HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-18 Special Budget Meeting Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the General Government Committee held on Friday, March 18, 2016 at 9:30 AM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: F. Wu, A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM. 2 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #GG-128-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda for the Special General Government Committee meeting of March 18, 2016, be adopted as presented. Carried 3 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Neal declared a pecuniary interest in the delegation of Ann-marie Harley, A Gift of Art, regarding the 2016 Budget. 4 Delegations 4.1 Marilyn Morawetz and Bill Humber, Jury Lands Foundation, Regarding 2016 Budget Marilyn Morawetz and Bill Humber, Jury Lands Foundation addressed the Committee regarding the 2016 Budget. She made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Ms. Morawetz advised the Committee that they were present to thank Municipality of Clarington for their support of the Jury Lands Foundation. She continued by providing background information on the trail project which included support from the Municipality of Clarington and local businesses to assist in the completion of the trail. Ms. Morawetz continued by noting that a major factor in the success of the project was due to the commitment of Council in September 2015 to fund the work on Concession Street and to allow for the pedestrian access to link the trail with the open space. She added that they would like to thank Engineering Services for including this in their capital budget. Ms. Morawetz highlighted the accomplishments and events of the Jury Lands Foundation for 2015. She noted that there has been positive feedback from the community since the site has started to be developed, in addition to increased use of - 1 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 the area. Ms. Morawetz concluded by thanking Committee for their support and invited them to the grand opening of the trail on May 11, 2016 at 6:00PM. 4.2 Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2016 Budget Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library addressed the Committee regarding their 2016 budget request, with a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Kent advised the Committee that Gail Rickard, Chair, Clarington Library Board, sends her regrets. She outlined the 2016 budget request from the Library Board, which includes an increase of 2.77% over 2015 for a total request of $2,972,564. Ms. Kent reviewed the library costs per capita and noted that the Municipality of Clarington is the lowest of all the comparative municipalities based on the Municipal Performance Measurement Program for 2014. She discussed the economic impact of the library, including the return on investment. Ms. Kent explained the importance of the library being a destination within the Municipality of Clarington and added that there has been an 11% increase in visits for a total of 462,750 in 2015. She noted that the Courtice branch has reopened and she provided an overview of the facility. Ms. Kent reviewed the library’s role in education and highlighted the resources, education training and programming offered at the library. She continued by reviewing the library programs which have increased by 5% with a total of 18,170 attendees which has resulted in the expansion of the programs. Ms. Kent noted the community partnerships and explained how they work to develop and maintain these partnerships. She summarized some of the local community events they participated in which include the Winter Wonderlearn. Ms. Kent concluded by reviewing the core values, goals and the mission of the library. She thanked the members of Committee and offered to answer questions. 4.3 Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, Regarding 2016 Budget Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth, was present regarding their 2016 budget request with a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Newman provided a 2015 Year in Review for the Firehouse Youth Centre which included defining new partnerships, new programs, and proactive involvement in the community. He continued by highlighting the new initiatives and projects from 2015 which included a new website, youth safety initiatives, and a Durham Region Health Department Partnership. He continued by thanking all of the their community partners, with a special thank you to the Salvation Army, Rotary Club of Bowmanville, Municipality of Clarington, and Durham Regional Police who collaborated with them for various programs. Mr. Newman highlighted some of the annual fundraisers and special events that took place in 2015 and noted two new events which included Mics on Fire and Hype for Hoops. He continued by reviewing some photos of significant events from 2015. Mr. Newman reviewed the success by the numbers which included a chart on usage from 2010 to 2015. He noted that there numbers have increased 2.5 times since 2010 and there were a total of 3,362 visits in 2015. Mr. Newman reviewed their 2016 budget submission and noted that they are not asking for an increase. He added that - 2 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 their fundraising efforts continue to grow and that the volunteers are key to their efficiency. Mr. Newman concluded by advising the Committee that 2016 is focusing on building partnerships, continued programming, and elementary school outreach. He thanked the Committee and Community Partners and offered to answer any questions. 4.4 James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator and Craig Ryan, President, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2016 Budget James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator, Visual Arts Centre (VAC) of Clarington, was present regarding their 2016 budget request. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Campbell highlighted the events and successes of the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington from 2015 which included exhibitions, publications, programming, workshops, studio upgrades, fundraising, community events, community outreach and partnerships. He continued by reviewing the 2015 revenues and 2015 expenses. Mr. Campbell advised the Committee that the 2016 municipal budget request includes a 2.5% increase of approximately $5066 for a total of $207,727. Mr. Campbell concluded by thanking the Municipality for their support and offered to answer any questions from the Committee. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Ryan answered questions from the members of the Committee. 4.5 Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding 2016 Budget Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, was present regarding their 2016 budget request. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. He continued by giving an overview of how the museum operates, how they are supported financially, what they do within the Municipality, and the Mission and Vision for the Museum. Mr. Adams noted that the 2016 municipal budget request includes a 5% increase for a total request of $290,956.00 and explained that this increase is due to a realignment of the operating costs. He reviewed the 2015 and 2016 exhibits, events, programs and outreach in the Municipality of Clarington. He reviewed the targets for 2016, sponsorship and education programs, management priorities, and community collaboration. Mr. Adams continued by highlighting the sponsorship and grants that have been received in addition to in-kind donations. He concluded by thanking members of Committee. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-129-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the delegation of Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives a second time. Carried - 3 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Recess Resolution #GG-130-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:18 AM. Delegations – Continued 4.6 Sally Barrie, Administrator, and Brent Farr, Executive Director – Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2016 Budget Sally Barrie, Administrator, and Brent Farr, Executive Director, – Home Support, Community Care Durham (CCD) were present regarding their 2016 budget request, with a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Barrie introduced Barb Tucker, CCD who was present in the audience. She gave a brief overview of CCD which included who they are and what they do. Ms. Barrie explained to the Committee that the population of Clarington is constantly increasing and their volunteers continue to assist the residents of Clarington to be able to live at home. She explained that they have over 2000 volunteers and 250 staff that provide 143,000 hours of services to over 10,000 clients throughout the Region of Durham. Ms. Barrie provided an overview of the services offered by CCD. She added that CCD has many partnerships with local organizations and community groups to assist with the implementation of their services. Ms. Barrie provided an overview of services offered at the CCD sites in Clarington which are offered out of the Garnet B. Rickard Complex and the Wilmot Creek sites. She concluded by reviewing CCD statistics specifically related to Clarington and thanked the Municipality for their commitment to community care. 4.7 Angie Darlison, Executive Director and Alan Tibbles, President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association, Regarding 2016 Budget Alan Tibbles, President and Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Bowmanville Older Adult Association (BOAA), were present regarding their 2016 budget request, with a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Tibbles provided the Committee with details on the transition from the Clarington Older Adults Association (COAA) to the BOAA. He continued by reviewing the financial situation of the BOAA which included the long term and short term prospects. Mr. Tibbles added that their main issue has been the BOAA losing their charitable status. He added that they have re-applied for charitable status but are currently unable to receive any grants without this status. Mr. Tibbles advised the Committee that the BOAA is now open seven days per week and 12 month per year, they have many new programs, and are open to members and non-members. He advised the BOAA has increased the drop-in rate and have had an increase in program registration. Mr. Tibbles added that this alone does - 4 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 not assist with their short term financial situation and that they need grants to keep operational. He continued by reviewing their 2016 budget which included revenues and expenditures. Mr. Tibbles noted that their 2016 request is less due to the loss of Courtice programs. He provided an overview of the one-time and ongoing costs that resulted in transferring from the COAA to the BOAA. Mr. Tibbles concluded by reviewing the budget request of $303,150 and assured the Committee that once they overcome the initial hurdle of transferring from the COAA to the BOAA it will be apparent that Council made the right decision to form the BOAA. 4.8 Shirley Rogers, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board, Regarding 2016 Budget Shirley Rogers, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board, was present regarding their 2016 budget request. Ms. Rogers provided an overview of the staffing at the Newcastle Community Hall which includes both paid staff and the volunteer hall board. She added that both the employees and the board work hard to maintain the hall. She highlighted the many community groups and organizations that use the hall board for community events. Ms. Rogers noted that there have been many improvements done to the hall that have been done through fundraising which included a garden on the property and new flooring in the auditorium. She added the 2016 will be a promising year and the Newcastle Community Hall will host many events including the Newcastles of the World celebration. Ms. Rogers concluded by explaining to the Committee that they continuously looking for ways that they can increase the use of the hall and become more efficient and asked the Committee to consider the request of the Newcastle Community Hall. 4.9 Katharine Warren, Clarington Heritage Committee, Regarding 2016 Budget Katharine Warren, Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC), was present regarding their 2016 budget request with a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Ms. Warren advised the Committee that she was present representing the Clarington Heritage Committee with a request $1000. She provided background information of the role of the CHC within the Municipality of Clarington. Ms. Warren described qualifications of the members of the CHC and training involved when new members are appointed. She continued by explaining that they have had situations where there have been issues that are beyond the scope of the Committee and they are hoping to implement ongoing education of the members to ensure they are able to deal with any matters that may arise. Ms. Warren explained that a member of the CHC was able to attend a province-wide Heritage Conference. She concluded by noting the importance of education and training of their members and are asking for $1000 to allow for members to attend additional training, conferences, and additional education courses. - 5 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Recess The Committee recessed at noon for their one hour scheduled break as per the Procedural By-law. The meeting reconvened at 1:00 PM. 4.10 Ann-marie Harley, A Gift of Art, Regarding 2016 Budget Councillor Neal declared a pecuniary interest in the delegation of Ann-marie Harley, A Gift of Art, as a member of his family volunteers for this organization. Councillor Neal left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Ann-marie Harley, A Gift of Art, was present regarding their 2016 budget request, with a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Harley provided an overview of A Gift of Art (AGOA) and their mission. She reviewed the AGOA team, and programs and services they offer. She continued by providing an artist profile which included three of their young artists and Herb Jung. Ms. Harley highlighted how AGOA helps the community and reviewed the 2015 highlights of the various events, programs and workshops within the community. She continued by explaining the challenges that AGOA faces and reviewed their plans to overcome these challenges. Ms. Harley concluded by explaining that they have always applied for a community grant and this is the first time they are asking for funding from the municipal budget. She continued by adding that they are asking for $30,000 to assist with a marketing and technology update. Ms. Harley stated that this is a one-time request. Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. 4.11 Steve Lawrence, Regarding Capital Project 32-338-16101, Newcastle Streetscape Improvements (Page 350 of the Budget Binder) Steve Lawrence, local business owner, was present regarding Capital Project 32-338-16101, Newcastle Streetscape Improvements. Mr. Lawrence advised the Committee that he is here representing several of the local businesses in downtown Newcastle. He noted that he does support the streetscape improvements, however, he is asking that the project be delayed for one year. Mr. Lawrence provided some background information on the bollards and bump-outs that were installed downtown Newcastle in 2008 in order to calm traffic in the area. He advised the Committee that due to the installation of these bump-outs and bollards, the downtown area has lost several parking spaces and as a result they have lost business. Mr. Lawrence added that the bollards and bump-outs do not calm traffic and create more issues with site lines, parking, and snow clearing in the winter months. He continued by stating that the majority of the traffic issues are from customers entering and exiting the LCBO parking lot. Mr. Lawrence noted that he believes the LCBO is going to be re-locating within the next year and this will fix the traffic concerns. He concluded by advising the Committee that he supports the streetscape project but is asking for the project to be deferred for one year and that the additional bollards and bump-outs not be installed. - 6 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 4.12 Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Newcastle Business Improvement Area, Regarding Capital Project 32-338-16101, Newcastle Streetscape Improvements (Page 350 of the Budget Binder) Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Newcastle Business Improvement Area (NBIA), was present regarding Capital Project 32-338-16101, Newcastle Streetscape Improvements. Ms. Vanhaverbeke advised the Committee that the NBIA is in support of this project. She continued by explaining that the issues of the bollards and the bump-outs have been discussed at many of the NBIA meetings and all members agree that they are an unattractive