HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-13-00 .. ~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Date: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~. FEBRUARY 14, 2000 Res. #G:7A -70-00 Meeting: Report No.: WD-13-00 By-Law # Subject: REQUEST TO UPGRADE BASEBALL FACILITY AT LORD ELGIN PARK Reeommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-13-00 be received; 2. THAT the proposal from the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association to upgrade the baseball facility at Lord Elgin Park be approved; 3. THAT Municipal staff be authorized to install all of the materials provided by the Association at the Municipality's expense; 4. THAT the application from the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association for use ofthe facility in the year 2000 be approved and that the Association be further advised that they must apply for use of the facility on an annual basis as per current municipal policy; and 5. THAT the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map 1131 , REPORT NO.: WD-13-00 PAGE 2 No.2: Correspondence received by the Public Works Department from the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association No.3 Application form received from the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On September 21,1999 the Public Works Department received correspondence from the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association (refer to Attachment No.2). The Association proposes to pay for the costs of materials to upgrade the baseball diamond at Lord Elgin Park provided that the Municipality pays for the cost of installation. The Association has also requested that they be permitted use of the facility for the normal fees. 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 The Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association proposes to pay for the cost of players' benches, additional fencing, a gravel infield and 2 garbage receptacles provided that the actual installation be completed by the Municipality. 3.2 Lord Elgin Park is located on Fourth Street in Bowmanville and is situated adjacent to Lord Elgin School. The park contains I baseball diamond, a playground area and teunis courts. There is also a baseball diamond at the adjacent Lord Elgin School. 3.3 The existing baseball diamond consists of a backstop and a grass playing surface, without a gravel infield. Due to the lack of a proper playing surface the existing diamond is used only on a limited basis. 3.4 The Association has allocated $6,000 to cover the cost of materials to upgrade the existing ball diamond. They have requested that the Municipality provide labour for the actual installation. 