HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-033-00 ~ ~ DN: TR~33-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # -;::-(t' TE Res. ,;/ft---;J4-bO Date: June 5, 2000 Report #: Subject: TR-33-2000 FILE#: By-law # RFP 2000-2, SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-33-2000 be received; 2. THAT Little Tykes, Paris, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $141 ,201.06, Option #1, plus G.S.T., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of RFP 2000-1, be awarded Part A, of the contract for the Supply and Installation of Playground Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works; 3. THAT Little Tykes, Paris, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $150,748.44, Option #2, plus G.S.T., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of RFP 2000-1, be awarded Part B, of the contract for the Supply and Installation of Playground Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works, 4. THAT Henderson Equipment, Simcoe, Ontario, with a total bid of the amount of $12,251.16, plus G.S.T., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of RFP 2000-1, be awarded Part C, of the contract for the Supply and Installation of Playground Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works, 5. THAT Henderson Equipment, Simcoe, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $38,096.50, Option #1, plus G.S.T., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of RFP 2000-1, be awarded Part D, of the contract for the Supply and Installation of Playground Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works, 6. THAT Belair Recreation Products Inc., Brantford, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $13,042.50, plus G.S.T., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of RFP 2000-1, be awarded Part E, of the contract for the Supply and Installation of Playground Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Department of Public Works, 820 -- REPORT NO.: TR-33-00 Page 2 of 3 7 . THAT funds in the amount of $50,000.00 be drawn from the 2000 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7603-00100-0515, and 8. THAT the remaining funds required in the amount of $390,213.44 (total of A to E, plus G.S.T. less $50,000.00 + $10,000.00 consulting + $50,000.00 site preparation> be drawn from the Public Works Capital Budget Account # 7603-00001-0505; FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT A request for proposal was prepared by the consultant Playspaces Inc. and issued with 10 firms being invited to submit a bid. Proposals were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. As per the terms and specifications, the Municipality reserves the right to award the items together or separately, whichever is in their best interest. In addition, as there are many variations of equipment available, bidders were offered the opportunity to provide more than one option for Parts A, Band D. After further review and analysis by Public Works, Purchasing, and the consultant, it was mutually agreed that the contract be awarded as identified in the recommendations above. The attached letter from the consultant, marked Schedule "B" identifies the reasoning for the recommendation for Parts A through to E. Funds in the amount of $50,000.00 will be drawn from the Public Works Capital Budget Account # 7603-00100-0516 as reflected on pages 216 and 224 of the 2000 Capital Budget. The remaining funds in the amount of $390,213.44 will be drawn from the Public Works Capital Budget Account # 7603-00001-0505 and are within the $460,000.00 allocation as reflected on page 214 of the 2000 Capital Budget. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. . 821 '- REPORT NO.: TR-33-00 Page 3 of3 The subject firms have all previously provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, rie Marano, H.BSc., AMCT., Treasurer d~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,RP.P., Chief Administrative Officer ~1/~ Stephen Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LAB*km ON:WP510ATAIREPORTSIREPPUR 822 BID SUMMARY . Schedule "A" RFP 2000-2 SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PART A LARGE PLAY STRUCTURES QUANTITY 6 OPTION #1 OPTION #2 $131,655.48 $139,289.89 $166,218.00 $131,400.00 $153,868.44 $130,206.42 $141,201.06 $161,083.20 PART B SMALL PLAY STRUCTURES QUANTITY 1 OPTION #1 NO BID $143,556.00 $151,855.20 $156,685.56 OPTION #2 NO BID $166,440.00 $168,106.56 $150,748.44 PART C BAY SWING $ 18,562.86 $ 16,612.80 $12,251.16 $ 12,641.46 FRAMES QUANTITY 6 PART D SPRING TOYS QUANTITY 65 OPTION #1 PLASTIC $ 55,056.85 $ 54,145.00 $ 38,096.50 $ 59,992.40 OPTION #2 ALUMINUM $ 59,889.40 NOBID $ 38,096.50 $ 58,237.40 PART E SLIDES QUANTITY 3 $ 12,654.88 $ 13,042.50 $ 7,116.15 $ 8,608.44 $217,930.07 $393,574.30 $363,187.45 $379,128.92 $230,396.98 $381,640.30 $355,776.79 $391,318.94 NOTES: GST EXTRA ABC - NO BID ON PART B 823 ,... ~ May-23-00 02:44P Playspaces Inc. 519-766-4416 P.02 Schedule "B" '- ~t Playspa~es Inc. , .;'" AudIt Cr Cmuulll~~,-t~:'!..~.~es. 315 Woodlawn ROfId Wrsl, Guelph. Om",". N III 7K8 (5/9) 76"6~ 1/60 (51.9) 766-44/6 wwu'pla,r,pace"c.m Tllc:-.day, Ml'.I)' 2:\. 2000 The MllnicipnlilY ofCbrington Mr. Fred Horv;lth Acting MgJ.'.. Ope rill ions. Puhlic Wnrk~ Dept. Re; ^""\ysjs of New Playgl'Olllld Equipment fRFP 2lXJO-2) In rcvic'\.' of the propo"it.~d l...q\lipnH~nl provided hy the varimls Bidders in rcspnnsc to the Rr=P, we hav~ reviewt:lltllt infnl'llliltioll provided to us Hnd provide the fullowing rccomn1endahon.\ for yom cOl1sidenltillrl, III~l.1Jkd prlcing should h(~ factored into your Hnll) dr::d:'iojUJ1, P'Hfl A (, Large Stl'lletures AnalYljis Oplion ,I ABC oJJeretl a slrm:tHrc lhut 1m,,; 13 play t:vl~nb. induding 2 slides Little Tikes offered" struelme th"t has 17 play e\'eIllS, including 4 slides Hl'll(kf~on ofkrcd (1 S.tl'L1ctnre th:H hHS 19 play cvenf;r.;. including 3 ~1i.dcs bul al:-;o illcludl:'!d a firl.:7 puk, whkh is nul rccllmm(,~ndt~d for user~: 1Il1d~r 5 years Bdair orJt'r"d a sln",I,,,,-, IItill It", 13 pl.al' evenls, induding 3 slides Optiol12 ABC ()nt.~I.'Cll ;'1 ~frl.lrtlln' fhal hw'i> 11 play rV(,'llh. including 2 ",lides Little Tikcs offen.'d ~l i.;tnlcture that has 23 play cvents. including 3 ~Iidcs Hcndcr~()11 nffered;l structure dUll I1n,1) I) pIny evenTs, illclllding J ".il.i(ll~.~ Delair offered a stnlctllf'L' that has. II play events, including 2 ~lide:-. Rl'Cnl11nK~l1(lati{)n The Little Tikcs Opt.ion # I srructlll'C is recommended bascd Olllltlmber of play ~~vt.