addition to the downtown area. Mr. Vanhaverbeke added that they were advised the bollards and bump-outs were a temporary measure. She continued by adding that they do not feel it is possible to remove the bollards and bump-outs or to add the parking spots back to the downtown area. Ms. Vanhaverbeke advised that they support the gateway sign and are hoping that permanent posts for banners are installed in the downtown to assist with advertising community events. She concluded by advising the Committee they fully support this project and they hope to see it be approved. Resolution #GG-131-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the following delegations be received with thanks and referred to the 2016 Budget:  Marilyn Morawetz and Bill Humber, Jury Lands Foundation  Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library  Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre  James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator and Craig Ryan, President, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington  Michael Adams, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives  Sally Barrie, Administrator, and Brent Farr, Executive Director – Home Support, Community Care Durham,  Angie Darlison, Executive Director and Alan Tibbles, President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association  Shirley Rogers, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board  Katharine Warren, Clarington Heritage Committee  Ann-marie Harley, A Gift of Art  Steve Lawrence  Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Newcastle Business Improvement Area Carried - 7 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 5 Presentations 5.1 Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer - 2016 Municipal Budget Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer made a verbal and electronic presentation regarding the 2016 Draft Municipal Budget. Ms. Taylor discussed charts regarding the following topics:  An increase on an average house (valued at $294,000) is approximately $12.33 per each 1%  Financial indicators: Average household income in Clarington (high) o Net municipal levy per capita comparison with selected municipalities o Net municipal levy per capita comparison showing Clarington trends o Property taxes as a percentage of income o How each $100 of Clarington Local Levy is utilized in a 2016 Budget o  2016 Budget Overview with a proposed 2.64% increase after growth has been applied at 1.62%, including external agencies, without options. 1% is approximately $479,000.  2016 Items of Note  Ongoing Support to Capital Budget  Budget Impact Summary  Looking forward to 2017 Highlighted the following: Funding of development charges by-law incentives o Utility costs o Impact of Province wide reassessment o 6 Finance Department 6.1 FND-002-16 2016 Current and Capital Budget Resolution #GG-132-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report FND-002-16 be received; That Council approve the 2016 Operating and Capital budget as outlined in Schedule “A”, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.29% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-002-16; That Council approve a 1% tax levy dedicated to Rural Roads split equally between the Operations and Engineering departments as outlined as item #1 on Schedule “B”; That Council provide direction on the remaining items listed as Priority “B” for consideration, as itemized in Schedule “B”; - 8 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 That Council provide direction on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule “C”, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.35%; That Schedules outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserve/Reserve Funds be approved as shown in the 2016 Draft Budget Binder; That approximately $800,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; That the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents, be approved; That the external agencies, referred to in Schedule “C”, of Report FND-002-16, be advised of Council’s decision regarding their grant request; That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; That Report FND-002-16 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and That the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2016 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Carried as Amended Later in the meeting (See following motions) Resolution #GG-133-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That Staff be directed to install portable trailer washrooms, Capital Project 32-325- 15103 at Clarington Fields with the cost of installation and maintenance to be funded by the Engineering Parks Capital Reserve Fund; and That $150,000.00 (Contributions from General), Reserve Fund Account # 517 in the Engineering Parks Capital, be deleted. Carried - 9 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Resolution #GG-134-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That a Fire Prevention Officer be hired in the last fiscal quarter of 2016. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #GG-135-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill That a Fire Prevention Officer be hired in the second half of 2016, at a 2016 Budget cost impact of $45,000. Carried Resolution #GG-136-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Staff Development budgets be consolidated into one account, with a budget total of $270,000. Carried Resolution #GG-137-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Capital Project 32-330-16109, Longworth Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment, be deleted from the 2016 budget and deferred to the 2017; and That Staff be authorized to develop the Farewell Creek Trail in 2016, with the cost to be interim financed from the Roads and Related Development Charges. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-138-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Community Services – Mun. Sponsorship – Unallocate expense as stated on page 166 of the draft budget binder, Account #100-42-480-20999-7604, be reduced from $40,000 to $20,000. Motion Lost - 10 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Recess Resolution #GG-139-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:00 PM. 2016 Current and Capital Budget – Continued Resolution #GG-140-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the HR - Consulting expense as stated on page 46 of the draft budget binder, Account #100-16-160-00000-7160, be reduced from $20,000 to $7500. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #GG-141-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Pkg Enforce Trsf RF expense as stated on page 63 of the draft budget binder, Account #100-19-192-10100-7412, be reduced from $270,000 to $200,000. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-142-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Item #1 of Schedule “B”, Rural Roads Paved Top and hard Top (Engineering and Operations), be approved in the amount of $300,000. Carried Recess Resolution #GG-143-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Committee recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:53 PM. - 11 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 2016 Current and Capital Budget – Continued Resolution #GG-144-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Bowmanville Older Adult Association 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $255,000. Carried Resolution #GG-145-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Clarington Museums 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $282,643. Carried Resolution #GG-146-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the John Howard Society/Firehouse Youth 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $57,200. Carried Resolution #GG-147-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Orono Cemetery Board 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $10,000. Carried Resolution #GG-148-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Newcastle Community Hall 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $20,000. Carried Resolution #GG-149-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Visual Arts Centre 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $206,714. Carried - 12 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Resolution #GG-150-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Clarington Public Library 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $2,900,000. Carried Resolution #GG-151-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Community Care Durham 2016 Budget Request be approved in the amount of $39,500. Carried Resolution #GG-152-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Item #11 of Schedule “B”, Light Armoured Vehicle Memorial, be tabled until there is a response from the Federal Government. Carried Resolution #GG-153-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item #2 of Schedule “B”, Additional Emerald Ash Borer Tree Replacement, be approved in the amount of $75,000. Carried Resolution #GG-154-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Item #13 of Schedule “B”, Newcastle’s of the World, be approved in the amount of $20,000 and be funded from the Economic Development Fund. Carried Resolution #GG-155-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Item #3 of Schedule “B”, Parking Lot Rehabilitation Transfer to Reserve Fund, be approved in the amount of $125,000. Carried - 13 - Special General Government Committee Minutes March 18, 2016 Resolution #GG-156-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That Item #5 of Schedule “B”, Engineering Capital, be approved in the amount of $100,000. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-157-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Item #5 of Schedule “B”, Engineering Capital, be approved in the amount of $149,173. Carried Resolution #GG-158-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the question be now put on Schedule B. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-159-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Item #4 of Schedule “B”, Overtime/Casual Help Etc., be approved in the amount of $150,000, as required, provided that it is not solely for Emergency Services and Operations. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG-160-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the Committee to extend the meeting until 5:30 PM. Carried Resolution #GG-161-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That Item #22 of Schedule “B”, Priority Green, be approved in the amount of $2500. Motion Lost - 14 - Special General Government ClaringtonCommittee Minutes March 18, 2016 Resolution #GG-162-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That Item #12 of Schedule "B", Baseball Field Resurfacing, be approved in the amount of $20,000. Motion Lost Resolution #GG-163-16 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Heritage Committee 2016 reserve contribution of a $1000, be deleted; and That the Heritage Committee - Clar Heritage Com (Board Acco) expenditure Account# 100-50-430-10520-7112 in the amount of $1000, be funded through the tax levy. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG-132-16 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Adjournment Resolution #GG-164-16 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the 7ting adjourn at 5:13PM. Carried -" � tf Mayor Municipal Clerk i - 15 -