HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-036-00 .' . ..!!.-. ""," ~ ~.~. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee p}-) File #: tJ.~1 Res.#: Date: June 19, 2000 Report #: TR-36-00 File #: By-Law #: Subject: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES STUDY AND BY-LAW 2000 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the background study Final Report May 2000 prepared by Craig Binning, CSB Inc" be approved; 2, THAT the Development Charge quantum for both Residential and Non-Residential charges be phased-in for all units, in accordance with Scenario #3, of the final report May 2000, subject to indexing; Residential (sJ,d,) July 1, 2000 $5,875 (per revised Exhibit 3 Jan 1, 2001 $6,250 Attachment #2) July 1, 2001 $6,625 Jan, 1 2002 $6,994 Non-Residential July 1, 2000 $ 4.08 (per sq, m) July 1, 2001 $ 8,16 July 1, 2002 $12,24 July 1, 2003 $16.32 July 1, 2004 $20.40 3. THAT Council in approving the Background Study, expresses its intent to ensure that the increase in the need for services attributable to the anticipated development will be met and that any future excess capacity identified in the Study will be paid for by development charges or other similar charges; 4. THAT Council has reviewed the changes made to the draft By-Law and after having considered the changes, Council determined that there is not a need for an additional public meeting; 1309 i Report TR-36-00 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - STUDY AND BY-LAW 2000 Page 2 5. THAT the annual report to Council on the Development Charge Reserve Fund activity includes a status report on the building permit activity and charges collected in relationship to the projected activity; 6, THAT the By-Law attached, inclusive of any amendments made by Council at the meeting of June 19, 2000, be recommended to Council for approval to rescind and replace By-Law 99-125, except in respect of the applications for building permits, referred to in section 27 of the By-Law; and 7. THAT the Region of Durham and recorded interested parties be provided a copy of this report and be notified of Council's decision, Background: 1.0 The 1999 Development Charae 1.1 On July 29,1999 Council adopted the existing development charges with the approval of report ADMIN-25-99 plus addendum, and the accompanying By-Law #99-125. The limited time available before the required passage of the 1999 By- Law left certain questions not fully answered and did not allow time for a comprehensive and detailed analysis of these questions to be undertaken. Consequently, Council authorized staff to continue with further analysis of the assumptions used in the 1999 background study and its recommendations through this report. 1,2 The final approved quantum of the development charges provided in By-Law #99- 125 was reduced from the recommended charge calculated based upon the 1999 background study. The reduction was accomplished by removing two indoor recreation projects from the capital program, This was used as an interim measure undertaken without benefit of detailed analysis, until the 2000 comprehensive analysis was completed, The 2000 analysis and background study do not differ significantly from the initially calculated recommended 1999 rate setout in the 1999 background study. The differences are detailed in the comparison table (Attachment #1) prepared by CSB Inc. It identifies the net difference for a single detached and semi-detached dwelling unit in general services as $62 lower for general government in 2000, and $515 higher for the roads (engineered services), for a total change of $453, The recommended and calculated residential charge in 1999 was $6,541, and the 2000 recommended charge is $6,994 for single family dwelling units (without consideration of the phase-in option discussed below). 1,3 The legislation only allows calculation of a charge based on the historical average service level of the past 10 years. The legislation does not permit the use of development charges to increase the service levels in any category. If the allowable permitted calculated charge under the legislation is not used, the shortfall is transferred to the tax base and the historic average is eroded, such that in future development charges less can be recoverable. 1.51 U " Report TR-36-00 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - STUDY AND BY.LAW 2000 Page 3 ",. 2.0 The 2000 Develooment Charae 2.1 Staff from all Departments and the Library worked diligently, as a Steering Committee with Craig Binning of CSB Inc. to bring forward the background study May 2000. The result of the analysis was to produce a revised development charge that reflects the services required to support the projected new development over the next 10 years to 2008. 2.2 The background study introduction provides an overview of the areas of focus in this revised report. The areas of particular emphasis were the growth forecast, the timing of capital projects and the ability of the tax base to support the proposed projects, 2.3 In reviewing the non-residential development charges within the area municipalities of Durham Region, Clarington and Oshawa are currently the only municipalities without a non-residential development charge. However, considering the existing infrastructure in Oshawa and the limited areas for new growth, not imposing a charge is not as significant to their continued infrastructure sustainability, Clarington however, has experienced rapid growth situation over the past 10 year spread over three different urban centers. Considering that the non-residential charge is approximately 75% roads related with no assignment of soft services to this charge, the importance of the recommended non-residential development charge considered within the context of the G.T,A, is reasonable. 2.4 The Region of Durham, Uxbridge, Scugog, Whitby and Oshawa have exempted Industrial and Institutional growth from the non-residential charge, CSB Inc has roughly calculated the impact of imposing a commercial only charge in Cia ring ton to be $ 2,6 million for industrial (46% of the $5.7 forecast non-residential revenue) plus $1.1 million for institutional (20%) for a combined total of $3.7 million. It must be appreciated that the non-residential growth values are difficult to predict. If Council exempts industrial/institutional growth from the development charge, the impact of the lost revenue based on actual activity could be reported in the five- year mandatory revision of the development charges By-Law. 2,5 The residential development charge is not comparable on a "dollar to dollar" basis either within the Durham area municipalities or the G.T.A. because the infrastructure requirements in Clarington are greater due to the rapid rate of residential growth over the recent past and the several urban areas scattered through a large geographical area which cannot maximize the economy of scale of serving large concentrated urban areas. Clarington has 800 lane km of roads, approximately 20 Recreation Affiliate Boards buildings, etc. which are included in the calculations. Also if the development charges funding is not collected at the maximum allowable under the legislation, the historical average will erode and further impede the ability of the Municipality to provide the services demanded by the growth. 3,0 Tax Imoact 3,1 The existing taxpayer picks up any shortfall for the cost of growth related services which is not collected through the development charge. Page 37 of the background 1311 Report TR-36-00 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - STUDY AND BY-LAW 2000 Page 4 ;< study identifies the impact on the tax base of various alternatives respecting the accommodation of the revised quantum, These alternatives include the option of a phase-in. 3.2 If the development charge continues to be collected from residential only growth, the shortfall transferred to the tax base is $5.7 million (per page 37 background study). Altematively, if the residential is phased in with a fully implemented non- residential charge immediately, the tax support required drops to an estimated $1.2 million. Consequently Staff considered a compromise between the two extremes, in recommending that the Scenario #3 on page 37, of the 2000 background study which provides for a phase-in of both the residential and the non-residential charge, be approved. The impact of any phase-in permitted is over and above the $2.5 million tax impact resulting from the legislated 10% reductions of capital costs for soft services, 4.0 Meetinq with Developers 4.1 Staff and the Municipality's consultant met with the development community on May 9th to provide an overview of the background study, the methodology applied in the development charge calculation and to provide an opportunity for questions to be answered. The meeting was set up over and above the requirements of the Development Charges Act and in addition to the scheduled public meeting for June 19,2000. 5,0 Other Considerations 5,1 Courtice Community Library Expansion The construction of the Courtice Complex Library was included in the 1992 development charge and the eligible debenture repayment costs relating to the reduced space allocation of 6,000 square ft, has been accommodated in the 2000 calculations. The expansion to the maximum anticipated library capacity of 12,000 sq.ft. is not proposed in the 2000 quantum calculation, but will be considered in the five-year review. 5.2 Education Development Charges The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Separate School Board in combination with the Kawartha Pineridge Public School Board will be putting forward a combined education development charge for approval to their respective boards in June, At the time of writing this report, Staff have been advised that the Education Development Charges have been deferred pending some work to be done their background report. The board must determine the total to be collected from development charges, however it is clear from discussions with staff at the Board that the funding formula for capital construction of schools in response to growth requires that the introduction of the charge to avoid the existing taxpayer paying for more than their fair share of the cost to accommodate growth associated with development. 