HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-044-04 > >. , . > . Cl. ~ L~~ REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: September 7,2004 Report #: COD-044-04 File#_ fl (\fll ~ :3f/-f-c,'i By-law #.},-,-,L(_/C(G 1"07 ,. (.1 ,) I ':f':"1 ,~.D(:, Subject: TENDER AWARDS SUMMER COUNCIL BREAK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-044-04 be received; and 2. THAT the attached By-laws, marked Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the necessary agreements be approved. Attachment #1 Schedule "A" Attachment #2 Schedule "B" Attachment #3 Schedule "C" Attachment #4 Schedule "D" A~~_~' ~ Submitted by.' ....:a:J Reviewed by: ~.1'~-,--- I Marano, HBSc., C.M.O. Franklin Wu, Direc; of Corporate Services fief Administrative Officer MM/LAB/ld 1201 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-3330 , REPORT NO.: COD-044-04 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT In accordance with Resoultion #GPA-355-01, the Administrator and the Director of Corporate Services and/or the Director of Finance awarded the following Tenders/Contracts during the July/August Council Break: 1. CL2004-18, Enniskillen Sidewalk Construction, Old Scugog Road 2. CL2004-30, Sidewalk Construction, various locations 3. CL2004-29, Bowmanville Recreational Trail, Phase II 4. CL2004-12, Bowmanville Downtown Streetscape Revitalization 5. T282-2004, Co-op Tender, Supply and Delivery of Winter Sand 6. CL2004-16, Strom Sewer Construction, various locations 1202 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-3330 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW 2004- )0v Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Aloia Bros. Construction Contractors Limited, Toronto, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Enniskillen Sidewalk Construction, Old Scugog Road. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Aloia Bros. Construction Contractors Limited, Toronto, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2004. ,2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 12U3 Schedule "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2004- 1'1-' Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction, Schomberg, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Sidewalk Construction, various locations. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction, Schomberg, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2004. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1204 Schedule "C" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2004- lC]'(( Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Atlas Paving Company Inc., Etobicoke, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Bowmanville Creek Recreational Trail, Phase II. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Alias Paving Company Inc., Etobicoke Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2004. ,2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 12U5 Schedule "D" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON lc'c BY-LAW 2004- -I I Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ron Robinson Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Bowmanville Downtown Streetscape Revitalization. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Ron Robinson Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2004. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1206 Schedule "E" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON BY-lAW 2004- ;20C Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario to enter into agreement for the Storm Sewer Construction, various locations. THE COPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2004. John Mutton, Mayor Palli l. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1::;0;, 1. CL2004-18, ENNISKILLEN SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION, OLD SCUGOG ROAD A contract was awarded to Aloia Bros. Construction Contractors Ltd., Toronto, Ontario for a total bid amount of $157,421.80 plus G.S.T. Tenders were publicly advertised and issued with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. Funding is included in the 2004 Engineering Capital Budget and as per the funding cost apportionment provided by Totten Sims Hubicki in Schedule "B" attached. As the total funds requested in the amount of $183,048.58 (tender and redesign, administration and contingencies) exceeds the total budget allocation of $165,000.00, it is therefore recommended that the additional funds in the amount of $18,000.00 be funded from the surplus from the Enniskillen Sidewalk works completed under Tender CL2003-16. Based on the work completed to date on this project and the outstanding works to be paid, it is estimated that there is a surplus of approximately $50,000.00. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. The low bidder has provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington in recent yea rs. 1208 CllJ!ilJglon Municipality of Clarington SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2004-18 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OLD SCUGOG ROAD, ENNISKILLEN ,[Ii'BID '.iC,. ,.'.. I Aloia Bros. Construction Contractors Ltd. Toronto, Ontario 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction Schomber ,Ontario Warren Bitulithic Limited OShawa, Ontario Miwel Construction Ltd. Stouffville, Ontario $168,441.33 $169,429.79 $171,071.24 $186,000.01 1209 . 'JUL -05-04 MON 12: 05 PM TSH COBOURG FAX NO. P. 01/02 Schedule "8" , . TIH .. TotLcn Sims Hubicki AsSOcl8tes engineers 513 DjYFSion Street, Cobourg, Onlario, Can<:lda K9A 5GG architects (9051 372.2121 Fox: 19051372-3621 planners E-mail: cobourg@tsh_ca www,tsh,c::l June 29,2004 Ms. Lou Arm Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Tcmperancc Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Dear Ms. Birkett; Re: Enniskillen Sidewalk Construction, Old Scugog Road Contract CL2004-18, Municipality of Clarin~on Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, June 18, 2004 at 2;00 p.m. A list of the bids received and the Engineers Estimate are provided in the table below. All numbers are inclusive of GST. . BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Aloia Bros. Construction Contractors Lid. $168,441.33 'roronta, ON 614128 Ontario Ltd. a/A Trisan $169,429.79 Construction, SchomberJl:, ON Warren Ilitulithic $171,071.24 Oshawa, ON Miwel Construe Lion Ltd. $186,000.01 Stouffville, ON EnJZineer's Estimate $160,000.00 The low bidder's tender has been checked and is in order. The following is a summary of the total project costs associated with This Contract: DESCRIPTION COST .. Construction Costs $157,421.80 Detailed Redesign, Public Consultation, Approvals and $ 9,499.98 Tender Documents (TO June 12, 2004) Estimated Construction Administration $ 12,000.00 Sub-Total $174,921.78 Contingencies $ 4,126.76 Total Estimllted Project Costs $l83,048.54 Budget Amount $165,048.54 "All ahove cool. are exclusive of GST. - 1210 'JUL 05 04 MON 12:05 PM TSH COBOURG FAX NO, p, 02/02 . ' Ms. Lou Ann Bickett June 29. 2004 2 As the total costs associated with this Contract exceed the budget allocated for the work in 2004 by $18.000.00. it is recommended that tho shortfall be funded from the surplus from the Enniskillen Sidewalk works completed in 2003 (Project ID 8410-03101-1401, Account No. 110-32-330-83222_ 7401) as part of Contract No. CL2003-16. Based On work completed to date and outstanding works to be paid, it is estimated that there is a surplus of roughly $50.000.00. The reason fOr the surplus is that the work in front of the Enniskillen Public School was removed from the 2003 works after the award of the Contract as a result of concerns raised by area residents as well as some design changes that required furLher public consultation. The public Consultation has been complcted and the final design will be constructed as part of this Contract. Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd. completed the 2001 Sidewalk Contract for the Municipality of Clarington. More recemly they have completed sin1ilar work for the Town of Richmond Hill and the Town of Midland and references stated the work was completed to an acceptable level. Based On the past performance of tho Contractor and available funding, it is recommended that Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd. be awarded Contract No. CL2004-18. Please proceed with the award of this Contract as soon as possible as work requires completion prior to September 3, 2004. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Best regards, (.Z?~ Ii'::':"lbright, P.Bng. Project Engineer RA/ym r12920'f'CUrll:o;p/2Q3'10,dl'!C pc; A.S, Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Leslie Benson, Manager, Transportation and Design Jennifer Welsh, Clerk NorIll Clark, C. E. T., Manager of Construction .1211 TIH 2. CL2004-30, SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION, VARIOUS LOCATIONS A contract was awarded to 614128 Ontario Ltd. ola Trisan Construction, Schomberg, Ontario for a total bid amount of $163,056.55 plus G.S.T. Tenders were publicly advertised and issued with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. Funding is included in the 2004 Operations Capital Budget for the Museum paving and in the 2004 Engineering Capital budget for the remaining works. As per the funding cost apportionment provided by Totten Sims Hubicki in Schedule "A" attached, each of the projects are within budget allocation. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. The low bidder has recently provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington. lG12 , JUL-27-04 TUE 09:31 AM TSH COBOURG FAX NO, P 02 . ; -c,kJ-e.. '^'Jt-' ,5"".......,. - TIN engineers architects planners TOUen Sims Hubicki ASSOci81p.s 513 Division Street, Cobou~gr Ontario, CClnada K9A 506 (9051372'21~1 Fax: (9051372-3621 E-mail: cobourg@tsh,c<:I WWW.lsh.ca July 13, 2004 M... Lou AIm Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager COrporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Dear Ms. Birkett: Re: Sidewalk Construction _ Various Locations Contract CL2004-30, Municipality of Clarington Tendel's for the above project Were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, July 5, 2004 at 2;00 p.m. A list of the bids received are Provided in the table below, All numbers are inclusive of GST. BIDDER TOTAL BID Al\foum $174,470.50 $184,898.68 $196,538.87 $289,052.90 Trisan Construction, Schomberg, ON Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors, Toronto, ON Warren Bitulilhic, Oshawa, ON Miwel Construction Ltd., Stouffville, ON The low bidder's tender has been checked and is in order, Trisan Construction has previously undertaken projects for the Municipality of Clatington, most receJ1tiy Contract CL2OO3-23 Which Was also sidewalk COlIStl'llction at various locations. The work was performed to an acceptable standard although restoration work was slow at times reSulting in complaints from residents. The Contractor will be required to restore each site prior to moving to the next location. All restOration issues were cventually addressed to our office's satisfaction. Based On past performance on similar contracts and the project is within budgct, We recommend acceptance of rhe low bid. Estimated project costs based on Trisan's low bid arc as follows; Construction value of work Detailed Design and Tendering Contract Administration and Material Testing ContingenCies (excl. GST) $163,056.55 6,000.00 13,000.00 6.943.45 $189,000.00 TOTAL I'ROJECT COST (excl. GST) - 1213 - f . JVL-27-04 TUE 09:31 AM TSH COBOURG FAX NO, P. 03 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett July 13, 2004 2 The total project cost includes works on the Museum driveway which is estimated at $12,000.00 based On the low bid. Funding for this work is being provided by the Operations Departmem from Account Number 110-36-331-83637_7401. The value of the remaining sidewalk works is $177,000,00 which is to be funded from Engineering Services' Account Number 110-32-331-83245_7401 ($194,174.76 from Revenue Fund). Based on total project costs and available budget, it is estimated that there is a surplus of approximately $17,000.00. Please proceed with the award of this Contract Which is scheduled for completion by Friday, Septcmber 3,2004. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Best rcgards, Ron Albright, P,Eng. Project Engineer RA/ym pn(ljnICottll.~pIUtJ8ll,du(; pc: A.S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Leslie Benson, Manager, Transportation and Design Jennifer Welsh, Clerk 11 Norm Clark, C.B. T,. Manager of Construction Fred Horvath, Director of Operations Kaye Rand, Operations, Accounting Clerk II 1t14 TIll 3. Cl2004-29, BOWMANVlllE CREEK RECREATIONAL TRAil, PHASE II A contract was awarded to Atlas Paving Company Inc., Etobicoke, Ontario for a total bid amount of $83,245.70 plus G.S.T. Tenders were publicly advertised and issued with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. Funding is included in the 2004 Engineering Capital Budget and per the funding cost apportionment provided by Totten Sims Hubicki in Schedule "A" attached, the project is within the budget allocation. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. Although the low bidder has not provided service to the Municipality of Cia ring ton in recent years, they have provided satisfactory service to Malvern Property Management (Etobicoke), Penalta Group Limited (Oakville) and SI. George's Church-On-the-Hill (Etobicoke). 1215 L..~ v. r1L..J..I U'-'VU 11J (tJlJ VVUVUJ\U r HA 11U. p, U1/02 '. ,. " Schedule "A" - TIH Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 (a 05) 372-2121 Fax: (905) 372-3621 E-mail: cobour!,1@tsh.ca www.tsh.ca engineers architects planners July 21,2004 Ms, Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manllger Corporation of the Municipality of C1arington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE. Onl<lrio. LtC 3A6 Dear Ms. Birkett; Re: Bowmanville Creek Recreational Trail, Phase II Contract CL2004-29, Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the above project were opcned at the Municipal Officcs on Friday, June 25, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. A list of the bids received are provided in the table below. All numbers are inclusive of GST. RIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT $89,072.90 $128,182.53* Atlas Paving Company Inc., Etobicoke. ant. Harndcn and King Construction Inc., Ajax, Ont. · Bid Amcndment - Error ill extension Thc low bidder's tender has been checked and is in order. References provided by the Contractor which include Malvern Property Managemcnt (Etobicoke), Pena!ta Group Limited (Oakville) and St. George's Church On-the-Hill (Etobicoke), have been contacted and comments received arc very favourable. Contracts completed satisfactorily range from $140,000.00 to $450,000.00, which are well in excess of the value of this Contract. Based on past performance and budget availability, we recommend that Alias Paving be awarded Contract CL2004.29. Estimated total project costs based on the low bid are as follows; Construction value of work Dctailed Design and Tendering (to July 9, 2004) Contract Administration and Material Testing Contingencics (excl. GST) $83,245.70 3,000.00 4,500.00 7,754.30 TOTAL PROJECT COST (excl. GST) $98,500.00 Funding for this project is to be provided from Engineering Scrvices' Accoullt Number 110-32-325- 83258-7401 which has $116,504.85 (exc. GST) allocated in the 2004 Budget. Based on lotal project costs and available budget, there is a surplus of approximately $18,000.00. 1216 - . . . -- - L... ~ V, nL..LI VL.... V I 111 ., Ms. !.ou Arul Birkc'll July 14. 2004 IlwIU VVLJvvn..... I-nl\ nv, Please proceed with the award of [his Contract as soon as possible as work requires completion by J'riday, August 20, 2004. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Best regards, ~ Ron Albright, P.Eng. Project Engineer ----. RA/ym \\krl';:r\projl't:b.\12.2!n92\cor~p\2008ir.::~.doc pc: A,S. Cannella, Dircctor of Engineering Serviccs Peter Windolf. Manager of Park Development Jennifer Welsh, Clerk Norm Clark, C.E.T., Manager of Construction HI1 1217 r. uouc: 2 4. CL2004-12, BOWMANVILLE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE REVITALIZATION A contracl was awarded to Ron Robinson Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario for a total bid amount of $571,956.00 plus G.S.T. Tenders were publicly advertised and issued with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. As the total funds requested in the amount of $923,906.36 (tender and design, administration and contingencies, less funding for CL2004-11) exceeds the total remaining budget allocation of $721,438.57, it is therefore recommended that portions of the contract critical to the installation of the street lighting improvements be awarded now and the decision to award the remaining portions of work be deferred until September for the next GPA meeting. In doing so, this would bring the project within the limits of the available funding. The contractor has agreed to this award process, Financing is as outlined in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki, marked "Schedule B". The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requiremenls and concurs wilh the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. The low bidder has provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. 1218 qgroo Municipality of Clarington SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2004-12 BOWMANVILLE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE REVITALIZATION I!II:IIIII!!!!!I!II 11.:111 .!I!!!!Iln'liI,ER .'. . b "",.:,' ....:h+:.. : Ior'!\ L . c.':ld. Ron Robinson Limited Bowmanville, Ontario Langley Utilities Bowmanville, Ontario ;:HHhhi lie' ,;;:!il:!i!:.' ....r :", >::1' lIiI1~1;~lIa"!!\il.MlI!li!lNiI1!!11II1'1 $811,041.70 $1,083,490.56 1219 .~ rn/\ nu, p, 01/03 " ", Sc.h edu..!e "is ' " August 20, 2004 (<{Vised 0.5 DR ~'dYO~ . ~~ GV\ Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation af the Municipality of Clarillgton 40 Temperance Street DOWMANV1LLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 ~._._. Dcar Ms. Birkett; Re: BOWluanville Downtown Streetscape Revitalization Contract CL2004-12, Municipality of Clarington Tenders for thc above project were opcned at the Municipal Offices on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 2:00 p .In. A list of the bids received are provided in the table below. All numbers are inclusive of GST. BIDDER TO.TAL; BID AMOUNT $811,041. 70 $1,083,490.56 Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Onto Langley Utilities Contracting Ltd., Bowmanville, Ont, It should be noted that of the 13 plan takers, only 3 bids wcre submitted, of which one was not accepted as it was late. The rcason for the low number of submissions eould be due to the time of year and (he scheduled completion date for the work. The low bidder's tender has been checked and is in order, Ron Robinson Ltd. has previously undcrtaken many projects for the Municipality of Clarington, ranging in scope from minor stann sewcr rcpair to full street reconstruction in excess of one million dollars in value. These works, which were administcred by TSH, were performed to an acceptable standard. Additionally, Ron Robinson Ltd. completed a very similar project for thc Town of Whitby on Brock Street South, also administered by TSH. This work was also completcd to an acceptable standard and was wcll received by the local merchants. The following is a cost breakdown for the project based on Ron Robinson's low bid and other rclated works and contracts; 1220 . "u.... L.... V. IVL.. VV'vl nI! JlJn vUDUUrl.u r AX NU, p, 02/03 M.Q.. Lou Ann Birketr August 20. 2004 2 Strcctscape Revitalization (CL2004-12) Supply of Lights and BoIlards (CL2004-1l) Parking Meter Arms Detailed Design and Tendering Contract At/ministration Signal Improvements by Region of Durham Contingencies (exel. GST) $757,982.90 111,085.70 923 .40 40,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 30.000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST (exc1. GST) Less CL2004-11 already awarded $1,034,992,00 (111.085.70) $ 923,906,30 Funding for this project is coming from two diffcrent budget Items; 1) 2003 King Street Lighting Improvements Account No. 110-32-324-83217-1401 (Le.~s CL2004-lI) 250000.00 (111:085.70) $138,914.30 2) 2004 King Street Streetscapo Revitalization Account No. 110-.32-330-83240-7401 $582,524.27 $721,438.57 TOTAL BUDGET AMOUNT Based on available funding and total estimated project costs, there will be a funding shortfall of approximately $203,000.00, As timing for the project is critical and delay of the work would have significant impacts on the Apple Pestival as well as downtown businesscs, it is recommended that portions of the contract critical to the installation of thc street lighting improvements be awarded now and the decision to award the remaining portions of work be deferred until Scptember, when G.P.A. and Council are back in session and staff can provide rccommendations regarding potential sources for additional funding. The following is a summary of the works that could be defelTed while allowing the critical work items to commence: Provisional Items la). 1c), 2a), 2c), lOa), 11 & 24 Item 12 - Brick Pavers in Roadway 1/3 of Contingency Allowance Contract Administration $ 52,802,90 $133,224.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 15.000,00 $21],026.90 TOTAL DEFERRED PROJECT COSTS If only the critical works are awarded. the total project costs would be apprOXimately $8,000.00 less tl1an thc available funding. Our officc has reviewcd this award scenario with the Contractor and he has agrced to the award of the portion of the Contract as outlined above. Based on the contractor's previous work experience on similar projects and the recommended reduction (deferral) of certain project costs, it is recommended that Ron Robinson Ltd. be awarded Contract CL2004-12 for an amended amount of $571,956.00 (excl. GST). It is further recommended that staff prcpare a report outlining additional funding requirements for the works not awarded at this time. 1221 " . .... I1V, J. U;J/ U,J M:~. LOll Ann Uifkeu Augu" 20. 2004 3 Should you havo any questions regarding this matter. please contact the undersigned. Best regards, Ron Albright, P.Eng. Project Engineer RA/ym rt292 ]41('(11 rt'~I,no42(i. doc pe: A,S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Scrvices Leslie Benson, Manager, Transportation and Design Jcnnifer O'Donnell, Clcrk II Norm Clark, C.E.T., Manager ofCons!ruetion 1222 5. T282-2004 CO-OP TENDER, SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF WINTER SAND A contract was awarded to Lafarge Canada Inc., Stouffville, Ontario for a unit price of $6.00 per tonne for the Orono Yard and $6.25 per tonne for the Hampton Yard (plus G.S.T.) The Municipality of Clarington participated in a Co-operative tender with bids being received and tabulated as follows: Lafarge Canada Inc. Stouffville, Ontario $ 6.00 $ 6.25 C.D.R. Young's Aggregates Pont 001, Ontario $ 6.35 $ 6.95 Kovac Sand and Gravel Pont 001, Ontario $ 7.45 $ 7.45 Brock Aggregates Concord, Ontario $11.00 $11.00 The Operations Department requires approximately 10,000 tonnes of winter sand delivered to each of Orono and Hampton Yards. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and Operations staff, it was mutually agreed that the lower bidder, LaFarge Canada Inc., Stouffville, Ontario, be recommended for the contract to supply and deliver winter sand to the Municipality of Clarington. The required funds will be drawn from Operations Road Maintenance accounts. The unit prices represent an approximate 8% decrease for Orono and 11 % decrease for Hampton over those tendered in 2003. 1223 6. CL2004-16, STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION, VARIOUS LOCATIONS A contract was awarded to Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario for a total bid amount of $163,160.95 plus G.S.T. Tenders were publicly advertised and issued with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. Funding for part 1 was included in the 2003 and 2004 Engineering Capital Budgets and as per the funding cost apportionment provided by Totten Sims Hubicki in Schedule "A". As indicated in Schedule "A", the project is comprised of two parts: 1) Mainiine sewer construction and 2) Remedial/Maintenance works. As the maintenance portion of the work (part 2) exceeds the budget allocation, it is recommended that the additional funds for this be drawn from Operations Account No. 100-36-380-10245-7161. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. The low bidder has provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. 1~24 .; IIUU 1 U U"1 IIVH uJ I 1 U I II ItJn vUDUUI\U nlll NU. 5x:.