HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-09 Minutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING Dec. 9, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) S. Laing O. Casimiro M. Morawetz K. Warren J. Sturdy Regrets: S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke W. Woo T. Thompson Call to Order: 1. B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Correspondence: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), read a very complimentary letter from MP Erin O’Toole regarding the event in council chambers for the unveiling of the Charles Bowman family portrait offering thanks and congratulations on acquiring the portrait for the museum collection and for the wonderful unveiling ceremony. Announcements: 5. M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that Mayor Adrian Foster, MP Erin O’Toole, MPP Granville Anderson, Councillor Stephen Cooke, Councillor Willie Woo and Councillor Joe Neal were able to attend the invitational farewell event for Charles Taws and, as everyone there, thoroughly enjoyed the evening. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: J. Sturdy Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of November 11, 2015 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED Business Arising from Minutes: 7. Nothing was brought forward. Executive Director’s Report: 8. M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that 2015 has been a year of transition in many regards. One major accomplishment of note for the year is that Visitor/Outreach Numbers have increased significantly surpassing 10,000 by the end of Nov. which is well above the target for the full year set at 8000+. The number of Events, Programs and Outreaches in 2015 increased significantly, requiring a significant effort by all staff. This impacted Visitor Numbers positively. Social Media and Web Site interaction are closely monitored and also showed impressive gains in 2015. Of note, on an interim bases, the Curatorial / Archive responsibilities for Nov and Dec 2015 will be handled by M. Adams, with assistance from other staff as assigned. There is a Christmas luncheon planned for staff prior on Dec. 22 to be held at Bistro 238. The 2015/2016 event and program schedule was distributed as updated, and of note, the Mayor’s Golf fundraiser in 2016 has named the museum as recipient of funds raised which is very much appreciated. M. Adams is in discussions with Community Development at the Municipality to utilize aspects of the sports displays from the current Clarington Competes sports exhibit at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre in recreation centres across the municipality to extend the reach and life of the exhibit. Proudly the Charles Bowman Family Portrait unveiling was a huge success on Nov 5, 2015 with considerable media attention and support in the council chambers. The annual th Edwardian Christmas Open House is planned for Dec 4 along with a new partnered “Edwardian Night Before Christmas” narrated tour of the historic Bowmanville Museum fully trimmed for the Christmas season. The museum is working with the Beech St. Theatre company for this new program offering. th Tickets are $12 and will be offered Dec 11, 12, and 13 with a matinee and two evening performances at 7 & 8 p.m. each of these days. Regarding fundraising, sponsorship and marketing, the 2015 events were tracked and used to build the plan for 2016, and the Municipality Grant has been filed with a 5% increase requested as part of the 2016 budget process. Membership presently is 76 with requests for renewals having been sent out to existing members and some responses still pending. Pivotal items for M. Adams, Executive Director, with regards to staffing and volunteers will be curatorial, archive, education and development with a focus as year end is nearing to complete tax receipts as needed for donations. Events organized recently by volunteers working with staff have been exceptional and should be noted. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: board move into camera at 7:50 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Discussion with no motions made. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: J. Sturdy THAT: board move out of camera at 7:57 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: . the Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted MOTION CARRIED After some discussion about Membership. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: effective January 2016, all new board members will be given a complimentary membership for one year. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT: all board directors are required to renew their 12 month membership by January of each year. MOTION CARRIED Committee Reports: 9. a) Finance Report – O. Casimiro asked that the report be moved to the end of the committee reports. Consensus to do so. b) Collections Report – This committee touches on the “core” of what the museum is and reports to M. Adams, Executive Director. The procedure was reviewed as presented in the report. It is the Curator’s responsibility to research and accession in the long term, while presently M. Adams will fulfill that role with assistance from other staff, who collectively have in excess of 30 years experience in Curatorial and Archivist capacities. Terms of Reference will also be reviewed and updated by the committee. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Sturdy THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report – M. Adams led a discussion including comments that the rates need to be reviewed as well as the process for attracting new members and membership retention, including corporate memberships. Of note, there are many in-kind contributions by community business partners of far greater value than corporate memberships. Currently staff members are using a management spreadsheet but are planning to migrate back to the “Past Perfect” system. d) Property Report – O. Casimiro noted that the last meeting held was near the end of June 2015. Currently Rob Groen, Municipality of Clarington Building and Property Supervisor, and M. Adams, Executive Director, have been working to complete promised work planned for 2015 with the biggest challenge being the HVAC in both the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre and the Bowmanville Museum. The 2016 capital budget will be worked on next including an action plan regarding Health and Safety training. S. Laing asked about humidity control at the Bowmanville Museum and for the archives. M. Adams is looking into options for both as the current portable humidifiers may not be sufficient or economical. e) Heritage Committee Report – K. Warren represents the museum board on the Heritage Committee and has committed to working on one of two subcommittees, Education & Outreach. They are considering a Geocaching structure partnering with the museum as has been done elsewhere. There are some challenges in such a program. a) Finance Report - O. Casimiro started by stating that the books are coming back to the museum from the municipality in early 2016 once they complete the 2015 Financials. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board approve the Finance Committee moving forward with Request For Proposals (RFP) for a Bookkeeper. MOTION CARRIED The budget proposal was submitted after a great deal of work as required by Nov. 13, 2015. $290,956.00 was requested which represents a 5% increase over last year. With the books and processes updated through the municipality over the past year, along with a new chart of accounts and budgeting tools developed, the current years results will be used as a baseline for budgeting in future. The Finance Committee appreciates the patience of the Board regarding the budget details which will be presented at a future meeting after the Finance Committee works through all the details and uses the new tools. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: J. Sturdy THAT: the Finance Report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED New Business: 10. M. Adams ED reported that the CMOG requirements for 2016 are being worked on and include the required 3 year Strategic Plan review. He asked that a committee be struck to work on the Strategic Plan. Consensus that such a committee be set up for the 2016 work. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting 11. The next meeting will be held, Wednesday January 13, 2016 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre starting at 7 p.m. Proposal that February meeting take place at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. Adjournment: 12. S. Laing moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives