HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-003-00 r--':.T-~ --,- {;:""''''' ....."............... "'.',".,.,'0'" .. ......, '(c: j ,. ..~.~~ tf THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #: FIC CA- Res.#-: ~/fJ~;:).. r -() 0 Report #: January 17, 2000 TR.03-00 File #: Date: By-Law#: Subject: TAX MATTERS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-03-oo be received; 2. THAT Council approve the tax certificate fee increase to $60.00, effective February 1 , 2000; 3. THAT Council approve a cut-off value of up to $10.00 for debit and credit account balances to be written off through automated month end procedures; and 4. THAT Council authorize a two-year guideline for write-offs of garbage charges (current year and one year prior) added to the tax roll based on OPAC (Ontario Property Assessment Corporation) tenancy information. Background and Comments: 1.0 Tax Certificates 1.1 The last increase in tax certificate fees was January 1, 1998, at which time, they were increased to $35.00. Staff have reviewed the fee charged by area municipalities. The results of the review are detailed below: $ 60.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 40.00 ,. 801 . ~.~ .0;, '.."" TR-03-00 - TAX MATTERS op.,- 2- "" 1.2 The pf'OPO$adir1Crease will bring the M~nicipality.S ~in-Ii...~....a~ charged by the surrounding municipalities. InadditiOn,the$6();OOtalt certiflcate fee will be more comparable with the $75:00 feecbarge<lby PltInl'ting and Development fer clearance certificates. . 1.3 In 1998, Council appreved the Municipality's participatien in atax~ack s$/'Vice fer lawyers, with a company called Synamics. Due te legislativ&~ges therewere implementatien delays. In the meantime,Synami<:sH\ilSceased operating and there are no ether service previders. 2.0 Small ~Iances 2.1 After reviewing the status 'Of the tax accounts in December. ~tl~ apprQ~tely 500 te 600 accoul1ts with small balances und8t$lC,l:OO{debits anderedits). 2.2 Te be e.fftcient when we send 'Out past due reminder netices,.w.''Nt)Uldsave p~pl~spostage, if these could be YJritten 'Off.. Also, the.~erWOUldnot receive a past due notice fer a small balance. This typically ~tes complaints abeut waste of reseurces. 3,0 G~e Collection 3.1 Th. MUfllelpality currently charges taxpayers for garbage coll~en aftat rate,basis. The garbage charge is based on information fromthe'~tnEmt RoIls;pt'lWicled to municipalities each year fromOPAC. 3.2 The assessment rolls contain property 'Owners and tenantinf~ en. properties for different purposes (ie. apartments, school leasemeffect. senior disabled exemptions, etc.). The current garbage charge ~isbased en owners and tenants beth being charged fer pickup at oneresidern.:e. 3.3 Th., tenant informatien from the rell books has been targeted fOf$plilcial informatiOn for OPAC purposes and is net always reliable fer ad4ing "additional" garbage charges. 3.4 If a property has been 'Overcharged due te the above (ie. ne Iet9tr an apartment), staff would like the discretion te write-olonly two ~ef ~ edded in error. This sheuld provide more thansuflicienttimefor a~payer to notify the Municipality 'Of an extra garbage rate charged humor. ttle homeowner must put his request in writing and staff would COf'lfil'mwith OPAC before the adjustment is made. Y $ubmitted, Reviewed by: rie . Marllne,H.BSc..AMCT, Treasurer. d . .,.(7..........~ Franklin Wu, M.C.tP.,R.P.P., Chief AcIministrativeOffk:er. MMlMWFlhjl 802