HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-014-00 ~ '\;). , .\ F05 bfJ/f-(i'f -ot) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAR1NGTON REPORT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: April 17 , 2000 TR-14-00 Report #: 2000 CURRENT BUDGET It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-14-00 be received for information; 2. THAT the 2000 Current Budget which includes the Executive Summary and extemal budgets, be approved, with the non-controllable and Priority #1 items identified on Attachment #1, with an overall impact of 0%; 3, THAT Council receive items identified as Priority #2 (Library), on Attachment #1 for information; 4. THAT the appropriate By-Laws to levy the 2000 tax rates for Municipal, Region and Education purposes be recommended to Council for approval; 5. THAT Council authorize the Following recommendations for the Clarington Older Adults Association and the Beech Centre; a) The funding for the approved Capital Project - Elevator at the Beech Centre from the principal portion of the Older Adults Capital Reserve Fund; b) The $40,000 for Clarington Beech Centre included prior to finalization of the Capital Budget requests, on page 28 of the Capital Budget, be redirected to the Municipal operating budget, to assist in the zero percent impact; c) The Older Adults additional capital and operating requests per Attachment #2 in the amount of $47,000 be approved (reduced by any Trillium Funding or other Provincial grants received applicable to these requests) from the interest portion of the Older Adults Capital Reserve Fund; 6. THAT any funds remaining in the Ontario Senior Games Reserve be available for use on promotional banners, etc., for the upcoming games; 7. THAT Clarington Library Board. Clarington Older Adults - Beech Centre, Visual Arts Centre and Museums be advised of Council's actions; and 8. THAT the Garbage Reserve be consolidated with the Rate Stabilization/Working Funds Reserve. .A ., TR-14-00 PaCle2 Background and Comments: 1.0 Capital Budget 1.1 The 2000 Capital Budget was approved by Council through Report TR-8-00 on February 28, 2000. This allowed the Municipality to tender required construction contracts and proceed with other capital projects while the current budget was awaiting finalization information. 1.2 The grant requests were also dealt with separately through Report CS-04-00 on March 20, 2000. 2.0 Current Budget 2.1 Impact The operating/current budget is presented to Council with an overall impact of 0% excluding rounding. 2.2 Non-Controllable and Priority #1 Items The current budget reflects those items classified on Attachment #1 as non-controllable and Priority #1. These items have a municipal tax implication which have been accommodated through expenditure adjustments and increased sources of revenue such as the linear property tax assessment revenue. 2.3 The non-controllable impacts result from service levels previously committed to and include such items as the final full year impact of 24 hour Fire Service in Courtice. the second year of the Collective Agreement negotiations, the Fire Arbitration Award, reinstatement of some portion of the transfers to the Reserve Funds, the Board of Trade funding, municipal election impact, and various other expenses previously committed. 2.4 The Priority #1 items are required to maintain current levels of service. Several of the items were removed from past budgets in order to maintain the zero percent impact. The departments, over the past few years have accommodated many adjustments and have assessed the resources required to effectively maintain the existing levels of service. 2.5 The rural house numbering has been included in the recommended 2000 budget with funding provided from the Fire Primary Response Reserve Fund. 2.6 There are some items recommended which are new additions to the base, but are required because of growth, to maintain existing service levels. The Municipality of Clarington has been coping with the pressures of growth along with the effects of Provincial downloading over the past few years. The municipality has just received notice from the Province that a Community Reinvestment Fund grant in the amount of $116,000 will be made available for the first time in 2000. It has been built into the bottom line to achieve the zero percent budget presented to Council for approval. 