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10 - Minutes, Council Meeting, January ~14th, 1966, cont~nued.
I. In accordance with t4e provisions of Sect~on ~12 of The
MUnioipal AQt, th~ Reeve shall be paid an annual stipend of
2. IIi aocordance with the provisions 'of Section 406 subsection
(1) subsection ttg" the Deputy Reeve arid each Councillor shall
be paid an annual.stipendtof $350.00.
3. These stipends shall be paid annually.
4. ~y deduct~ons from these stipends shall be governed by
the provi sions of subsection 4 .of Section 406.
5. In addi tion to the. stipends set out above ~ the fol:l:-owi,ng
additional annual payments shall be made to the following
.chair~en of standing committees under the provisions of
Seotion 406 subsection (3):
a. To'the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Commi ttee $100.00
, b. To th~ Chairman of the Property and Finance Corami ttee $150.00
t Committee $100~00
c. To the Chairman of the Planning
d. To the Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee $100.00
6. In paying these sums it has. been assumed th~t for, the purpose
of allooating the total,amount received for tax purposes
between salary and allowances that the members of council intend
to olalm, one t~ird of the total consideration received as an
e~ense'allowance in accordance with the provisions of Seotion
408 of The ~nicipal Act.
7~ That By-law No. 1492 be and is hereby repealed.
Resolution No. 36: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by
Lloyd Lowery:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again .on Tuesday,
February 1, 1966, at 10 a.m., in regular meeting in
the Counoil Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the Call
of Reeve.' - Carried. {
-,~~.'. I-A.-I
Februa~J 1, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J.W.Stone .
DeJ;Juty-Reeve L.A.Perraul t
Councillor R.G.Chater
Councillor G.H.Falls
pouncillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.E.Millson
Road Su~erintendent M.L.Ross
The minutes of the last reglllar meeting were approved as
read on motion by L.A.Perraul t, seconded b~r LloJrd Lowery.. -
Carr ied.
On req~est by Council,' ~IT. E. R. WODdyard, Chairman of
the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, appeared before
Council to discuss the proposed report being prepared for