HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/2016Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario TAInquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambers(a-)clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Planning and Development Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net ChIrIU00H Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business — Introduction 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of February 1, 2016 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Dr. Linda Carter Report: PSD -016-16 7.2 Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: 1891211 Ontario Limited Report: PSD -017-16 8 Delegations No Delegations 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications— Direction There are no Communications for Direction. 11 Presentations No Presentations 6-1 7-1 7-3 Page 1 CkIrIU0011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -016-16 An Application by Dr. Linda Carter to Permit Commercial 12-1 Uses, Including a Veterinary Clinic 12.2 PSD -017-16 A Rezoning Application by 1891211 Ontario Limited to 12-10 Permit Three Six -Storey Apartment Buildings Containing 414 Dwelling Units 12.3 PSD -018-16 Applications by Lanarose Properties Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group) 12-21 to Permit 4 Single Detached Dwellings and 1 Block for 5 Townhouses in Bowmanville 12.4 PSD -020-16 Renaming Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington 12-45 Boulevard, Nautical Street Names in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood, and Revised Street Addresses for a Number of Properties 13 New Business - Consideration 14 Unfinished Business No Unfinished Business 15 Confidential Reports 15.1 PSD -019-16 Donation of Lands- Rear Portion of 2365 and 2385 Energy Drive 16 Adjournment Page 2 Planning and Development Committee Clar-hugjon.Minutes February 1, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor W. Partner Staff Present: D. Crome, C. Pellarin, L. Benson, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Cooke added a New Business item regarding the Nash Road Developments and the Greenbelt Plan to the New Business — Consideration section of the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -019-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of February 1, 2016 be adopted as presented, with the addition of a New Business item regarding the Nash Road Developments and the Greenbelt Plan. Carried 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. - 1 - Cladhsqon Planning and Development Committee Minutes February 1, 2016 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD -020-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on January 11, 2016, be approved. Carried 7 Public Meetings No Public Meetings 8 Delegations 8.1 Clifford Curtis Regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications Submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Clifford Curtis, local resident, was;present regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood and'Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Mr. Curtis requested that the lands north of Poppyfield Drive and west of Tooley Road be restricted from development until the Environmental Impact Study and the Hydrogeological Impact Study are completed. Mr. Clifford stated that he had a few issues to be addressed and noted that in 1996 he appealed the Official Plan (OP) to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) regarding the draft Official Plan temporarily showing a woodlot on his property and a School/Park combination on the land abutting his property. He continued by explaining that the woodlot designation was deleted prior to the 1996 ,OP being approved. Mr. Curtis added that the land to be used for a School/Park to the south of his property would block any road extension and services to his property. He also noted that there was to be a Neighbourhood Plan developed to move the School/Park closer to Nash Road and to set a road lot pattern. Mr. Curtis added that due to lack of an Environmental Impact Study the road alignments were deferred. He explained that in the Staff Report he was concerned that Springfield Lane will be closed and feels this is being done prematurely. Mr. Clifford added that he is also concerned with the special R1 requirements for Tooley Road with respect to setbacks and road widening which will restrict any future development north of Poppyfield Drive. He noted his concerns with the changing of the zoning of the land at the northwest corner of Tooley Road and future Adelaide Avenue from R1 to Agricultural. Mr. Curtis added that it is inappropriate to classify an area of land as a special study area prior to the completion of an Environmental Impact Study. He noted his concern that Clarington uses a Neighbourhood Plan rather than a -2- Planning and Development Committee Cladyngton Minutes February 1, 2016 Secondary Plan to guide development and he listed his reasons for his concern. Mr. Curtis concluded by asking that development north of Poppyfield Drive be restricted until an Environmental Impact and Hydrogeological Studies are completed. He added that he does support the development north of Tooley Road and is available to answer questions from the Committee. 8.2 Jay Cuthbertson Regarding Report PSD -011-16, Blue Dot Movement Jay Cuthbertson of the David Suzuki Blue Dot Movement, was present regarding PSD - 011 -16, Blue Dot Movement. Mr. Cuthbertson thanked staff and acknowledged the work that was involved in writing the Staff�Report. He commended Clarington for its Strategic Plan and specifically the commitment to strengthening sustainability. Mr. Cuthbertson explained that he is a local resident and it concerned for the future of our planet. He continued by noting the importance of the declaration for the future of the planet. Mr. Cuthbertson asked the Committee for stronger wording to be used in Sections three and four of the model declaration. He continued by providing examples of world issues and events that are.linked to Climate Change. Mr. Cuthbertson asked for consideration to be given to adding the wording "to look for opportunities to regenerate" and "endeavour to improve function of the existing natural system" to the recommendation. He concluded by requesting that targets and goals be established to assist with implementing the declaration. Mr. Cuthbertson thanked the Committee and offered to answer any questions. 8.3 Hannu Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., Regarding Report PSD -010-16, Applications for Zoning By-law Amendments to Permit 5 Single Detached Dwellings and 1 Linked Dwelling Lots on Holyrod Drive in Courtice Hannu, Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., was present regarding Report PSD -010-16, applications for zoning by-law amendments to permit 5 single detached dwellings and 1 linked dwelling lots on Holyrod Drive in Courtice. Mr. Halminen explained to the Committee that application will finish the Courtice North subdivision. He concluded by noting that he concurs with the Staff Report and is available to answer any questions. 8.4 Hannu Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., Regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications Submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Hannu Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., was present regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood and Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications Submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Mr. Halminen explained that this amendment is related to the Tooley Road townhouse proposal (Report PSD -015-16). He continued by noting that one of the requirements of the application was to revisit the neighbourhood plan due to the concerns of the Tooley Road residents. Mr. Halminen advised the Committee that he is satisfied with the Report -3- 6-3 Planning - • • •Committee Claringto xMinutes February2016 as it relates to the area south of Poppyfield Drive. He continued by explaining that he is concerned with the area north of Poppyfield Drive and that no decision should be made prior to the Environmental Impact Study being completed. Mr. Halminen requested the area north of Poppyfield be placed into a holding pattern until the proper testing has been conducted. He added that he is also concerned with a portion of land being changed from R1 zoning to agricultural as this will put any current residents into non -conformity if they are looking at any changes to their properties; it would essentially be a step backwards. Mr. Halminen concluded by stating that he is in agreement with the recommendations south of Poppyfield Drive and he is available to answer questions. 8.5 Hannu Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., Regarding Report PSD -015-16, Applications by H & H Properties Inc. to Develop 68 Low Density Multi -Unit Residential Dwellings and 9 Single Detached Units Hannu Halminen, H & H Properties Inc., was present regarding report PSD -015-16, Applications by H & H Properties Inc. to Develop 68 Low Density Multi -Unit Residential Dwellings and 9 Single Detached Units. Mr. Halminen explained to the Committee that the first consultation for this application took place in August, 2013. He noted that there has been a great deal of resident, staff, and developer input and discussion. Mr. Halminen added that they have amended their plan from 80 units to 77 units, they have changed the access points to be located on Tooley Road and on CenterField Drive, and now have 9 single lots fronting on to Tooley Road. He believes that they have satisfied the majority of the residents' concerns and this is a viable and acceptable plan. Mr. Halminen added they will not build two storey homes, fronting onto Tooley Road overpowering the bungalows. He explained that the Municipality requested 56 foot wide lots and they agreed. Mr. Halminen noted that there were some concerns with the Report and these have been discussed with staff and have been resolved verbally. He concluded by advising the Committee that the only remaining issue to be resolved is . regarding the setbacks. Mr. Halminen stated that he does not agree with the proposed setback from Tooley Road and asked for the setbacks from the property line to be 6.5 metres to the garage and 4.5 metres to the house which is currently permitted in R1 zoning. He confirmed that when possible they will preserve the mature trees. Mr. Halminen thanked staff and advised the Committee that he is available to answer any questions. 8.6 Ryan Lavender Regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications Submitted by H&H Properties Inc. V Ryan Lavender, local resident, was present regarding Report PSD -014-16, Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood and Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Mr. Lavender noted that the previous delegations have covered the majority of his concerns. He continued by 6-4 Planning and Development Committee CladnsqonMinutes February 1, 2016 explaining he is concerned with the closure of Springfield Drive as he lives at the end of this street. Mr. Lavender explained that the original plan was for this to become a through street and now it will become a cul-de-sac. He continued that currently Springfield Drive is 19 metres wide and the width of a cul-de-sac should be 27 metres. Mr. Lavender also noted he feels no decisions should be made until the Environmental Impact Study is completed. He stated he would like to see the new Neighbourhood Plan to show some lotting because otherwise it pre -supposes the outcome of the Environmental Impact Study. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications — Direction There are no Communications for direction. 11 Presentations No Presentations 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -01,0-16 Applications for Zoning By-law Amendments to Permit 5 Single Detached Dwellings and 1 Linked Dwelling Lots on Holyrod Drive in Courtice Resolution #PD -021-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -010-16 be received; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by H & H Building Corporation (Valleymore Land Corp.) be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -010-16; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by LDB Holdings Ltd. be approved as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -010-16; That a by-law(s) be forwarded to Council to lift the `Holding (H) Symbol' at such time as the applicants enter into an agreement with the Municipality to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -010-16 and Council's decision; and -5- 6-5 Planning and Development Committee ClafiBgtOR 2016February 1, That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -010-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.2 PSD -011-16 Blue Dot Movement Resolution #PD -022-16 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PSD -011-16 be received; That Council adopt the recommended Municipality of Clarington Declaration for The Right to a Healthy Environment, contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD -011-16, as follows: Whereas the Municipality of Clarington strives to sustain natural resources and our environment for future generations and to foster a healthy community that nurtures the health and well-being of residents to provide for a high quality of life; Whereas the Municipality of Clarington endeavours to make Clarington a place where people, businesses and governments collectively balance growth with the protection, management and enhancement of rural landscapes, cultural heritage, natural resources and the natural environment; Whereas Council's Strategic Plan Vision of "Building a Sustainable, Creative, Caring Community" and the Municipality of Clarington's many plans, policies, programs and actions support environmental protection, enhancement, stewardship and health; Whereas the Municipality of Clarington understands that people are'part of the environment, and that a healthy environment is inextricably linked to the well-being of our communities; Therefore it be resolved that the Municipality of Clarington finds and declares that: The Municipality of Clarington supports in principle the right to live in a healthy environment, including: The right to breathe clean air The right to drink clean water The right to consume safe food The right to access nature The right to know about pollutants and contaminants released into the local environment M Planning and Development Committee CladyngtonMinutes February 1, 2016 The right to participate in decision-making that will affect the environment In order to respect, protect, fulfill and promote these rights within the Municipality's jurisdiction and means, the Municipality shall continue to implement its strategies, plans, policies, programs and actions by undertaking actions such as, but not limited to, the following: a. Ensuring infrastructure and development projects protect the environment; b. Addressing climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience; c. Planning for appropriate and responsible development in accordance with the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; d. Responsibly increasing density in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan; e. Supporting the development of a safe, accessible and interconnected transportation system that provides for a full and practical range of mobility options, including carpooling, active transportation, and transit; f. Encouraging the Region of Durham to continue to ensure adequate infrastructure for the provision of safe and accessible drinking water, while implementing our duties and responsibilities under the Clean Water Act and Source Protection Act; g. Promoting the availability of local foods; h. Promoting the Region of Durham's solid waste reduction, recycling and composting programs; i. Establishing and maintaining accessible green spaces, parklands and waterfront areas; and j. Protecting and enhancing the natural heritage system and its ecological integrity. The Municipality of Clarington should continue to promote residents' engagement in matters affecting sustainability and the right to a healthy environment. The Municipality of Clarington should take a responsible approach, consider cost effective measures, aim to prevent the degradation of the environment and aim to protect the health of its citizens when making decision that could impact human health or the environment. The Mayor on behalf of Municipal Council, be directed to forward this resolution to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, with the request -7- Planning and Development Committee ClaringtonMinutes February 1, 2016 that the right of all citizens to live in a healthy environment be enshrined in appropriate federal legislation including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; The Mayor on behalf of Clarington Council, be directed to forward this resolution to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, with the request that the right of all citizens to live in a healthy environment be enshrined in appropriate provincial legislation including Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights; A copy of this resolution be forwarded to Hon. Erin O'Toole, MP (Durham), Kim Rudd, MP (Northumberland -Peterborough South), and Granville Anderson, MPP (Durham); A copy of this resolution be sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and . the Association of Municipalities of Ontario;.and A copy of this resolution be sent to the Regional Municipality of Durham. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -011-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Later in the Meeting Resolution #PD -023-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the foregoing Resolution #PD -022-16 be amended as follows: "That the reference to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom be deleted." Motion Lost The foregoing Resolution #PD -022-16 was then put to a vote and carried. 12.3 PSD -012-16 An Application by Heather Holt to Permit One Additional Single Detached Dwelling by Reductions in Frontage and Setback Requirements Resolution #PD -024-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PSD -012-16 be received; That the Zoning By-law amendment application submitted by Heather Holt be approved as contained in Attachment.1 to Report PSD -012-16; Planning and Development Committee CladyngtonMinutes February 1, 2016 That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-012-16 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -012-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision., Carried 12.4 PSD -013-16 Year End Planning Applications Resolution #PD -025-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -013-16 be received for information. Carried 12.5 PSD -014-16 Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications Submitted by H&H Properties Inc. Resolution #PD -026-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Trail[ That Report PSD -014-16 regarding Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan to Delete an Elementary School Site in the Worden East Neighbourhood and Amendment to the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications submitted by H&H Properties Inc., be referred to staff to consider the comments from the delegations. Motion Withdrawn Recess Resolution #PD -027-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:47 PM with Councillor Woo in the Chair. Cladyiwii • • • • •Minutes February Resolution #PD -028-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD -014-16 be received; That Amendment No. 104 to the Clarington Official Plan, prepared in response to an application submitted by H & H Properties Inc. be approved, as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -014-16 and that the appropriate by-law be passed; That the revised .Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan as contained in Attachment 3 of Report PSD -014-16 be supported; That Staff be authorized to initiate an amendment to Zoning By-law to permit only single family detached dwellings with greater lot frontages and setbacks in the Urban Residential Type One (R1) zone, fronting on Tooley Road with the exception of the medium density area, which would be rezoned to `Agricultural (A)'; and That all interested parties listing in Report PSD -014-16 and any delegation be advised of Council's Decision. Carried as Amended (See following motion) Resolution #PD -029-16 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #PD -028-16 be amended to insert "roads" after the words "development limits" into the legend for the Environmental Study Area. Carried The foregoing Resolution #PD -028-16 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. 12.6 PSD -015-16 Applications by H & H Properties Inc. to Develop 68 Low Density Multi -Unit Residential Dwellings and 9 Single Detached Units Resolution #PD -030-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -015-16 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S -C-2015-0001 submitted by H & H Properties Inc. be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -015-16; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by H & H Properties be approved as contained in the memo from the Director of Planning Services dated February 1, 2016; 6-10 Planning and Development Committee ClaringtonMinutes February 1, 2016 That Council approve, in principal; the closure and conveyance of Cloverfield Street, east of Centrefield Drive to the limits of the H & H Properties Inc. development proposal; That once all conditions contained in Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -015-16 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -015-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 13 New Business — Consideration 13.1 Nash Road Developments and the Greenbelt Plan Resolution #PD -031-16 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Traill Whereas the Province of Ontario is currently reviewing the Greenbelt Plan as part of the Co-ordinated Four Plan Review; Whereas the Municipality of Clarington requested the Province to review the reasoning behind the boundary of the agricultural areas that have been excluded from the Greenbelt; Whereas Nash Road Developments Inc. is the owner of approximately 35 ha of land or the north east corner of Nash Road and Hancock Road, adjacent.to the Courtice Urban Area; Whereas the exact alignment of the Highway 418 had not been determined when the Greenbelt boundary was determined in 2005 but now abuts the eastern edge of the property; Whereas municipal water and sanitary sewer services are available to the lands owned by Nash Road Developments; Whereas on May 11, 2015 the Municipality of Clarington requested the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to broadly expand the Greenbelt to incorporate key agricultural lands in the urban separators between Courtice and Bowmanville and between Bowmanville and Newcastle; -11- 6-11 Clarington Planning and Development Committee Minutes February 1, 2016 Now therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington requests that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing consider the removal of the lands owned by Nash Road Developments Inc. from the Greenbelt in the context of broad expansions to the Greenbelt in other areas in the Municipality of Clarington. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and MPP Granville Anderson. Carried 14 Unfinished Business There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Adjournment Resolution #PD -032-16 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the meeting adjourn at 9:26 PM. Chair 6-12 Carried -12- Municipal Clerk Public Meeting Report # PSD -016-16 I Municipality of Clarington Q Nnd use change has been proposed, have your say! The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on an application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Sy -law to permit commercial uses :'Qb, .; �I�6,F>. � '-+moi ,.� � -:j •- r a Qft43 Qty k ywRy i DOLLAR TREE ZV ,- C a ' r SUBJECT PROPERTY PETRO - CANADA -.7 IN - 611 -1 N. :AN x +!+ � .•gig � � _ .r ILI - + 3 X8O 2BA2015002G = - " CR@S ' ✓�. �^'� - - The application submitted is to permit commercial uses, ~ in.cluding a veterinarian clinic, within the existing buildiing. The Applicant has submitted all of the requirements of a complete application. 2323 Regional Highway 2 (formerly 62 Ivory Court), Bowmanville COPA 2015-0006 and ZSA 2015-0026 The proposed amendments and additional information are available for review at the Planning Services Department. Questions? Please contact Paul Wirch (Planner II), 905-623-3379, extension 2418, or by email at pwirch(a-clarington.net. Speak at the Public Meeting: Date: Monday, February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: 40 Temperance Street, Dowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6, Municipal Administrative Centre — Council Chambers Or write the' Planning Services Department to the attention of Paul Wirch (Planner II). l-1 Fvesdorrn of WorrmaUon and prrotecUon of PNvac yc, The personal information you submit will become pari of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk's Department at 905-623-3379, extension 2102. Acrmssbfflty If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations please contact the Clerk's Department at 905-623-3379, extension 2109. Atppea� RegWrrorr�ents If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the by-law is passed, decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board are reasonable grounds to do to. David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services January 27, 2016 7-2 you will not be entitled to appeal the unless, in the opinion of the Board, there Leading the Flay Public Meeting Report # PSD -017-16 Municipality of Clarington Notice -of Pubflc Myre crmaftn Centre and NoUce of Flubflc Meeting if this information is- required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at . 905-623-3379 extension 2102. The Municipality of Clarington has received a complete application for a proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63. Council is seeking public comments on this application before making a decision. Applicant:, 1891211 Ontario Limited c/o YYZed Project Management Proposal: 3 six -storey apartment buildings containing a total of 414 dwelling units Property: 215, 219 and 223 King Street West, located on the south side of King Street West, east of Regional Road 57 Ripe Number: ZBA 2015-0022 (Cross Reference: SPA 2015-0022) How you can comment... 1. Attend) the Public lnfformation Centre We invite you to attend the informal public information centre where you can learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments. Details are as follows: DATE: Thursday, January 28, 2016 TlM E: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: C'hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 2425 Highway 2, Bowmanvi99e, Ontario 2. Participate in the Statutory Public Meeting Council will receive comments on the application on: DATE. MI onlay, February 22, 20116 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario' -0 1 .. .. Liberty Pentecostal Church yr�.., Garnet B Riekard Recreation Complex SUBJECT PROPERTY - - , - .+ .'k' "R",.:,....5�•.--"'m`..`.—.-•SSI ', i3yu 592 q. r f 1 Future RetaillCommerclal ° i I ♦ ;' , ,�'' r I 8 Development 18 .,AmeNty I`o yip �0 �E9S r ... .,d,1 r �'� t,a �i, �j0 � * g � m K:. .' w� t`".R :tl� '���� sena ,', � ''' �\ � -..:✓'; d�,.�„ . Future Pnnce1W01ia"in BIvdIEiQenslon • i �• r �. : • y �.*� "'"ter'^t• .ie•S �,,. 1, �1(I" �� �� � l Perspective view looking southeast Any person that cannot attend) the Public Meeting may wrote to the Planning Services Department through the planner contact listed) below: If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submission to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed zoning by-law amendment is approved, the person or public body: i) is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Region of Durham to the Ontario Municipal Board; and ii) may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so Additional Information and Planner Contact: Additional information relating to the application is available at the Planning Services Department, or by calling Anne Taylor Scott (905) 623-3379, extension 2414 or by e-mail at ataylorscott@ciarington.net The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the. authority of the Manning Act, I.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, and can form part of the public record which may be released to the public. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk's Department at 905-623-3379, extension 2102. Dated at the Municipality of Clarington this 7th day of January 2016. David J. Crome, MCIP, IPP 40 Temperance Street Director of Planning Services Bowmanville, Ontario Municipality of Clarington L1 C 3A6 R t l Planning Services Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2016 Report Number: PSD -016-16 Resolution: File Number: COPA 2015-0006 and ZBA 2015-0026 By-law Number: Report Subject: An Application by Dr. Linda Carter To Permit Commercial Uses, Including a Veterinary Clinic Recommendations: That Report PSD -016-16 be received; 2. That the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Dr. Linda Carter to permit commercial uses, including a veterinary clinic, continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and 3. That any delegations and all interested parties be notified of Council decision. 12-1 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Report Overview Page 2 The existing building at 2323 Durham Highway 2 was constructed as a new home sales office in 1996. The surrounding subdivision was designed with the expectation that the land on which the sales office was located would eventually be redeveloped for residential use. However, since the subdivision was completed, the existing building continued to operate as an after-sales and d6cor centre for other projects managed by the developer. This property has recently been purchased and the new owner is requesting permission to convert the former sales office into a veterinary clinic. In considering this proposal, it is appropriate to consider what other commercial uses may also be appropriate for this property. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner/Applicant: 1.2 Agent: 1.3 Proposal: 1.4 Area: 1.5 Location: 2. Background Dr. Linda Carter D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. To permit commercial uses, including a veterinary clinic, within the existing building. 1,050 square metres (0.26 acres) 2323 Durham Highway 2, Bowmanville (formerly 62 Ivory Court) 2.1 Over a number of years in the mid-1990s, Green Martin Holdings Ltd. (Kaitlin) acquired several parcels of land in west Bowmanville that they planned to develop for residential homes. 2.2 In July of 1996, a Building Permit was issued to the developer for the construction of a house on lands that are now a part of the subject property. The Municipality has no information that would indicate that the house was ever occupied. Shortly after its construction the house was used as a sales office for the developer's residential subdivisions known as Clarington Corners and Aspen Springs. 2.3 No specific conditions or requirements were made for when the sales office would cease operating. 