HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-03 Minutes Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee February 3, 2016, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: André O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Jacquie Watchorn – 6:25pm Maureen Reed Sally Barrie Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Peter Windolf – Manager, Park Development – until 6:50pm Paul Wirch – Planner Regrets: Councillor Partner Shea-Lea Latchford John Sturdy 1. Adoption of Minutes Adoption of Minutes was deferred until quorum was reached. Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by Sally Barrie That the minutes of the meeting of December 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. Presentation Park Development Presentation Peter Windolf, Manager of Park Development gave a presentation to the Committee. The presentation focused on recent projects that have been completed and how he is improving accessibility through these projects. Committee members asked questions about recreational trails which lead to a subsequent discussion on the steps taken to improve access in certain areas. Mr. Windolf also presented to the Committee three products that improve beach access for people with disabilities. Each material was reviewed and the Committee was advised that one of the options presented to them would be purchased and installed at two Clarington beaches this year. The Committee was asked how far the beach access mat should extend. Committee members Clarington Accessibility - 2 - February 3, 2016 Advisory Committee mutually agreed it should extend as close to the water’s edge as possible. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that providing over-the- sand access to the beach/water is one example of how Clarington is exceeding its requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by Jacquie Watchorn That the presentation be received for information CARRIED 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Feedback submitted on the proposed changes to the Customer Service (CS) Standard th The Committee was advised that on Friday January 29 the Government of Ontario released a draft regulation of their proposed changes. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that she will analyse all of the proposed changes and present them to the Committee at a later meeting. (b) Freedom of Information (FOI) Request The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that their FOI request is still rd in progress and that the government is in the process of receiving any 3 party objections to the information requested. The Committee was further advised that they will be provided more information as it becomes available. 4. New Business (a) Election of Chair The Committee was advised that in accordance with their Terms of Reference, a new Committee Chair must be elected at the first meeting of the year. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee to defer this item until all members are present and their Terms of Reference have been updated. Moved by Sally Barrie seconded by Maureen Reed, That the election of Chair and Vice-Chair be deferred. CARRIED Clarington Accessibility - 3 - February 3, 2016 Advisory Committee (b) Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart Accessibility The Accessibility Coordinator opened the discussion by advising the Committee that Councillor Partner requested that this item be placed on the agenda because many Newcastle residents have concerns over the accessibility of the Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart. Of primary concern is the location of the parking lot in relation to the store entrance. A secondary concern is the use of the accessible on-street parking space located in front of the store. Newcastle resident, Jacquie Watchorn advised the Committee that community members are dissatisfied with the level of accessibility at this Shoppers Drug Mart. Citing the location of the parking lot and the number of accessible off-street parking as the major causes for concern, it was recommended that the store install a second entrance at the back giving direct access to the parking lot. The Committee was told that the distance from the parking lot to the store entrance is too far for people with disabilities, seniors and mothers with strollers. Furthermore, the Committee was advised that people are driving to the Bowmanville Shoppers Drug Mart because it’s more accessible even though it is further away. Paul Wirch, Planner, addressed the Committee to provide some additional background on how the Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart came to be and what occurred in the planning process. Mr. Wirch advised the Committee that the previous Accessibility Advisory Committee was given the opportunity to comment on the site plans and that their feedback was largely incorporated at the time. The Committee did not make mention of the location of the front entrance in relation to the parking lot. Mr. Wirch advised the Committee that the design of this store fits in with the Official Plan for Newcastle. A discussion between Committee members, the Accessibility Coordinator and Mr. Wirch ensued. Problems and concerns continued to be identified and possible solutions were discussed at length. Due to time constraints the following motion was brought forward, Moved by Sally Barrie seconded by Maureen Reed That the discussion and decision of how to proceed on addressing the concerns of the Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart be deferred until the March 2, 2016 meeting. CARRIED Clarington Accessibility - 4 - February 3, 2016 Advisory Committee (c) Correspondence Deferred to March 2, 2016 meeting (d) Certified for Access Deferred to March 2, 2016 meeting. 5. Regional Update No update. 6. Other Business N/A 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday March 2nd, 2016 at 6:00 PM. 8. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by André O’Bumsawin That the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:40p.m. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary