HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-34-00 ON: TR-34-00 ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT ~- Date: June 5, 2000 File # F/Y'~- Res. #6//l-,JI,7-DEJ By-law#)I)f(}- 71 CL2000-3, MEARN'S AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION AND LIBERTY STREET SIDEWA&-K RECONSTRUCTION, BOWMANVILLE TR-34-00 FILE#: Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee '-" Report #: Subject: RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-34-00 be received; 2, THAT Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitby, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $739,211.64 (including G,S,T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and speCifications of Tender CL2000-3, be awarded the contract for the Mearn's Avenue Reconstruction and Liberty Street sidewalk Reconstruction, Bowmanville as required by the Department of Public Works; 3, THAT funds required in the amount of $695,000.00 be drawn from the Public Works Account #7205-00001-0261; and 4. THAT funds in the amount of $26,786,92 be drawn from the Public Works Road Contribution Reserve Fund Account #1110-00174-0000; 5. THAT additional funds required in the amount of $135,213.08 ($739,211.64 tender + design, contract administration and utilities, less $695,000.00, and less $26,786,92) be drawn from the Roads and Related Development Charge Account #1110-00184-0000; and 6, THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved; BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the Reconstruction of Mearns Avenue and the Liberty Street Sidewalk reconstruction, as required by the Department of Public Works, Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The Municipality of Clarington's portion of the total project cost, including Project Administration, as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "C" is estimated at "7,000.00. Included in the total tendered price is work to be completed on behalf of the Region 827 REPORT NO.: TR-34-00 PAGE 2 of Durham for which they will be invoiced separately. Funds in the amount of $695,000.00 will be drawn from the 2000 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205-00001-0261, as identified on pages 177 ($600,000,00 Meam's Avenue) and 205 ($95,000,00 Liberty Street Sidewalk), It is recommended that funds in the amount of $26,786,92 be drawn from the Public Works Road Contribution Reserve Fund Account #1110-00174-0000 and the remaining funds in the amount of $135,213.08 be drawn from the Roads and Related Development Charge Account #1110-00184-0000, The cost overrun is addressed in the attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates. The low bidder has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc, should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Hardco Construction Ltd, Whitby, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Meam's Avenue and the Liberty Street Sidewalk Reconstruction, . Reviewed by, G~~ Marie Marano, H.BSc" AMCT., Treasurer Frank Wu, M.C.I.P., RP.P., Chief Administrative Officer ~o~~ Director of Public Works 828 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2000- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Hardco Construction LId" Whitby, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Mearn's Avenue Reconstruction and Liberty Street sidewalk Reconstruction, Bowmanville, Ontario, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Hardco Construction LId., Whitby, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2, THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law, By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2000. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 2000. Mayor Clerk 829 SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2000-3, Mearns Ave. Reconstruction Bidder Total Bid Amount Hardco Construction Ltd, $739,211.64" Whitby, ON Miwel Construction Limited $789,000,00 Stouffville, ON Esposito Bros, Construction Ltd, $825,185.33 " Thornhill, ON Bennett Paving and Materials Ltd, $839,714.42 " Oshawa, ON Ron Robinson Limited $869,637,52 Oshawa, ON Pave-Tar ConstructionLtd, $883,686,57 Mississauga, ON Balterre Contracting Ltd. $933,833.78 Peterborough, ON B,N. Fenton Construction $956,693.96 Courtice, ON " Bid amended - Extension Error DN:WP51 DA T A1BIDSUMM/CLOO-3 830 .. II VII engineers architects planners liD-J-V' \7," ',;i ' -n":,'IT"-m-r."l]1] > ~\ .,:.-; 11~'1 jfJ h':~ ~"-- ., "~Il, l' - ~-, , '" ..... 'I fI \I 2 ,_: '-;0~~,": r'ir-, 1 - - LV;,,;U May 26, 2000 ,i,U'"W-.- _.'/ OF CLARINGTON L PI.IRCHI\Sil~G DEFARTMENT Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 4Q.Temperllllc,e,Street BPWMANVILLE, Ontario. LiC 3A6 Dear Ms; 'Birkett: Schedule "e" Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Street. Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 19051 372-2121 Fax: (9051 372-3621 IE-mail: cobourg@tsh.ca www.tsh.ca Mail & Fax: 905-623-4169 Ref 'Contract No. CL2000-3, Mearns Avenue Reconstruction and Liberty Street Sidewalk Construction, Bowmanville Telldersfo-f'the above project were opened at the municipal offices on Friday, May 19,2000, at 2:00 p.m. The bids received inclusive of GST are summarized as follows: '. ~. ~ " liard-'Qo Construction Ltd. . Whitb Ontario Miwel Construction Limited Stouffville Ontario Es osito Bros. Construction Ltd. Thornhill Ontario - BennettPavin and Material,s Ltd. Oshawa Ontario Rooll Robinson Limited OShawa 'ontario ' ,Pave--TilrConstruction,Ltd, Mississau "OntariO Baltene ContractinI...td. Peterborou h o;;tario ,l,' ....,__".."