HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-035-00 ~ . " DN: PD-35-00 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #IJJ i ;Yjff o/{--{)d.- cr Res. #GjJ/l -/h 7 -DO. Date: Monday,J\priI17,2000 Report #: PD-35-00 File #: ZBA 99-029 & 18T-99018 By-law # Subject: REZONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: LIZJAN DEVELOPMENTS INC. PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILES: ZBA 99-029 & 18T-99018 Reconnnendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: I. THAT Report PD-35-00 be received for information; and 2. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applications: Lizjan Developments Inc. 1.2 Agent: PMG Planning Consultants 1.3 Severance: To rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural (A) Zone" to permit the development of a plan of subdivision. 1.4 Draft Plan of Subdivision: To develop a draft plan of subdivision containing 44 - 9.0 metre linked lots, 51-10.5 single detached lots, 41-12.2 metre single detached lots, a neighbourhood park block, a public elementary school site, and a future development block. 10.6 hectares (2.5 acres) 1.5 Site Area: 601 v' ., REPORT PD-035-00 PAGE 2 2. PURPOSE OF REPORT 2.1 The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information on the appeal by Lizjan Developments Inc. of their rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications to the Ontario Municipal Board. The report details the background of the application and the remaining issues that must be resolved prior to the hearing scheduled for May 8, 2000. Both the applicant and Staff would prefer to resolve all outstanding issues prior to the hearing date. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 On August 19, 1999, PMG Planning Consultants, on behalf of Lizjan Developments Inc., submitted rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications to the Municipality of ClaringJon. The subdivision would consist of 44 - 9.0 metre link lots, 51 ~ 10.5 metre single detached lots, 41 - 12.2 metre single detached lots, a neighbourhood park, a elementary school site, and a future development block. 3.2 A Public Meeting was held on November 1, 1999 to solicit input from the surrounding residents. The following concerns were raised: . The trees provide a noise buffer from railway noise to the south. A difference is noled in the summer when the trees are foliated. . Existing vegetation provides habitat for wildlife. Trees should be preserved. . The function of the drainage swale should not be impacted. 3.3 On January 6, 2000, a meeting was held between Staff and the applicant to discuss planning and design issues relating to the draft plan of subdivision. The applicant referred the application to the Ontario Municipal Board on January 19, 2000 because the Municipality of Clarington and Regional Municipality of Durham failed to make a decision on the proposed zoning amendment and draft plan of subdivision respectively within 90 days. Staff can only presume that the applicant sought a firmer commitment to timing than Staff could provide at the time of the January 6, 2000 meeting. 602 fI REPORT PD-035-00 PAGE 3 3.4 On January 18,2000, just prior to Ihe rezoning application and draft plan of subdivision being appealed, a request was received from the agent seeking zoning by-law amendment application as follows: . The reference to an underground linkage for 18.0 metre link lots should be removed to permit a 9.0 metre single detached lot. . The applicant requests that 10.0 metre single detached lots be permitted. . The applicant requests that exterior side yards be reduced to 3.0 metres in the draft plan. On February 18, 2000, the applicant provided design elevations and a conceptual house siting plan for review purposes. 4, SUBDIVISION DESIGN ISSUES 4.1 An Environmental Impact Study was initiated to examine the impacts of the proposed subdivision on the Soper Creek tributary, potential downstream fisheries impacts in the Soper Creek, preservation of trees, and wildlife habitat and movement within the forested portions of the site. Staff anticipate that this study will be completed within a 6 to 8 week period. 4.2 A number of adjacenl residents raised concerns regarding tree preservation on the subject lands. The agent indicated that hedgerows on the park and school blocks would be preserved. In addition, the applicant has agreed to preserve a treed area on the east side of Street "E" through deletion of Lots 22 & 23 and part of Lot 21. In addition, the Environmental Impact Study will provide guidance on tree preservation. These measures should sufficiently address public concerns. 4.3 The draft plan of subdivision provides the Public School Board with a 2.0 hectare sized school site. Both the Official Plan and the School Board requires an elementary school site with a minimum size of 2.5 hectares. The plan also includes a 0.46 hectare park block, which would represents the last piece required for Longworth Park. The applicant has requested that the proposed park block be used for school purposes and Ihat cash-in- lieu of parkland would be provided. 603 , I REPORT PD-035-00 PAGE 4 4.4 The applicant is seeking approval for 9.0, 10.0 and 12.0 metre lots. Slaffmust determine an appropriate lot mix, and whether some larger lot single detached units are required. 4.5 Staff are examining the plan to determine an appropriate road network, which minimized the number of access points onto Longworth Avenue and assists with lot grading and drainage concerns. Various alternatives are being reviewed by Planning and Public Works staff. 