1132 , REPORT NO.: WD-13-00 PAGE 3 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Based on the above it is concluded that the proposal by the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association will provide a cost effective means of creating one additional baseball facility that can be utilized on a full time basis. It is therefore recommended that the proposal to upgrade the facility be approved and that municipal staff be authorized to perform the required installation. It is further recommended that the application submitted by the Association for the use of the facility in the year 2000 be approved. 4.2 The Public Works Department involvement in this project will be accounted for in the preparation of the Department's 2000 Capital and Current Budgets. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., DrrecrorofPublicWorks d~--::J~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer BM*SA V*ce 04/02/00 C1arington Boys Slo-Pitch C/o Donna Lucas-Astley 3 Chantel Court Bowmanville, ON LIC 3P3 1133 r- I ',,- I~ . . Boulevard doW'l,ew Mea ,:T LORD ELGIN PARK .~ Fourth Street ~ BOWMANVI it Ii I I LORD ELG/N SCHOOL 1134 Jli ~~e 8 1 1- ., ~ Iii .c r- Cl 'f [DRAWN BY: J.R.M ~ATE: FEB. 2000 · REPORT WD-13-00 ATTACHMENT NO.1 10/15/99 09:03 STEVES DIESEL ~ 905 623 9282 (;l01 !l~ BrJ ?n -9;..R2 September 21, 1999 Philip Broome Supervisor of Public Works Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Mr. Broome; Further to our discussion earlier this summer Clarington Boys Slo- Pitch Association is eager to enter into a partnership with the Municipality of Clarington whereby the Association agrees to pay for the materials necessary to upgrade the west baseball diamond at Lord Elgin School in the north end of Bowmanville. As of September 21, 1999, the Association is willing to contribute $6,000.00 for such upgrades as a pair of benches. fencing on both sides of the diamond, playing surface, and 2 garbage cans if the Municipality agrees to provide the labour to install these upgrades. It will also be the intention of the Association to contnbute more money in the year 2000 for the addition of two 5 tier bleachers. t: [~ , f The Association would be pleased to provide a plaque for this diamond stating that the boys are enjoying this facility due to a co-operative effort by both the Municipality of Clarington and the Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association. ~. !~ Our Association expects to have first choice in using the facility next year and in sub$tlQuent years and agrees to pay the usual rental fees to maintain upkeep of the diamond. " ,. ,. ii Would you please send us a written quote stating the cost of the materials used for this upgrade for our records. ;~ i~, L~ t, ~) 1135 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-13-00 if" j r: ji; ~~ (-, [;:: " n ~ " ~'. ~ Ii ~ F! I'." ~ ;J ~ I I Sincerely, $~ ~L4 Pete Nildaus Co-Chair Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association f)~:/-<=-o - ~ DOlBla Lucas-Astley Co-Chair Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch Association -O~ ~~ Isabelle Goodfellow Treasurer Clarlngton Boys Slo.Pitch Association 10/2B/99 12:04 STEVES DIESEL 4 905 623 9282 .,1,,1. AI!II'rl-E'r' ASSOC. INC. [;l01 ~ ;1 DN: FORM.45 I?~,.~~~~ 'l'BJl CORPORATION OF TIm 'MI:1NIClPALITI( OF CLAJIIl'lCTON CO~ $BBVICBIJ DEPARTMENT -.15 1939 liIle!!C:& ~r l/ r."'2 I I I , , , II I, , ! I ii' " I' . !I : ,- II. , I I I I II: .. il:il.. I ,,[ Iii i! ," i ',I I : ~ i I . I ; ~ I , . ::1 ' . l ii i.1 ~ "I ! II 1>1 11'( Ii .1 )1 'f ;1 ,: i I ~ . j /' i'~(:. I 'n I, :.' i ; ~ ! " ..<t, "~[I :. . 'r PERMIT APPUCATION FOR FACILl'IY USE lU!:'I't1IUf TOl COMMUNrIY 8Zl\'lCES DI.PARTMBNT 40 1'EI\IPEItANCB ~ . BOWM4NVJLLB, ONTAlIO ~lC 3~6 (!Ill$) ,33-33" BXT.349 TO USE ---13.&SE.. 6 AU- l) t AM oN " S ~(J06 s~ . -..-.-,.. ._~... FAOLl'fY DATI (8) TIMB (8) RBNTAL RATE '.LA. ,.'00.1 -1'~()t) I'M, &~OIJ ~ ~:CI'O f..... ,:~ '-f!oJ Nl, ," ., ACCOMMODATION. SPBCIAL BQUIPMIlNT, PRlVILBOBS CAlJ We. P.J..~A-s~ !+AVe... .4- AoC.JiEfL ? GROUP NAME: C A.,<\RllI.l<n"n:uv BOYS S /.J) - Pttc.N- PBRSON-IN-CHARGB ;,t\,N~ J...(UA.~'" bYMAltINo ADDRES!l". ShO'" Pac H-.- 1'-: 1- ADDRESS ~ c~ CJj"Kf" ~t{), Bel< t23.3 I , &OVJ. OJ.). Ale. 3f'3 J3ow. O~" t../e 31<j~ ~~~-37~3 : PHONE NO: f'" Tlao permit bold.r .Fees to be raopoll.llble for paymut of 8JIY 1'..11I charp !bat be<<lIZlH due to the MlIlIldpality \llld. Ibis pennlt. Payment ill acIvanee with postdaled cheques due berore permit dale. n, permit for facility and relllal dates II vaUcI Ollly wlleD tb. appUcatlOllllllllled by all lIulbori.wd I'eprestlllaliv. of Ihe Col\Ull\llllty Servlccs DepartmCllI. . ~~.~" (tI,d. ~iJ. Itj'i9 DAlB ' ,', .h "I' i '~ FOR TIm t;OMMUNITY Sli~~CES OBPARmsr II. .: ~ ! I ,~ , 1" ~ i. ; .'. ~ ATTACHME~T NO.: ' ! ~ REPORT NOj:WD-q ~,I DAlE ISSUllD 1136 H'l/2B/99 12:04 STEVES DJ ESEL -> 905 623 9282 J - t. ""'TLIr'" ""'SOC. INC _ >>0'" ""... caca"'''' "'02 1'- 0;5 ! I DN; FORM,4,S '!'BE COlU'OllA110N OF TBB MVNICIl'ALl'lY OF Cl..\RINGToN COMMtlNnY IBl.VlCIS DBPAltTMBNT PERMIT APPLICATION FoR PAcrt.nY USE UTVlIN TOr COMMUNlTV SDVlCBI DEPAllTMBl'O' 40 TlMl>ElWl~ 8TRIB'r BOWM.\NvJu.B, ONTAlUO LtC 3AG (JOt) 6~~ EXT,'U, TO tTSE ~l.L J) I A-fnDr'J(l..s ~oo SPA-soN " .', llBNTALllATE 1'.L4. FA.CILITY I.i~ ~ ~\CII)._ I <)I) P (0:0.,1 ._g.: ()<J p {,kJd_ 8!Q"p 'J<X'_ 3'10<>1'. ACCOMMODAnON, SPECIAL BQUll'MBNT, PR.IVJLBGBS eM w€. PL.~~ #AvfJ.. ,4 /...o~? GROUPNAME: ~/..4R,INc:. n:rrv 80 v s SL,o '. .p, rei! PE!\SON.JN.cHAROB1).,,,,,,,. J.U.CAt A Ik~r MAlLlNGADDUSS SI..O - !Jt,c/+ ADDRRSS .3 ~HI1,y~ a,u~:r p. 0. 6bX: ,,233. i I. t3~w. ~/J, J../c3~3 ~ow. nlJ. ~/C. 3J<q PHONE NO: W - _~ 7'~ .- n. pennlt hQlder ..,.. to bll rqpoulb16 (or pA)'llltD1 of 1111 toml elluae lhat becomet duo to lh, MWlicipallty \l1l.r thls permit. hymeot ill advaRce with pOlldated dJ."Iueo duo before permit cIate, The pel'1ll11 tor faolIIly IIld relllal dalN I. valid o.aly WhOIl the appUcatlon I. al8ll'" by all authorized (\._Dtatlve~Of lho CollllllU~llfly Servlc:N.~.,.rllllelll' tld~ q~ S[ONATlJ F l'BRSON.[N 11 FOR 1HE COMMUNl'IY SlilRVICBS DBPARThmN'T ~ I'. DA . Q~ I lCfQ'l 1\ DA1B ISSUED -, 1137 -1, i II 'I :1'1 II: 11'1, I I I . ~ I · . ~ f' ! l' I. J ) Ii, [1 I J.': 1 "e; II , I "ii II', b.~... r!. . i(~ I ~j i . ,; ti.: , E., i I ~": I . ~:(: t '. ir,;~ Iii I ,WE , : ');tt:: I i I~"....". II f1? !l'.~ I(~ I!II:I.".;:. i:',f~: "f ,~:. , ;!'" 'I I. . II I ! I I fl' I ' I' . il ..' IU' .,\,.,- ., 10/2B/99 12:05 STEVES DIESEL ~ 905 623 9282 ~6 I. i::If;TL.EV ASSOC.. INC.. 911i!1l5 ea'iJI lilllillt5aii ~03 p.8.4 i i . DN: FORM.45 , I i I i I j I I I I' ! , TBB CORPORATION 01' 'I'Ba M1JNICJPALlIY 01' ~N COMMlJNJ'lY SEltVlCBS DEP~NT PERMIT APPUCATION POlt PACU..ITY USE IlBTUItN T01 C:OMMln'll'n'IB8VlCElll DBPAJl.TMENT <40 TEMJlllANCB S"I'UET BOWMAm'lU.E, ONTARIO LtC "6 (901) 623-3379 8X'I'. :ut TO Usa _BAse t:JU.L :bcAMOf\liOS ~(JOO S#lS oAl FACIUt'Y DA.T.B (S) '11'l'.m (5) UNTAL RATE P.L.\. ., The petl\llt holder agree. 10 be r~l" Cor paymnt of any renlal cIIarao tbat becomes dllo to tho MulIlc:IJlIlUty uDder lids pennlt. P~elll iD advaDCO with polldated eIleqllOlllue befOl'O p~t dale. The permit for f~l1ty aDlI reatlll dllU I. vaUd 0111)' when tbe application 1"lped by all. authorized .-pr""lItalivo of Ibo Commul11ty Servku Departllleut. ~~~.~ FOR1HECOWMUNrrY"'VKmDSP~ /J(I-. ~a I /'fife) DATI! ' I- DATE I6SUBD 1,138 11 I, ii i! . II i I,"~ .I:i. ll!:i I! ei. II: I I'fl [ .: ~i I : I~ I . . I'I~ i! ." !1,1Ii , I ~\j t; '~~r~: ii, I] 111-.t.i.:.. '~s. !j'~ i "~;.' , .~ ! . ~~. "~..'~ !~ I ,'l1i~ I, .~ !I h :~ 1/,,1 II ),1,. ill ";1:;: I "~~:, ; i ! . il.' j *~!' Iii d;1 I I, ! ! " '! ., . , . t"'''' HV28/99 12:06 STEVES DIESEL ~ 905 623 9282 .J. I. J::I.TL.II'f ASSOC. IHC. (;l04 p,eel 1 I i , ~li!JIt5 e:a:'iII li!lllin5. .. DN:l'ORM.4S TBI CODoRADON OF1'BB MtlNICIP.u.rJ'Y 0.. CIAlUNGTON COr.n.mNm' SERVICJtS DZPAll'l'MBNT PERMIT APPUCATION FOR PACD.ITY USE BB'I'tIRN TO: COMMVNlTY SDVICES lJEI'AllTM8NT 40 1'BMPEllANCB SDBBT BO'WM.UMLLE, ONTARIO LtC 3M (9GI) .D03379 EXT. Ut TOUSB~e.flALL- :n'~OJ ~"oo S~4SoN rACILI'lY DATE (S) mm (8) . BBNTAL RATE P.J.A. ACCOMMODATION, SPECIAL EQUIPMBNT, PRIVn.EGBS CAN We. fJ L.6A-S fL ~I/t€- It ! i i 1 I I I I jJ~ck.S.t2.- ? ~ ! -, , GROUPNAME: CJ...I+A..'f\Jt1.TON 8t"tvr; S(() ~ 8......,.C/..{ i PBIlSON-IN.CHARGS ~AlAlA.Lt.l'A$~ An./!'iMA1UNG ADDRESS S I.tJ - fJ Ired' ADDRESS ..3 CII#J~L-6"u.l!f P.CJ. Box J'l33 : &w.()JJ. '-fa. 3'13 Am:.J IJAJ. J../~ ik9 IoJ3~37"3 " I ! PHONE NO: 'I'hcI P<<JD.it holdw asr- to be mpollllble for PiymCllt of uy rental <:barp lut become. clue 10 tho MuD.iapality Bllder thll permit. PaY'11l1111 ill aclvllDCle with pOltdated chequ.. due before 1'01'1II11 date. TIle permit for tacllll)l .",d rel:\l"t datos Ii vaDeI Ollly when the appUcallQII I. slgDe4 by an authorized represelltattve of tbe CommWlIly ServlCCII Dep1ll'ttl\4111, 1)~~~J~~ ~ SlGNAlURJ! II PBRSON-INoCHAR. rfI. ~;). /919 D TB " FOR 'IHB COMMUNrrY SERVlCBS DBPAR~ ! . i I .1 I , DATB ISSt.J1lD - . 1139 II '.' , . I ,. i :.,' . , . , I I