-k ..d.....J e... ~~ r1 ,. P. 01 ~ " II VH Totten Sims Hubicki As~ocjarcs 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada K9A 5G6 19051 372-2121 Fax: 1905) 372.3621 E-mail;cobourg@tsh.cawwwJsh.ca engineers architects planners August 16, 2004 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperancc Street, BOW MANVILLE, Ontario LIe 3A6 FAX: 905-623-3330 Dear Ms. Birkett; Re: Contract No, CI,2004-16, Storm Sewer Construction, Various Locations Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the above project werc opened at the Municipal Offices On Wednesday, AugusL 4, 2004, at 2:00;00 p.m. local time. Thc bids rcceived, inclusive of GST, are summarized as follows; .. ,:,' BmDE~' " . TOTAL nJiL::',., ' . '" , ,(W'."",. I'> " .. . " " ':", ',:AMOUN'r,..,;. " " .. , , " I'" Ron Robinson Limited $174,582.22 BownJanville, ON 1-lollingworLh Construction $179,693.66 Gormlev, ON B. N. Fenton Construction Ltd. $214,235.40* Courtice, ON Miwel Construction Ltd. $249,000.00 Stouffville, ON Boyle Excavating $255,035.57** Bowmanville, ON Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors $280,816.15 Toronto, ON B.N. Fenton Construction Ltd. $495,319.81 Court ice, ON * error in calculation ** errOr in extension Thc low bidder's submitled tender has been reviewed and is in order. Ron Robinson Limited has completed a numbcr of projects for the Municipality of Clarington over thc past two years, including CL2002-36 - Various Storm Sewers, that were similar in nature to the works required under this contract. These works wcre completed with an acceptable level of quality and workmanship. 1225 f- ,'.......... ~v v-r IIVll U"J' 10 III J .:m vVDVUI\1J I'AX NU. p, 02 , ,\ ..~ j Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Augu" 16, 2004 2 This tender is composed of two different types of project: 1) Mainline sewer construction and 2) Remedial works at one location to address existing settlement deficiencies. The Oid Scugog Road (north), Nash Road and Washington Place portions of thc tender are maintenance related and were not specifically identified in the 2004 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast. The Old Scugog RoadlRoy Carter Drive storm sewer was identified in both the 2003 and 2004 Capital Budgets as 5800-8310-3103 & 110-32-330-83237-7401 respectively, A cost apportionment is attached detailing the estimated project costs bascd on the low bid. As there is a funding shortfall of approximately $4,800.00 for the maintenance re-elected works, it is reqLlesLcd that the additional required funding be provided from Operations ACCOunt No. 100-36-380- 10245-7161. With the necessary funding in place and based on the past experience of the low bidder, it is rccommended that Contract CL2004-16 be awarded to Ron RobinsOn Limited for the total amount of $174,582.22 (incl. of G.S.T.). Tender deposits may be returned 10 all contractors except the low and second low bidders. Shoult! you require any additional inforJImtion, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, /" //-- l;Yd~) ~-1~ /'A/'l Ron Albright, P,Eng. (/ - . Project Engineer RA/ra P:29417/CQ! fc:'\pI201ti7 .doc Encl. cc; Mr. A. S. Cannella, Dircctor, Engineering Services Mr. F. HorvaLh, Dircctor of Operations Mr, N. Clark, Managcr of Construction Mrs. K. Rand, Confidential Secretary to the Director of Operations (+ encl.) Ms, J. O'Donnell, Clerk 1l (+encl.) 1220 ttH MunicipaHty of Claringlon Storm Sewer Construction, Various Locations C<lst AppoT1ionmenl For LoVl Bid submitted By Ron Robinson Umited Contract CL2004-16 Aug us! 12, 2004 T.S.H. Project 12-29417 :J> c: "" I C) I <::> "'" ;:;: C) :z <::> Ul Description Total Part A Part B Part C Part 0 Comments OLD SCUGOG WASHINGTON NASH ROAD, ROY CARTER ROAD, PLACE, COURTICE ROAD/OLD SCUGOG BURKETON BOWMANVILLE ROAD, BURKETON projeotlD or Account Number 11D-36-330-ll3S41-7401 5800.8310-03103 & 110-3%-33D-ll3237-74Dl ConslrnotJ.n Costs C<lntrael C1.2DD2-36 $14,758_751 T.lal- All Locations $163,160.95 $57.410.75 $17,210.00 573,781.45 Sub-Total C.n.troction 5163,160.95 $69,379.50 573,781.45 TSH pr.ject N"mber 12-29417 & 12-2~250 12-29417 & 12-29302 Detailed Design and Approvals $6,337.13 $3.471046 $2,865.65 Prorated Blued on low Bid (10 Augu.t 7, 2004) Estimated T9nderill~ and Construction Administration $11,500.00 $6,300.00 55,200.00 Prora~elt Basad on LOON Bi[j (TSH 1112.29417) Ccnfingencfes $5,000.00 $2.700.00 $2,300.00 Prorated BaS>Bd on Lo-w Bi1 Total E.tim....d Project Costs $185,998.06 $101,850.98 $84,147.10 Budget Am.unt $203,883.50 $97,087.36/!/ $106,796.12 E.Umated 8"dUet SurpluslDeficit $17,865.42 -$4,763.60 $21,649.02 (0 --0 ;:;: --3 tt:l ::r: o C) t:r:J C) c: 00 "" ..,.., :J> :x: :z p Nole: Summatil:od Co.ts Includo 2004 Expenditures Only P:'If:N!lolll'~f_IE;CIlII'~CU'>>J.r.x-.:"-ltar:~ r-- C\l N ~ :0 C) w " . '...:....._~_ ~f1,<;!.Il.t TSH