HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-04 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 4, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill Regrets: Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: F. Langmaid, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers, L. Benson, C. Pellarin 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business – Introduction There were no new business items added to the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD-052-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of April 4, 2016, be adopted as presented. Carried 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Hooper declared a pecuniary interest in Report PSD-026-16 regarding An Application by Veltri and Son Limited to Permit Reduced Frontage and Lot Area for One Proposed Single Detached Lot. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD-053-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on March 14, 2016, be approved. Carried - 1 - Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 4, 2016 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Veltri and Son Limited Report: PSD-026-16 Councillor Hooper declared a pecuniary interest in Report PSD-026-16, An Application by Veltri and Son Limited to Permit Reduced Frontage and Lot Area for One Proposed Single Detached Lot, as a member of his family lives directly across from the subject property. Councillor Hooper left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Robert Russell, Planner II, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Frank Veltri, Veltri and Son Limited, applicant, spoke to the application. Mr. Veltri advised the Committee that he supports the recommendations contained in Report PSD-026-16. He noted that the plan is to develop 12 units with a nine metre frontage with the exception of the subject lot, which will have a 9.36 metre frontage. Mr. Veltri added that the design will be consistent with the existing neighbourhood. He explained that he would prefer if the fencing was not required however they will comply if necessary. Mr. Veltri noted that they have spoken to staff about the grading of the property and will be installing a small retaining wall and a rear yard catch basin. He concluded by offering to answer questions from the Committee. 8 Delegations There are no Delegations scheduled for this meeting. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications – Direction There were no Communications to be received for direction. - 2 - Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 4, 2016 11 Planning Services Department Reports 11.1 PSD-026-16 An Application by Veltri and Son Limited to Permit Reduced Frontage and Lot Area for One Proposed Single Detached Lot Resolution #PD-054-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD-026-16 be received; That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2016-0007 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Veltri and Son Limited to rezone to permit reduced lot frontage and area for one proposed single detached lot; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-026-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. 11.2 PSD-027-16 Notification Distance Requirements for Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendments in the Rural Area Resolution #PD-055-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD-027-16 be received; That Council endorse the attached Planning Department Policy (Attachment 2 to PSD- 027-16) a policy to increase the required distance for mailed notices from 120 metres to 300 metres for applications not within a settlement area, and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-027-16 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 12 New Business – Consideration There were no New Business Item to be considered under this Section of the Agenda. - 3 - Planning and Development Committee ClaringtonMinutes April 4, 2016 13 Unfinished Business There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. 14 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. 15 Adjournment Resolution #PD-056-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the meeting adjourn at 7:18 PM. Carried Chair Deputy Clerk - 4 -