HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-71-00 " .oN: TR.71.Q() THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON "\.-" ~ REPORT Date: October 2, 2000 File # F7 g 117" Res. t6pf} -tf{c/). Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Report #: Subject: TR-71-00 FILE#: By-law # CL2000-25 - ELEVATOR INSTALLATION ON CLARlNGTON BEECH CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-71-00 be received; 2, THAT Gerr Construction, Bowmanville, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $171,500.00 (Including G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2000-25 be awarded the contract for the Elevator Installation at Clarington Beech Centre; 3. THAT funds in the amount $150,000.00, be drawn from the Older Adult Operating Reserve Fund Account # 111 0-198-X; and 4, THAT the remaining funds required in the amount of $51,500.00 be provided from the Impact I Escrow Account #1110-196-X. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and called for the installation of an Elevator at the Clarington Beech Centre, as required by the Public Works Department. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as follows: BIDDER GeIT Construction Bowmanville, ON BID AMOUNT $171,500.00 The total funds required for the project are $201,500.00 ($171,500.00 tender + $20,000.00 consulting + $10,000.00 contingency) and exceeds the budget allocation of $150,000.00 as provided in the Older Adult Operating Reserve Fund Account #1110- 198-X. 843 "- .. ~. . { REPORT NO.: TR.71-00 PAGE 2 It is recommended that the additional funds required in the amount of $51 ,500.00 be drawn from the Impact I Escrow Account #1110-196-X. The low bidder has previously performed for the Municipality of Clarington. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. should be referred to the Director of Public Works. A letter from the consultant Barry Bryan Associates, explaining the over expenditure and the reasoning for only one bid is attached marked Schedule "A". After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, the Consultant and Public Works, it is recommended that Gerr Construction, Bowmanville, Ontario be awarded the contract for the installation of an elevator at the Clarington Beech Centre. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, arie Marano, H.BSc., AMCT. Treasurer ()~_-f~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., RP.P., Chief Administrative Officer ~U~ Stephen 'A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LB*km 844 . SEP, -.11';00 (MaN) 11: 22 BARRY BRYAN ASSOCIATES TEL:905 666 5256 P. 001 .. " .. BARRY. BRYAN ASSOCV'\ TES ( /99/ ) LIMITED . ARCHITECT . ENGINEER . PROJECT MANAGERS 11 Stanlay Coull Whffby, Ontallo L 1 N 8P9 Telephone: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666.5256 Toronto: (905) 427-4495 E-mail: bba@ld.reot.com Memo Schedule "Au File: CL 2000-25 TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ATTENTION: MR. FRED HORVATH, MANAGER OF OPERATIONS CC: MS. LOU ANNE BIRKETT, PURCHASING MANAGER FROM: CHRIS EARLE, m.a.a.t,Q, DATE: September 11, 2000 PROJECT: 26 BEECH AVENUE, BOWMANVIL.LE, ELEVATOR INSTALLATION AND CORRIDOR ADDITION TENDER CL2000.25 PROJECT NO: 00099 As requested we have reviewed the tender for the Beech Avenue Elevator Installation. TENDER NO. CL2000.25. Tenders for the ELEVATOR INSTALLATION AND CORRIDOR ADDITION. CLARINGTON BEECH CENTRE were received by the Municipality of Clarington on Wednesday August 30, 2000. Only one bid was received for this project, that being from Gerr Construction Limited. of Bowmanvllle. We have received the tender documents which were submitted. The total Stipulated Price was $171,500.00 plus GST, GST is estimated in the tender documents to be $12.005.00. The tender includes Cash Allowances in the total amount of $3,000.00. As requested we have discussed the tender for the Beech Avenue elevator installation with Mr. Joe Gerrits of Gerr Construction Limited, on September 6, 2000. In our discussion with Mr. Genits we have determined the following factors which may have influenced the increase in cost since your earlier budget was established: 1. The elevator was originally estimated at $45. $50,000. The actual price quoted by Thyssen Dover was $66,500.00. No other elevator contractors submitted pricing for this project. It was determined that altemate elevator manufacturers felt they could not offer competitive prices, as the existing elevator shaft was constructad to the specifications for a standard Thyssen Dover product, and competitors would be required to provide custom manufactured equipment to fit. 2. The cost to protect the existing building from weather and to remove all of the ductwork and ceilings for the construction of the new Corridor, is substantial. The logistics of maintaining the building in operation. while providing weather protection above, and protection for pedestrian traffic below, added substantially to the cost. 3, 'The additional requirement to ventilate the basement, Including the two lower level activity rooms added to the cost of the project. The total mechanical quotation was $10,600.00. A significant portion of that amount was for the basement ventilation. C:\My DOC:J1T'8r'1I8\OOOesmema.wpd Page 1 of 2 845 r . SEP. -11' DO(MONj 11:22 . .. ~ BARRY BRYAN ASSOCIATES TEL:905 666 5256 p, 002 ~ 10 .'~ 11 SIanley Court WMby. Ontario L fN BP9 Telephone: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666-5256 Toronto: (905) 427-4495 E-mell: bba@ldlrect.com Schedule "A" . .f.i1e: CL 2000-25_ 4. Construction costs in Durham Region and Toronto have increased significantly in the past two years due to the large amount of construction underway. Contractors are unable 10 take on more work as there Is a lack of labour, and suppliers are unable to keep up with demands for products. Prices for labour and material have risen accordingly. BARRY. BRYAN ASSOCIATES (/99/) LIMITED . ARCHITECT . ENGINEER . PROJiiCTMANAGERS 5. The tender includes a cash allowance of $3,000.00 for inspection and testing. 6. There was only one bidder on this project. Competitive bids were not received. (On discussion with local contractors who were advised by our office that this project was available for pricing, we learned that most contractors are extremely busy and did not feel that they could complete the work to the required sChedule, and at a reasonable price, They also fell In several cases that Gerr was the right contractor for this project as they had previous experience in the construction of the original building.) It may be possible to somewhat reduce the cost of the project by eliminating the basement ventilation, by soliciting quotations from other elevator manufacturers who were not listed in the original documents and by eliminating the inspection and testing allowance. We could possibly also realize some minor savings by changing interior finishes, and deleting the roof tapered insulation. Alternatively, it would be possible to install the elevator in the existing shaft, to serve the ground and lower level areas only. The elevator could be designed to extend to the second floor at a later date. This would eliminate the second tloor addition and all of the coordination and protection necessary for the shelter of the existing structure. The second floor addition and the elevator extension could then be delayed. Under this scenario, the basement ventilation could be retained. Based on the current economic conditions, we believe that the tender submitted by Gerr Construction Limited Is fair and reasonable for the work as drawn and specified. There are some areas where cost savings may be realized, if the scope of work can be reduced as noted above. We recommend that you request a more detailed breakdown of the suggested savings from the Bidder. Should you require any additional Information or assistance in this regard, please contact our office. REGARDS. CHRIS EARLE M.A.A. T.O. PROJ~CT MANAGER C:\My Documeols\OOOeemclI\O.wlNi Page 2 of 2 846