2.4 In September of 1998, another phase of the Clarington Corners subdivision was approved for development. This phase included the land on which the sales office was already located. The subdivision was designed with the expectation that the land on which the sales office was located would be redeveloped for residential use. 12-2 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Page 3 2.5 After the next phase of construction was completed, the developer continued to use the sales office for marketing other residential developments in the area. 2.6 The developer eventually stopped using the existing building as a sales office and sold the property to Dr. Linda Carter (the Applicant) in 2015. 2.7 In December, 2015, the Applicant submitted applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law in order to convert the existing building for a veterinary clinic and other commercial uses. 2.8 Studies Submitted The Municipality has received the following studies and reports in support of these applications: • Planning Justification Report; and • Stormwater Management Brief. 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The subject property is located within an established neighbourhood. The surrounding neighbourhood was designed to incorporate the subject property as a residential lot within that neighbourhood. The floor area of the building (280 square metres or 3,000 square feet) is larger than the size of any of the homes in the neighbourhood. In addition, the building is orientated so that the front door faces Durham Highway 2 and not Ivory Court. Figure 1 — The subject property 12-3 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Page 4 Figure 2 - View from Durham Highway 2 (facing southwest) of the proposed veterinary clinic Figure 3 - View,from Ivory Court (facing east) of the proposed veterinary clinic (on the left) and two .neighbours (centre and right) 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Commercial stores (Dollar Tree, Winners) South - Residential (Single detached dwellings). East - Residential (Single detached dwellings on large lots). West - Residential (Street townhomes). 12-4 �- 5-- - ♦� '24r r 1. 1 OEM TO - Figure 3 - View,from Ivory Court (facing east) of the proposed veterinary clinic (on the left) and two .neighbours (centre and right) 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Commercial stores (Dollar Tree, Winners) South - Residential (Single detached dwellings). East - Residential (Single detached dwellings on large lots). West - Residential (Street townhomes). 12-4 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Page 5 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) promotes efficient land use and development patterns with the intent of creating sustainable communities that are home to people of all ages. New development should occur within existing settlement areas in a manner that minimizes land consumption and servicing costs. 4.2 The Growth Plan for. the Greater Golden Horseshoe The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) promotes the creation of compact, complete communities that are transit -supportive and pedestrian - friendly. Part of the intent of the Growth Plan is to manage growth in a manner that will optimize existing infrastructure and support a strong economy. The subject property is located within the Provincially -defined "Built Boundary" for the Bowmanville Urban Area.The Owner's proposed conversion from residential to commercial use will achieve the objectives of the Growth Plan to maintain a complete community and support a strong economy. 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan (Regional Plan) designates the subject property as "Living Areas". Living Areas shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. However, convenience stores, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, are also permitted in appropriate locations and where they are compatible with their surroundings. The subject property will require a commercial entrance from Durham Highway 2, which is designated as a Type 'B' arterial road and a Transit Spine in the Regional Plan. Based on the size of the property, the size of the building and the access onto Durham Highway 2 the proposed veterinary clinic and limited commercial uses conform to the Regional Plan. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan (Official Plan) designates the subject property as "Urban Residential". The primary use of land in this designation shall be for housing. Other uses may be permitted which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive of, compatible with and serve residential uses. These include convenience stores and home-based occupations. The variety of uses proposed by this application are not commonly found within a residential area unless they are located within a Neighbourhood Centre. Therefore, an amendment to the Official Plan is required. 12-5 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Page 6 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 The subject property is currently zoned "Urban Residential Type Two (R2)" in Zoning By-law 84-63. 6.2 It is necessary to amend the zoning for this property to permit the operation of a veterinary clinic and other commercial uses. 6.3 In addition to the Applicant's request to use the property as a veterinary clinic, she has also requested that the Municipality consider other commercial uses for this property.. The following is a list of additional commercial uses that the Applicant has requested be considered as possible future uses that may operate on this property from within the existing building: • Bakery; • Business, professional or administration office; • Day nursery; • Dry cleaners distribution centre; • Laundromat; • Medical or dental clinic; • Place of worship; • Retail commercial establishment; • Commercial school; • Light service shop; and • Personal service shop. 6.4 In addition to listing permitted land uses, the Zoning By-law also provides a variety of regulations for the size of properties, placement and size of buildings as well as the amount of parking that must be provided. The required parking in the zoning By -Law for a commercial use, is 10 spaces; the applicant proposes 7 spaces. 6.5 A review of the proposed uses and parking requirements will be included as part of a future recommendation report. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7..1 Planning Justification Report A Planning Rationale Report (Report) was provided by the Applicant in support of the requested amendments. The Report offers the following observations about the proposed conversion of the existing building to commercial use: • It will promote an efficient use of the land by preventing land consumption elsewhere; • It will increase the amount of tax revenue that the Municipality receives for this property; and 12-6 • It will increase the employment base in the local area. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 7.2 Stormwater Management Brief Page 7 The grade of the property causes the stormwater to generally drain from north to south. The Stormwater Management Brief concludes that the existing drainage patterns are satisfactory and only minor improvements are needed to maintain these flows. 8. Public Notice and Submissions 8.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject property and two "Notice of Public Meeting" signs were installed on the property (one facing Durham Highway 2 and one facing Ivory Court). The public notice was also posted on the Municipal website and in the Planning Services electronic newsletter. 8.2 As of the writing of this report, Staff had received one inquiry from a neighbour who expressed his support for these applications. This neighbour also wanted to make the Municipality aware that a number of pedestrians use this property as a shortcut to travel between Durham Highway 2 and Ivory Court. The neighbour asked that the part of the property that faces Ivory Court not be enclosed with a fence which would prevent continued pedestrian access through the site. 9. Agency Comments 9.1 Regional Municipality of Durham Formal comments are still forthcoming. 10. Departmental Comments 10.1 Engineerinq Services In their review of these applications, the Engineering Services Department offers the following comments. The entrance to this property will continue to be provided from Durham Highway 2. A commercial entrance to this property will not be permitted from Ivory Court. This property is currently serviced with water.and sanitary sewers but is not connected to the existing storm sewers in the area. Sufficient on-site parking for the size and use of the building is to be confirmed with the Planning Services Department. Prior to Site Plan approval for this property, the applicant will be required to satisfy the Engineering Services Department regarding grading, drainage and stormwater management. The area of impervious surface is not proposed to be changed. However, the applicant will be required to correct some minor ponding and install a catch basin on-site. A service stub to the Municipality's storm sewer system already exists. 12-7 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Page 8 The Engineering Services Department does not object to the Official Plan Amendment and the Zoning By-law Amendment. 10.2 Building Design The Building Division noted that this building was constructed as a model home and a change of use permit would be required. Commercial development changes would be applicable, but the applicant would receive a credit for the amount of a single detached home, at the current Development Change rate. 10.3 Emergency and Fire Services The Emergency and Fire Services Department has no concerns with these applications. 10.4 Finance Department The Finance Department confirms that the taxes on this property have been paid up-to- date. 11. Discussion 11.1 In addition to the already permitted use of this property as a residential home the Applicant has requested that the existing residential building on this property be used as a veterinary clinic or other commercial uses. 11.2 The Durham Regional Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan recognize the benefit that limited commercial uses provide to the creation of complete neighbourhoods. 11.3 The adjacent lands to the east on Highway 2 have been identified in the Official Plan Review to be incorporated into the West Town Centre. Access requirements for this site and the future Town Centre lands must be coordinated 11.4 Comments on these applications have still not been received from the public and from the Region of Durham. Once all comments have been received, Staff will prepare a future report that evaluates the following items: • The opportunities and constraints of the existing property; • The impacts of the various commercial land uses; • Traffic and parking; and • Integration with future development in this part of west Bowmanville. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -016-16 Paqe 9 12. Concurrence Not applicable. 13, Conclusion The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the request to permit commercial uses, including a veterinary clinic, submitted by Dr. Linda Carter for the Public Meeting. Staff will continue processing the application and prepare a subsequent report once all comments have been received and all potential issues have been satisfactorily addressed. Submitted by: s� David`J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services /`\ Reviewed by: t-nd�c . Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Paul Wirch, Planner II, 905-623-3379 extension 2418 or pwirchC@,,clarington.net List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision is on file in the Planning Services Department. DJC/tg 12-9 Planning Services Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2016 Report Number: PSD -017-16 Resolution Number: File Number: ZBA 2015-0022 By-law Number: (Cross-reference SPA 2015-0022) Report Subject: A rezoning application by 1891211 Ontario Limited to permit three six -storey apartment buildings containing 414 dwelling units Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -017-16 be received; 2. That the proposed application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 submitted by 1891211 Ontario Limited continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; 3. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -017-16 and Council's decision; and 4. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -017-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 12-10 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 2 Report Overview This is a Public Meeting report relating to a Zoning By-law Amendment received for lands located southeast -of the intersection of Regional Road 57 and King Street West in Bowmanville. The subject property is currently zoned "Agricultural (A)". The Owner is seeking to rezone this property, in conformity with the Official Plan and Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan, to allow for three apartment buildings, each having a height of six storeys, for a total of 414 dwelling units. 1. Application Details 1.1. Owner/Applicant: 1891211 Ontario Limited 1.2. Agent: 1.3. Proposal: 1.4. Area: 1.5. Location: 1.6. Within Built Boundary: 2. Background YYZed Project Management Three six -storey apartment buildings containing a total of 414 dwelling units 2.87 hectares Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville 215, 219 & 223 King Street West, Bowmanville Yes 2.1 The site benefits from a very prominent location southeast of Regional Road 57 and King Street West in -Bowmanville. The designation permits high density residential development and is a key site in the West Town Centre of Bowmanville. The proposed site plan and perspective drawing are included as Figure 1 and 2, respectively. 2.2 The following studies were submitted in support of the proposed rezoning application and concurrent site plan application: • Functional Servicing Report • Transportation Study • Noise Impact Study • Urban Design Brief • Energy Conservation and Sustainability Plan • Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment • Geotechnical Investigation • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 3 2.3 A Public Information Centre was held on January 28, 2016 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A total of 19 individuals attended, including the owner and his consulting team. Seven nearby residents attended the meeting to gather more information about the proposal. A summary of the Public Information Centre is provided under Section 7 of this report. ®A9 KING SMET WEST Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan Figure 2: Building Perspective Drawing 12-12 `�'' ®A9 KING SMET WEST Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan Figure 2: Building Perspective Drawing 12-12 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 4 I. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The subject lands are located at the southeast corner of Regional Road 57 and King Street West in Bowmanville. The triangular-shaped parcel is well below the road grade at the west end abutting Regional Road 57 at the railway, it is well above the grade of Highway 2 where it is crossed by the railway. Vegetation on the site has regenerated over time, the feature is not identified as a significant natural heritage resource. Figure 3: Key Map 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Liberty Pentecostal Church South - CP Railway; existing residential development East - CP Railway overpass at King Street West; existing residential development West - Future Retail/Commercial Development 12-13 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 5 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth. Land use patterns shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses that efficiently use land, resources and infrastructure. Opportunities for redevelopment and intensification must be promoted. Municipalities must provide a variety of housing types and densities, and a range of housing options that are affordable to the area residents. Healthy and active communities should be promoted by planning public streets to be safe, meet the needs of pedestrians, foster social interaction and facilitate active transportation and community connectivity. Compact and diverse developments promote active modes of transportation such as walking and cycling. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The subject lands are within the defined Built Boundary of Bowmanville. Population and employment growth will be accommodated by directing a significant portion of new growth to the built up areas through intensification and efficient use of existing services and infrastructure. The development of complete communities is encouraged by promoting a diverse mix of land uses, a mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. New transit - supportive and pedestrian -friendly developments will be concentrated along existing and future transit routes. A minimum of 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually within each upper tier municipality will be within the built up area. 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The lands are designated Living Area within the Urban System of the Durham Regional Official Plan. The lands are also within a Regional Corridor and along a Transit Spine. Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads, and develop with particular consideration for supporting and providing access to public transit. Regional Corridors are targeted for higher densities and mixed uses, supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented development. Regional Corridors support an overall, long-term density target of at least 60 residential units per gross hectare, and a floor -space index of 2.5. By 2015, and each year thereafter, urban areas across the Region shall be planned to accommodate a minimum 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually through intensification within built-up areas. 12-14 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 6 Transit Spines facilitate inter -regional and inter -municipal transit services along arterial roads (GO Transit), and intersect with local transit services (Durham Regional Transit). Development along Transit Spines shall provide for complimentary higher densities and mixed uses in accordance with the Regional Corridor policies. Since the site is bound by Regional Road 57 and King Street West (both identified as arterial roads) and the railway to the south, noise and -vibration impacts must be mitigated in accordance with Ministry of Environment guidelines. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The lands are designated Town Centre and are within Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan area. The West Town Centre has a housing target of 1900 units, including 1500 high density units and 400 medium density units. Both East and West Bowmanville Town Centres will be planned and developed as a centre of regional significance providing the highest level of retail and service uses and are the primary focal point of cultural, community, recreational and institutional uses in Clarington. Town Centres are planned to provide a mix of uses, encourage active street life, and develop in a manner that supports transit and pedestrian connectivity. The urban design policies of the Town Centre designation are implemented through the review and approval of development applications. The site is within a Prominent Intersection and must also satisfy the Official Plan's comprehensive Urban Design policies that encourage a high quality public realm, and give priority to sustainable design, including environment -first principles, walkability, land efficiency, compact and connected communities and resource and energy efficiency. Attractive and safe communities are encouraged to create a sense of place and a diversity of built form. The built form should facilitate active transportation and public transit. Regional Road 57 and King Street West are identified as arterial roads consistent with the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.3 Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan The subject lands are designated as Office Commercial in the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. The designation allows for residential development up to a maximum density of 150 units per hectare. The policies do not require the integration of retail and service uses within the residential development at this location, however, providing a mix of uses is encouraged. In addition to the Urban Design and Town Centre policies that give direction to site plan design, the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan contains detailed Urban Design policies, including an Urban Design Guideline, and policies specific to apartment buildings. 12-15 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 6. Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands Agricultural (A). A rezoning is required to place the lands in an appropriate urban zone to permit the apartment buildings. 7. Public Notice and Submissions 7.1 A combined notice of the Public Information Centre and Public Meeting was mailed on January 8, 2016 and details of the application were also included in the Planning Services Department E -update. Several individuals contacted staff seeking additional information, with one individual in support of the development and one individual concerned about the location of the only entrance planned for the site. e7 7.2 The Public Information Centre was held January 28, 2016 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Bowmanville. While seven residents were in attendance, total attendance reached 19, including consultants, the press, other members of the development industry and the local Councillor. 7.3 At the time of writing this report, concerns raised relate to: • Traffic and access • Impacts to property values • Fire protection to 6 storey wood -frame structure • Construction time frame • Urban design • Tenure of the building — condominium or rental • School capacity • Noise impacts • Crime rates • Impact to utilities 8. Agency Comments 8.1 Regional Municipality of Durham At the time of writing this report, comments from the Region of Durham have not yet been received. 8.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority The Conservation Authority has provided several comments on the technical reports submitted in support of the applications. The consulting engineer will be required to submit revisions and additional justification relating to stormwater management, grading and servicing prior to providing their support on the applications. 12-16 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 8 8.3 Canadian Pacific Railway The Railway has provided the following initial comments. Additional comments are forthcoming. • A suitable safety berm is required. The proposed retaining wall along the property line does not meet the railway's requirements for a berm. • Typical setback of dwellings from the railway right-of-way shall be a minimum of 30 metres. There may be site design solutions to reduce the 30 metre setback but the current site plan shows a 20 metre setback which does not meet the railway's requirements. • Dwellings must be constructed such that the interior noise levels meet Ministry of Environment and Climate Changes criteria. Canadian Pacific is currently reviewing the submitted noise impact study. • Any proposed alterations to the existing drainage pattern affecting railway property must receive prior concurrence from the Railway. The Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report is currently under review. The Railway has suggested that the applicant review the Guide for New Development in Proximity to Railway Operations at www.proximityissues.ca which is a collaborative project by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Railway Association of Canada. 8.4 Veridian Veridian has no objections to the proposal and has provided their standard conditions for the provision of electric services. 8.5 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board The public school board has no objections. Elementary students would attend Waverley Public School and high school students would attend Clarington Central Secondary School. 8.6 Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Board The separate school board has no objections. Elementary students would attend Holy Family Catholic Elementary School and high school students would attend St. Stephen's Secondary School. 8.7 Canada Post Canada Post has provided their requirements for internal, centralized lockbox assemblies to be located within the lobby of each building for mail distribution, and has provided standard conditions to be included in the site plan agreement. 12-17 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -012-16 Page 9 8.8 Enbridge Gas Enbridge has no objections to the proposal. 9. Departmental Comments 9.1 Engineerinq Services The applicant must satisfy the Engineering Services Department regarding the following concerns and conditions: a Traffic The applicant submitted a Transportation Study in support of the application. The study is under review and requires further consultation between the traffic consultant, the Region and the Municipality specific to traffic impacts, recommended road network improvements and the location and configuration of the access via King Street West. In consideration of the increasing traffic on this section of King Street West, and intersection and road geometrics at this location, traffic signals are required as part of this development to facilitate the efficient and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. • Grading and Drainage The applicant submitted a Functional Servicing Report which includes the proposed grading and drainage of the site. The plan lacks sufficient detail for a full review. Further discussion with the proponent's consultant is required. • Servicing The Functional Servicing Report addresses sanitary, water and storm sewer servicing. Again, the drawings lack a significant amount of detail required to conduct a full review of the proposed servicing. Further discussion is required'with the proponent's consultant and the final servicing plan is subject to the approval of the Municipality and the Region of Durham. • Storm Water Management The Functional Servicing Report addresses the proposed post -development runoff to King Street West and the proposed post -development runoff to the railway lands, from both a water quantity and water quality perspective. Stormwater management is under review, and is subject to the approval of the Municipality, the Conservation Authority and Canadian Pacific Railway. 9.2 Emergency and Fire Services Clarington Emergency and Fire Services provided comments relating to the location of fire routes and hydrants, and notations on the site plan drawings. "No parking" signage will be required along all fire routes and detailed on the site plan. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 Page 10 The Department must be satisfied with access to the site from an emergency response perspective. 9.3 Operations Department Operations provided comments relating to grading, providing suitable fencing along the railway, upgrading street lighting, designating snow storage areas and landscaping treatment along King Street West. The comments will need to be addressed in their future revised submission. 9.4 Building Division The Building Division provided several comments specific to providing barrier -free paths of travel and the location of fire routes and hydrants. The Building Division is requesting more legible and detailed servicing and grading plans in order to complete their review. 9.5 Accessibility Committee The Accessibility Committee met to discuss the applications and has provided detailed comments on the current development proposal for their consideration and action. The committee will continue to be involved in the review of subsequent submissions. 10. Discussion 10.1 The site of this proposal is located at one of the most prominent intersections in Clarington and represents a key residential development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The development has the potential to integrate well with existing and planned residential, commercial, retail and office, and institutional uses in the Town Centre. The site's central location will also complement the existing uses in Downtown Bowmanville. 10.2 The proposed development would result in a density of 144 units per hectare and would be consistent with the direction of the Regional Official Plan, the Clarington Official Plan and the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. 10.3 The initial review of the application by staff and agencies has identified'a number of issues that the applicant's consulting team will be required to reconsider. The next submission must be better aligned with the objectives and development guidelines of the various commenting departments and agencies. Staff see the most critical areas as: • Traffic and access; • Satisfying Railway requirements; • Servicing, Grading and Stormwater Management; and • Urban Design. 10.4 The purpose of the public meeting is to provide an opportunity for further public input. These public comments will be compiled, discussed with the applicant and addressed in a subsequent staff report. 12-19 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -017-16 e11 10.5 Once the principle of development can be supported, a zoning by-law amendment could be recommended for Council's consideration, following which, the concurrent site plan application would be finalized. 11. Concurrence Not applicable. 12. Conclusion The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the application submitted by 1891211 Ontario Limited for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Staff will continue processing the application including the preparation of a subsequent report upon resolution of the identified issues. 13. Strategic Plan Application The application assists to implement the Strategic Plan action to support a variety of affordable mixed housing types. Submitted by: DaWd J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed by. -z:, A-31- Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Staff contact: Anne Taylor Scott, Senior Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2414 or ataylorscottCD-clarington. net The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: 1891211 Ontario Limited YYZed Project Management Jason Allenby Kelvin Whalen Rudy Kraayvanger John Oates Randy & Maria McDougall Christine Caswell Carmen & Pat Ball CP/ATS/df;tg Jackie Nixon Cindy Cranstoun Rick Marchant Jennifer O'Meara R. Michael Blair Devon Daniell Alan Savage Babak Montazemi Safari William Alexiou 12-20 Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2016 Report Number: PSD -018-16 Resolution: File Number: S -C 2015-0003, ZBA 2015-0025 By-law Number: Report Subject: Applications by Lanarose Properties Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group) to permit 4 single detached dwellings and 1 block for 5 townhouses in Bowmanville Recommendations: That Report PSD -018-16 be received; 2. That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S -C 2015-0003 submitted by Lanarose Properties Ltd. be supported, subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -018-16; 3. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Lanarose Properties Ltd. be approved as contained in Attachment 3 of Report PSD -018-16; 4. That once all Conditions of Draft Approval and requirements of the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 5. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -018-16 and Council's decision; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -018-16 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 12-21 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Report Overview Paqe 2 Lanarose Properties Ltd. is proposing to develop 4 single detached lots and 1 block for 5 townhouse units with a single access on Green Road. The subject site is approximately 200 metres south of the intersection of Durham Highway 2 and Green Road in Bowmanville. Development of these lands will also connect Bonathon Crescent and permit the development of an additional 9 single family dwellings on lots and blocks in 2 registered Plans of Subdivision. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: Terrance Kelsey and Phillis Dorene Kelsey 1.2 Applicant Lanarose Properties Ltd. 1.3 Proposal: Draft Plan of Subdivision 4 single detached dwellings and 1 block for 5 townhouse units with a single access. Zoninq By-law Amendment: Change the current zoning on the lands from "Agricultural (A)" Zone to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed development. 1.4 Area: 0.4 hectares 1.5 Location: On the west side of Green Road, approximately 200 metres south of the intersection of Durham Highway 2 and Green Road, being 1654 Green Road, Part Lot 17, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington (see Figure 1). 1.6 Within Built Boundary: Yes 12-22 Municipality of Clarington Resort PSD -018-16 Page 3 Figure 1: Subject site and surrounding uses 2. Background 2.1 On November 6, 2015, Lanarose Properties Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group) submitted applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and rezoning for 4 single detached dwellings and 1 block for 5 townhouse units with a single access onto Green Road. The Public Meeting for the applications was January 11,.2016. 2.2 The applicant has purchased the lands at 1654 Green Road. The proposed draft plan will connect the northern and southern portions of Bonathon Crescent, and allow access to 7 lots in registered plan 40M-1907 and.2 lots in registered plan 40M-2140 in addition to the 4 single detached lots proposed in the new draft plan. The 9 lots in previously registered plans of subdivision are zoned to allow single detached dwellings. The proposed townhouse block fronts onto Green Road and is similar to the townhouse units to the south, which consists of 3 blocks each with 5 townhouse units on a single private access road. (Figure 2). 12-•23 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Page 4 Figure 2 — Green Road Townhomes on Private Lane 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 12-24 The site gently slopes in a south-easterly direction. A single detached dwelling and accessory building situated on the property which will be demolished to accommodate the proposed development (see Figures 2 and 3): Figure 3: Southern portion of Bonathon Crescent facing north Municipality of Clarington Report PS® -018-16 Page 5 Figure 4: Subject site - 1654 Green Road 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North: 6 dwelling units currently under construction in registered plan 40M-2529 South: Townhouse units and 2 vacant lots in 40M-2125 East: Green Road and beyond that commercial West: Vacant blocks in registered plan 40M-1907, beyond that existing residential 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy livable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. New development shall occur adjacent to built-up areas, taking advantage of existing and planned infrastructure, shall have compact form, and a'mix of uses and densities. , 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. Municipalities are encouraged to create complete 12-25 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 page 6 communities that offer a mix of land uses, employment and housing options,, high quality open space, and access to stores and services. Growth is to be accommodated in transit -supportive communities to reduce dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian -friendly environments. Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. The proposed draft plan of subdivision is the logical completion of Bonathon Crescent and infill on Green Road. The development allows for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. 4.3 The subject applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan. 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. The proposed development is permitted within the Living Area. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands Urban Residential. There is also a Medium Density Symbol in the vicinity of the proposed townhouse units. The lands are within the Darlington Green Neighbourhood, which has a population allocation of 3350 and a housing unit target of 1350 including 725 low density units, 375 medium density units, 125 high density units and 125 units for intensification. The Low Density designation allows a density of 10 to 30 units per net hectare and the predominant form of housing is single and semi-detached units. Medium Density designation allows for 31 to 60 units per hectare and the predominant form of housing are townhouse, trip lex/q uad rup lex and low rise apartments. Green Road is a Type B Arterial. Type B Arterials are designed to move significant volumes of traffic at moderate speeds from one part of the municipality to another. Type B Arterial Roads shall have a right-of-way width ranging between 30 to 36 metres and have limited private accesses. One access to the 5 townhouse units will limit the number of access points on Green Road. The extension of Bonathon Crescent, when complete will be a local road. 12-26 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 ' Page 7 6. Zoning By-law Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the lands are zoned "Agricultural (A)". A zoning by-law amendment is required in order to implement the proposed Plan of Subdivision. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7.1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Geo -logic Inc. November 2012 The Report concluded that the site has a low level of concern from an environmental perspective and is suitable for residential lot development based on the Environment Site Assessment. 7.2 Noise Impact Study, D.G Biddle & Associates, October 2015 The units within Block 5 must be constructed with forced air system and ducting, sized to accommodate a central air conditioning unit. This will allow the homeowner the option of installing central air conditioning should they wish to mitigate noise from traffic. The appropriate warning clauses will be required in the Agreements of Purchase and Sales, advising homeowners of potential noise generated by traffic on Green Road. 7.3 Functional Servicing Report (FSR) D.G Biddle & Associates, October 2015 The sanitary sewer system and the water supply system can accommodate the proposed development. Similarly existing storm sewer infrastructure can accommodate storm water from the development. 7.4 Archaeological Site Assessment, The Land Archaeology, November 2015 A Phase 1 and Phase 2 Archaeological Site Assessment determined that there are no archaeological concerns on site. 7.5 Traffic Impact Brief, Tranplan Associates, September 2015 The impact of additional -traffic from the proposed development on Bonathon Crescent and Boswell Drive is negligible. The impact from the townhouses on Green Road will also be negligible. 8. Public Meeting and Submissions 8.1 A Notice of Public'Meeting was held January 11, 2016. Holloway Holdings, the owner of the commercial lands to east provided a written statement stating no objection provided that a warning clause is added to the Agreements of Purchase and Sale advising prospective homeowners of the existing commercial lands and the possibility of future office/commercial development on the Green Road frontage of the commercial parcel between Highway 2 to Prince William Drive. A representative appeared at the Public Meeting to reiterate their request. 12-27 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Page 8 No other comments have been received. 9. /agency Comments 9.1 The Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department states that the lands are designated as Living Area and shall be used predominantly for housing purposes and accommodate a full range of housing opportunities at higher densities by intensifying and redeveloping into existing areas, particularly along arterial roads. The proposed development is permitted by the regional official plan as it supports infill development within the urban area. The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, as it is consistent with healthy, liveable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate mix of residential dwelling types. The subject lands are within the Built-up Area of the Growth Plan. This Plan includes policies to direct development to settlement areas, and provide direction for intensification targets within Built-up Areas. The proposal provides for a variety of residential forms which will provide for intensification within an existing residential area and is consistent with the Growth Plan. A Stage 1 & 2 archaeological assessment was completed and did not identify any archaeological resources or sites requiring further assessment. No further work is required for this site. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), states that no further site investigation is required. The Region will require the owner. to extend reliance to the Region to enable the Region for rely on the findings of the Phase 1 ESA by completing the Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance. The Noise Impact Study requires warning clauses be imposed to include the provision of optional central air conditioning for the lots fronting onto Green Road. Regional Services Municipal water supply and sanitary sewers are available to all the lots on the extension of Bonathon Crescent. Municipal water supply and sanitary sewers are available to the 5 townhouse units on Green Road. Transportation In order to minimize conflicts between the proposed vehicular access off Green Road for the townhouse development and the existing vehicular access across the street serving the commercial development, the proposed access should be situated on the north side of the subject property. 12-28 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Page 9 9.2 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has no objection to the proposal however requests sidewalks be constructed on proposed roads to link to existing sidewalks. 9.3 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are satisfied with the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report and offered no objection to the proposal subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval. 9.4 Enbridge Gas and Hydro One offered no objection. 10. Departmental Comments 10. 1, Engineering Services The Engineering Services Department has no objection to this proposal, however did offer the following comments. • The Lot Grading Plan to support the application is generally satisfactory. • The Functional Servicing and Stormwater Drainage Report satisfactorily provides for water, sanitary and storm sewer services on Bonathon Crescent (which all connect to existing services to the north and to the south) and for the townhouses on Green Road. The Engineering Services Department finds the report to be acceptable. The report demonstrates that this development is in compliance with the Westside Creek Master Drainage Plan in terms of drainage and stormwater quality and quantity. • A Traffic Impact Brief assessed the impact of the proposed development of the new lots on Bonathon Crescent on the surrounding road network as well as the impact of the development of the townhouses on Green Road. The consultant concluded that "the increase in new traffic levels are still well within the available capacity designed for Boswell Drive and Bonathon Crescent" and that the impact is "very minor". Further "the increase in new traffic levels on Green Road are still well within the available capacity designed for Green Road" and the impact of the townhouses on Green Road is "negligible". • The On -Street Parking Plan is acceptable to staff. • A 5.00 metre road widening to be dedicated to the Municipality is required on Green Road. • The construction access for the subject development will be located on Green Road. Building permits will not be available for the townhouse block on Green Road until all construction on Bonathon Crescent is substantially complete. Any final decision regarding the timing for building permits shall be made solely at the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services. • The applicant will be required to provide an appropriate cash contribution in lieu of the normal parkland dedication. 12-29 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Page 10 11. Discussion 11.1 The proposed draft plan is a logical infill for this neighbourhood. It will connect and complete the Bonathon Crescent road network and allow for development of blocks and lots in registered plans of subdivision in addition to the 4 new proposed single detached dwellings. All lots will have 12 metres of frontage which is consistent with the frontages on the southern portion of Bonathon Crescent. The townhouse units, fronting on Green Road, will be consistent with the townhouse development to the south. There will be one common entrance off of Green Road with each owner having an easement to access each lot and for maintenance purposes. The municipality will not plough snow or maintain the private driveway or entrance. 11.2 In May 2013, the draft plan of subdivision and rezoning for the lands immediately north of the subject site, now known as Connors Court were approved. Area residents were concerned with construction traffic on existing portions of Bonathon Crescent and Boswell Drive. During construction of Connors Court, staff made every effort to ensure there was minimal disruption to existing residents by routing construction traffic from Green Road. Only in certain circumstances, such as the installation of municipal services was construction traffic permitted to use Boswell Drive and existing portions of Bonathon Crescent. The same considerations will be made with respect to ensuring minimal disruption to existing residents during the construction process. 11.3 The applicant will be required to add a notice in Agreements of Purchase and Sale advising purchasers of possible future office commercial and residential proposals at higher densities and/or increased building heights in the vicinity of the Green Road frontage and along Highway 2. 11.4 The applicant has provided concurrence with the attached Conditions of Draft Approval. 11.5 All taxes payable to the Municipality of Clarington have been paid in full. 12. Conclusion In consideration of the findings of all supporting studies, comments received from circulated agencies and area residents, and based on review of the proposal, staff recommends that the Conditions of Draft Approval (Attachment 2) and Zoning By-law (Attachment 3) be approved. 12-30 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Page 11 Submitted by: /7vo� Davi J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed b y.. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike, Principal Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2410 or cstrike@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 - Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment 2 - Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment 3 - Zoning By-law Amendment List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision is on file in the Planning Services Department, Terrance Kelsey Phillis Dorene Kelsey Kelvin Whalen, Lanarose Properties Ltd. Michael Carswell, D.G. Biddle & Associates Robert Hann Beth Kelly CS/CP/tg 12-31 N W N KEY PLAN W.- use LoT/ell! Q ! 0I I ft R610ENIW, C I aam uou • , n N —NDl WNKIPN. WM1iDI I —PLL N —W. MUNICIPAL 50MC6 AVAVJItL MC M#IPm amIR n'M VNpf INm 1N�[0lt�,um Ml D.O.&ODLE ANDD AS= 70. ,o JVRNDBMNFS ItlfED wiUWM m. DRAFT PLAN PARE OF LOT 17, CONCESSION 1 FORMERLY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OARUN&70N NOW IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTO Ing �nyln��n O pann�r+--- .......... pM.V[WC�GnsiiN-i>an p UPAWN � na C6ItNLL�D_ DP -1 O D 0 loo c v o(D 00 c) o Attachment 2 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Conditions of Draft Approval File No.: S -C-2015-0003 Date: February 8, 2016 Part 1 - PLAN .IDENTIFICATION 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan and shall include a land use table on the basis of approved draft Plan of Subdivision S -C-2015-0003 prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates identified as job number 114101, dated November 6, 2015, which illustrates 4 lots for single detached dwellings, 1 block for 5 townhouse units, a road widening and a partial road allowance (future extension of Bonathon Crescent). Part 2 _ GENERAL 2.1 (1) The Owner shall enter into a subdivision.agreement with the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (the "Municipality') that contains all of the terms and conditions of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement respecting the provision and installation of roads, services, drainage, other local services and all internal and external works and services related to this plan of . subdivision. A copy of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement can be found at http://clafington.net/documents/planning/subdivision-agreement- feb2014. pdf (2) The Owner acknowledges that the subdivision agreement shall include all lands situated in Draft Plan of Subdivision S -C 2015-0003, Lots 1 and 2 in 40M-2125 and Blocks 52 to 58 (inclusive) and Block 65 in 40M-1907 (partial road allowance). 2.2 The Owner shall name all road allowances included in the draft plan to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Regional Municipality of Durham (the "Region"). 2.3 All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality's Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings. Architectural Control 2.4 (1) The Owner shall be 100% responsible for the cost for the "Control Architect" to review and approve all proposed models and building permits, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. (2) No residential units shall be offered for sale to the public on the draft plan until such time as architectural control guidelines and the exterior architectural design of each building has been approved by the Director of Planning Services. (3) No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any building on any residential lot or block on the draft plan, until the architectural control guidelines for the development and the exterior architectural design of each building and the 12-33 location of the building on the lot has been approved by the Director of Planning Services. Marketing and Sales 2.5 (1) The Owner shall prepare a Land Use Plan which shows the draft plan and surrounding land uses. The Land Use Plan shall be in a format approved by the Director of Planning Services. (2) The Owner shall erect and maintain a sign on the development site and/or in the sales office which shows the Land Use Plan as approved by the Director of Planning Services. (3) The Owner shall submit its standard Agreement of Purchase and Sale to the Director of Planning Services which includes all warning clauses/ notices prior to any residential units being offered for sale to the public. Site Alteration 2.6 Draft plan approval does not give the Owner permission to place or dump fill or remove fill from, or alter the grade of any portion of the lands within the draft plan. The Owner shall be required to obtain a .permit from the Municipality under Site Alteration By-law 2008- 114, as amended, for any such work. If any portion of the lands are within an area regulated by a conservation authority, the Owner shall obtain a permit from the conservation authority in addition to obtaining approval from the Director of Engineering Services regarding the intended haulage routes, the time and duration of the site alteration work and security relating to mud clean up, dust control and road damage. After registration of a subdivision agreement, the provisions of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement shall apply to any proposed site alteration on the lands covered by the subdivision agreement and shall be in accordance with the approved soils management plan required by Condition 4.1(5). - Part 3 - FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 3.1 The following road allowances shown on the draft plan shall be dedicated to the Municipality upon registration of the final plan: (a) Block 7, (partial road allowance for Bonathon Crescent). (b) Block 65 of 40M-1907 (partial road allowance for bonathon Crescent). 3.2 The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality.. (for nominal consideration free and clear of encumbrances and restrictions) the following lands and easements: (a) Road Widenings • A 5.0 metre road widening across the entire frontage of Green Road shown as Block 6 on the draft plan. 12-34 Part 4 —PLANS AND REPORTS REQUIRED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT /FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION 4.1 The Owner shall submit the following plans and report or revisions thereof: Phasing Plan (1) The Owner agrees that this draft plan shall proceed in one phase. Noise Report (2) The Owner shall submit to the Director of Engineering Services, the Director of Planning Services and the Region, for review and approval, an updated noise report, based on the preliminary noise report entitled, "Noise Impact Study for Bonathon Crescent Extension Municipality of Clarington prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates, dated October 2015, Project No. 114101," Functional Servicing (3) The Owner shall submit an updated Functional Servicing Report satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services and Central Lake Ontario Conservation for review and approval. The Functional Servicing Report's Master Grading Plan must clearly demonstrate that there will be no impact on adjacent lands as a result of this development. Environmental Sustainability Plan (4) The Owner shall submit an Environmental Sustainability Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. Such plan shall identify the measures that the Owner will undertake to conserve energy and water in excess of the standards of the Ontario Building Code, reduce waste, increase recycling of construction materials and utilize non-toxic, environmentally sustainable materials and finishes. The plan shall include -the location of a shade tree, or provision for. a voucher from a local nursery to allow the purchaser to acquire a shade tree to provide passive solar gain during the various seasons. Soils Management Plan (5) Prior to final registration, the Owner shall provide a Soils Management Plan for review and approval by the Director of Engineering Services. Such plan shall provide information respecting any proposed import or export of fill to or from any portion of the Lands, intended haulage routes, the time and duration of any proposed haulage, the source of any soil to be imported, quality assurance measures for any fill to be imported, and any proposed stockpiling on the Lands. The Owner shall comply with all aspects of the approved Soils Management Plan. The Director may require the Owner to provide security relating to- mud clean up, dust control and road damage. 12-35 Part 5 —SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Parkland 5.1 The Owner shall pay the Municipality an amount in lieu of conveying land for park or other public recreational purposes under section 5.1. of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. The Owner acknowledges that this amount, represents 1 hectare per 300 units and shall be based on the value of the Lands as of the day before the approval of draft Plan of Subdivision S -C-2015-0003. Noise Attenuation 5.2 (1) The Owner shall implement the noise attenuation measures recommended in the updated noise report entitled "Noise Impact Study prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates and dated October, 2015" (the "Noise Report"). (2) The Owner shall not make an application for a building permit for any building on the Lands until an acoustic engineer has certified that the plans for the building are in accordance with the Noise Report. Construction -Access 5.3. The Owner agrees that the construction access for the subject development will be located on Green Road. Furthermore, the Owner acknowledges that building permits will not be available for the Block 5 on Green Road until all construction on Bonathon Crescent is substantially complete. Any final decision regarding the timing for building permits shall be made solely at the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services. Block 5 5.4 (1) Block 5 shall be developed as a single block with a single access onto Green Road and shared private lane, parallel to Green Road. The access shall be located as for north as possible. (2) Prior to the registration of the 40M Plan, the Owner shall prepare the appropriate reference plan identifying the access and laneway ensuring that each landowner in Block 5 will have access to their respective unit. An access easement shall be registered on title for each unit and shall state that each landowner is responsible for maintenance of the access and private laneway including, but not limited to, snow removal and pavement repair, as well as maintenance of the boulevard grass and trees. Completion of Bonathon Crescent 5.5 The Owner shall be responsible for 100% of all costs, financial and otherwise, associated with the completion of Bonathon Crescent. The Owner will be responsible for the completion of all connecting roadwork including the removal of all existing temporary measures such as turning circles and barricades. The Owner will also be responsible for 100% of the cost of completing all municipal roads, sidewalks, street trees and street 12-36 illumination on Bonathon Crescent. Any final decision regarding the extent of the works required will be made solely at the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services and will be included as a condition in the subdivision agreement. Existing Service Stubs 5.6 The Owner agrees to utilize the existing service stubs for the new lots on Bonathon Crescent. Road Damage Deposit 5.7. The Owner shall provide a $2,000 road damage deposit for Bonathon Crescent and a _$2,000 road damage deposit for Green Road. Existing Structures 5.8 The Owner shall obtain demolition permit(s) to remove all existing buildings and structures from the. Lands, unless such buildings or structures are to be preserved for heritage purposes. Sidewalk 5.9 The Owner shall co-ordinate the installation of the sidewalk on the west side of Green Road with the Engineering Services Department. Part 6 — AGENCY CONDITIONS 6.1. Region of Durham (1) The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to; as well as within, the limits of this plan that are required to service this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Region. All arrangements, financial and otherwise, for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Region, and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. (2) Prior to entering, into a subdivision agreement, the Region shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available to the proposed subdivision. (3) All land dedications, easements, sight triangles and reserves as required by the Region for this development must be granted to the, Region free and clear of all encumbrances and in a form satisfactory to the Region's Solicitor. (4) The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Region. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of sanitary sewers, water supply, roads and other regional services. 12-37 .(5) Prior to final approval, the Owner is required to submit an. Updated Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Report that_is Record of Site Condition Compliant. The Owner must also provide a completed Regional Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance in support of the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Report. Alternatively, a signed Record of Site Condition may be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Should a Record of Site Condition be filed, the Region will require a copy of the Record of Site Condition and any other supporting documentation, including Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's Acknowledgement Letter. (6) The Owner shall agree in the Clarington Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommendation of the report entitled "Noise Impact Study for Bonathon Crescent Extension Municipality of Clarington, prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates, dated October 13, 2015, which specifies noise attenuation measures for the development. These measures shall be included in the Subdivision Agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisionsfaddenda) and shall include any required warning clause identified in the study. 6.2 Conservation Authority (1) Prior to any on-site grading or construction of final registration of the Plan, the Owner shall submit and obtain approval from the Municipality of Clarington, and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for reports describing the following: (a) The intended means of controlling and conveying stormwater flow from the site, including use of stormwater techniques which are appropriate and in accordance with.the provincial guidelines and the West Side Creek Master Drainage Plan. (b) The intended mean of providing water quality treatment for the site in accordance with provincial guidelines. (c) The means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after construction in accordance with the provincial guidelines. The report must outline all actions to be taken to prevent an increase in the concentration of solids in any water body as a result of on- site or other related works. (2) The Owner shall satisfy all financial requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. This shall include Application Processing Fees and Technical Review Fees as per the approved Authority Fee Schedule. (3) The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington .shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: (a) The Owner agrees to carry out the works referred to in Condition 6.2 (1) and (2) to the satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. (b) The Owner agrees to maintain all stormwater and erosion and sediment control 'structures and measures operating and in good repair during the 12-38 construction period, in a manner satisfactory to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. (c) The Owner agrees to advise the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 48 hours prior to the commencement of grading or initiation of any on-site works. 6.3 Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport (1) No demolition, grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the lands prior to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport confirming that potential adverse impact to the archaeological resources identified in the archaeological assessment prepared by The Land Archaeology Inc., and dated November 3, 2015 have been addressed through measures such as preservation, resource removal, licensing and resource conservation requirements. 6.4 Canada Post Corporation (1) The Owner shall satisfy the following requirements of Canada Post Corporation and the Municipality with respect to the provision of mail delivery to the Subdivision Lands and the provision of community mailbox locations, as follows: (a) The Owner shall advise Canada Post as to the excavation date for the first foundation/first phase as well as the date development work is scheduled to begin. (b) If applicable, the Owner shall ensure that any street facing installs have a pressed curb or curb cut. (c). The Owner shall advise Canada Post as to the expected first occupancy date and ensure the site is accessible to Canada Post 24 hours a day. (d) The Owner will consult with Canada Post and the Municipality to determine suitable permanent locations for the Community Mail Boxes. The Owner will then indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. (e) The Owner agrees, prior to offering any units for sale, to display a map on the wall of the sales office in a place readily accessible to potential homeowners that indicates the location of all Community Mail Boxes within the development, as approved by Canada Post. (f) The Owner will provide a suitable and safe temporary site for. a Community Mail Boxes upon approval of the Municipality (that is levelled with appropriate sized patio stones and free of tripping hazards), until curbs, sidewalks and*final grading are completed at the permanent locations. Canada Post will provide . mail delivery to new residents as soon as the homes or units are occupied. (g) Owner agrees to provide the following for each Community Mail Boxes and to include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans (if applicable): i) Any required walkway across the boulevard, per municipal standards; and ii) Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access; with an opening of at least two meters (consult Canada Post for detailed specifications). 12-39 6.5 Utilities (1) The Owner shall coordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan that allows for the safe installation of all utilities including the separation between utilities to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. (2) All utilities will be installed within the proposed road allowances. Where this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to the utility provider. Proposed easements are not permitted on lands owned by the Municipality unless it can be demonstrated that there is no other alternative. Such easements must not impede the long term use of the lands and will beat the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services. (3) The Owner shall cause all utilities, including hydro, telephone, and cable television within the streets of this development to be installed underground for both primary and secondary services. Part 7 — STANDARD NOTICES AND WARNINGS 7.1 The Owner shall include a clause in Agreements of Purchase and Sale for all Lots informing the purchaser of all applicable development charges in accordance with subsection 58(4) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, C:27. 7.2 The Owner shall include the notices and warnings clauses set out in Schedule 3 of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement in Agreements of Purchase and Sale for all Lots or Blocks. 7.3 The Owner shall include the following notices and warning clauses in Agreements of Purchase and Sale for the Lots or Blocks to which they apply: Noise Report (1) The Owner shall include the following notice in the Agreements of Purchase and .Sale for Lots 1 to 4 and Block 5 : Purchasers are advised that sound levels due to increasing road, the railway and existing/proposed commercial development may interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the sound levels will exceed the Ministry of Environment and Climate Changes noise criteria. (2) The Owner shall include the following notice in the Agreements of Purchase and, Sale for Lots 1 to 4 and Block 5: Purchasers are advised that despite the inclusion of noise abatement features within the development area, noise levels from future traffic may be of concern, occasionally interfering with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the noise level will exceed the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's Noise Criteria. 12-40 (3) The Owner shall include the following notice in the Agreements of Purchase and Sale for Lots 'l to 4, Block 5: This dwelling unit was fitted with a forced air heating system and the ducting etc. sized to accommodate a central air conditioning unit. The installation of central air conditioning by the homeowner will allow windows and exterior doors to be kept closed, thereby achieving indoor sound levels within the limits recommended by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. (Note: The location and installation of the outdoor air conditioning device should be done so as to comply with noise criteria of Ministry of Environment and Climate Change publication NPC -296, .Residential Air Conditioning Devices and thus minimize the noise impacts both on and. in the immediate vicinity of the subject property). . Future Development "Land in proximity to this plan of subdivision may be rezoned to allow for future development including commercial, office uses and residential uses with higher densities and multiple storeys." Canada Post Corporation The Owner shall include the following notice in the agreements of purchase and sale for all lots: Mail Service - Purchasers are advised that Canada Post intends to service this property through the use of community mailboxes that may be located in several locations within this subdivision. Part 8 - CLEARANCE 8.1 Prior to final approval of the plan for registration, the Municipality's Director of Planning Services shall be advised in writing. by, (a) the Region how Conditions 2.2, 4.1(1), 4.1(2) and 6.1 and 6.3 have been satisfied; (b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation how Condition 4.1(3) and 6. 2 have been satisfied; and (c) Canada Post, how Conditions 6.4 have been satisfied. Part 9 - NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 9.1 Terms used in these conditions that are not otherwise defined have the meanings given to them in the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement. 9.2 As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all. conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval, may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. 9.3 If final approval is not given to this plan within three (3) years of the draft approval date, and no extensions have been granted, draft approval shall lapse and the file shall be closed. Extensions may be granted provided valid reason is given and is submitted to the 12-41 -Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington well in advance of the lapsing date. 9.4 Where an agency requirement is required to be included in the Municipal subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to the agency in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. The addresses and telephone numbers of these agencies are: (a) Durham Regional Planning Department, 605 Rossland Road East, P.O. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 6A3 (905) 668-7721. (b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario LIH 3T3 (905) 579-0411. (c) Canada Post, Metro Toronto Region, 1860 Midland Ave. 2nd Floor Scarborough ON, MIP 5A1 t 12-42 Attachment 3 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -018-16 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-Iaw.2016-, being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2015-0025; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule '3' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding- Urban Residential Type Two (H) (R2) Zone" and "Agricultural (A) Zone" to "Holding -Urban Residential Type Three (H) (R3) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule `A' hereto. 2.. Schedule"A' attached hereto shall form part of this By-law 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of , 2016 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk 12-43 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2016- , passed this day of , 2016 A.D. BONATHON CR ESCENT CONNORS COURT 0 Q O z W W C� .z W U m W rY U z O Q z O m ® Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R2" Zoning Change From "A" To-"(H)R3" Adrian Foster, Mayor Bowmanville • ZBA 2015-0025 • Schedule 3 C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2016 Report Number: PSD -020-16 Resolution: .File Number: PLN 25.1.53 and PLN 7.9 By-law Number: Report Subject: Renaming Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard, Nautical Street Names in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood, and Revised Street Addresses for a Number of Properties Recommendations: That Report PSD -020-16 be received; 2. That staff be authorized to take all appropriate steps for the renaming of the existing portions of Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard, as shown in Figure 1 of .Report PSD -020-16; 3. That staff be authorized to take all appropriate steps to re -address the properties noted in Section 2.3 of Report PSD -020-16; 4. That property owners and tenants receive a goodwill payment recognizing the inconvenience and time associated with the street name or address change as identified in Section 2.1 of Report PSD -020-16; 5. That Planning Services Staff be authorized to assign Nautical Theme Names for the Draft Approved Plans of Subdivision in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood (S -C-2002-002 & S- C -2013-0002); and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -020-16 and delegations be advised of Council's decision. 12-45 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -020-16 Report Overviews Page 2 Port Darlington Road will be extended from its current terminus, through two plans of subdivision to connect with Bennett Road. It will become a spinal street in a new lakefront urban community, and as such it is recommended the name be changed from Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard. The Port Darlington Land Corporation (Kaitlin) requested the two referenced subdivisions use nautical themed street names for the majority of the private and public streets to complement this context. Staff is recommending the use of nautical names, including ships and men associated with Port Darlington. Two public streets would follow Council policy and be named for Clarington War Veterans. In addition, the recently constructed park and road re -alignment in the Neighbourhood necessitate revised street addresses for a number of properties. 1. Background Through implementation of plans of subdivision S -C-2002-002 & S -C-2013-0002 the extension of Port Darlington Road will become a "spinal" street of the urban waterfront community. The Port Darlington Land Corporation (Kaitlin) is currently fulfilling the conditions of draft approval for two plans of subdivision in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood (S -C-2002-002 and S -C-2013-0002). This includes the assignment of street names. Port Darlington is Bowmanville's waterfront neighbourhood. The conditions of draft approval require the incorporation of design features and streetscape elements reflecting its waterfront location and the history of Port Darlington itself. To this end, the developer has requested and staff support the use of nautical street names. The new Port Darlington East Beach Park and associated road re -alignment of East Beach Road necessitate revised street addresses for some properties. This is a task not dealt with previously but, can be addressed in the context of this overall review of street names and municipal street addresses in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood. 2. Comments 2.1. Port Darlington "Road" to "Boulevard" Staff propose that the street name suffix for Port Darlington Road be changed from "Road" to "Boulevard". This will emphasize that it is an urban street with the planned landscape elements, including round -a -bouts, lake overview and waterfront park spaces. This proposed change will necessitate the renaming of the existing portions of Port Darlington Road. This street name suffix change will affect 31 residential addresses and 8 commercial/industrial addresses. The portions of Port Darlington Road to be renamed with a different suffix are shown on Figure 1. 12-46 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -020-16 Page 3 Figure 1: Map of Port Darlington Road (Proposed to be Port Darlington Boulevard) Subject to Council concurrence, staff will take all appropriate steps, including collecting input from the public and complying with the requirements of the Municipal Act, to rename the existing portions of Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard. As was the case with the name change South Service Road to Energy Drive, staff recommends provision of goodwill payment to those impacted by the name change, recognizing the inconvenience and costs associated with a street name change. 2.2. Renaminq a portion of East Beach Road and Revising a Number of Properties With the construction of the new Port Darlington East Beach Park, East Beach Road was relocated northerly to its current alignment. A section of East Beach Road remains, south of the east end of the park and intersects with the re -aligned East Beach Road. In order for Port Darlington Boulevard to become a continuous street to Bennett Road it is 12-47 NIGH _ n UA S •�. �`�� ��,1 �� ' �` _ :� ..:� - yam'., F Port - Port Darlington Road To Be Renamed To '{ Port Darlington Boulevard Q j ¢ uti r._ Figure 1: Map of Port Darlington Road (Proposed to be Port Darlington Boulevard) Subject to Council concurrence, staff will take all appropriate steps, including collecting input from the public and complying with the requirements of the Municipal Act, to rename the existing portions of Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard. As was the case with the name change South Service Road to Energy Drive, staff recommends provision of goodwill payment to those impacted by the name change, recognizing the inconvenience and costs associated with a street name change. 2.2. Renaminq a portion of East Beach Road and Revising a Number of Properties With the construction of the new Port Darlington East Beach Park, East Beach Road was relocated northerly to its current alignment. A section of East Beach Road remains, south of the east end of the park and intersects with the re -aligned East Beach Road. In order for Port Darlington Boulevard to become a continuous street to Bennett Road it is 12-47 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -020-16 Paae 4 recommended that the section of East Beach shown on Figure 2 be renamed to Port Darlington Boulevard. The section of East Beach Road east of 86 East Beach Road will no longer be maintained as a public road, once the section of Port Darlington Boulevard is constructed as proposed through the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision. 