HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-046-00 , , ..' , , ., THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting General Purpose and Administration Cormnittee File # Fit 7k' Res. #YI! - 335:t?o Date: July 3/00 lR-46-00 File #: By-law # Report #: Subject CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, CONTRACT NO. D2000-12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON/REGION OF DURHAM GRANULAR SHOULDERING AND HOX MIX PAVING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Cormnittee recommend to Council the following: 1. 1HA T Report lR-46-00 be received; 2. 1HA T Contract No. D2000-12, tendered jointly with the Region of Durham for Granular Shouldering and Hot Mix Paving, tendered by Harnden & King Construction Inc., Oshawa, be approved; and 3. THAT the funds in an amount of $602,636.45 (including G.S.T. Rebate, Engineering and Supervision and Sundry work by Region), (accounts as identified on Schedule "A" attached), be drawn from the 2000 Public Works Capital budget FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Since 1989, the Public Works Department have participated in a co-operative tendering arrangement with the Region of Durham for Hot Mix Paving and Granular Shouldering. Although the contract conditions include both the Region of Durham's requirements and the Municipality of darington's requirements, they are not independent of each other but rather are considered as one complete contract. However, the contract award is subject to the approval of the Region of Durham, and the Municipality of Clarington. In this instance, the Municipality of darington actually issues the purchase order to the Region, not the contractor. The Region is recommending that Contract No. D2000-12 be awarded to Hamden & King Construction Inc., Oshawa, Ontario. 84U ./ REPORT NO.: lR-46-00 PAGE 2 . I > . Part of Contract No. D2000-12 includes work to be done on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. The estimated cost of this work is $602,636.45 ($525,806.15 + Net GST + Engineering). A cost apportionment for the project costs is attached marked Schedule "A". As outlined in the attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B", three locations have been deleted from the overall project in order that the funds may be transferred to the Reconstruction of Nash Road (see Report lR-45-00). The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. As the Region of Durham expects to award the contract immediately, a FORlHWITH approval for the Municipality of Clarington's portion is required. The subject firm has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, "e Marano, HBSs., A.MC.T. Treasurer O~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,RP .P., Chief Administrative Officer ~,J~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works *jlc 841 c SCHEDill." "A" 2000 REGION OF'DURHAM HOT MIX OVERUlYTENDER COST, ORTIONMENT Actual Tondorod Amount - No 5% Contingency Tender includes General Items Less Location #2 Green Road; #3 Martin Road; #19 Boundary Road. NET G.S.T. 2fl-Jun-2~ ITEM # ACCOUNT # RE: CAPITAL 87205-01003-0261 77205-01003-0261 9 7205-01003-0261 27205-96001 -0261 7205-97005-0261 7205-97004-0261 67205-98001-0261 57205-99002-0261 37205-99001-0261 7205 -99007 -0261 LOCATION TEMPERANCE STREET CHURCH STREET DIVISION STREET GREEN DIVISION STREET TEMPERANCE STREET WELLINGTON STREET HIGH STREET MARTIN ROAD WELLINGTON/ELGIN ST TENDERED $8,395.15 $55,318.87 $7,204,83 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90,070.28 $11.986.46 $0.00 $0.00 $251.87 $1,659.68 $218.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,702.29 $359.62 $0.00 $0.00 EST. COST ENGINEERING & SUNDRY $864.70 $5,697.65 $742.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,277.26 $1,234.61 $0,00 $0.00 TOTAL $9,511.72 $62,676.40 $8,162,86 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $102,049,83 $13,580,69 $0.00 $0.00 TQl'AI.,QMiTA~:, . '.. .$112,975.39$5.189.61 $17,816.50 $195,981.50 ::r> "';'h':ill';t: }:::(~W#::ms;:.m::;'~~:}:.$~:::i"':M~:X~::~":':;:#:~ ,::wmi:x*":=:::'. w. ":::-4:m:::$t:ttMt~'*@::::W:;~~~:~Y~:::::n~w'>>"" RE: MAINTENANCE 7208-00401-0261 10 14 18 7205-01003-0261 1 11 4 19 12 13 15 16 17 PAVEMENT RESURFACING PORT DARLINGTON AD ANDREW ST RECYCLED ASPHALT 'l'&1'AIl/t!(!lllliiillh#)) """ VARIOUS LOCATIONS TYLER STREET WEST BEACH ST ALONNA STREET BOUNDARY ROAD CLEMENTS ROAD DAVIDS CRES/ANDREWS AD MILL ST EMILY ST 3RD, CONCESSION GENERAL ITEMS TOT^jjt~Q:$.mQi99*i $43,716,04 $6,113,13 $22,000.00 f$1.t;1l.2IM1j: $25.455.43 $61,832.14 $57,383.10 $0.00 $15,838.05 $39,057.97 $6,812.68 $13,641.66 $60,980,56 $6,087.30 $~ilZI08il,89 TOTAL Ml'CEiCONTRACT: . . $356i91~.Oii TO }{::::::::, 531>893A: $1,311.57 $183.41 $660.04 ,$2i1SSi\l2' $763.71 $1,655,09 $1,721.61 $0.00 $475.17 $1,171.82 $204.39 $409.28 $1,829.64 $182.63 """",','$jjjlll'3)2lt $4,502,76 $629,65 $2,266,00 i'ff$lMl!llliil2 $2,621,91 $6,368.72 $5.910.47 $0.00 $1,631,32 $4,022.98 $701.71 $1,405.09 $6,281,01 $626,99 """$2911$101210; $49,530,37 $6,926.19 $24,926.05 'j:0;$81'i3112i61,'j:, $28,841.06 $70,055.95 $65,015,18 $0,00 $17,944.55 $44,252.77 $7,718,78 $15,456.03 $69,091,11 $6,896.92 ,,$325:212i3'1 2000 BUDGET $12,000,00 $80,000.00 $14,000,00 $50,000,00 $4,000,00 $32,000,00 $95,000.00 $26,000.00 $18,000.00 $49,000,00 $380.000.00 $85,000.00 .'.' '$85;000.00 $570,000.00 . . $570.000.00 " , , OVERNNDER $2,488.28 $17,323.60 $5.837.14 $50.000.00 $4.000.00 $32.000.00 ($7,049.83 $12,419.31 $18,000.00 $49.000.00 184018.50 '17139 .'.$1'6j:::::::.::i:::I::'i:~::i::::::}i~::::'::::::.. Deduct High Float/Surface reatmenVDriveway Paving: 244'7 Ji66 ..........$2481345;0$1 ......................"$43 "36~'55! .....'.--'....-...,..:.._..:...:.:.:-:. -. ;;u _' ...... . $168.888.76 $243.414.19 . , JUN-19-00 MON 03:27 PM TSH COBOURG FAX NO. P. 01 SCHEDULE liB" ( ~~ architects planners Post-it" Fax Note 7671E 0... ) To From Co.lOop!. Co. Phone fI PhOl1e' D ."". Fax# '1 513 Division Slrtlet, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 506 Telephone: (90S) 372-2121 Fax: (90S) 372-3621 E-Mail: coboureaiJtsh.ca To: Gary Farrington No. of Pages Including Cover Sheet: 5 Fax II: 905-655-4067 From, Will McCrae TSH Project No. 12-10966 Date June 19, 2000 Originals to Follow Yes x No By Courier Mail Harul Ple-ase Pick Up Re: Regionul IIot Mix Conlruct, D2000-12 As pcr Our discu<;siollS of earlier today this FAX will confirm that the Municipality of Claringlon would like to delete the following 3 locations from ParI 'B' of the above noted cornract: . Location II 2. Green Road, from Highway 112 Southcrly 0.5 km, Bowmanville . Location II 3. Martin Road, from Alanna Street to PrcslOnw-ay Drive, Bowmanville . Location 119. Boundary Road, from Highway #35 to Highway #115, Clarke In the case of the Green Road & Martin Road locations development aclivides are still on going adjacent to these road scctions and placement of surface asphalt would be premawre. ClaringtOn would like to transfer funds from tlte,<e IocalioDS o1l1er higher priority projects. Private funding required for the Boundary Road location is no longer available necessiTating its deletion from 1I1e program. Silver Street from King Slreet to Weliing1Dn Street in Rowmauvillc will be ready for binder asphalt by the end of Ibis week. If y()llr contractor CQuld mobilize to this location On short notice there is a pos.1biiity that this location could be added to !he program. Wc estimate that 250 tonnes of MiA hot mix is required for Silver Street. In addition a small amount ofHL3A will be required for boulevard and driveway p:lVing. C:\WINIXJWS\DESkIOP\F ACSIMILI'E TRANSMrIT ^L.doc ......CONflDfHTIALlTY NOTICEt',. THE DOCUMENTS ACCOMrANYING TIiIS FAX lRANSMISSION CONTAW INFORMATION FAOM TOTTEN SiMS HU81CKI ASSOC14~ WHICH IS CONR>ENllAL OR; PRlVllEGEO. nns IN'"ORMATION IS INltNOED TO BE rOR 111E EXCLUSIVE USE OF Ttte lNOIVOUAl(SJ OR ENTl1Y(lESl NAMED ON THIS TRANSMlS~ stfEET. 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