6,0 Exemptions 1 .5 1 2 ~ ;' Report TR-36-00 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - STUDY AND BY-LAW 2000 Page 5 6.0 ExemDtions 6.1 There are some exemptions to the Development Charge By-Law. These are detailed in Section 18 to 23 of the Development Charge By-Law. Included in the exemptions are public buildings, including buildings owned by and used for regional purposes and government owned research facilities, such as ITER. 7.0 ExemDtion Where Permits Aoolied For 7.1 The effective date of change in the quantum is recommended as July 1, 2000. It is recommended that building permit applications that are in on or before June"29 and are complete will not be subject to the new By-Law. The increase in the charge is imposed at the time of issue of the building permit and so a specific exemption has been added to the draft By-Law to give effect to this recommendation. Reviewed by: . Marano, H.BSc.,AMCT, CMO, Treasurer. ,t~~ Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjl 1313 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Attachment # 1 TR-36-OO COMPARISON OF NEWLY CALCULATED RATES, CURRENT BY-LAW RATES AND JULY, 1999 CALCULATED RATES RESIDENTIAL CHARGES - RATE PER SINGLE DETACHED UNIT 1, General Services May 2000 Report as Amended June 14 Residential DC Rates Service $/SDU 1. Librarv Board $367 2, Fire DeDartment $387 3. Indoor Recreation $1,523 4, Park Develonment and Facilities $917 5, Public Works Department $403 6. General Government $105 Sub-Total General Services $3 702 7, General Service - Financinn $150 Total General Services $3 852 :1 2. Roads May 2000 Report Residential DC Rates Service $/SDU 1. Roads Pro ram $3,015 Sub-Totai Roads $3015 Roeds & Related - Financino 5:127 Total Roads $3143 o -10 ~Totai Charoe $6,994 II Comparison of Current By-Law vs, Mav 2000 Amended Report Current By-Law Difference $/SDU Mav '100 - Current $342 $25 $282 $105 $922 $601 $843 $74 $366 $37 $75 $31 $2 830 $872 nla $150 $2 830 $1022 Comparison of Current By-Law vs. Mav 2000 Amended Report Current By-Law Difference $/SDU Mav/OO - Current $2,628 $387 $2 628 $387 nla $127 $2 628 $515 $5,458 I $1,53711 II Comparison of July 1999 Rpt vs. Mav 2000 Amended ReDort Juiy/99 Rpt Difference $/SDU Mav '100 - Julv/99 $342 $25 $282 $105 $2,006 ($483 $843 $74 $366 $37 $75 $31 $3913 ($212 nla $150 $3913 ($62 Comparison of July 1999 Rpt vs, Mav 2000 Amended ReDort July/99 Rpt Difference $/SDU Mav '100 - Julv/99 $2,628 $387 $2 628 $387 nla $127 $2 628 $515 $6,541 I $453 ~ ATTACHMENT # 2 TR-36-00 REVISED EXHIBIT 3 (as Amended June 14, 2000) MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ANALYSIS OF RESIDENTIAL PHASE-IN Charge Per Unit By Effective Date July 1, 2000 Jan, 1, 2001 July 1, 2001 Jan, 1, 2002 Single and Semi-Detached $5,875 $6,250 $6,625 $6,994 Townhouse & Row Units $5,160 $5,490 $5,820 $6,146 Apartments (1) Large $3,920 $4,170 $4,420 $4,663 Small $2,490 $2,650 $2,810 $2,968 (1) Apartment definitions: Large: An apartment unit with a total gross floor area of 750 square feet or more, Small: An apartment with a total gross floor area less than 750 square feet. See draft by-law for additional details. ]) LJ D1'"l'l#7 I ,'f, .J tine ~O()O THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO, 2000-_ To impose development charges against 1.Uld in the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to t.he DcvclopmcnL Charg:cs Act, 1997 WHER.EA..'i subsection 2(1) of the Act provides that the Council or a municipality may by by- law impose development charges against land Lo pay for incn.:ascd Glpital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from the development of the area to which the by-law applies; (Insert recitals concerning the background study, the public meeting and actions of Council.) NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CUillINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Dclinilions 1. (1) In this By-law the term: "accessory" where used Lo describe a Imildin~ mc;-ms that the building' is naturally and Honnall}' incidental, subordinate in purpose or floor area or hoLh. and is exclusively devoted to a principal use or buildin~ located on the samc lot. "Act" mecUlS the Developmcnt Char~es Act. 1997, S.O, 1~)97, c.'27, as it may be amended from time to time; ''cij,Tflcu(tural'' tne.UlS a bona lide (annin~ operation, including- l~mn buildings and buildings .lccessory thereto, sod l~u'ms, the breeeling and/or the bmmling- of horses. ,l,'Teenhouses, ,md residential buildings which arc used exclusively to provide living accommodation (t)r employees of the operator 0(" the l,md devoted to the practice of [uming ,Ulel which residential bllildinw> (lrc occupied I<lr Ic.'\vcr th,Ul six (()) nmseculive months during each calendar rear, hut the term ";u,'Ticultural" docs not include any dwelling unit or other non-residelltial total nODI' area; "air.supportcd structure" means ,ul air supported structure as dclilled in the Building Code Act; "apartment" mc,U1S a dwelling unit contained in an il))<u'OHell! dwelling; "apartment dwelling" means a residential building, or the residential portion of a mixed-use building cOluaining- ,1. or more dwelling: units which have a common entrance from the street level. common halls, stairs, t.::lcvators ,1IuVor yards. ,met whic:h is not a dwcllin~ unit or dwelling units contained in a sini,rlc-detached dwelling, a semi. detached dwelling, a townhouse (rowhousc) dwellillg, or a multiple dwelling; "approval authority" mc,UlS the Region's Commissioner of rlmming, the Region's I...,'lIld Division Committee or the Ontario :\1uuicipal Board having jurisdiction to approvc a plan of subdivision ullder section 51 of the Phuming Act, to gT;uH a conscnt under section 5:-~ or the Planning Ad, or to approve a description under st.::{~tion SO of the Condominium Act, whidlevcr Act is applicable ill the cilTumstallces; 1 ::;1 0 -2- "board of eduction" means a board of education. French and English public school boards, and separate school boards; "building" means a building: or structure occupying an area greater lhem 10 square metres consisting of a wall, roof, and tloor or any of them or a structllral system serving the function thereof, and includes an airMsupponed structure .md an exterior storage tmk; "Building Code Act" means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.U. 1992, chapter 2~~, as amended and all Regulations Iherdo including the ()nlario Building' Code, 1997, as amended, and as they may be amended or replaced from time to Lime; "demolish" means to do anything in the removal of a building or a part thereof and the term "demolition" has a corn~sponding me.millg; "development" includes redevelopment; "development charge' mccms a development charge imposed by this By-law; "dwelling unit" means one or more habitable rooms designed or intended to be used together as a single and separate housekeeping unit by one person or by more thatl one (>crson, containing its own kitchen and s;-mitary facilities, with a private entrance from outside the unit itself; "1~lTm building" meatls a hum building as ddined in the Building C(x!c Ad; "floor" includes a paved, concrete, wooden. gravel, or dirt Hoor; "grade" means the average level of the proposed finished surface of the j.,'TOUlHI immediately abutting each building or mixed-use buildiul{ at all exterior walls or the building or mixed-used building in question; "industrial" means manulacturing, assembling, processing-, fabricating, relining, research atHI development, stora,L,'"C or materials ;md pnxlucts, truck terminals, warehousi.ng, :rmd buildings .md slnlctures or portions thereof which arc desiWled, used or intended to be used for a purpose, but the term docs not include retail service or sales areas, stora,L,TC or warehousing in connedion with retail sales or service are;L'i and ollice areas, which arc accessory to any 01" the foregoing lIses, or any other non- residential use; "hmd" indudes buildin,L,"S ;Uld structures; "large apartment" means atl apartment containing 69.675 square lt1etrcs or residential floor area or more; "local board" means a public utility commission, transportation cOllunission. puhlic librMY board, board of park m;Ul<tg"ement, local board of health, police services hoard, planning board. or <my other board. cOlllmission. committee, body or local ;-luthority established or exercisin~ atlY power or authorilY under allY .l,'"CncraJ or special Act with respeclto any of the allai.rs or purposes 01" tlle Municipalit}, or the Region; "lot" means a parcel of hmd \vithin a rq..,ristcred phm of subdivision or any land that may be legally conveyed under the exemption provided in clauses 50(3)(h) or 50(5)(a) of the P(;mnin~ Act; "mezzanine" tHC,lllS a mezzaninc as dcJined in the Building Code Act; . ]) I ! -:J- "mixed-use buildim( means a buildin~ used, dcsil,,'llCd, or intended for use for a combination of non-residential. and residential area..'; and uses; "mobile home" means a dwelling uniL which is dcsi~llcd and COIlSlntclcd to be transported on its own chassis ;md is placed on a foundation: "multiple dwelling" means a residential building or the residential portion of a mixcd- use building which contains olle or more dwelling llTlit~; "Municipality" means 'lll(, Corporation 01" the Municipality of ClaJington; "non-residential" means buildings or portions or mixed-use huildiu6'"S and nours or portions of Hoars contained therein which arc used, designed or intended to he used lor a purpose which is not a residential purpose; "OY\-llcr" means the O'wncr of land Of a pCfson who has made application I(.)r ,Ul approval for the development of land against which a development charge is imposed; "protracted" means ill relation to a lcmporary building- or structure the pcrsistence of its construction, erection, placement on land, or an alteration to or an addition to a building lor a continuous period exceeding- twelve months from tIle date on wllidl tIle construction, erection or placement of the temporary building or structure was completed; "Region" means 'file Regional Municipality of Durllam; "residential" means buildin,L,"S or portions of mixed~usc huildill1-,"S and noms or portions of floors contained therein which arc used, designed, or intended to he used as living- accommodation lor one or more individuals provided in a dwelling unit(s); "residential Hoor area" means the l100r area or an apartment me.L'lured either between the exterior laces of the extcrior walls of the apartment, or between the exterior l;u:es of one or more of the exterior walls of the apartment and one or more or the centre line(s) of the wall(s) separating the apartment in <Iuestion h'om ;m abutting apartment and the exterior lacc(s) of the \vall(s) separating the ap,u1mellt in question from .Ul a(liacent corridor, elevator, lobby, or stair, whether or not any such walls contain one or more entrcmccs to the apartmelll, provided tli,ll where the apartment dwelling in which the apartment is located is attached to another building by a party or common walll.he centre line of such wall shall be deemed to he an exterior lace o{ an exterior wall of the apartment dwelling in question; "semi-detached dwellin.l{" means a residential building divided vertically so as to contain only two separate dwelling units each of which has an independent entrance directly Irom outside of the building, is located on separate lols, at lca.'ll 50 per cent of the abovei,'Tade area of a main wall on one side of each dwelling- unit is attached to or is the same as a main wall on one side of lhe other dwelling unit, building is not attached to any other building or stnuJurc except its own g<uagc or shed and the building has open space OIl all sides of it; "service" mcans a service desih'llated as such by subse{:tion 6(2) or Lhis By-law; "singie~detached dwelling" me,UlS a residential building containing ()Hly one dwelling unit which is not attached to any other building or stmcture except its own gara,!,'"C or shed, has open space on all sides, and has no dwelling units eiLher abovc it or below it, and the term "singlc~detached dwclling" includes a mohile home; "small apartment" means;m apartment containing less than 69.G7:) square metres of residential Hoor area; 1.) 1 c Rules 2, -'!- "temporary building" means a building constructed or ereded or placed on land for a continuous period not exceedinj.\' twelve months, or an addition or alteration to a building- or structure that has the eflccl or increasing the total noor area thereor ror a continuous period not exceeding twelve months; "tOlal floor area", in the case of buildings other theUlmixed-use buildinJ..,"S, means the sum total of the total areas of the non-residential IIoors conl:.:-uned in the building whether at, above, or below grade, measured between thc exterior laces or the exterior walls of the building. "Total floor area". in the GL~C of mixed-use buildinJ..,'S, means the sum total of the total areas of the non-residential Hoors, or the nOIHcsidential portions of the Hoors contained in the mLxc(l-usc building-whether at, above or below J..,'TIlde, (1) where the total floor is non-residential, measured between the exterior [aces of the exterior walls of the mixed-use building, emd (2) where one or more portions or a floor(s) of the mixed-use buildi:rlj.\' is non-residential ,md ,mother portion(s) of the seune 11001' is residential, measured eithcr between the exterior lacc(s) of the exterior \Ve1.lI(S) or between the centre Iilles of interior walls which separate the non-residential cu-ea(s) and use(s) IInm one or more residential iUea(s) and use(s) (lllthe same Hoar. \\tl1ere the buildiu/.{ is attached to another buildi:rlg the celUre line of the peu1}' or common wall shall be deemed to be an exterior wall of each building. \Vhere a building docs lIot have illl}' walls, "total floor area" means the sum total of the arl~a of land below the roof of the building and the total areas or the 1100rs in the building'. Except as otherwise provided in this definition, "totallIoor area" (a) includes the Hoor area of a meaanine, ;m .ur-suppm1ed structure, intel;or conidors, lobbies and common areas, and the space on:l1pied by interior w;1.Il partitions, and (b) excludes ;my area.~ of the building or mixed.use huilding- used IC:Jr elevators, enclosed j.,'Mbaj.\'e storage areas, loading hlcilities, mechanical equipment related to the operation or the maintcmUlcc or the building or mixed-use building, parking of motor vehides and stairwells, "townhouse (rowhousc) dwellim( me,UlS a group of three or more attached dwelling units which arc attached side by side and do not have any oLher dwelling unit either above or below any or them; "Z:ming By.law" means the Municipality's By-Ia,,\! No. R,t-6:1, as amended, as it may be further amended or replaced from time to time. (2) In this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. (I) The rules developed under paragraph 9 of subsection 5(1) of the Act for determining if a development charge is payable in any particular case and for determining the amount of the development charges that are payable are set forth in sections 4 to 17, inclusive, and section 22 of this By-law. (2) The exemptions provided for are the exemptions set forth in sections 18 to 21, inclusive of this By-law; the indexing of eharges shall be in accordance with section 15 of this By-law; and as is provided in subsection 16(1) of this By-law, certain of the development-charges imposed by this By-law shall be phased in. (3) The rules for determining if a development charge is payable in the case of redevelopment shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in section 22 of this By- 1 )11 -5- law. Lands Affected by By-law 3. This By-law applies to all lands within the geographic area of the Municipality. Designated Services and Reserve Funds 4, It is hereby declared by Council that the development of land for residential buildings, non- residential buildings and mixed-use buildings in the Municipality will increase the need for services. 5. The development charges imposed by section 7 of this By-law shall apply without regard to the services which in fact are required or are used by or in respect of a particular development of land. 6, (I) Except where othelVlise provided, development charges are imposed against land by this By-law to pay for increased capital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from the development ofland within the MlUlicipality. (2) The following are designated services for the purpose of this By-law: (a) General Government (including Financing); (b) Library Services; (c) Fire Protection Services; (d) Indoor Recreation; (e) Park Development and Related Facilities; (1) Public Works Department: (g) Roads and Related (including Financing); and (h) Storm Water Drainage and Control Services. Imposition of Development Charges 7. Except as otherwise provided in this By-law, development charges are imposed against land if the development of the land requires anyone or more of the following actions or decisions: (a) the passing of a zoning by-law or of an amendment thereto under section 34 of the Planning Act; (b) the approval of a minor variance under section 45 of the Planning Act; (c) a conveyance of land to which a by-law passed under subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act applies: (d) the approval of a plan of subdivision under section 51 ofthe Planning Act; (e) a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act; l)iu " -6- (f) the approval of a description under section 50 of the Condominium Act; or (g) the issuing of a permit under the Building Code Act. 1992 in relation to a building. 8. Not more than one development charge for each of the services set out in subsection 6(2) is imposed by this By-law upon the development of land whether or not two or more of the actions or decisions referred to in section 7 are required before the land in question can be developed. 9. Notwithstanding section 8 of this By-law, if two or more Dfthe actions or decisions referred to in section 7 occur at different times, additional development charges shall be imposed in respect of any increase in or additional development permitted by that action or decision or by those actions or decisions. 10. Where the development of land requires an action or decision referred to in section 7 of this By-law to be taken or made after the issuance of a building pennit and no development charges have been paid, then development charges shall be paid prior to the action or the decision referred to in section 7 being taken or being made. II. If the development of land is such that it does not require that a building permit be issued before the development is commenced, but the development does require one or more of the other actions or decisions referred to in section 7 be taken or made before the development is commenced, development charges shall be payable in respect of any increase in. or additional development pennitted by such action or decision prior to the action or decision required for the increased or additional development in question being taken or being made. 12, (1) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the Municipality or an approval authority from requiring, as a condition of an agreement under sections 51 or 53 of the Plarming Act, that the owner of land, at his or her own expense, install such local services related to a plan of subdivision or within the area to which the plan relates, as the approval authority may require, or that the owner pay for local connections to stonn drainage facilities installed at the owner's expense, or administrative, processing, or inspection fees. (3) Without derogating from subsection 12 (1), nothing in this By-law shall prevent the Municipality or an approval authority from requiring as a condition of any approval given under the Planning Act that the owner, at the owner's expense, shall install such services as may be determined by the Municipality or the approval authority in accordance with the applicable law. Basis of Calculation of Development Charges 13. Subject to section 16 the development charges imposed by this By-law shall be calculated as follows: (a) in the cases of residential buildings, and the residential portions of mixed-use buildings, on the basis of the nwnber and type of dwelling units contained in them; (b) in the cases of non-residential buildings and the non-residential portion of mixed-use buildings, on the basis of the total floor area contained in the non-residential building or in the non-residential portion of the mixed-use building, as the case may be. Amount of Development Charges 14, (1) The amount of the development charges payable in respect of the development of · U~ I " -7. apartment dwellings, multiple dwellings, single-detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, and townhouse (rowhouse) dwellings, and in respect of the development of the residential areas of mixed-use buildings shall be as set out and shall be determined in accordance with subsection 16(1) of this By-law and Schedule "} " hereto. (2) The amount of the development charges payable in respect of development of non- residential buildings, and in resect of the development of the non-residential components of mixed-use buildings, shall be as set out and shall be determined in accordance with subsection 16(1) of this By-law and Schedule "2" hereto. Indexing of Development Charges 15. The development charges set out in Schedule "}" and '''2'' hereto shall be adjusted without amendment to this By~law annually on July 1st in each year, commencing on July 1st, 2001, in accordance with the Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics (catalogue number 62-007) based on the 12 month period ending March 31, Phasing, Timing of Calculation and Payment 16. (1) The development charges set out in Schedules "1" and "2" hereto are payable in full on and from July 1,2000 to and including January 1, 200L On and from January 1, 2001 to and including July 1,2001, the development charges set out in the column under the date "January 1,2001" replace those set out in the columns under the date "July 1,2000" and are payable in full from January 1, 200L On and from July I, 2001 to and including January 1, 2002, the development charges set out in the column under the date "July I, 2001" replace those set out in the column under the date "January 1,2001 "and are payable in full from July 1, 200L On and from January I, 2002, the development charges set out in the column under the date "January I, 2002" replace those set out in the column under the date "July 1, 200 I" and are payable in full from January 1, 2002. (2) Subject to subsection 16(1), and except as provided in section 22 of this By-law, development charges shall be calculated as of, and shall be payable on the date the first building permit is issued for the development of the land against which the development charges imposed by this By-law apply. Payment by Monev 17. Payment of development charges shall be by cash or by certified cheque. Rules with Respect to Exemptions for Intensification of Existing Housing 18. This By-law does not apply to impose development charges if the only effect of any action or decision referred to in section 7 is (a) to permit the enlargement of an existing dwelling unit; (b) to permit to be developed one or two additional dwelling units to the existing dwelling unit contained in an existing single-detached dwelling, provided that the total gross floor area of the additional dwelling unites) does not exceed the gross floor area of the existing dwelling unit; (c) to permit to be developed one additional dwelling unit to an existing dwelling unit contained either in an existing semi-detached dwelling or in the portion of an existing 1 )ct. -H- townhouse (rowhouse) dwelling which contains an existing dwelling unit which has one or two vertical walls, but no other parts, attached to other buildings, provided that the gross floor area of the additional dwelling unit does not exceed the gross floor area of the existing dwelling unit; and (d) to permit one additional dwelling unit to be developed in an existing apartment dwelling or in an existing multiple dwelling, provided that the gross floor area of the additional dwelling unit does not exceed the gross floor area of the smallest existing dwelling unit in the apartment dwelling or in the multiple dwelling in question, as the case may be. Rule With Respect to the Exemption of Agricultural Development 19. Agricultural development of land is exempt from development charges imposed by this By- law. Rules With Respect to the Exemption of Certain Public and Other Buildings Institutions within any of the following categories of institutions are hereby exempted from development charges imposed by this By-law: (a) buildings used as hospitals governed by the Public Hospitals Act, R.S,Q, 1990, c,PAO; (b) buildings owned by and used for the purposes of the Municipality, the Region, or their local boards; (c) buildings owned by a board of education and used for school purposes; (d) buildings owned by and used for the purposes of a college of applied arts and technology established pursuant to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c,M,19: (e) buildings owned by and used for the purposes ofa university by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; and (t) buildings or portions of buildings which are owned either by the Ontario Electricity Generation Corporation or by an agent of the Crown in Right of Canada or of Ontario, and which are used, designed or intended to be used for the purpose of research facilities including offices used by research staff for research into the generation of electricity by nuclear fission or by nuclear fusion but are not used, designed or intended to be used for the purpose of the generation of electricity. s With Respect to the Exemption of Temporary Buildings 21. (I) Temporary buildings are exempt from the development charges imposed by this By- law. (2) In the event that a temporary building becomes protracted, it shall be deemed not to be, or ever to have been a temporary building, and the development charges required to be paid by this By-law shall become payable on the date on which the temporary building becomes protracted. (3) Prior to an action or decision referred to in section 7 of this By-law being taken or being made in respect of the development of a temporary building, the Municipality, pursuant to section 27 of the Act, may require an owner to enter into an agreement l)L'J -<)- which may include the provision of security for the owner's obligation under the agreement and which agreement shall provide for all or part of the development charges to be paid after the date on which they would othenvise be payable under subsection 16(2) of this By-law. The terms of such agreement shall prevail over the provisions of subsections 16(1) and 16(2) of this By-law, Rules with Respect to the Redevelopment of Land 22. (I) Where there is a redevelopment of land in which the conversion of space within a building to residential purposes is proposed, or on which there was formerly erected a residential building or the residential portion of a mixed-use building that has been demolished, a credit shall be allowed against the development charge otherwise payable by the owner pursuant to this By-law for the portion of the previous building or structure that is still in existence being converted to residential purposes or for the residential portion of the building that has been demolished, as the case may be. The credit shall be calculated by multiplying the number and type of dwelling units being converted or demolished by the relevant development charges in effect on the date when the development charges are payable in accordance with this By-law. (2) A credit in respect of the demolition of an existing building shall not be given under subsection 22( I) unless within two years from the date on which the demolition permit for the demolition in question was issued, either a building permit has been issued or a subdivision agreement has been entered into by the owner of the land with the Municipality for or in respect of the redevelopment of the land in question, provided that in the case of a subdivision agreement, within four years after the subdivision agreement has been entered into with the Municipality a building permit has been issued for the redevelopment of the land which is subject to the subdivision agreement. (3) The amount of any credit under subsection 22( I) shall not exceed in total the amount of the development charges otherwise payable with respect to the redevelopment of the land in question Rules with Respect to Industrial Expansion Exemption 23, (1) If a development includes the contiguous enlargement of the gross floor area of an existing industrial building, the amount of the development charge that is payable is the following: (a) if the gross floor area is enlarged by 50 per cent or less, the amount of the development charge in respect of the enlargement is zero; and (b) if the gross floor area is enlarged by more than 50 per cent, development charges are payable on the amount by which the enlargement exceeds 50 per cent of the gross floor area before the enlargement. (2) For the purpose oftrus section the terms "gross floor area" and "existing industrial building" have the same meaning as those tenns bave in Q,Reg 82/98 made under the Act. (3) In this section, for greater certainty in applying the exemption herein; (a) the gross floor area of an existing industrial building shall be determined as of the date on which this By-law comes into force; and (b) the gross floor area of an existirg industrial building is enlarged where there 1.Ji4 . -10- is a bona fide increase in the size of the existing industrial building and the enlarged area is attached to the existing industrial building and is used for or in connection with it for industrial purpose as set out in subsection 1 (1) of a.Reg 82/98, provided that the exemption set out in this section shall not apply where the enlarged area is attached to the existing industrial building by means only of a tunnel, bridge, canopy, corridor or other passageway, or through a shared below grade connection such as a service tunnel. foundation, footing or a parking facility. Interest 21. ~llle Municipality shall pay interest 011 a rchmd under subsections lX(2), IH(:i) and 25(2) of Lhe Ad at a rale equal to the Bank of Cmada rate on the daLe this By~l<lw comes inLo (<nee updated on the Jirst business day of every J;umary, April,July and October until the date of the repeal or the expiry or this By-law. Front-Endimr AL'Tcements 25. The Municipality may cnter into rroIll-cnding tlh'Teements under sCClion :I.,t of the Act. Schedule 26. Schedule I - Residential Development Ch.u'ges and Schedule 2 . Non.Hesidential Development Charges arc attached to ;uHl form part of this By-law. Date Bv-Iaw EfIcctive 27. This By-law comes into force and is ellcctive oll.July f, 2000, except in respect or the development of I;mds for which applications for buildiul,\" permits substantially (:omplete in ((:>rill and in substance are li1c(hvith the Municipality's Chid Buildinl,\" ()lJicial on or hd~:>re .June 29. 2000, in which cases only By-law No. 99-125 .L" mnended, shall continue to apply on ;md after July 1, ~,W{)O and this By-law shall not apply to such cases whether or lIot building permits arc issued to the appliGmts therdore on or aileI' .July l, 2000. Date Bv-Iaw Exnires 2M. Tllis By-law expires Jive years aller the day on wllich it comes ilIlO force, ReDeal or Bv-Iaw No.9~)-125 29. Except as provided in section 27 of this By-law, By-law !\o. 99-125 as amended, is repealed ellcctive on.J lIly 1, 2000. HeadilU!S for Reference Onl\' :{O. The hc;ulings inserted in this By-law arc for convenience or rekrence only mul shall not allCct the construction or interpretation of this By-law. UL) -11- Severability 31. Ie lor any rcason. any provision, seetioll, subsection or paragTaph of tlus By-law is held invalid. it is hereby declared to be the intention of Council that all the remainder of this By-law shall continue in full force and ellccr until repealed, reenacted or alllended, in whole or in part or dealt \-\1th in ;my other way. THIS BY-lAW READ A FlRST, SECOND, AND THIRD TIME, AND PASSED IN OPE:-.! COUNCIL THIS _ DAY OFJI Tl\'E, 2000, Diane Hamre, Mayor Paui L. Barrie, Clerk bib . .' . SCHEDULE 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 00- RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Charge By Unit Type Single Townhouse Apartments & Semi tRow Large Small General Govemment (including Financing) $255 $225 $170 $109 Library Services $367 $322 $245 $156 Fire Protection Services $387 $340 $258 $164 Indoor Recreation $1,523 $1,338 $1,015 $646 Park Development and Related Facilities $917 $805 $611 $389 Public Works Department $403 $354 $269 $171 Roads & Related (including Financing) $3,142 $2,762 $2,095 $1,333 Total Development Charge $6,994 $6,146 $4,663 $2,968 Phasing Schedule as Per Section 16 of the By-law Charge Per Unit By Effective Date July 1, 2000 Jan, 1, 2001 July 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2002 Single and Semi-Detached Townhouse & Row Units Apartments (1) $5,875 $5,160 $6,250 $5,490 $6,625 $5,820 $6,994 $6,146 Large Small $3,920 $2,490 $4,170 $2,650 $4,420 $2,810 $4,663 $2,968 1Jo , ~.. t' " t SCHEDULE 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 00- NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Charge Per Square Metre of Gross Floor Area General Government (including Financing) $0,53 Ubrary Services N/A Fire Protection Services $2,52 Indoor Recreation N/A Park Development and Related Facilities N/A Public Works Department $2,03 Roads & Related (including Financing) $15,32 Total Development Charge $20.40 Phasing Schedule as Per Section 16 of the By-laW Charge By Effective Date July 1, 2000 July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 July 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 Per Square Metre $4,08 $8,16 $12.24 $16,32 $20.40 ]Ji()