._^.._'..H B.N, Fenton Construction Courtice Ontario "'Bid amended - extension error "'-"""""""'-'," ....d....._.........,.".,,_____....___...,.... .",...""..,._,.,_......,-....,..--..,....,.,._.,---,.',-;':';-:':-:-:',':',':':::' ,:,::,.,,:,:,:,:,:-',',':':':'::',-:'::''':'::'.-:':',-.',-,-.-',:,:,:,::,.,::,:,:,:,::'_,,-,':'::':':':','::':.:.:;.,"- ., " ,-, -,.....,., ,. ,.---"-,." , TOTAL BID AMOUNT $739,211.64 $789 000.00 $825 185.33 $839 714.42 $869637,52 $883 686.57 $933833.78 $956 693.96 * * * The low bidder's submitted tender has been reviewed and is in order. Hard-Co Construction Limited reconstructed Church' Street for the MUllicipaJity of Clarington in 1996, Middle Road in 1998 and various Bowmanvillestreetsin 1999 and 2000. ,They performed to an acceptable standard. In 1999, they completed a numbel' of. contral:lS for the Region of Durham, and private developers. All projects were similar in nature to the s~bject contract and referencescoiltacted inaicatoo'tJjat'theit performance was good. We, therefore, ( ',. ,..,'.. . recomme!1!l.lI~ptaJIce of the low bi4.0!1thiscontrllct_. .. .c.",......,':.. .. :" --',' f>.' cost apPottionlItent Is aitiichedwhich stlnimarizesestimated overall project costs based On the low bid. Both the Mearns Avenue project and the Liberty Street project are projected to overrun original budget estimates. 831 Schedule "C" Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington May 26,2000 2 The cost overrun $117,000 estimated for Mearns Avenue is attributable to 2 factors. Additional sidewalk works were added to the contract to service the accelerated growth rate of adjacent subdivision development and the existing asphalt on Mearns A venue which was originally considered salvageable was not considered fit to remain when reviewed at the detailed design stage of the project, For the Liberty Street sidewalk project the estimated cost overrun of $45,000 is attributable to additional work added to the project on the west side of Liberty Street from Meadowview Boulevard to Clayton Crescent. By constructing this section of sidewalk the School Board has indicated that a bus route can be eliminated. In addition to the project specific cost factors, we have also noted a general trend of increased construction costs this year as a result of the recent fuel price increases. A,dditionalfunds fOftheseprojects are.available frOID,the Public Works Road Reserve to, cover the estimated tequired t3i ll~vY funds of $26; '7sid2.'TIre remainirigllroj ected' deficit of$135 ,213. OS can be obtained ffOID, the PublicWodcS DevelopmentCharge Account. ' , Deposit cheques may be returned to all contractors except the low and second low bidders. Should you require any further information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, '1J~ IU'~ William McCrae, P.Eltg. lleriioi Project Engineer ,.,...,.., '.., )vmc/ag HIZ7I23I1I1~ eilcL pc:,,: S:A. Vokes, P.Eng, A.S. Cannella, CET K., Rand totten sims hubicki associates 832 ~ ~ ::l "0 Q) .<:: o (/) Municipality of ClaringtonlRegion of Durham Mearns Avenue Reconstruction and Uberty Street Sidewalk Construction Cost Apportionment Based on Low Bid From Hard-Co Consbuction limited Contract CL2000-3 26-Moy4) T,S,H, Project '2-'0960 Description Total Clarington Region gf Durham Comments Mearns Avenue Uberty Street Water Reconstruction Sidewalk Account Number 7205-00001.0261 7212.00002.0261 WM. 989300003XX , Construction Costs Contract CL2000-3 Section 1 A RoadWorks $544,939.00 $544,939.00 $0.00 $0,00 Section 18 Liberty Street Sidewalk $104,358.00 $0.00 $104,358.00 $0.00 Section 3 Watermain & Appurtenances $31,040.00 SO.OO $0.00 $31,040.00 Section 8 General Items $10,515.00 $8.422.35 $1.612.91 $479.74 Prorated Based On low Bid Sub-Total Construction $690,852.00 $553,361.35 $105,970.91 $31,519.74 TSH Project Number 12-10891 12.10936 12-10940 Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Approvals and Tender $53.546.35 $38,619.10 $6,825.35 $8,101,90 Region Invoiced Directly For Design Costs Documents (to April 22, 2000) Estimated Construction Administration (TSH #I 12~10960) $82,900.00 $66,400.00 $12,700.00 $3,800.00 Prorated Based On Low Bid Other Costs Geotechnical Investigation $2,400,00 $2,400.00 TSH Invoice # 044642 Bell Relocation $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 Hydro Relocation $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Sub-Total Other Costs $27,400.00 $22,400.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 Contingencies (including G.S.T.) $24,660.70 $15,796.14 $5,588.85 $3,275.71 Sub- Total Estimated Project Costs (excl. contingencies) $854,698.35 $680,780.45 $130,496.26 $43,421.64 Net G.S.T. (3"10) (excl. contingencies) $25,640.95 520,423.41 $3,914.89 $1,302.65 Total Estimated Project Costs $905,000.00 5717,000.00 $140,000.00 $48,000.00 ; Budget Amount $695,000.00 $600,000.00 $95,000.00 Clarington Costs Only , - Estimated Budget Deficit -$162,000.00 -$117,000.00 -$45.000.00 Clarington Costs Only ,..,...., ,..,...., =