HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Department Report September 6, 1976 TEL 62343126 SHME1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO FIRE DEPA' 2 TI AA Er. N T CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE September 6, 1976 Councillor Ann Cowman, Chairman Members 'Community Services Committee Fire Department Report I* Resolution 4 CS - 206 - 76 RE Official opening, Fire Station 4 2 Newcastle* Recommendation: Date - Saturday October 2v 1976. 2 PM. B 0 j Tit Luncheon - 12 O'clock, Invitation, Mayor, Members of Council, firemen Hall fk 2, contractors and their wives, in 0 appreciation of the work and interest shown in the alterations to the new fire station. ,. Fire Prevention Parade - 1: 15 PM, Newcastle Public School Mill St* to Fire Station 4 2. Including Councillors* Official Opening - 2PM. followed by inspection of the building and refreshments. (coffee, doughnuts, pop). Recommend a Committee - Chairman Ann Cowman, District Chief Fe Glanville, Dep. Chief S. Brereton, Area Chief J. Hayman be given power to act. (invitationst programmet plaque etc*) 2. Resolution 4 CS-207-76 RE Fire Alarm System Hall 4 1 Bowmanville - FM 2 way radio, Monitor Alerting System - 23 Personal.,Units, I Base Stationt Notifier Municipal Fire Alarm Panel automatic system for protected propertiesq control switches for fire alarm panel located at the answering service residence. Hall .4 2 Newcastle - Bell Telephone lines with 10 fire telephones located in Volunteer Firemen's homes. Two fire sirens activated from switch located with fire telephones. 11,111 " 3 .. Orono - (,o1,1111uj,jj.j.y 15 1 1.re telephones located at Volunteer firemen homes. I fire siren activated at the fire hall only. Information and recommendations are being prepared for a central dispatch and alerting system for all existing and future fire stations. Fire Station 1 2 Newcastle - Recommend consideration to proposed Bell Telephone additional fire alerting system (see attached drawing). This system can be accommodated within the 1976 Budget* i rELEFNUilE 82 S lr.Fl BOWMANVILLE, ONTA1110 FIRE DEPARTME CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ....• 2 ..... i Item 3 Resolution .A CS-202-76 RE Janitorial Services Hall 4 2 Newcastle f Recommend that a volunteer fireman be appointed for janitorial services of Hall # 2 at a remuneration of $ 200. per year. 4. Resolution !h CS-1£35-76 - Retirement Banquet Volunteer Firemen Hall # 2 Recommend that a suitable recognition be given from the Town, not exceeding $ 150. each. (wrist watch) . 5* proclamation for Fire Prevention Week Oct. 3 - 9 19760 be placed in the newspapers the week of September 27f 1976. I i I i i i I I I INVITATTONS TO BE SENT FOR THE OFFICIAL OPENTNG OF TOWN OV NEWCASTLE FIRE BALL NO. 2 f COUNCIL ; Mayor & Mrs. Garnet Rickard Councillor & Mrs. Don Allin Councillor & Mrs. Bruce Tink !.. Councillor & Mrs. Ivan Habbs Councillor & Mrs. Ken Lyall Councillor & Mrs. Kirk Entwistle ,f Councillor Mrs. Ann Cowman & Dr. Cowman OTHER FIRE CMIEFS I Fire Chief & Mrs. Jim Hayman Fire Chief & Mrs. Ross Mercer jj�putgd,T'ar'®,,'.Chief & Mrs. Jack Mercer Fire Chief & Mrs. ;Macey Government Dignitaries 7 Mr. & Mrs. Alex Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. Allan Lawrence , MP Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Moffat , MPP Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beath j Companies or Persons associated with the CONSTRUCTION & 1 RENOVATION Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Partner - Partners Plumbing & Heating Mr. & Mrs. Everett Vierhout -- Carpenter Collis Electric ; Bowmanville - 2 Oshawa Overhead Door - 2 Mr. Dick Dewith - 1 - 'stucco I.. Newcastle Lumber - 2 -- ----_- Al; u SS,E Mr. & Mrs. Murray Paterson - drapes Totten, Sims & Hubicki - 2 - NEWCASTLE DIGNITARIES � j i9.r. . Cec:1.1 Cri.rveth — Teovr when -f'ir;3t fire truck was purchased in Village Mr. Jack Gordon - Village Historian Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gaines - retired fireman from Hall 2 Mr. & Mrs. Grant Cooper - Mr. & Mrs. R. 'Dud ' 'Wagar - President Chamber of Commerce i • . .� r • ^T'"r,7-r1- r ,.. ,. .,..,y .-.. n�n�x�fl r�• w q .a,rr;r r-w R,r a t� �,r*.w"ir„�' T"rY'�p"�!'9tt�t fi:"Y". +try� . XFire Chief & Mrs. Freda Glanville k Deputy Fire Chief & Mrs. Sam Brereton x Captain & Mrs. Albert Naylor XCaptain & Mrs. Pick Diersteker �. { Captain & Mrs. Peter DeJon ; xCaptaain & Mrs. Alfred. Alldread Fireman & Mrs. Claude Miller I x Fireman & Mrs. Cecil Miller Fireman & Mrs. Lennard Lambert Fireman & Mrs. Bill x Couch r :; hFireman & Mrs. Harold Couch 4J Fireman Jeff Alldread & Guest Fireman & Mrs. Jim Alldread d.{ Fireman & Mrs. Bruce Kelly , X Fireman & Mrs. Frank Hoar Fireman & Mrs. Everett� Jenkins Fireman Chris Cooper & Guest Fireman Ray Verburgh & Guest f, I i 1 i ' i ' �x � S i i it/ �r syS��r✓f f��,re �fiorres E -BELL O FFZcE - �ESl DEuc Cr 1013 7 a / 1 s��fJaaicrn Cos �rrcor��y-