HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-08 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY MARCH 8, 2016 7:00 PM Present: Patrick Bothwell Leo Blindenbach Kate Potter Paul Davidson Melanie McArthur Councillor Corinna Traill Jim Cleland Regrets: Taullie Thompson Suzanne Land Brian Reid James Hodge Dyan Amirault 1. AGENDA MOVEDSECONDED : by Patrick Bothwell by Jim Cleland THAT : the agenda for March 8, 2016 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED:SECONDED by Paul Davidson by Melanie McArthur THAT: the minutes of December 8, 2015 be approved. CARRIED SWNA March 2016 Minutes 2 3. ITEMS/UPDATES Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup Councillor Traill introduced Jenni McNish a Hampton resident that is interested in registering the SWNA for the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. This is a Canada wide event that encourages citizens to clean up the shorelines of lakes and rivers around the country. The SWNA has participated in this event in the past and is fully supportive of participating again. Leo Blindenbach described his experience with the event and offered to be the committee liaison with Jenni for this year’s Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. The committee discussed the best timing for the event and determined a September date would be the most beneficial since the SWNA is already a site for Pitch-In cleanup at the end of April. Jenni McNish will register for the event and confirm the date with Councillor Traill and Leo Blindenbach. Toronto Street Trunk Sewer project In 2016 the Region of Durham will implement phase one of a project to install a new trunk sewer to their sewage treatment plan. The first phase of the project will extend from the Waterfront Trail on Toronto Street down to the sewage treatment plant. The road in that stretch will be closed to traffic during construction. Phase two in 2017 will extend north from the Waterfront Trail to the 401. Access to the SWNA Toronto Street parking lot during the two year construction period will be via Port of Newcastle and Lakebreeze Drive. 2016 Trail Construction Project Peter Windolf presented the latest plans showing the proposed trail alignment and bridge crossing location for the new woodland trail that will connect the Waterfront Trail to the existing trail along the north side of the sewage treatment plant. The construction drawings are now complete and we are waiting for approval from the GRCA prior to tendering the project for summer construction. The committee discussed the options for trail surface. The trail will connect at the north end with a limestone trail and at the south end with an asphalt trail. The committee determined that an asphalt surface would be preferred if the budget will allow for it. The asphalt surface would require less maintenance, especially since the trail has inclines leading into the valley, and an asphalt surface is more suitable for a wider variety of users such as strollers, bicycles, wheelchairs, and in-line skates. Special Events in 2016 GRCA Biologist Ken Towle has confirmed his availability to lead a walk this summer to identify and educate the public about invasive plants. The event would highlight the ecological damage and the toxic effects of some invasive plants found at the SWNA. The SWNA March 2016 Minutes 3 date will be confirmed with Ken so that we can begin to advertise it through Clarington’s social media platforms. Brian Reid has been in contact with noted wildlife photographer Bill Bickle about presenting some of his photographs at a November 2016 or January 2017 indoor event. Although the event would not be specifically about the SWNA, it would help promote the area by highlighting some of the flora and fauna that could be found at the SWNA. The committee discussed the timing and venue for the event. Melanie noted that Sunday afternoon events are often well attended. The committee agreed that a Sunday afternoon in November would be desirable. Possible locations could include the Newcastle Library or the meeting room at the Newcastle Recreation complex. Peter Windolf will investigate the availability of both venues. Brian will be asked to contact Bill Bickle to confirm a date. Bench Donation Offer A resident has offered to donate a custom made wood bench for installation at the SWNA in memory of a friend. A photo of the bench was distributed to the committee. It consisted of two large wooden planks for the seat and backrest. Leo talked about his experience with custom made wood benches while in the golf course industry. They often deteriorate quickly regardless of how often and how many coats of varathane are applied. The consensus of the committee was that the bench would not be appropriate for the SWNA especially since it is a memorial bench and there would be an expectation that it be well maintained. The potential donor will be contacted and thanked for her offer. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Patrick forwarded a photo of the decaying wood deck on the north viewing platform. Operations will be notified of the concern. Paul discussed the Regional Trails Committee initiative called Canada Walks 150. It is intended to celebrate Canada’s sesquicentennial in 2017. The idea is still in concept stage but the plan is to encourage residents of all municipalities in the Region to walk 150km on local trails. Municipal staff has already met with the Regional planner who coordinates the Trails Committee. Clarington intends to participate and is waiting for more information from the Regional Trails Committee. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach by Melanie McArthur THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:15 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday April 12, 7:00PM in 1A Notes prepared by: P.Windolf