HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-07 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee October 7, 2015, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: André O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed John Sturdy Shea-Lea Latchford Jacquie Watchorn Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Basia Radomski - Corporate Communications Officer Regrets: Councillor Partner Sally Barrie Adoption of Minutes Moved by André O’Bumsawin seconded by John Sturdy That the minutes of the meeting of September 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 1. Presentation Clarington’s re-launched website Basia Radomski presented the newly redesigned Clarington website. The Committee was shown how to use BrowseAloud, sign up for notifications and how to navigate the website. Maureen Reed asked for assistance from the Communications Department in finding free tools local businesses can use to make their websites accessible. Jeannette and Basia agreed to research the request and provide more information. Tim Van Leeuwen asked if the Municipality had any plans to launch an App for phones that will notify residents of important notices. Basia advised the Committee there are no plans at this time for a municipal App and that residents who want notifications should sign up for them through the website. 2. Business Arising From Minutes (a) ServiceOntario Advocacy Letter Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee In response to the Committee’s direction for an advocacy letter to be sent on behalf of the AAC to the Government of Ontario, Jeannette provided the Committee a copy of the letter to be sent. Two minor adjustments were requested by the Committee. Jeannette advised that the changes will be made and the letter will be sent by the end of the week. (b) StopGap Community Ramp Project Jeannette advised the Committee that she will be attending an Accessibility Coordinator’s conference next week and one of the key agenda items is StopGap. Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by John Sturdy That the discussion of the StopGap Community Ramp project be deferred until the November 2015 meeting CARRIED (c) AAC Presentation – Universal Design Maureen Reed and Jeannette presented to the Committee their current Universal Design presentation. The Committee was advised that the presentation is still being developed and resources are being sourced, but feedback was welcome at this time. The goal of the presentation is that all Committee members, who are comfortable giving presentations, will be trained on the content of this, and other presentations, so that anyone on the AAC is able to give a presentation. Maureen advised the Committee that a finalized presentation will be shown/taught to the Committee in the coming months. 3. New Business th (a) AODA 10 Anniversary th Jeannette advised the Committee that the Government of Ontario’s formal 10 Anniversary package is available through their website, or directly from her, upon request. (b) Public Consultations in 2016 Jeannette provided an overview of consultation requirements for the Design of Public Spaces Standard (DOPS). Presentation included examples of how Clarington Accessibility - 3 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee consultations may happen beginning in 2016. (c) Assistive Communication Devices at the Municipality The Committee was presented an initiative to ensure that in-person communications at the Municipal Administrative Centre are accessible to people with disabilities and those whose primary language is not English. Jeannette advised the Committee that an iPad, Apps and accessories could be purchased for approximately $1000 and would vastly increase the Municipality’s ability to effectively communicate with everyone, regardless of ability or language. The iPad would be left at the front desk and could be made available to other departments upon request. If successful, additional devices could be purchased for other facilities in the future. Moved by André O’Bumsawin, seconded by John Sturdy, That the Accessibility Advisory Committee purchase an assistive communication device for the Municipality of Clarington CARRIED (d) Text 9-11 Service The Committee was informed that text 9-11 service is now available in the Region of Durham. Information on the new program was given to Committee members. Everyone was advised that this service is for the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing, and speech impaired communities and that people who qualify for the service must register prior to being able to text 9-11. Committee members asked how the service was being communicated to the people of Durham. Jeannette asked Committee members to identify groups or organizations that should be aware of this new service, and that she would liaise with Durham Regional Police Service to ensure the message has been widely communicated. 4. Regional Update (a) Regional AAC Meeting and Joint AAC forum rd A brief overview of the recent Joint AAC Annual Forum held on September 23 was given to the Committee. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - October 7, 2015 Advisory Committee 5. Other Business th (a) November 4 AAC Meeting is the same night as the Metrolinx Regional Accessibility Forum Moved by André O’Bumsawin, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the November AAC meeting be held on Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 to allow AAC members the opportunity to attend the Metrolinx Accessibility Forum. CARRIED (b) Taxi by-law updated The Committee was advised that changes to the municipal taxi by-law were adopted by Council on September 21, 2015. (c) Barrier-free Canada Campaign The Committee was provided information on Barrier-Free Canada, which is a campaign that is lobbying for a Canadians with Disabilities Act. 6. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday November 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM. 7. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary