HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-10 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday November 10, 2015 (Not yet approved by Arena Board Members) In Attendance - Gord Lee, Chair Carol Little, Shea-Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Sue White, Willie Woo, Bryan Wiltshire Regrets – Gord Blaker, Vice Chair, Jay Summers, Councillor Partner 1.Cal to Order - 7:05 p.m. 2.Adoption of Minutes – Motion # 15-124 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of September 8 th, 2015 be accepted, as presented. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Shea-Lea Latchford CARRIED 3.Arena Manager’s Report - Shinny Hockey on Saturday Nights is progressing slowly. Currently we are averaging 5-to- 6 people. Considering the staff is on hand at that hour cleaning up, it was determined we will continue with the program at least through December and January, also continue to advertise in the Village Voice and take a look at the participation numbers at the end of January. Cimco Refrigeration had provided Bryan with any analysis report on the condition of the Brine and Glycol currently in our system. The company is recommending replacement of both chemicals. Quotations were also provided and indicated a cost of $1,708.17 plus labour. Labour would be done on a time and material basis. The chair advised: Recent labour charges we had experienced from Cimco were at $110.00/hr. Labour from Cimco start with travel time from their Mississauga office. In some cases, if two specialists are required, two trucks are dispatched and two travel times charged. Bryan had discussed (2) The necessity of this service and the costs with Mr. Horvath; requesting some financial assistance from the Operations Department -Unfortunately, none will be forthcoming. It was determined by the members we will hold off until the season ends, Bryan will attempt to get another opinion on the necessity of their advice and then proceed, if necessary. This will at least place it in the 2016 budget. We are estimating, with labour our expenditure would be around $3,500.00 to have the work completed. The chair advised he had received a letter from Peter Hazelton, President of the N.V.M.H.A. outlining their current problems with ice scheduling. Their request was for additional week – night, prime-time ice. Obviously, this would necessitate us taking ice from the Clarington Girls Hockey League, the other user of prime-time week-night ice in our arena. Between the two minor hockey groups, they have all our prime-time ice, with NVMHA having the lion’s share of the available ice time. Both organizations have too much Saturday ice due to Game scheduling and tournaments, etc. It is a current problem with all the ice pads in Clarington; not just ours. The board members requested we bring both parties to a meeting; Newcastle Village and the Clarington Girls; give them an opportunity the present their needs and suggestions. We tentatively scheduled January 10 th, 2016 at 3:p.m. The chair will contact both parties and extend the invitation. Also brought to the members, by the chair was Gord Blaker’s inspection report from his monthly tour of the building with Bryan. No problem areas were evident. 4.Financial Report - Accounts receivable were at $58,800.30, 72%, ($42,286.28) were current. Over 90 days was $2,486.81; most being from the Gift of Art summer show at the arena. The chair had been in touch with her and the money was forthcoming. The balance of the receivables were in the 30 to 60 days, ($14,027.21) Income statement for Y.T.D. (Oct.31 st.) showed a deficit of ($9,375.18) on revenue of $204,041.61. All revenue streams appeared to be on target, except the snack bar sales and our summer rentals were off by $2,600.00. 5.New Business - New and current business agendas were covered in the Arena Manager’s Report, above. (3) 6.Next Meeting – December meeting not in effect – Christmas Dinner for board members and their significant other to be scheduled. Motion # 15 – 125 was proposed: THAT: Larry Burke and his wife June be invited to our Christmas Dinner Party,( Larry had served on the arena board from 1995 until his retirement in 2014; twenty years). Councillors Woo and Partner will arrange for a Certificate of Recognition, signed by Mayor Foster, to be presented to Larry. The dinner will be at Massey House Restaurant – date to be arranged. Moved by: Wendy Partner Seconded by: Willie Woo CARRIED 7.Adjournment - Motion # 15 – 126 – Motion to Adjourn Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Sue White CARRIED