95 and 110 East Beach Road will both be provided direct access to Port Darlington Boulevard. The planned changes to the area, including those as a result of the Municipality's waterfront park, necessitate changes to several properties which currently have East Beach Road addresses. The changes to said addresses will ensure a logical addressing and provide for'ease of locating the property under emergency circumstances. The following addresses, which are highlighted in Figure 2 have been identified as requiring a street name and possible number change. Figure 2: Map of the East Beach Road and Property Addresses to be amended 2.3. Proposed New Development The main street through the two subdivisions to Bennett Road and along the north side of Lake Ontario will be the extension of Port Darlington Boulevard. The draft plan of subdivision forming the westerly half of the neighbourhood (East Beach Road to Lambs Road), has 6 other public streets. Staff are proposing that 4 of the street names utilize nautical themes, and that 2 streets be named after Bowmanville war veterans. The draft plan of subdivision forming the easterly half of the neighbourhood (Lambs Road to Bennett Road), contains only one public road, being the extension of Port Darlington Boulevard. There will be 6 private streets/lanes for the multi -residential area, where the developer would also use nautical names which include the names of ships and men associated with the history of Port Darlington. Using nautical theme names requires a departure from Council's policy to use names of Clarington war dead and war veterans. Staff have consulted with the Royal Canadian 12-48 TFC 3 � _ . Legend " East Beach Road Property �♦ �� Addresses To Be Amended ,:,r:Itt••..�., ��1' Rename From East Beach RoadNew Port i To Port Darlington Boulevard Darlington Boulevard t j..,.7 East Beach Road Figure 2: Map of the East Beach Road and Property Addresses to be amended 2.3. Proposed New Development The main street through the two subdivisions to Bennett Road and along the north side of Lake Ontario will be the extension of Port Darlington Boulevard. The draft plan of subdivision forming the westerly half of the neighbourhood (East Beach Road to Lambs Road), has 6 other public streets. Staff are proposing that 4 of the street names utilize nautical themes, and that 2 streets be named after Bowmanville war veterans. The draft plan of subdivision forming the easterly half of the neighbourhood (Lambs Road to Bennett Road), contains only one public road, being the extension of Port Darlington Boulevard. There will be 6 private streets/lanes for the multi -residential area, where the developer would also use nautical names which include the names of ships and men associated with the history of Port Darlington. Using nautical theme names requires a departure from Council's policy to use names of Clarington war dead and war veterans. Staff have consulted with the Royal Canadian 12-48 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -020-16 Page 5 Legion Branch 178 on the proposed street names and they concur with the approach outlined above. l 8 ir�rrrnr:>, C S��s-RYI�R(y,D — 1 Po i faarfingvte`a o Boulevard Public Streets � � — M t Possible Prria#e Streets F77 L Lake Ontario 'I N ,i -- Figure 3: Composite Plan of the Port Darlington Subdivisions -S -C 2002-002 and S -C 2013-0002 3. Concurrence Not Applicable 4. Conclusion If Council concurs with this decision, staff will: • take all appropriate steps, which may include a public information centre, to change the name of the existing portions of Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington Boulevard; • work with the developer to determine a selection of mutually satisfactory names from the set of Regionally -approved nautical names, while using Clarington War Veteran names for two public streets; and • reassign municipal street addresses, including both street name and street number to the properties identified in this report. 12--49 Municipality of C9arringaon Report PSD -020-16 5. �t � fiec• i Pl�i� A � •�lic�. do � Not applicable. Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Page 6 Reviewed by 1i® Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Bob Russell, Planner II, 905-623-3379 ext. 2421 or brussell clarington.net The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Kelvin Whalen, Kaitlin Group John Greenfield,• Royal Canadian Legion Branch 173 Leslie and Betty Piper 1494263 Ontario Ltd. Peterborough -Port Hope Ready Elsa Koopmans & Elizabeth Semplonius c/o Jenny Teeninga Karen M. Owen 1331902 Ontario Inc. Regional Municipality of Durham Works Dept. Port Darlington Marina Hotel Paul Franken & Carolyn Sweet Gary & Steffi Nathan Brian and Ann Hall Andre Wiggers Construction Co. Gary and Sandra Madill Kevin and Lucia Taylor CP/BR/df 12-50 Memo Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: June Gallagher, Deputy Clerk Date: February 19, 2016 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting — February 22, 2016 — Update File: C05.Planninq & Development Committee Please be advised of the following amendments to the Planning & Development Committee agenda for the meeting to be held on Monday, February 22, 2016: 8. Delegations See attached Final List (Attachment #1) 6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting (Attachment #2) 6.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of February 1, 2016 — Replacement for Page 1 une Gallagher, Deputy Clerk JEG/mc Encl. C. F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads ATTACHMENT # TO UPDATE MEMO Planning and Development Committee Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario ANInquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambers(c clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Planning and Development Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net Garftt011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business — Introduction 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of February 1, 2016 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Dr. Linda Carter Report: PSD -016-16 7.2 Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: 1891211 Ontario Limited Report: PSD -017-16 8 Delegations No Delegations 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications — Direction There are no Communications for Direction. 11 Presentations No Presentations M 7-1 7-3 Page 1 CJadWOR Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: February 22, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -016-16 An Application by Dr. Linda Carter to Permit Commercial 12-1 Uses, Including a Veterinary Clinic 12.2 PSD -017-16 A Rezoning Application by 1891211 Ontario Limited to 12-10 Permit Three Six -Storey Apartment Buildings Containing 414 Dwelling Units 12.3 PSD -018-16 Applications by Lanarose Properties Ltd. (The Kaitlin Group) 12-21 to Permit 4 Single Detached Dwellings and 1 Block for 5 Townhouses in Bowmanville 12.4 PSD -020-16 Renaming Port Darlington Road to Port Darlington 12-45 Boulevard, Nautical Street Names in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood, and Revised Street Addresses for a Number of Properties 13 New Business - Consideration 14 Unfinished Business No Unfinished Business 15 Confidential Reports 15.1 PSD -019-16 Donation of Lands -Rear Portion of 2365 and 2385 Energy Drive 16 Adjournment Page 2 ATTACHMENT # 3, TO UPDATE MEMO Planning and Development t10rnr1]Iucc Minutes February 1, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor W. Partner Staff Present: D. Crome, C. Pellarin, L. Benson, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Cooke added a New Business item regarding the Nash Road Developments and the Greenbelt Plan to the New Business — Consideration section of the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -019-16 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of February 1, 2016 be adopted as presented, with the addition of a New Business item regarding the Nash Road Developments and the Greenbelt Plan. Carried 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. - 1 - Handouts/Circulations Planning & Development Committee Meeting Application By: Dr. Linda Carter To permit commercial uses, including clinic. a veterinary I WL'A'.1-49" PROPEF mw — �IF- ry �s r- DOLLAR TREE SUBJECT PROPERTY PETRO - CANADA , 40 i s� ♦ J } NaT hr ZBA-2015-0026' Y ON `'' Background Towns & Singles Townhomes • ,5235,990 FMft McBride Singles $274,990 905-697-0792 KaitlinCorp.com Official Plan and Zoning n 4 � c� i FIN is n V n � ... URBAN RESIDENTIAL Public Comments , �r I!,u� I H k r I IiI - �;--- — a NOTICE PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING An application has been submitted for a proposed Official Plan WELCOME TO THEAmendment and Rezoning TO PERMIT COMMERCIAL USES WITHIN T NEW HOME THE EXISTING BUILDING INCLUDING A VETERINARIAN CLINIC. sm �. QUICKENTRE MOVE -IN FILE: COPA 2015-0006 and ZBA 2015.0026 iX i * �9 s e olVs � Fo lurtlror infornal'on ar to requexl 'n . I'dic. on, pleas® contact lha Munlc I ny of C 1 ril 91cm Pl IA9 Services Depart Hent:,, 9" LJ ;1379 � ri �IF- ry �s r- DOLLAR TREE SUBJECT PROPERTY PETRO - CANADA , 40 i s� ♦ J } NaT hr ZBA-2015-0026' Y ON `'' Application By: 1891211 Ontario Limited A rezoning application to permit three six -storey apartment buildings containing 414 dwelling units Public Meeting: February 22, 2016 S KING STREET WEST � a x ELI I ! � ♦ � leiue x� .x. +` nlllo harm „ - �!" rvrtno3e sF+t-10Ei5 - cu • s.a,x Q. C II nmc gal t 2 iRn1aG ' 4+ff ri o�u 000ll� I r PN19�i t� �.� f� BOlRV70� i___ ____ -Ni ills uo pr JwbMAAVFw.a ulv axwa av ally � 6}KY41PG iF••• s I7 t r • --_— J — I J� � 1 LIWYP4 ' y. r )) 1 i W S'�aul-`uu f iuvtlraaYRiOfwi ,eL�SEi r E�EfTLG. _-- _ _ w d „ I ' ✓f Liberty Pentecostal Church S Garnet B Rickard k Recreation Complex 'Y SUBJECT PROPERTY -Y 2HIGHVVA� a - k � ■ Cif■ 8uld�ng 3 111111N 11 '_- 11111111 1 11 �� _ . Future Retail/ r 'p LJ Amenity Commercial ,. B7uilding�9� Develo ment Future Prince WlliamQ Q t Bird Extension • v -43 _s"- .•. __ ZBA 20x15=0022= Public Comments • Traffic/Access • Impacts of construction • Tenure of Building • Property values • Fire Protection • Crime, noise • Urban Design • Treatment along Railway • School/Daycare capacity • Archaeological Potential NOTICE DPOSEO ZONIWC ISY-LAVA AMENDMENT 211 Ontario Lirnit2ld VuYYZed Project a9mment Has suhmilled an application to ny1 the Zoning By-law io poiwit the itopment of 3 sio.M," apubrawilb0ding, wining 31aa1 of did QwoYling unit. He MumIWr St3A 2p154922 Crow Reference: SPA 2615-0922 Staff and Agency Comments • Major issues: • Traffic and access • Satisfying Railway requirements • Servicing, Grading and Stormwater Management • Urban Design Liberty Pentecostal Church S Garnet B Rickard k Recreation Complex 'Y SUBJECT PROPERTY -Y 2HIGHVVA� a - k � ■ Cif■ 8uld�ng 3 111111N 11 '_- 11111111 1 11 �� _ . Future Retail/ r 'p LJ Amenity Commercial ,. B7uilding�9� Develo ment Future Prince WlliamQ Q t Bird Extension • v -43 _s"- .•. __ ZBA 20x15=0022= F r" c - - :- •'� .z_ .dB�1FaFirrGb -J,. ■ .. .. ca� l ...• .: �,� �i 1'Y� IL SN y '' � . *SAI J '■ - .. �- .: w S i : � " F Y •ti. i r � t F I ;e A �! -'°4 ` 4� w y '� h �F,. •'.dam l • .� ._ y ar a : •Ic hr"'Ai# yY.� r" •!,;i � yL t t 4 I 4" tip. Yy- _ r yd a`. Y -V. L .# Y �rk4 ai- OL NIL � 1 a� y r AR LL. .. . Z.A. Site Plan KING STREET WEST '6 l tea, - V «�.b _._. _._. YIL - Kohn KING STREET WEST AND MARTIN ROAD Kohn Partnership Architects Inc. Bowmanville, ON 1165padina Avenue, 5uite 501,Tomnto ON N75V 2K6 Tel 416.703.6700-kohnarchitects.com 3 = x --I - �L JJ 71 EAST ELEVATION Sample Building Elevations KING STREET WEST AND MARTIN ROAD Bowmanville, ON 3 SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND o CLAKING 0 DARK BRICK o LGHTERICK o CEMENT BOARD CLADDING o GLASS BAL CRY RAILING © BALCONY o ENTRANCE DOORS Kohn Kohn Partnership Architects Inc. 116 5padina Avenue, Suite 501, Toronto ON M5V 2K6 Tel 416.703.6700-kohnarchitects.com Site Plan KING STREET WEST '6 l tea, - V «�.b _._. _._. YIL - Kohn KING STREET WEST AND MARTIN ROAD Kohn Partnership Architects Inc. Bowmanville, ON 1165padina Avenue, 5uite 501,Tomnto ON N75V 2K6 Tel 416.703.6700-kohnarchitects.com 1� P 14L Nig Y s i:9 KING STREET WEST OP1:ROPOSED LANDSCAPE LAYOUT s KyL— / Y A GPNPC/ Key qty. Botanical Name Common Name Cal- HL/Sp. Con d- Notes CONIFEROUS TREES IN Pic,. CIU_ Whte s'— I'll" WB Colorado Blue Spruce 20.m WB PS26 Eastern Whit,Pine 200— 'Densllormis' �WR BROADLEAF EVERGREENS BG�s "!B 'Green Velvet Glee, Velvet Baxwaod Oc DECIDUOUS TREES PJ 34 e. xA — Bo M pe 170mm IWB GB I F prinrelon Sentry Maidenhair JOmmSGE GS l n Slrylin y e H y usi B OR Ouer�us r m'Boulevard' JOmm WB TA BouleOvard Linde, JOmm DECIDUOUS SHRUBS O6 El,q— 'issi— Silva 11,11 Dogwood Sohn 92 Forsyth'iR —1a Northern Gold ltnem Goltl 10em hl 12 61g IT 11 — Su16 H'b_s syrra neo/Rose 6Dem St Aph',—h ll(In 'C1isp1 Ct- St,,h BOcm HIUFU.Dwarf —h -H, IA— 60em CONIFEROUS SHRUBS 80em ORNAMENTAL GRASSES I 96 Dlylily 13t. L 1PLANT LIST IT 2, 28 A19 2015 ISSUANCE I REVISIONS: osa MEPDESIGN LAND,,CARE ARCHITECTURE PROJECT NAME: SING CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES 1-211 p CLIENT: Fax. DRANIIMG TITLE: PROPOSED LANDSCAPE LAYOUT N DN of La,ya NO 5 S 15-399 L- 01 1 012 KING STREET WEST wRS'"A',0" A .1 111E.Tl °A1kIPa C11.N PAILLED NNK ----- --.SCM soo ---_ __ -- __ (soo .. III ( t TAKE PROPOSED IND .. ..: o- PLO PONID BUILDING 2 a BUILDING 3 A<) x"AIR- +116.0 +117.0 NP w s@STREETSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN -A (KING STREET WEST) PLOPOSED AT" EACE � PL ANTEN j �ao o ado ��E A, creooe o �EAOPwGDEsoo EEr mEs�D ' - - - - - - - - - - ------ O3 SECTION B -B (KING STREET WEST) ePoc EocE p v 4d 9d LANTE,Qo TreEE PLANT IN' Qvao TREE PLANTINGTE D . .° 6OI"�� wuxwro N ADE / e • s@STREETSCAPE LAYOUT PLAN -A (KING STREET WEST) PLOPOSED AT" EACE � PL ANTEN j �ao o ado ��E A, creooe o �EAOPwGDEsoo EEr mEs�D ' - - - - - - - - - - ------ O3 SECTION B -B (KING STREET WEST) (&SECTION C -C (CORNER INTERSECTION) PN P05ED EI DE ED En INN S9d o ;R CAPE o� _A p^76om EE -N TACE IRA -DE "RDE l �9ECTION D -D (MARTIN ROAD) T- A, oa wA�"Al gae e TREE �E ALLNLAIE I'Ll NAP" PINTER o "ADE &ECTION E -E (MARTIN ROAD) T- 2. 28 Aug.2015 111-11-1- 11e1.1 rvoISSUANCE I REVISIONS: Dam MEPDESIGN LANDSCAPE ARFHITTECTURE neoCaMan.rom PROJECT NAME: KING CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES CLIENT: Fax, DRAWING TITLE: STREETSCAPE PLAN& SECTIONS N Rr, oFE Pre,"Osn 15-399 NK s ST -01 ePoc EocE p v 4d 9d LANTE,Qo TreEE PLANT IN' Qvao TREE PLANTINGTE D . .° 6OI"�� wuxwro N ADE / (&SECTION C -C (CORNER INTERSECTION) PN P05ED EI DE ED En INN S9d o ;R CAPE o� _A p^76om EE -N TACE IRA -DE "RDE l �9ECTION D -D (MARTIN ROAD) T- A, oa wA�"Al gae e TREE �E ALLNLAIE I'Ll NAP" PINTER o "ADE &ECTION E -E (MARTIN ROAD) T- 2. 28 Aug.2015 111-11-1- 11e1.1 rvoISSUANCE I REVISIONS: Dam MEPDESIGN LANDSCAPE ARFHITTECTURE neoCaMan.rom PROJECT NAME: KING CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES CLIENT: Fax, DRAWING TITLE: STREETSCAPE PLAN& SECTIONS N Rr, oFE Pre,"Osn 15-399 NK s ST -01 Site Plan KING STREET WEST '6 l tea, - V «�.b _._. _._. YIL - Kohn KING STREET WEST AND MARTIN ROAD Kohn Partnership Architects Inc. Bowmanville, ON 1165padina Avenue, 5uite 501,Tomnto ON N75V 2K6 Tel 416.703.6700-kohnarchitects.com j- -t Iii 1 -u Ei ,� C� t�=, 110 L, �j��}I U, LL �L� IIIA rc 11J� L LL Street Corner Perspective KING STREET WEST AND MARTIN ROAD Bowmanville, ON Kohn Kohn Partnership Architects Inc. 116 5padina Avenue, Suite 501, Tomnto ON N75V 2K6 Tel 416.703.6700-kohnarchitects.com