1998 to 6 in 1999. The nwnber of northbound drivers who either failed to stop or slid through the intersection increased from 0 in 1997 to I in 1998 to 3 in 1999. Staff suspect that the growth of vegetation along the fence line may have been a contributing factor in some of those northbound traffic collisions. An additional northbound "stop ahead" sign and advisory speed tab have been added. With additional signs, streetlight insta1lation and the sight lines now improved, collisions should return to lower levels. Flashing intersection beacons or beacons above the stop ahead sign are not warranted based on the accident history, and costs could range between $6,000.00 to $15,000.00. If collisions are not reduced during 2000 and early 2001, an altemative solution would be consideration of an all-way stop based on accident history rather than volwne. 1109 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 10 Traffic calming devices, such as rumble strips, will be reviewed in the future to determine if this would improve safety for northbound traffic. Realignment of the intersection to improve sight lines should be carefully considered as development and urbanization continues to move northerly. 3.5 Nash Road and Trulls Road Intersection (Existing All-Way Stop) 3.5.1 Collision History: 1999 99-82243 southbound motorist did not stop for eastbound motorist, rain, day (driver charged) 1998 98-108186 eastbound motorist struck rear of another eastbound motorist stopped at stop sign, rain (driver charged) 1997 97-123252 southbound motorist stopped but did not yield to westbound vehicle, rain, dark (driver charged) 97-88613 northbound motorist failed to stop and struck by westbound vehicle, clear, day (driver charged) 97-3635 westbound motorist did not stop, striking a northbound vehicle, dark, dry (driver charged) 97-1916 southbound motorist slid on snow through intersection striking a westbound vehicle, snow (no charges) 3.5.2 Existing Signage and Traffic Controls: This intersection has been controlled by an all-way stop condition for many years. There is a stop ahead for southbound traffic due to the curve entering the intersection. The stop signs are oversized 75cm x 75cm with high intensity sheeting. 1110 REPORT NO.: WD-2o-00 PAGE 11 3.5.3 Road Alignment and Visibility: Nash Road is straight with a grade to the east. Trolls Road has a slight grade to the north with a bend. There are streetlights present for nighttime illumination. 3.5.4 Concerns and Recommendations: Traffic signal warrants at this intersection were last studied during September 1998, but fell short of provincial guidelines. As additional development occurs, Public Works will continue to monitor the intersection for future signals with a study being proposed for late 2000 or early 2001, after a number of construction projects have been completed in the area. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 As a result of reviewing "problem" intersections in the Courtice area, a number of visibility improvements have been made, with pavement marking planned for later in the year. These intersections will continue to be monitored for safety improvements where required. The Nash Road at Holt Road intersection had no deficiencies identified that can account for the February 24, 2000 fatality. Although additional yellow centrelines and sight triangle by- law enforcement are being recommended, Council will be placed under pressure to respond to the emotional situation surrounding the recent tragic fatality. Future increases in traffic volumes may eventually warrant an all-way stop, but the clear visibility of the stop controls makes it unlikely that a flashing light would ever be warranted. The Nash Road at Solina Road intersection, being very similar to the Nash Road/Holt Road intersection with respect to alignment and signage, has experienced no history of fatalities or collisions. The Nash Road at Green Road intersection is also similar to the Nash RoadlHolt Road intersection with minimal collision history. The Tru11s Road at Pebblestone Road intersection, although similar, has experienced an unexplained accident history. With additional signs, streetlight installation and the sight lines now improved, collisions should return to lower levels. 1111 .' REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 PAGE 12 The Nash Road and Trolls Road intersection has be~ controlled by an existing all-way stop conditions for many years, with streetlights present for nighttime illumination. The collision history of this intersection exceeds the other intersections studied in this report, except for Trolls Road at Pebblestone Road. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~d4-/ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works RDB*SAV*ce 14/06/00 . Wu, f Chief Administrative Officer Pc: Janine Dupnis 3064 Holt Road Bowruanville, ON LlC 3K4 Mr. G. Sparkes PWD Co-Chair Ontario Power Generation P.O. Box 4000 Bowruanville, ON LlC 3Z8 Durham Regional Police Inspector Ross Smith 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, ON LlG4B7 John R. O'Toole, MPP Constituency Office 75 King Street East Bowmanville, ON LlC IN4 1112 IOf J I IjTaunton R~ .~ ~ '\:\ '" \ 1\ II I I' ,I " " " ~ II " II I, " " " II " i " II I' \\ " DA~NGro~ I' ,~ \1 Pebblest ne Rd I, \\ I I' \ I ~ II , )i f [I rl, ~ .!: . (5 .; en ~ Nash Rd J COURTI ! , I' ,I II ;1 II ,I I' "t:l a:::: Q) () :e :J o () 11_11~1 / ! ! ~ IJ ~ I ~I U II lJI LEGEND ~ o subject intersections DRAWN BY: J.R.M IV ~~lr S DATE: APRIL 25, 2000 I KEY MAP REPORT WD-20-00 ATTACHMENT NO.1 i 1113 ---' 4 ~R- ~-~ h .za;a ./ --, ~'< ..-., ~_L-L.-;l:d;,l'./ _ ~L-/<-l -r ...' ."...~ d~_1~'- / MAPL~OVE PUBLIC SCHOOL / /? ~~/ PT MU~jlCIPA.UTY 0, Ml)tl"~. j:":i<> C,L",,: ;..':-~': '~""! March 19,2000 COF!CS TO :-->- .JA .'LZ;UC "";OiiKS c'EPT. I';, , ~~.-.:...--.--_.-. I ;::.~ Mayor and Councilors: Re: Intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road As members of this community we have been concerned about the danger at this intersection for a nwnber of years. Traffic and speeds have increases on Holt Road. High School students stand and wait for their bus on this corner. Younger children from Maple Grove Public School on Nash Road have to ride their bikes through this intersection. As you know people have been killed there and it would been a disgrace if one more person was to lose their life because we didn't act nowl A FOUR WAY STOP could save a life of another innocent adult or child. Thank YOll for your immediate attention to this matter. -} / '); -, I Jd //f!~('e.A( _ {kU!&r;: Maple Grove Parent and Teacher Association Ida McKnight, Marlene COlllby, Debbie Korson. Chairperson Secretary Treasurer 1114 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 APR 14 2000 14: 10 FR RMD IdJ<KS DEPT 905 668 2051 TO 19052634433 P. 04/04 All-Way Stop Warrant Regional Municipality of Durham NASH RD - C/arlngton e HOLT IU) Counted .on: Tuaday 2000104I11 Calculated All: {MUlCD) ArterlaIlMIJot-Collector ConcluSIOn: A11-way atop sign is not _minted WARRANT 1: All Approaches Threshold: 500 Time Ending: 7:00 a:.. 9:.. 12:30 13:30 16.00 17.00 18:00 Total Volume 33 '9 .2 .5 .S 9< 110 a3 sa. Actual % 7 14 12 13 14 19 22 17 118 Used % 7 14 12 13 I. 19 22 .17 llS Sectional % uo WARRANT 2: Minor street Threshold: 200 Time Ending: ilOO s:.o 9:.0 12:3. 13:3. 16:00 17;00 18:.0 'rotal Volume 14 23 32 2. .. 47 52 32 211 Actual % 7 12 1. 14 23 2. 2< 16 13S Used 0/0 7 12 16 14 23 24 26 16 13a Sectional % 110 WARRANT 3: Volume Split Threshold: 70/30 Time Ending: 1:00 8:00 9:.. 12:3. 13:3. 16:.0 17~OD 18:00 rotal Major Street 19 .. 30 31 22 47 " 5t 310 Minor Street 14 23 32 28 .. 47 52 32 214 Volume Ratio 57/43 66/3' 49/52 56/44 32/68 50/:'0 52/48 61/39 .22137 Sectional 0/. 82/48 Warrant 1: Warrant 2: WalTant 3: Volume from all approaches must be greater than or equal to the threshold value. ''Minor street" volume includes vehicles and pedestrians crossing the major street This value must be greater than or equal to the threshold value. This value indicates the ratio between traffle on the major street and traffic/pedestrians on the minor street. In om@< for this warrant to be fulfilled. the ratio must be "lower" than the slated threshold. ** TOTAL PAGE.04 ** 1115 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 . . ,. , ~ ..... r .... L f- ... Meeting: Date: Report #: Subject: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res. # By-Law # September 22, 1997 UD :::;9 ')7 File #:. DlTERSBCTIONS OF NASH ROAD/HOLT ROAD, NASH ROAD/SOLlNA ROAD (DARLINGTON) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration committee recommend to Council the following~ 1. THAT Report WD-59-97 be received; 2. THAT the req<.lest for an all-way stop at Nash Road and Solina Road be denied; 3. .; . THAT the request for an all-way stop and flashing beacon at Nash Road and Holt Road be denied; and THAT Jeanine Dupuis and Susan Pye be advised ()f Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS r- < "'" ~; - - r ... No 1: No 2: Key Map Petition received June 27, 1997 from Jeanine Dupuis. 2.0 2.1 BACKGROUND Intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road the Council of t.he following resolution: At a meeting held on July 7, 1997, Municipality of Clarington passed the "THAT the petition received from residents of Holt Road _,.' ,. /.I;\ -- .."iA - '<!)I'_cocu . ......._~, . ',....,-. 1 16 ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-20-00 REPORT NO.: WD-59-97 PAGE 2 requesting the installation ~f a four-way stop at Nash Road and Holt Road in Maple Grove, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Jeanine Dupuis be advised of Council's decision." 2.2 Intersection of Nash Road and Solina Road Public Works received a call from Susan Pye on July 21, 1997 requesting an all-way stop at the intersection of Nash Road and Solina Road in an attempt to reduce accidents and slow down traffic. Susan Pye was advised it was not necessary to organize a petition as her request would be combined with the report regarding the intersection of Holt Road and Nash Road. 3 . 0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 These two intersections were listed in Report WD-11-95, dated April 3, 1995 "Ninety-Seven (97) Requests for All-Way Stops", which disclosed the extent of the public's concern over perceived or actual speeding problems throughout the municipality. 3.2 Intersection of Nash Road and Holt Road The 1997 petition stated that two or three motorists had died, but accident records verified by the police show the last death was an English passenger which occurred eight years ago in 1989. This intersection has been the scene of five (5) right-of-way accidents over four (4) years, with no major injuries recorded. 11 REPORT NO.: WD-59-97 PAGB 3 There were a number of improvements made at the intersection during a 1995 review. Visual observation of the intersection showed that some motorists were stopping too far back from the cross street, without having proper visibility. Some brushing was done, combined with the ins~allation of painted stop bars to indicate the desired stopping location, larger stop signs and relocation of a "stop ahead" sign. Southbound and northbound motorists on Holt Road were provided with intersection warning signs. During 1997, fifty (50) metre long yellow centre lines were added to the stop bars and additional brushing was carried out. , , The intersection generally operates well and the low traffic volumes do not warrant an all-way stop. The sight distances provide adequate time for motorists to cross the intersection . safely. . . , 3 .3 Intersection of Nash Road and Sol.ina Road This intersection was the scene or one right-of-way accident since 1994. In this accident in 1995, an 81 year old man failed to stop, and was killed in collision with a southbound vehicle. The improvements at this intersection during 1995 included brushing, stop bars and the installation of two "stop ahead" signs. Fifty (50) metre yellow centre lines were added to the stop bars during 1997. The intersection generally operates well and the low traffic volumes do not warrant an all-way stop. The sight distances provide adequate time for motorists to cross the intersection safely. . - ~- ~ , L f *.... .;;;..... ~ b ~. ii. 3.4 Provincial Warrants Neither of the two intersections ~eviewed meet the provincial warrant of an average of three accidents per year for at least three years, or severe sight obstructions to justify a flashing beacon. The cost of a flashing beacon would be ... f .. 1118 REPORT NO.: WD-59-97 PAGE 4 approximately $6,500 per location. The daily volumes' are much too low to wa=ant all-way stop controls which are not intended or effective as speed control devices. The Province establishes warrants in an effort to maintain uniformity across the province, prevent over-use of safety devices and prevent unnecessary expenditures. Only one night time accident has occurred at each intersection and the lack of illumination does not appear to be a major factor in the collisions. 3.5 Accident Prevention As shown by statistics at the following existing all-way stop intersections, all-way stops do not eliminate accidents. Location' Accidents Durinq 1597 Nash Road/Varcoe Road 2 Nash Road/Centerfield 1 Nash Road/Trulls Road 2 The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the ?rovince of Ontario recommends that Municipalities should provide only warranted traffic control devices and warning signs because the over-use of such devices leads to disregard by motorists. Responsibility lies with the motorist to obey those regulatory and warning signs and drive responsibly. 3.6 Durham Regional Police Constable Shawn Arnott of the Durham Regional police Traffic Management Division met with Public Works Traffic Staff at the two intersections to review the past accidents, exis;:ing conditions and the petition from the residents. It is the combined opinion of the Durham Regional Police and public Works Department that an all-way stop or flashing beacon is not warranted at either of these locations. The intersections have proper signage and adequate visibility. The collisions are the result of driver error. 19 REPORT NO.: WD-59-97 PAGE 5 , 3.7 Meeting with Residents Staff met with Jeanine Dupuis on September 2, 1997 to discuss the results of the intersection review by the Public Works Department and Durham Regional police. Mrs. Dupuis was provided with a draft copy of the report so she could appear as a delegation if she so desired. Susan Pye was also provided with a copy of the draft report. , f 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that neither an all-way stop nor flashing beacon are warranted at either intersection studied. . . ~ . Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~ r - L y- f L ,J~ ~Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public works ~~ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer . 1 L RDB",SAV*ce Septerr~er 17, 1997 r ..: i..... Attachments ,.. L ... Susan Pye 2732 Solina Road Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K4 f t. Jeanine Dupuis 3064 Holt Road Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K4 I ,- L ... ~.' ...; 112U ... - L 1iI. . Ivarcoe Road :~~ :u _. " II (I) <D <I> 0 ~ I..Cenlerfiekl Drive <T tT ::J 10 ~ !!!. 1 1 ooley Road .. x m ~ <; - 0 ~ ::J ~ C <I> - m :u ~~ Z (j) 0 G> -l OJ ~ :u )> m a. 0 ,... 0 Z OJ ,... )> N a. ~ N .. ,... .. ,... ~ ::T TrulIs Road -< (j) -l -< ~ 0 (j) " -l ~ :u (j) 0 0 ./ OJ " a. (j) R Road .... 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