2.7 There is no direction from the Province at this point regarding an "exit strategy" from Bill 79, however Finance is anticipating that there will once again be a significant drain on time and resources to respond to further legislated tax/assessment changes. There is ...d TR-14-00 Paae 3 an ever increasing demand on corporate support for technology change. This incorporates application support for many new programs such as GIS (Geographic Information System), Crysis Fire Software, ESCOM Community Services Registration Program, Internet, Vailtech, etc. There are 8 remote sites to support and there is a Y2K requirement to change the financial system for general ledger, accounts payable/receivable and budgeting financial programs. The 2000 budget incorporates a partial year budget impact for a Data Base Administrator to assist in this area. 2.8 There are some additional staff recommendations that take existing casual positions to part time 24-hour recognition, in Fire and Animal Services and take existing part time position to contract position in Marketing Office. Planning has provided for a contract position for the purposes of completion of the zoning by-law, in accordance with Council's direction. A mechanic position is reintroduced in the Public Works Department to ensure our fleet and heavy equipment are properly maintained. In the past, the mechanic positions have been funded from the Fleet Maintenance Reserve. Due to the elimination of the Roads Grants, these positions will be gradually transferred to the tax base. The budget allocation cost to service fleet for the Fire Department and Community Services have been transferred to the Public Works budget accounts. The recommendations related to staffing do not increase service levels but assist in maintaining existing levels due to continuous growth and development. 3.0 Priority #2 Requests 3.1 The items identified as Priority #2 are requests put forward for Council to consider. They are generally enhancing service levels or responses to demands experienced by departments from the effects of growth. In the 2000 budget the only Priority #2 requests are related to service levels in the Public Library at different branches. In the past many of the Priority #2 requests have been deferred to future budgets. 4.0 Garbage Rate 4.1 The garbage rate continues to be collected based on a flat rate applied to each collection stop. The rate is calculated based on tonnage as follows: Regional Disposal Municipal Collection ~ $ 95 ~ $145 ~ $ 83 50 $133 The Region's charge has increased based on the increase in the tipping fees from $84 to $86, plus additional Regional charges and the elimination of subsidy from the reserve. The garbage rate is based on a Regional Tipping Fee of $86/tonne. Also the municipal collection contract has increased, in accordance with their contract, by the consumer price index. In the other area municipalities, garbage is charged on an assessment basis, thereby making the increase more dramatic for many properties in other areas. In Clarington the flat rate application ensures that the charges are collected evenly and on the same basis (tonnage) that they are charged to the municipality. The charge has been stabilized from year to year with support from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. ..A ..T TR-14-00 Pace 4 5.0 External Agency Budgets 5.1 The Library, Museums, Beech Centre and Visual Arts requests were classified into non- controllable, Priority #1 and #2 costs. Their detailed submissions are included in the draft print of the budget, and they have been invited to attend budget deliberations to present their requests.. The Older Adults Association final requests, both operating and capital, were received after printing of the draft budget and are shown in Attachment #2 (page 267 Clarington Older Adults section of the draft budget may be eliminated). 6.0 Conclusion 6.1 A few of the numbers in the draft were revised after printing in order to maintain the zero percent budget and accommodate ongoing changes; they includes such items as increasing the PIL revenue to match actual 1999 revenue received, etc., and they do not affect the bottom line. 6.2 The Municipality of Clarington's tax rate has not shown an overall tax increase since 1992. In 1999 the municipal tax rate was included with the Region and Education rates to show a net overall impact of 0%. The recommended 2000 municipal budget is presented at 0%. The Region and Education rates are not available at this time but will be reflected in the rating by-law which will be forwarded to Council when all information is received, Reviewed by: OraJU2-~ I . Marano, H.BSc.,AMCT, Treasurer. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjl Attachments ';'!i ,IffII ~O, 2000 a,: OBTMUINE TR.14-00 Attahcment # 1 2000 OPERATING BUDGET Impact by Department - Major Chang.. OPERATING: Additional J:v_dlturas DI10r vear ....: Expense Reserve Non.controllable Prior #1 Prior #2 ..... I [ Note - numbers .re estimates of overall Impacts] Conb1butlon Net 1-" "lntain8lhrvlce iInC"'_ Service Adminl , 1 Negotiations CUPElRre)/Part time incl. 2000 2.6% - :::::::::::::::::~i:.lioli , 2 Increase Transfer to Buildina Services ReseNe . Buildina MaintenanoeJR , 10,000 I 3 Board of Trade r50 to $75,000 in 2000] .::::::.::::::::::: 25.000 4 staff - Confidential Secretarv - MlMlf .::::::::::::::::: :4tl,ooo 5 ToulismlMarketinQ - Web ,"",es &P . Adm 1 0-00 Festival "'::::::::::::::~iicJ<j . : 6 Tourism. Staff one of the .f. to - CONTRACT 35 000 I I ~ I 7 ElectiOn expenses ..:.:.:'::::::::::1~...~: 8 Animal Services - staff. casual to oart time 24 hours 21,000 I 9 e.Iaw - additional t.. CD-41-99 re POA .:-:-:.:-:.:-:-:.:-::a Fi Uc ~I . 10 Unclassified. Caoilal . round via transfer to World Funds Reserve via capital budaetl .................~~. I 11 Increase Transfer to Municipal Ca I Works R1Fund ax Component of Oev.Cho.}[reduced DliOr vrs for ; 12 Increase Transfers to Reserves - sick credit re firelGlS re mtne contractIcomputeI replacement ::::::::::::::::::~.ooo : . 13 Computer Services - staff - Data Base Administrator re Increasino Technology Cha es 1/3 rtmpact] 20,000 14 Com et Sefvioes . hardware maintenance . ui comin oIfWl!lrrant onto mtc.lG~ I 48 775 I I Fire: I . 15 Rre ServiCe - Courtice lull rof24 hr. selVk:e (estimated imoactl ~ .::::::::::::::::iiIi,@: ! 16 staff - Oerical - casual to cart time 24 hours 17,000 I 17 Transfer to Reserve - Fire E ui from15.3O 15000 W : I , 18 Rural House Numberint:! Re:FD-2-99 RIF.Pri Response ReseNe Fundl 130,000 130,000 ., I 19 Public Works - Add Back to Complement. staI'f-mechanic re total fleet under P.W. . ............ 40,000 ~ 20 Snow CIeari . Sidewalks ::.:::.:.:.: ':':'::46f#l ~ ~ 21 Transfer to Paries Mtnc Reserve Fund -from 25 to 50 :,,;. 25,000 ! 22 Transfer to Aeet Equipment ~ imoact on tax with Provincial Grant eliminatiOn :.........:....~iiO.ooo 23 Stree! Liahts inc:fea&ed demand ...................~iicJ<j 24 roundE i 1M h "",..Ii..dioet . $460 000 ~ I ~7: I en: I -:: 25 Youth Grant . aool"O\'ed bv Council re JHlWard CS..Q1.(}() 26 Transfer to Reserve Fund from 25 - 50 ........................ 25.000 Plan.. : I , 27 Contract -toassist in com ion of Zoni -law - per Council indication .....................~~. 30,000 . 28 Grossi Gua<d& . - I 29 Libra - transfer to reserve for debt &... ricin lot Mure requirements (per Admin -00) .................== 30 Estimated Net: Normal Increases, Trainino, Heat, Insurance, E uity, l I. E . I :.:-:-:.:-:-:-:1"57-5 286,775 I .............. 31 P.I.U & Rt.ctWav Linear ProoertvTax ......::.:.:ii:):iliJ.iici6 32 Surplus AoPlied. increase from $1025kto $1,125k BIi 33 Buildina PermitslPen & Int. onTaxesISu mentarie6 & other neneral revenue <""1~~.'.,' 34 ProWlce. Community Reinvestment Fundina Total Revenue Increase - 35 Growth - estimated value contributed bl/ arowth - APPLIED ENTIRELY TO CAPITAL . , 2.8% 500,000:...... . I I ......: .:.:.1 MUNICIPAL ONLY. OPERATING: NET IMPACT ON TAX BASE I , :::::::::~-~:~. -:.:-:-:-::::::::::::~:~:~jAii:::: jOij....._1 jOij~~_ii: - I 2000 % Over 1-....on.Q(.. : : : . : 36 Libra'Y. (neg'ns)/Pr.#2 -lncr$e1Vioes [Excludes Main UbraryTrf] 99=1,171,637 1,2M,_ 5.471. . 84,0&8 1&,742 90.340 37 Bowmanville Museum 1999 Request $64,408 88,_ 3.00:::- {~ 38 Clarke Museum 1999 Request = $63,801 72.234 13.22:::; - 39 Vlsual Arts Centre 1999 Request - $47,000 47,000 o.OCf::: Sub-total ............:1; 15742 90,340 Nate: Museums & Visual Arts ests have been Dlaced in Non..controllable & Prio . #1 based on Bcwmanville R uest. TOTAL REQUESTS - MUNICIPAL & EXTERNAL BUDGETS 1302517 302,517 90,340 Note : some of the numbra . I ... CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION . \,\gton Beech C (:,\'<l-(\ efJtr(J ~~ Attachment #2 26 Beech Avenue . Bowmanville. ON L 1 C 3A2 Telephone: (905) 697-2856 . Fax: (905) 697-0739 April 7th 2000 \?\~I}~G'. "',"" "I,.. Itl'q '\, ",! i rJJ : ~ j' . "...., '~..., 1.' -.. ,': -~ " ~ ' ,'~ ',J'j 2JOO ,,,,,# Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 ;' "I) "'j, \ i"ui"CIPALlTY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE ATT: Marie Marano Treasurer Re: Budget-Reauiremeftt&~Clarington Older Adult Assoeiation Marie. enclosed is a copy of our Capitol Budget and a copy of our Operations Budget for your records. The Clarington Older Adult Association is requesting financial support for our Capitol and Operational Budget. Capitol Budget- Item. (e) Fold~ Panition-}20,OOG. GO- With the increase in programs the neecito provide more space is required almost daily. This can be achieved by installing the second partition in the auditorium. The provision for this folding partition along with the track installation was made when the room was built. This folding partition will give us the capability of having three activities taking place-atthe-sa~time-in this area. Operations Budget- Item (b) Funding (Progrcun Coordinator) $27,000.00 As you are aware. our membership and activities have increased over the past twelve months to the point we require a staff person to administer the programs. This work has been done to-date with the help of volunteers and Board members. The workload is too great for volunteers and we require an individual who can be working full time with au!" members. providing them with programs and activities that meet their needs. This position will also generate revenue by attracting new member5-and -user -feescolleeted-fEoID thENiā‚¬tivitic5. ,.. - With the present membership number and our projected growth the consequences of not having a Program Coordinator will be disastrous. Losing membership due to not having programs and activities is the last thing we want to see. Marie is it possible to have the money for this financial support taken out of the Clarington Older Adult Reserve fund? Marie I would like to thank you for your support in our request for the elevator at The Beech Centre and our members were very pleased to hear that the Municipality decided to have it installed as well. If you need any more information regarding this budget request please feel free to contact me. Thank you, p~ /1ohn Coffey Executive Director v ,... ~ " . . r '. Clarington Older Adult Association 2000 / 2001 Budget Capitol EXPENDITURE 2000/2001 NOTE: a Elevator $ 150,000.00 b Games Room $ 10,000.00 c Furniture ( Chairs for Auditorium) $ 5,000.00 d Furniture ( Games room) $ 5,000.00 e Folding Partition $ 20,000.00 TOTAL $ 190,000.00 NOTE: Item a : Elevator was previously approved and will be funded by The Municipality of Clarington Item b: c: d: The Clarlngton Older Adult Assoc. will Fundraise to cover the cost of these expenditures. Item e: Folding Partion. Requesting financial support from the Municipality of Clarington to cover this item. 1 2:11 PM iJ<!'./08/2000 '1' Clarington Older Adult Association 2000 I 2001 Budget Operations ! Income ~-r--2000/20()1- -=-=- -----=~--------~-~~-- Municipal Grant $ 6,000.00 Funding_(res~_rve_fund) $ 27,000.00.___ Donations $ ..5,000.00 Memb~l'ship _ $ 9,500.00 ! .. e ~ Membership Activities ,$ J2})0~_ f _~~ntals~ $ 34,000,00 ! 9 Leasesj$ 36,012.00 h Fundraising . $ 17,OOO.00! Hg~piality . 1$_ .... 8,ooo.00i .. ---- NOTE a b c d Surplus from Previous Year ! $ ~ 18,000.00 ! Expenses 1 ~alary- Director_ 2 Salary - Clerical 3 Salary ~ Support Staff 4 Activities Exp. 5 Advertising- Acti"ities 6 Advertising - Facility 7 Utililities 8 _ _Maintenance-supplies ~~ 9 Maintenance-Janitorial 10 Maintenance- Other 11 Office General 1~ndraising 13 Insurance 14 Professional Fees ---..- 15 IYOP 16 AdvanceFunding 17 Membership 18 Hospita~ty ,$ 172,512.00 32,000.00 10,000.00 27,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 23,000.00 11,000.00 22,000.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 1,700.00 1,500.00 ! $ $ $ [$ $ $ $ $ $ ;$ :$ , $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 Total Expenses! $ 168,700.00 25 Surplus $ 3,812,00 Note: Item (b) Revenueis reqested from reserve fund t~__ cover the cost of hirin a ro ram coordinator. 2: 13 PM 04/08/2000