~1l1~'llnd I}tLmb(,~I' oi' ..,lidl~::;. lnsti.1Jk<d price ShOllld be considered in fillal choice, Part B 12 Sl11alkl' Structures Allalysis Option J ^ KC llrfered 110 hid Little Tikcs offL'It:d:1 !o.lmclHfC lhnl htl:'. L~ pJ(ty CVl.~ut:.;, including :3 slides Henderson offered a ~lrLlClul'e. lhalllw'i 11 play events, indudjng 2 slides hut al~o inchHlcS:1 rite: pole. whic..:h 1;.,: not recommended for m;crs l1l1d~r 5 y(,~..1n-: Hl'hl.lr LitTered a Slruf..:tun:.~ lhaL has () pl:1y cvellt~, including 2 ~1itk's but also indl1d('~ a fire pole. which is nm recommcnded ror lISl:'['S undC:"r 5 years. Option 2 1\I3C 1.,.tTert'd no bid LilLIe Tikes offcn.:d It ~lntl.:illr(.~ th~lt has 12 play evellls, induding.3 slides 824 May-23-00 02:44P Playspaces Inc. 519-766-4416 P.03 ... Schedule "8" ~t Playspaces Inc. ;'" . ". A"dit '& ~~~I.fulting -"cvim :115 WoodullIJn Road W,ft, Gudph, Omlt,'io NIl! 7K/J (519) 76o"Il60 (519) 766-4416 www.pld)llpacf5.Com c HcndcJ'l.\on offered a stll.lcture tlHtt has 10 play evel1ls, induding 2 slides Bdtlir offered a stnl(~mre that has 8 phI)' eVents., including 3 ~lides but also indudt's a fire polc:~, wlJi<..~h is l1oll'ec,.'OIl1111L'mled for USLlI'S IImlDr.) year's KCCO/l1l1lcndation The I.inle Tikes Option 2 slnlClllle is rt'conmll'n<kd based on nllrnbt'r ur play (:v""ls. nnd numher of slides. Installed price should be collsider<,d in Hmo! choke, Parte 6 x 2nny S\",'ing Frames ,\naly~i~ All vendors nffcl'cd cs-;entially the .l;,3mC quality of swing frame. f{t~c(1l11lllcnd;lt;on Chollse Vendor haSt.d on installed pricing Part D 65 Spdng Toy~ Analysis ArlC offered 3 specified models of plastic spring 10Y' AnI.' offered .1 specified models of aluminum spring toys Little Ti,kc1'l offered 1. nlo\.kl ofplnstk <;pring lOy~ ',ittlc Tikc" offereel I model of :111.1111\n11111 ....pring toys Ht'nderson offt'red tl t:l1oice or') different m()del~ of plastic spring tnys nnd 1 :-;pecified model of aluminum spring toys Bcklir offl:rcd :2 spl.:cificd models of plastic spring toy,..:, Recornmcnd:lt;(ln Kl~:'d:'.liHl(,\.~ 10 'illH'1;11 ism IS lhf pfiJtll.i~ ,Ol)i;.:l.~rll wi([) these Hnits, Also, bast':u on the large number of spring IOY.~ required, opLion:-. ill Icnus or rnodd lYpC are ~lho a li.ICIOr. The.:' Ilcluk'rsol1 spring toys arc ~coml11cndcd for fl.::l,lli\'l: vandillislll resistance, as '\'ell a~ number nf model t.:hoiq:!o<i p"ovhfl~d, 825 May-23-00 02:44P Playspaces Inc. 519-766-4416 P.04 Schedule "B" ~t Playspa~es Inc. _ ' ;'" AurJ,t 6- (.(}nJu1tm,ff ,)eVla'J J I 5 W,lOd",wI/ Ratul \\7rsl, Guelph. (Jnw';o NIll7KI1 (519) 7(;6-1160 (519) 766-44 If'- "'"J/v-plotyspa<cs,ca", 3 P"1'I F 3 SllInd Alone Slid,'s Analysis ABC orfered 3 Upon Bed I'oly Slide, of different heights, 4{)", S(," & 72" Little Tikcs offered Spiral Poly Slides wilh oventll height @ IW' Henderson ,'lferl'd 01'10'11 Bed Stainless Steel Slides with S ft. deck ht. Belair offered 01''''' Bc'd Slainle" Steel Slides wilh (, ft. deck height l{c'~On)lnCfldi,t lOll He1-iisHln<.~f.:.' 10 nmd..lli~111 is I,he prime cnllCl~rn ami srilinlcs~ sleel \\H1') chosen for Ihi" l'ello'mlL TI1.- Belair Slidc', "n, ,,,,,,,,,,"m,'ll\ktl based on higher platform hc'ight as well a~ length of wurnIlllY for ~lrucll1mJ steel m~mhers etc. :::~:;,"" ,,," "77~:;;;:2'< ",.= oo,,~, "0 """" ~~.~ 826