4.6 The proposed draft plan shows a 0.28 hectare Future Use block, which is currently designated for residential uses. Although the applicant has indicated that he intends to develop commercial uses on the block in the future, the required official plan amendment, rezoning, and site plan applications have not been submitted for consideration. The applicant must prepare a lotting plan for the block that appropriately includes adjacent lots on Street "F" and Longworth Avenue. 4.7 The Public Works Department has indicated that the preliminary grading plan shows grades of 5% on Longworth Avenue and Street "B". Roads with lower grades of 3% are preferable from a transportation perspective. This also lessens the potential for residential lot grading difficulties. 4.8 A parking plan must be prepared by the applicant to demonstrate that sufficient on-street parking exists. This must be prepared prior to issuance of draft plan approval. The applicant has indicated that such a plan would be provided after draft plan approval has been issued. Staff do not accept this position. 4.9 Longworth Avenue is an east-west collector road, which is located on the Chizen lands to the west of the subject lands. Until the Chizen lands are developed, the Municipality wants to ensure that approval of this draft plan will not cause any traffic problems. This issue must also be addressed in the traffic report. 4.10 Lizjan Developments must negotiate with Eiram Development Corporation to acquire the 604 , REPORT PD-035-00 PAGE 5 other half of the Longworth Avenue road allowance to create a full entrance to the subdivision (see attachment #2). The northern extent of the road must be fully serviced with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and necessary utilities. Previous discussions with the applicant indicated that this would not be a problem. 4.11 Development cannot commence until the applicant provides at least two means of access to the subdivision. While Longworth Avenue represents the primary means of access to the subdivision, Street "E", which is the extension of Rickaby Street from the subdivision to the north, forms an alternate means of access to the subject lands. Either the applicant or Eiram Development Corporation must construct the portion of Rickaby Street within the plan of subdivision to the north. 4.12 The applicant has recently requested that a subdivision layout be approved on the school site. This plan would only be implemented if the Public School Board decided not to exercise its option on Ihe property. Staff must confer with the Public School Board prior to providing comment on the proposal. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Staff will continue to work with the applicant to resolve these issues pnor to the scheduled Ontario Municipal Board hearing. A further report on a recommended position for the hearing will be forwarded to Committee for consideration on May 1, 2000. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, o r~Q ~€C),~ Davi ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development RH*DJC*cd Attachment #1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Draft Plan of Subdivision Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer 605 -, REPORT PD-035-00 PAGE 6 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision. Lizjan Developments Inc. 3845 Bathurst Street Suite 103 Downsview, Ontario M5H 3N2 Mr. Julius DeRuyter PMG Planning Consultants 227 Bridgeland Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6A lY7 Mr. John Rackstraw 7 Hooper Square Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 4X7 606 ~ .~ ATIACHMENT 1/1 ~ N w " z ~ Z ~ 0 - 0 en z en w () z 0 () _ SUBJECT SITE ---1 \ LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 CONCE~SION ROAD 31 1 d 1 ~ .:q BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA 99-029 18T-99018 607 I H :... f) ( co '" o o '" __"''''---J --;::~I ;'lly,'O"," Ii Ii ( .. - - -.J Iii R~-(;; S-f-:H~:IJ I-":"",~ <1.c~~ ,',h .......\ "^""""- ",,,,,. 'I<I/'i:' ,^' ~ ~.:..J).' -".,,, ""'^', ill / 1'1"1 T/-r "-'-r:';7\:c-r"ITi '[iT n Tii ~., .'"' ,-,~:-U<1.(l ;.....- ;~. /' '.0' I"" '.',' ",.,: co, I co,! CO' I ,o,i co, lO" i~ fI u" "" i co, c,.1 lO'! co' co, !'o, "T: "" I "" co, 'O! '0' V ~.- '. '00 '. '" ,. '" .' ' '. I'" '. '. ,,, ... " ", ,.. 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'" 104-3-.104-4 5.1151'10 2.031110 0.461ho 0.2004-ho 0.28J 110 0.051110 0.005ho 2.450110 10.600110 TOTAL OWNER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE WI, ..... T><< """"".(0 o.....~ 0' ,...""..u.u,TI<-O.,,,,,.,..,.,.....\ '..........el L'''''' ","..,."'"o.'z< '" '''' .....'~~1 L.M,O' ,,~o '""~ """...._..._OUL.a.....(._!., ....."..._'0'"<."'''".,,,.,,, To ..<~....< .rc ,...., . D'"'' ...... .".CClOIaf[l""""'."",,,,., Ol'1WItIo.""".eo.._o..L. ...,"........ L1ZJAN DEVELOP~ENTS INC. W~~PANY LTD. ._o~~ "."b:~..".I''-'''' P.ll,..,,, DUt ._, ~-a~. ,.,,,11 A. Sl~"q', o. , , ou< Ion I, ~o" I.,o,u~~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~ooul". Un'" S"hon 1l<12! Of Tho "10""1 A" 0,5.0 ." ......,'JJI_....""~ ~.~:.:.~~~!~:::.t- - ",,,...., ..................K>NIOOot_ DRAFT PLAN fjiJ of Subdivision ~ OF PART OF LOT Q, CONCESSION 2, MUHlCIPAUTY OF CLARINGTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Ili...1'I .. - ";;;;'~ ~ SO,,! 1,1000 b"~'...'...!'~ ~:-". '."'""'''' r4~..=..t, 2170 ...."'" HSRI'''''w. 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